Long-term planning of the work of a speech therapist in a preparatory school group.

Long-term planning of a speech therapist teacher with children with special needs development

Svetlana Ermakova

Long-term planning of a speech therapist teacher with children with special needs development

teacher - speech therapist Ermakova S. G., Motina A. A.

General underdevelopment of speech with normal hearing and intact intelligence is a disorder that covers both the phonemic and lexical-grammatical systems of the language.

Before starting work on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language, the development of coherent speech and the formation of correct sound pronunciation, the teacher -speech therapist draws up a long-term work plan for the entire period of study. Planning is the advance determination of the order and sequence of implementation of correctional and educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, means, forms and methods used. With proper planning, it becomes possible to predict the results of each child’s activities, which makes it easier to achieve correctional and educational goals.

approximate term planning based on the program “Speech therapy work on overcoming ODD in children”

developed by T. B. Filicheva and G. V. Chirkina, T. V. Tumanova and others, and also
takes into account the recommendations of the standard program for a child care institution “From birth to school”
under. ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S., Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The main form of training in our work for children with special needs speech therapy is speech therapy classes, where the development of the language system is carried out.

There is a sequence of thematic speech material in each of the training periods.

The long-term plan developed by us highlights the following main sections:

-general speech skills; general motor skills, speech with movements; fine motor skills; visual and auditory attention, speech hearing, development of memory and thinking; development of vocabulary and coherent speech; development of grammatical structure of speech; sound pronunciation; literacy, development of language analysis and synthesis skills;

When working on a long-term plan, we tried to take into account the fact that the joint work of a speech therapist and educator is the key to the success of correctional work. Such a planning as “Vocabulary and coherent speech”

and involves the joint work of specialists, in which
the teacher-speech therapist , and the teacher only reinforces the material already covered and practiced with the children by the speech therapist .
Work on sound pronunciation, development of language analysis skills, general speech skills, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech and teaching coherent speech is also carried out by a speech therapist, and the teacher, being his assistant, consolidates the results achieved. We offer a sample of a long-term work plan for the first year of study, period II.

In the long-term plan, methodological literature and page number are indicated in brackets.

List of literature first year of study

1. Nishcheva N. V. “System of correctional work in a speech therapy group with OHP”


2. Konovalenko V. V., Konovalenko S. V. “Frontal speech therapy classes”
(senior group 1, 2, 3 periods)
3. Kuznetsov E. V., Tikhonova I. A. “Development and correction of speech of children 5-6 years old »


4. Kislova T. A. “On the road with the ABC”


5. Smirnova L.N. “Speech therapy in kindergarten”
(4-5 years old - I, 5-6 years old - II, 6-7 years old - III)

6. Arefieva L. N. “Lexical topics on the development of speech of children 4-8 years old”


7. Vasilyeva S. L. “Workbook on the development of speech of a preschooler”


8. Tkachenko T. A. “If a preschooler speaks poorly”
- development of connected speech (b)

- development of phonemic hearing (c)

- development of lexical and grammatical means of language (d)

— physical minutes (d)

9. Kurdvanovskaya N.V. Planning the work of a speech therapist with children 5-7 years old


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