Speech therapy center in kindergarten. What it is?

Speech therapy center in kindergarten. What it is?

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFSD) and general speech underdevelopment (GSD). And for various reasons, not all of these children manage to get into speech therapy kindergartens (speech therapy groups). Therefore, they can receive the help of a speech therapist (hereinafter referred to as speech therapist) only in general developmental kindergartens (ordinary kindergartens).

In a preschool educational institution (DOU), which does not have speech therapy groups, speech correction of pupils is carried out by a speech therapist within the speech therapy center .

If your child did not end up in a specialized speech therapy kindergarten (speech therapy group), and the problem of incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds worries you very much, there is a reason to go to a speech therapy center operating in our kindergarten. On its basis, work is being carried out to timely identify and correct deficiencies in the speech development of children.

A speech therapy center (abbreviated as “logopunkt”) is a place where assistance is provided to children with speech disorders without transferring the child to another (specialized) group.

What kind of children are taken to the pre-school logo center?

During the school year, a speech therapist examines the speech of children aged 4 years and older. Based on the results of the survey, a predetermined number of children-speech therapists aged 4, 5 years and older are selected for the next school year. In the spring, at the end of the current academic year, a psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC) is held at the preschool educational institution, based on the results of which the roster of the speech center is approved.

Children from 5 years of age with uncomplicated (compared to diagnoses for speech therapy kindergartens and speech therapy groups) speech disorders are enrolled in the speech therapy center. Not all children in a regular kindergarten are taken to speech therapy centers, but only those most in need of help. There is a priority depending on the severity of the speech disorder.

First of all, children 6 years old who will enter school in a year are enrolled in the speech therapy center, that is, children from the school preparatory group, as well as those who did not complete classes with a speech therapist last year.

Some of the children in the older group are enrolled in the remaining places.

All other preschool children who need help from a speech therapist are put on a waiting list. Younger children can receive speech therapy help only in the form of consultations with parents (legal representatives) at a specially designated time.

With what diagnosis (speech therapy report) can I get to the preschool speech center?

Most often, children are admitted with the following speech therapy findings:

  • violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds - NPOS - (in children with dyslalia, dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria) - FNR (phonetic speech underdevelopment);
  • phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (in children with dyslalia, dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria) - FFND;
  • general underdevelopment of speech - OSD - the third level of speech development (in children with dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria) or NVONR - mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech.

In what mode are classes held at the preschool educational institution’s logo center?

Correctional work with children enrolled in classes begins in September with an in-depth examination, in accordance with standard long-term planning and planning of individual work and in accordance with the structure of the speech defect.

Frontal classes (with a group of children) - at least once a week, individual-subgroup classes - 2 or 3 times a week. The best effect, of course, comes from individual lessons.

How often individual lessons are conducted with your child and their duration is determined by the speech therapist, depending on the severity of the speech disorder, the age of the child and his psychophysical characteristics. Typically, individual sessions at a speech center last from 10 to 20 minutes.

The goal of individual speech therapy sessions is the correction of sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic processes.

In the first half of the day, the speech therapist works 3-4 times a week. In the afternoon - 1-2 times a week. Most often, individual lessons and consultations with parents are held in the afternoon.

How many children are enrolled in the preschool education center?

The number of children attending a speech therapy center at the same time should not exceed 20-25 people.

Since speech therapy assistance is required by a large number of children with different types of speech diagnoses, the time frame for working with each child can vary greatly (from 3 to 9-12 months)

Therefore, children are removed from the speech center in kindergarten not as a whole group, but individually, as the speech disorder is corrected. Another child on the waiting list is immediately enrolled in the vacant seat.

Thus, the speech center in kindergarten is an open and extremely mobile system.

It is very difficult for a speech therapist to solve the problem of completely correcting the speech of children alone. Therefore, he intensively involves both parents and kindergarten specialists in his work.

To successfully correct children's speech, the help of parents is simply necessary! They must follow all the recommendations of the speech therapist, regularly attend consultations with a specialist, and do homework. And, of course, close monitoring of the baby’s speech is necessary on the part of parents.

Prepared by: Tarasenkova Yu.V., speech therapist teacher

Parent meeting “What is a logopunkt?”

Elena Klyueva

Parent meeting “What is a logopunkt?”

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Hello dear parents , my name is full name. I am a teacher-speech therapist in this preschool institution. In June 2014, I graduated from Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical University with a degree in speech therapy with an additional specialty in preschool pedagogy and psychology.

a speech therapy center was opened in our kindergarten .

I would like to tell you what a logopoint is .

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A speech therapy center is a place where assistance is provided to children with speech disorders without transferring the child to a specialized group. Today, not every kindergarten has a speech therapy group or speech center where children can receive timely help from a speech therapist . In our kindergarten, such assistance is provided, which allows our institution to most effectively solve the problems of the comprehensive development of children.

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• Children from 5 years of age with simple speech disorders are enrolled in the speech therapy center.

• All kindergarten children who need help are taken speech therapy There is a priority depending on the severity of the speech disorder.

• First of all, children aged 6 years are enrolled and will start school in a year. That is, the guys from the preparatory group. And also those who did not complete classes with a speech therapist last year .

• Some of the children in the older group are enrolled in the remaining places. All others who need help from a speech therapist are put on a waiting list.

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Most often, children are accepted with the following speech therapy findings :

1. Violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds - absence of sounds (fish-fish; moon - una, substitutions (hand-bow; hare-saiyan, distortion of sounds (tsiplenok - tsyplenok)

2. Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech - FFND, i.e. impaired phonemic hearing (recognition of speech sounds - most often when children do not hear the difference between very similar sounds - house-tom; scythe-goat) and disturbances in sound pronunciation

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In February-March, an examination of children in the middle group will be carried out, as a result of which children who require enrollment in a speech center . To enroll a child in a speech center , it is necessary to undergo an examination by doctors: a dentist, a psychoneurologist and an otolaryngologist, as well as make an extract from the medical history. To do this, I give you a direction, an example of which is presented on the screen. The referral will be issued in May; everyone must submit it by August 20. Without examination by doctors, the child will not be a speech center

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The total number of children for speech therapy work during the year in kindergarten is 25 people. Since speech therapy assistance is required by a large number of children with different types of speech diagnoses, the time frame for working with each child can vary greatly. Therefore, children are removed from the speech center in kindergarten not as a whole group, but individually, as the speech disorder is corrected. And another child from those standing in line is immediately enrolled in the vacant place. Thus, a speech center in kindergarten is an open and extremely mobile system.

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1. Group 2 times a week.

2. Individual 2-3 times a week.

How often individual lessons are held with your child, and their duration is determined by therapist, depending on the severity of the speech disorder, the age of the child and his psychophysical characteristics. Typically, individual sessions at a speech center last from 15 to 20 minutes. The goal of individual speech therapy classes is the correction of sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic processes.

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What do you need for classes?

for studying and writing homework, I ask that each child have a binder and a 48-sheet notebook, as well as a clean handkerchief. (showing samples of folders and notebooks, explanation)

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Explanation of the design of notebooks and folders

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WHAT DOES A Speech-Language Pathologist DO AT A Speech-Language Center ?

First of all, the speech therapist at the speech therapy center works in the following areas:

1. Correction of sound pronunciation is the production and automation of sounds. (Development of correct movements of lips and tongue)

2. Formation of phonemic processes - learning to recognize speech sounds, to clearly identify each sound of the native language by ear.

Enriching vocabulary and forming grammatical categories of language are parallel tasks that are solved jointly by the teacher in speech development classes and by the speech therapist in group classes.

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Work on sound pronunciation is carried out in stages

VI. Preparatory stage. The purpose of this stage is to prepare for the correct perception and reproduction of sound. At this stage, work proceeds simultaneously in several directions:

– formation of precise movements of the tongue, lips, cheeks;

– formation of a directed air stream;

– development of fine motor skills of the hands;

– development of phonemic hearing;

– practicing reference sounds.

II. Sound production stage.

III. Sound automation stage. The goal of this stage is to achieve the correct pronunciation of sounds in syllables, words and phrases. At this stage, gradually, consistently delivered sound is introduced into syllables, words, sentences (poems, stories)

and into the child’s independent speech.
(RA-RO-RU-RY; FRAME, CANCER, RAINBOW; Roma and Rita cut the watermelon.)
VI. Stage of differentiation. Sometimes it turns out that in the process of automation, a child begins to mix the correct pronunciation of a sound with an incorrect one, i.e., for example, before starting work with a speech therapist, a child replaced the sound R with the sound L, he can say: Glek was driving across the river, he sees Glek in the river cancer. That is, the child slips from correct articulation to incorrect, then work is carried out to distinguish between these sounds by ear and articulation.

I kindly request that when I write in a notebook that there is a stage of automation and differentiation of sound to correct children in free speech.

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WHY DOES A Speech Pathologist NEED PARENTS' HELP ?

It is very difficult for a speech therapist to solve the problem of completely correcting the speech of children alone . Therefore, he intensively involves both parents and kindergarten specialists in his work. To successfully correct children's speech, the help of parents ! They must follow all the recommendations of the speech therapist , regularly attend consultations with a specialist, and complete homework, which is given once a week. And, of course, close monitoring of the child’s speech is necessary on the part of parents .

The interaction between a speech therapist and parents makes the correction process more effective, because

1. The period of correction of speech disorders is reduced

2. The acquired skills are more firmly consolidated

3. The entire correction process is easy for the child

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There are several main differences:

-The work of a speech therapist in a mass preschool institution in its structure and functional responsibilities differs significantly from the work of a speech therapist in a speech kindergarten . This is primarily due to the fact that the speech therapist at the speech center is integrated into the general educational process, and does not go along with it in parallel, as is customary in speech kindergartens and groups. The work of a speech therapist is based on the internal schedule of the preschool educational institution. The work schedule and schedule of classes are approved by the head of the preschool educational institution.

-In the speech therapy group, the composition of children does not change throughout the year; there are up to 16 people per therapist , depending on the speech report. At the speech center , children enter and leave throughout the year, while up to 20 people study speech therapist

-In the speech therapy group, children have the same speech conclusion, which determines the lesson program. At the speech center , children with different speech impediments are simultaneously trained.

-The speech therapist at the speech center works in a different mode from the speech garden. The main forms of organizing work with children with speech impairments are individual and subgroup classes. Our classes are short-term (15-20 minutes, short-term (2-3 times a week)

and are designed for a 6 or 12 month training period.

— at the speech center, children with speech disorders receive correctional assistance in portions, and not daily, like children in a speech therapy kindergarten or group . All this leaves a certain imprint on speech therapy work .

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As for the program, in the speech therapy group, a general developmental program is built into the correctional program.

At the speech center , a correctional program is built into the general developmental program.

Speech therapy club

Also on the basis of our institution there is a speech therapy club , in which classes are held for children of the sterile and preparatory groups. This year classes are held on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Classes are held here to help children learn the elements of literacy. We gradually go through sounds and letters, learn to write them, as well as put them into syllables, and then into words, distinguish between vowels and consonants, voiced and voiceless. We learn sound analysis and synthesis of words (children independently determine the sequence of sounds in a word)


I would like to give advice on distinguishing sounds and letters. Letters are what we write and read, and sounds are what we hear and say. I teach children to distinguish between these two concepts, try not to confuse them.

General recommendations

In conclusion, I would like to give a few recommendations (recommendations, answers to questions, additional information)


Thank you for your attention!

Organization of the work of the logo center

A doctor works with illness, a priest with sins, a teacher with ideals, a psychologist with illusions...

Do you know a profession that combines the compassion of medicine, the wisdom of pedagogy and the insight of psychology? I think that these qualities are integral components of the personality of a real defectologist. I have been working with children for 37 years, of which 23 years I have been working as a speech therapist. All this time I never cease to rejoice and be surprised that at one time I chose a particularly relevant and such a humane profession.

Maybe because strong professionals taught, a spark of interest and a great desire to help children who faced big problems at the very beginning of their lives lit up in my soul.

It’s good if the child received help in kindergarten, without yet realizing his defect; it’s worse when, already as a schoolchild, he found himself alone with problems in communication and in mastering program material. And the problems, like a snowball, spiral and spiral, the child does not understand and does not know how to stop it, how to catch up with his peers. And at this time I, like a straw, extend a helping hand. And little by little, carefully, we begin to unravel this lump together, to consider how and why this happened. And even before any progress begins, the child calms down, I instill confidence in him, he feels support, my sincere interest in his life. The first success, and then many small victories, inspire the child and contribute to a strong desire to achieve good results. This helps to develop interest. Out of interest, I extend a thread - a straw to his abilities, teach him to work, learn and discover new things.

Why do I love my profession? For the fact that she gives me the opportunity to come into contact with the world of childhood every day, for the uniqueness and unpredictability of every school day, for the fact that my profession has been and will always be.

The basis of my work is Love and Kindness, because the lives of most of my children are not pampering, and “a decrease in love and kindness is always a decrease in life.” I work as a speech therapist in a rural school and preschool. Working as a teacher, in 1991 she completed full-time and correspondence courses for speech therapists at the Central Institute for Advanced Teacher Training of the Ministry of Public Education of the Kazakh SSR.

Along with professional training, I received great love and interest in the problems of speech therapy from respected teachers, head of the department of defectology, candidate of pedagogical sciences Grushevskaya M.S. and Associate Professor of the Department of Defectology Lutskina R.K.

In rural conditions, having 2 kindergartens on the territory, it was not possible to open a speech therapy group. When I started working in a preschool speech center, I had neither practical nor theoretical experience of working in a preschool speech center. The pages of literature cover mainly the organization and methodology of work in speech therapy groups. There were no preschool speech centers in Almaty or Kostanay where practical help could be received. And therefore, in order to organize work and achieve results, I used various forms of work.

At first I tried to organize the work according to the principle of a speech therapy group. But the children at the speech center were from different age groups, with different defects, with varying degrees of severity. It was necessary to either take children away from classes in their age groups, or deprive them of part of the walk. Then I tried to study only the production of sounds, introducing them into speech and differentiation. But this work is only suitable for children with phonetic underdevelopment and is not sufficient for children with OHP and FFN.

The organizational and content side of the activities of a preschool speech therapy center to a certain extent synthesizes elements of the work of a speech therapist at a clinic and a teacher-speech therapist of a preschool group for children with speech disorders, but they have their own characteristics:

  1. The program of a general education preschool institution does not provide specially allocated time for classes with a speech therapist.
  2. Children from different age groups are enrolled in the speech therapy center.
  3. The composition of children in a speech therapy center is characterized by great diversity in the structure and severity of their speech defects within even the same age group, which leads to an increase in the terms of correctional work.

Therefore, during the school year, children are withdrawn not as a whole enrolled group, but individually, as their speech impairment is corrected. Thus, the composition of children is an open and mobile system.

Correctional speech and preschool educational processes should be organically interconnected. With a large number of children with FFDD and ODD, it is impossible for one teacher-speech therapist to solve the problem of complete correction of their speech disorders without involving parents and preschool specialists in this work. Although the inclusion of teachers requires a lot of effort from a speech therapist, since teachers of general education groups do not receive bonuses for conducting correctional work, they work with a group of not 12–15, but 25–30 children.

In preschool age, much attention is paid to the formation of correct pronunciation of sounds. Clear, correct pronunciation is necessary for a child’s confident communication with peers and adults, harmonious development and further education.

The presence of a speech center in a kindergarten is an example of inclusive education, since with this form of speech therapy assistance, preschoolers spend a significant part of their time among normally developing peers.

Helping a child in a speech center is not very effective if the students’ parents and group teachers are not involved.

In an inclusive group, a speech therapist should pay attention to children not only with speech pathology, but also without it - since improving speech in all its components is an important task for preparing for school. For this purpose, I prepared diagnostic tests for the second junior, middle and senior groups to examine the lexical and grammatical structure of children’s speech.

Undoubtedly, the key position in the organization of correctional speech work in preschool education belongs to the speech therapist, whose activities are characterized by quite broad and varied functions:

  • Diagnostic,
  • preventive,
  • correctional - pedagogical,
  • organizational - methodological,
  • control and evaluation.

However, we should not forget about the fairly strong potential of other participants in the correctional process - the teaching staff, parents and, finally, the child himself, who can significantly influence the timing and results of speech therapy work, and ultimately determine the effectiveness of inclusive education.

In 2000, children came to the pre-school group who had not previously attended preschool institutions. Children with different levels of general and speech development. I have been working with children at the checkpoint for fourteen years. I have experience comparing the preparation of children in checkpoints in a school and kindergarten, with a great advantage in favor of the latter, since children are in the field of view of teachers all day, and additional specialists work with children. Up to 60% of all children admitted to the checkpoint are children with speech development disorders. Within one school year, it is necessary to complete correctional work and normalize children’s speech, guided by the degree to which the level of speech development approaches the norm. After the examination, I divide the children into subgroups.

I organize a subgroup for frontal classes, which I conduct 2 times a week. The objectives of these classes include the formation of the phonetic side of speech, teaching literacy, the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech. This subgroup includes children with FFN, OHP, and dysarthria. Children study throughout the school year. I identify a group of children with phonetic underdevelopment and combine them into subgroups depending on the defect. These subgroups are not stable, they are mobile, since all children have different timing for producing and automating sounds.

Practice shows that to normalize the speech of children with phonetic underdevelopment, it takes from one and a half to six months, while work with preschoolers who have phonetic-phonetic underdevelopment of speech usually continues for a whole school year or more. All children who have completed the course should remain under the supervision of a speech therapist in order to provide advice to them and their parents if necessary. Other children are enrolled in the vacant places, and thus the next “round” of the algorithm of the correctional pedagogical process is “launched,” when other children, teachers, and parents sequentially go through all its stages with the speech therapist.

When enrolling children, I take into account the nature, severity of speech disorders, and the age of the children, primarily providing correctional assistance to older preschoolers with speech development disorders that will interfere with their successful learning at school, as well as children of primary and secondary preschool age with complex speech disorders .

As places become available, I recruit middle-aged, then younger children with disabilities that do not have age-related impairments. The number of children constantly studying at the speech center is 20-25 people; 30-35 children undergo training per academic year. To optimize the work, I unite children with similar nature and severity of speech disorders into subgroups (5-6 people) or mobile micro-groups (2-3 children). The duration of frontal classes is 30 minutes, subgroup classes are 10-20 minutes, individual classes are 10-20 minutes. The frequency of their implementation is determined by the nature and severity of the speech disorder, the individual psychophysical characteristics of the children.

I plan classes with each subgroup at least three times a week, and if possible I conduct them more often (especially in the initial period). And, although I do a lot of work to involve parents, educators and other childcare professionals in speech correction activities, I am convinced that it is better to reduce the classes in time, but increase the number per week, in some cases to daily.

I pay a lot of attention to working with teachers. They have the opportunity to communicate with children daily and for quite a long time. As a variant of work on automation, differentiation of correct sound pronunciation can be highlighted by assigning to each of the teachers a group of children with similar defects.

For example, one teacher supervises children with defects in the pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds, and another with defects in sonorant sounds. After the stage of sound production, I conduct a consultation for teachers “The need to monitor the correct sound pronunciation of children attending a speech center in spontaneous speech”

Forming a child’s correct speech is one of the main tasks of preschool education. An analysis of the practical situation over the past few years indicates an annual increase in the number of preschool children in need of speech therapy help. In this regard, specialists of a preschool educational institution are faced with the problem of creating optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for the full speech development of children. One of the directions for solving this problem is the organization of a unified speech regime for pupils, the main goal of which is the prevention of deviations in the speech development of preschoolers.

For the development of the speech of a child attending a preschool educational institution and spending most of the day in a group, the correct speech of preschool teachers, which is adequate to his perception, acquires special importance.

To create optimal conditions for speech development, it is necessary for teachers to formulate uniform requirements for the speech of pupils that are adequate to their speech capabilities. The implementation of this condition becomes possible on the basis of a thorough in-depth study of the speech state of each child.

In September, a speech examination of children in the middle and senior groups and CAT groups is carried out. Based on the results of the survey, a “Group Speech Screen” is compiled. The screen reflects the state of sound pronunciation of children in this group. Teachers and parents are familiarized with the results of the examination. Using the data obtained, I determine the individual goals for the development of sound pronunciation for each preschooler, the stages, sequence and content of correctional educational work for each child or subgroups of children. With a large number of children in need of speech therapy help, it is impossible for one teacher-speech therapist to solve the problems of their complete correction of speech disorders without involving parents and preschool specialists in this work.

There is an illusion among parents about the possibility of a magical “magical” solution to all the child’s problems only as a result of him attending correctional classes. Whatever significant positive changes in children’s speech occur during classes with a speech therapist teacher, they will acquire significance only if they are transferred to a real life situation. No positive speech dynamics during speech therapy can lead to the achievement of the expected effect if changes in the child’s speech development do not find response, understanding, or appreciation from group teachers and parents, if significant, authoritative, beloved loved ones do not see the true meaning of these changes.

Adults, to a certain extent, get used to the speech of their children and do not notice the shortcomings, and therefore do not help them learn correct speech. Parents should be shown how important it is to correctly form children’s speech, show them what speech therapy work consists of, emphasize the usefulness of reasonable demands on the child, and the need to consolidate what has been achieved in kindergarten.

In September - October, preparatory work is carried out to prepare the articulatory apparatus, to develop breathing, fine motor skills of the hands, and to develop phonemic hearing. Then comes the stage of sound production and sound automation in syllables, words and phrasal speech. Each child has his own individual capabilities. Some people succeed from the first lessons, while for others it takes a lot of work and a lot of time to get the broken sound. But every child needs careful attention at the stage of sound automation. It is necessary to teach children to hear the spoken sound in everyday speech and to use it correctly. In classes with a speech therapist, children quickly get used to the requirements, to the lexical material, and “control” their speech quite well. But when moving on to communication in a group or with parents, they do not monitor their speech. Therefore, I try to convey to every teacher and parents the success of the child. Group teachers should monitor children’s speech during their classes and routine moments, promote the automation of sounds set or corrected by the teacher-speech therapist, develop fine and articulatory motor skills, phonemic perception, form initial skills of sound analysis and synthesis, expand vocabulary, improve grammatical structure and coherence speech.

The competent work carried out by educators with children who have deficiencies in speech development is of great, often decisive, importance in the effectiveness of the correction process.

Among the tasks facing a preschool institution, the most important place is occupied by the task of preparing children for school. One of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for successful learning is correct, well-developed speech. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities to experience reality, the more complete his relationships with children and adults, his behavior, and, consequently, his personality as a whole will be. In a preschool institution, work on speech formation is carried out in two directions: correctional and preventive. The teacher needs to know what speech disorders there are, when and how they arise, what are the ways to identify and eliminate them - this is a correctional direction. But even more important is the preventive direction, which in its tasks and content coincides with the work on the sound culture of speech provided for by the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten.” In recent years, the preventive area has been increasingly developed. A system of measures is being developed that are carried out to prevent speech deficiencies, including pronunciation deficiencies. Speech therapists, as well as educators, are mainly involved in correcting incorrect pronunciation that has formed due to various reasons. Currently, the issue of forming correct sound pronunciation comes first.

Maria Fedorovna Fomicheva’s book “Educating Children to Correct Pronunciation” helps kindergarten teachers in their work on developing correct pronunciation, introduces them to the forms of organization and methods of carrying out this work, and provides practical material.

I am conducting a consultation for educators: “Cognitive and speech development of children: problems, ways to solve them in a kindergarten and family.”

A speech therapist can also receive significant assistance in implementing preventive and corrective interventions from the teaching staff. Having determined the main tasks of individual and group programs, I bring them up for discussion with my colleagues - the music director, the physical education instructor, the Kazakh expert and the leader of the circle work.

Another significant factor in increasing work productivity is the inclusion of parents in it. Reliance on the family, the serious attitude of parents to carry out the necessary corrective measures in the family significantly help the work of a speech therapist. I try to attract parents to attend classes or conduct a fragment of a lesson with a child in the presence of a parent, guided by the proverb “it’s better to see once than to hear 10 times”

To speed up the process of introducing a given sound into a child’s speech, I widely use dialogues, which help develop self-control skills for the correct pronunciation of sounds in one’s own speech. Be able to imitate the habits of wild animals and domestic animals. Develop phonemic hearing and voluntary attention. Foster a sense of mutual assistance. To form the traits of a harmonious and uncomplicated personality of the child.

One way to evaluate children's achievements as a result of special education is the final concert, which is held at the end of the school year.

Each child has the opportunity to demonstrate their success by speaking in front of a large audience of listeners: children, parents, teachers; the concert helps to consolidate correct speech skills. With the growth of speech capabilities, children develop self-control and interest in words increases.

A child’s emotional responsiveness to an artistic image is closely related to rhythmic movements. Under a poetic text, children easily grasp the musicality, melodiousness, and rhythm of their native speech. In the rhythm of poetic speech, it is easier for children to overcome the difficulties of pronouncing sound-syllable combinations.

When selecting speech material, it is necessary to take into account the level of development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech achieved by each child. Memorizing poems and sayings is preceded by a lot of preparatory work on their semantic side, on sound pronunciation.

Speech material is distributed differentially: the child is given a text in which he can demonstrate his success.

Thus, even a brief description of the work of a speech therapist in a speech therapy center in a preschool institution and in preschool classes convinces that the new model of correctional speech support makes it possible to provide the necessary timely assistance to a significant number of children in dire need with varying degrees of severity of speech disorders.

State Institution “Zarechnaya Secondary School” of the Education Department of the Kostanay District: Valentina Viktorovna Karieva

Also on topic:

Documentation of speech therapist Nadezhda Gennadievna at the speech center


A speech therapy center (abbreviated as “logopunkt”) is a place where assistance is provided to children with speech disorders without transferring the child to another (specialized) group.
The main task of preschool educational institutions of a general developmental type (that is, ordinary kindergartens) is the implementation of a general education program. And, as you know, such a program does not specifically provide time for classes with a speech therapist teacher. In other words, speech therapy classes are an additional service. Therefore, the schedule of classes in preschool educational institutions is drawn up in such a way that the speech therapist teacher can work with children only during their free activity, without compromising general education classes. What kind of children are taken to the speech center?

Children from the age of 5 are enrolled in the speech therapy center, but not all children, but only those most in need of help. There is a priority depending on the severity of the speech disorder. First of all, children 6 years old are enrolled and will start school in a year. That is, the guys from the preparatory group. And also those who did not complete classes with a speech therapist last year. Some of the children in the older group are enrolled in the remaining places. All others who need help from a speech therapist are put on a waiting list.

With what diagnosis (speech therapy report) can I get to the speech center?

Most often, children are admitted with the following speech therapy findings:

  • violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds (in children with dyslalia, dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria) - FNR
  • phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (in children with dyslalia, dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria) - FFSD
  • GSD (general speech underdevelopment) of the third level in children with dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria, or GVOSD - mild general speech underdevelopment or GSD of the fourth level.

In what mode do classes take place at the speech center?

Individual and subgroup classes - 2 or 3 times a week. The best effect, of course, comes from individual lessons. How often individual lessons are conducted with your child and their duration is determined by the speech therapist, depending on the severity of the speech disorder, the child’s age and his psychophysical characteristics. Typically, individual sessions at a speech center last from 10 to 20 minutes. The goal of individual speech therapy sessions is the correction of sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic processes. In the first half of the day, the speech therapist works 4 days a week. In the afternoon - once a week. Most often, individual lessons and consultations with parents are held in the afternoon.

How many children are enrolled in the speech center?

The number of children attending a speech therapy center at the same time should not exceed 20-25 people. Since speech therapy assistance is required by a large number of children with different types of speech diagnoses, the time frame for working with each child can vary greatly. Therefore, children are removed from the speech center in kindergarten not as a whole group, but individually, as the speech disorder is corrected. And another child from those standing in line is immediately enrolled in the vacant place. Thus, the speech center in kindergarten is an open and extremely mobile system. It is very difficult for a speech therapist to solve the problem of completely correcting the speech of children alone. Therefore, he intensively involves both parents and kindergarten specialists in his work. To successfully correct children's speech, the help of parents is simply necessary! They must follow all the recommendations of the speech therapist, regularly attend consultations with a specialist, and complete homework, which is given once a week. And, of course, close monitoring of the baby’s speech is necessary on the part of parents.

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