Adapted work program in speech therapy for primary grades of type VIII schools

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Speech therapy games for children
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Methodological development on speech therapy on the topic: Speech therapy games›Kindergarten›Speech therapy›…/ logopedicheskie play

Developed by: teacher-speech therapist Olikova Alla Yurievna

MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 1 "Smile" Lukhovitsy

Type of project : correctional - developmental, creative, informational - educational, gaming.

Project participants: children of middle, senior, preparatory groups, educators, parents, specialists.

Goal: correction and activation of speech in preschool children in the process of creative activity, promotion of speech therapy knowledge.


  • Promote cognitive and speech activity of children.
  • Create a specially organized environment that encourages the child to be active in the educational process and strive for creativity.
  • Encourage children to verbally communicate with peers and adults;
  • To form practical skills in children of correct speech (phonetically clear, lexically developed, grammatically correct).
  • To develop higher mental functions (HMF) in preschool children (memory, attention, thinking, perception).
  • Develop children's sound analysis skills.
  • Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of sounds using tongue twisters rich in reinforced sounds.
  • Develop coherent speech and improve the overall sound of speech (tempo, rhythm, diction, intonation expressiveness) through theatrical activities.
  • Develop articulatory and fine motor skills, speech breathing.
  • To introduce teachers and parents to the work of a speech therapist in kindergarten.
  • Involve teachers and parents in the correctional and developmental process.
  • Arouse the interest of preschoolers in speech therapy games and the need for them.


Every year the number of children with speech disorders in kindergartens increases, and it becomes increasingly difficult for speech therapists working in preschool institutions to organize effective correctional work. Therefore, along with traditional speech therapy classes, new forms of work are used. One of the forms of such work is “Speech Therapy Week,” during which speech therapy knowledge is also promoted among teachers and parents.

To increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work in the educational process, project activities are used. The project method is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is the independent, research, cognitive, playful, creative, productive activity of children, in the process of which the child gets to know himself and the world around him, and translates his knowledge into real products. In the educational process of a preschool educational institution, project activities are of a collaborative nature. The child ceases to be an object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in creative activity, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development.

The relevance is due to the need to resolve issues aimed at increasing the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work with preschool children in kindergarten conditions.

Develop higher mental functions; phonemic awareness; general and fine motor skills of the fingers; creativity, coordination of speech with movement.

Forms of work with preschoolers:

  1. Wall newspaper “Day of Polite Words”
  1. Talking with children about polite words
  1. Organized educational activities
  1. Theatrical event
  1. Reading and learning riddles
  1. Didactic games
  1. Flash mob with crafts “The first letter of my name”
  1. Exhibition of children's works on the topics: “The first letter of my name”, “Funny tongue twisters in pictures”, “My favorite fairy tale”.

Interaction with parents:

  • Consultations for parents
  • Involving parents in making crafts with their children
  • Involving parents to participate in the master class “The Tale of a Merry Tongue”

Activities of teachers

  • Participation in the pedagogical show-competition “Do-It-Yourself Theater Corner”.
  • Selection of literature about polite words
  • Selection of illustrations for the conversation
  • Organized educational activities

Project activity products:

presentation, exhibitions of drawings, photo reports, wall newspaper, crafts, booklets, notes.

Timing and stages of project implementation:

  1. Organizational and preparatory (from November 5 to November 8, 2019)
  2. Main (from November 11 to November 15, 2021)
  3. Final (November 15, 2019)

The project is carried out in three stages:

  • Organizational and preparatory: designation of the project topic, definition of the goal and main tasks, development of an action plan aimed at correcting and enhancing speech activity.
  • Main: carrying out activities aimed at correcting and enhancing speech activity in accordance with the plan.
  • Final: summing up the events, photo reports, presentation of the project “Speech Therapy Week “We speak beautifully, correctly”

Methods and techniques used in the implementation of the project:

  • Practical methods of speech therapy include exercises, games and modeling.
  • Visual methods include observations, looking at drawings, paintings, watching videos, listening to audio recordings, as well as showing a sample task and method of action.
  • Verbal methods include story, conversation, reading.

Expected results.

Children's interest in speech therapy classes will increase, their relationship with parents and teachers will improve, and the effectiveness of correctional work will increase.

Thematic planning for project implementation

Project implementation period

Event theme Responsible Form of conduct
November 11, 2021 Opening of speech therapy week - “We speak beautifully, correctly” Teachers of middle, senior, preparatory groups, parents, specialists. Wall newspaper “Day of Polite Words”, photo report
"Day of Polite Words" Teachers of middle, senior, preparatory groups, specialists. Conversation with children, photo report
“The first letter of my name” - preparatory groups.

“Fun tongue twisters in pictures” – senior groups

“My Favorite Fairy Tale” - middle groups

Parents, children Crafts, pictures, photo report
November 12, 2021 Day of articulation, breathing, finger gymnastics “The Tale of How a Cheerful Tongue and Fingers Were Friends” Teachers - speech therapists Classes, notes, photo report
Finger games Teachers - speech therapists Classes, notes, photo report
November 13, 2021 A fairy tale as part of theatrical activities in a preschool educational institution Specialists and children Theatrical event, fairy tale script, photo report
Pedagogical review - DIY theater corner competition Educators, specialists Review competition, photo report
November 14, 2021 Master class for parents “The Tale of a Merry Tongue” Parents, children, specialists Master class, notes, photo report, booklets
Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures for older children Teachers and children Classes, notes, photo report
November 15, 2021 Event “Riddle-Guessing Tournament” Teachers, children, specialists Photo report, event summary
Closing of the speech therapy week “We speak beautifully, correctly”, summing up the results of the pedagogical review - the Do-It-Yourself Theater Corner competition, the “Fun Tongue Twisters in Pictures” competition.

Flash mob with fakes “The first letter of my name”

Teachers, children, specialist Photo report

Regional speech therapy week

Kazan basic secondary school

for students with disabilities

structural unit of MAOU Kazan Secondary School

627420, Tyumen region, Kazan district, village. Kazanskoe, st. Lenina 64/2, tel./fax 4-22-61.

Speech therapy week at educational institutions, preschool educational institutions

Kazan region

From November 13 to November 20, 2021

Another speech therapy week has started in the Kazan region.
The date November 14
has been declared international speech therapist day. In anticipation of the upcoming date, as part of the regional speech therapy week, speech therapy was conducted by teacher - speech therapist S.G. Karengina. activities at the district level.

The main tasks of the week were:

1. Consolidation of knowledge acquired in speech therapy classes.

2. Development of cognitive and mental processes.

3. Creating conditions for the emotional and personal well-being of children.

4. Implementation of relationships in work with teachers, educators, and parents.

5. Fostering interest in learning your native language.

Speech therapy work at school is built taking into account the developmental characteristics of children. Along with traditional forms of conducting classes, correction also takes place in extracurricular activities. One form of such work is a week of speech therapy at school. It was held among elementary and high school students.

On Monday (November 13)

The opening of the “Speech Therapy Week” took place at the Kazan secondary school for students with disabilities.

Date November 14

declared international speech therapist day. In anticipation of the upcoming date, students are given information about the history of the holiday. It is said that International Speech Pathologist Day is celebrated annually on November 14, starting in 2004. The first specialists treated only some speech disorders. And only at the end of the 19th century, thanks to the development of new ways of understanding, analyzing and transmitting speech, speech therapy reached a new level. A. Melville Bell and A. Graham Bell (father and son) began to use these methods in their activities.

Period from 1945 to 1965 was marked by the development of new approaches to therapy that made it possible to treat the psychological factors underlying speech disorder.

Every year, scientific ideas about speech activity improved, and as a result, society received modern speech therapy, which is based on pedagogical content. Thanks to psychology, physiology, linguistics, as well as the basics of defectology, speech began to be considered as a systemic education that influences mental development.

Taking into account the significant role of speech therapists in the lives of patients, this international professional holiday was created. Its goal is to inform humanity about the existence of the science of speech disorders and ways to eliminate them through special training.

At the ceremony, the work plan for the thematic week was announced. Students are presented with the “ Logovoz-guide”

" and "
Carriages - days of the week
" with a presented route of events.
All planned competitions were announced so that the children could prepare for them within a week and take an active part. Thus, a competition was announced for the best drawing - the craft “Golden Autumn - 2017”
and the drawing - the applique
“November has already come...”
. During the school day, with the help of students, an exhibition of works began to be put together, which will be replenished with new applications and drawings throughout the week.

A stand for parents was also set up and an information booklet “Curious Parents”

. It talks about the violation of the pronunciation of the sonorous sound “R”, the causes of the violation and how to provide help at home.

The poem was taught in a playful way:

One, two, three, four, five That's how I can count!

And at the festival yesterday, the loudest shout was “Ur-ra”! We were in a quarrel with “r” for a long time, I didn’t want to be friends with her, and all the time in the conversation I replaced it with “l”. But it sounds funny: “I’m tired” And you can’t say “I’ve grown up”! I decided to make peace with the “r”. I tried, but I couldn’t, to become strong friends with the letter. The good doctor helped me! I'll tell you a secret: This doctor is a speech therapist! This doctor teaches children to speak without mistakes, We must thank him for this! After all, with the insidious letter “r” we are very friends now! author: Kazarina Marina

Tuesday (November 14)

A creative game event was held at the Kazan secondary school for students with disabilities: the speech therapy project
Apartment. Furniture" for grades 2 - 4. The students showed excellent results!

The purpose of this event was to promote the development of the ability to make a model from semi-finished products.

The objectives of this project were the need to promote the development of skills to work in a group, to create conditions for expanding children’s knowledge about the interior. To promote the development of imagination, creative and technical thinking, to help create conditions for the development of independence and activity of children while working on the project. To create conditions for the development of the ability to give a speech in front of an audience, to promote an attentive, friendly attitude towards the speeches of other children.

The result of the design product is a layout of the house and the interior of the rooms (living room, children's room, kitchen, bathroom).

Students in grades 2-4 were divided into 4 groups at will. Each group chose a room to implement the project: Group I - kitchen, Group II - living room, Group III - bedroom and Group IV - bathroom.

Then the group members painted sketches of the interior furniture of the selected room, distributed the furniture around the room and glued the furniture with glue.

To create the interior of the room, responsibilities were distributed in the group: leader, constructors, designers, group representative to defend the project. The necessary materials and tools were also selected: cardboard, glue, scissors, pencils, pre-prepared furniture models.

The production of mock-ups took 40 minutes. When the rooms were ready, the students began discussing the defense of their project.

The key point of the event was the defense of projects by students in grades 2-4. A representative of each group presented their room layout, talked about the stages of work on the project, and analyzed the group’s activities.


Students of the speech therapy group (3rd grade) completed the production of crafts “Friendship of Peoples - Unity of Russia”

for a school Olympiad for children with disabilities, on the theme
“Year of the Unity of Russia .”
Wednesday (November 15)

Our school hosted a themed week of speech therapy.
We celebrated International Speech Pathologist Day. This holiday is marked on the calendar on November 14th. This is a very young holiday. But very important. After all, a speech therapist is a doctor of beautiful and correct speech. And beautiful and correct speech is the key to success and health. “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”, so that each of us not only learns to take care of our health, but also teaches a friend what to do to be healthy. To be healthy is not only to be cured of an illness with the help of pills and injections, but to be able to prevent various ailments, using both auxiliary means and preventive measures, as well as all the potential mental and physical reserves of the body. So the school-wide sports and speech therapy relay race “ ABC of Health”
for students in grades 5-9, during which the children learned about the magic amulet and the secrets of good health. At the relay race, the negative character “Bandito-Prostudito” also competed with the guys, who at the end of the relay became kind and gave the guys health amulets. The relay race took place in a playful manner, but the tasks were set to be completely serious and important: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants, sounds and letters;

distinguish correctly written letters from incorrectly written letters;

carry out sound analysis of words; promote the development of physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance; develop phonemic hearing;

develop visual perception, attention, memory; to cultivate in students cognitive interest, a sense of collectivism, and friendly relationships with peers in joint activities.


Our winners:

1st place 2nd place 3rd place

Students of the Kazan secondary school for students with disabilities enthusiastically added to the exhibition of applications on the theme: “November has already arrived ...”

, also during the school day, I worked at the logo center
“gamedrome at recess

Thursday (November 16)

Carrying out events at the
Yarovsky kindergarten “Solnyshko”.
Open creative play event: speech therapy project
Apartment. Furniture" Presentation of diplomas for active participation in the regional speech therapy week.

“Curious Parents” has been set up for parents and educators.

“Development of phonemic hearing in children.”
In Yarovskaya secondary school

The school-wide sports and speech therapy relay race “
ABC of Health”
for students in grades 1-4, during which the children learned about the magic amulet and the secrets of good health.

The winners were awarded certificates for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places:

“Curious Parents” has been set up for parents and primary school teachers

On Friday (November 17)

Carrying out events at the
Chirkovsky kindergarten “Topolek”.
Open creative play event: speech therapy project
Apartment. Furniture" Presentation of diplomas for active participation in the regional speech therapy week.

In Chirkovskaya secondary school

a school-wide sports and speech therapy relay race “
ABC of Health”
for students in grades 5-9, during which the children learned about the magic amulet and the secrets of good health.

The winners were awarded certificates for 1st and 2nd places:

Carrying out events on the basis of the Smirnovsky kindergarten “Korablik”.

Open creative play event: speech therapy project
Apartment. Furniture". .

Presentation of diplomas for active participation in the regional speech therapy week:

In Smirnovskaya secondary school

a school-wide sports and speech therapy relay race “
ABC of Health”
for students in grades 5-10, during which the children learned about the magic amulet and the secrets of good health.

The winners were awarded certificates for 1st and 2nd places:

Monday (November 20)

Closing speech therapy week.
The results of the competition of drawings and crafts “Golden Autumn - 2017”
and drawings and applications
“November has already arrived...”
. Students took an active part and a large number of drawings were presented. The winners of the best works will be awarded certificates. Particular attention was drawn to the drawings - applications of students studying at home. They took part in the drawing competition for the first time in the regional themed week of speech therapy and will receive participant diplomas.

All the events of the week were characterized by high activity and interest of school students and kindergarten students.

I would like to express special gratitude for the help in organizing the thematic week to school administrations and primary school teachers, subject teachers (physical education (Yarovskoye village), labor education (Kazanskoye village)) and kindergarten teachers (Yarovskoye village, Chirki village, Smirnoe village).

Publication on the website:

Speech therapist teacher: Karengina S.G.

Project “Speech Therapy Week in Kindergarten”

THURSDAY, November 15

Topic of the day: “Vernissage of letters.”
On this day, an exhibition of children from preparatory groups, “The First Letter of My Name,” was organized. The children not only demonstrated the unusual work they had made together with their parents, but also told why it was called that name, what it means, and which great and famous people have the same name.

In addition, on this day it was possible to receive from the music director O.V. Sherstneva. useful information about effective musical games and exercises that promote the development of auditory attention.

ON FRIDAY, November 16th

, Bedash L.V.
A business game “Professional”
was held for the purpose of interaction between a teacher and speech therapist with teachers to support children with speech disorders in preschool settings. The most points (15) were scored by L.M. Golovnina. and Dyuganov Zh.G. The rest of the teachers also showed good knowledge and were only 2 points behind the winners.

All week long, educational psychologist Naumova E.V. collected in a BACKPACK

different children's words on the proposed topics: “Sweet words”, “Polite words”, “Cold words”, “Smart words”.

Children from the average combined group “Romashka” -21 named
the most sweet words Children of the senior combined group “Sun” and children of the preparatory combined group “Stars” each named 18 sweet
Among the kids - children from the Droplets group -12.
The children from the preparatory combined group “Goldfish” named
the most polite words Among the younger groups, the leader is the Kolobok group - 7 words. In terms of the number of cold words,
the children of the preparatory combined group “Zvezdochki” took the lead - 24. The younger group “Kolobok” scored 1 word more than the “Droplets” - 9 words.
In naming smart words,
the children of the preparatory combined group “Zvezdochki” took the lead - 16 words. The younger “Koloboks” have 7 words. But the youngest “Droplets” were ahead of the average “Romashka” by 4 words!

During the week the following information was posted in the parent corners:

"Age stages of speech development."

"Games for developing fine motor skills."

"Games for the formation of phonemic hearing."

“Physical Hearing Test.”

Parents also received reminders and booklets


RESULT. The week of speech therapy showed that correctional work with children with speech impairments is multidimensional in nature and requires an integrated approach to work on the part of all subjects of the educational process. It is necessary to create a single correctional and developmental space around each such child, which not only kindergarten teachers, but also the parents of the students are called upon to support.

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