Didactic games for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten: Lapbook “Transport”

Lapbook "Transport"

A laptop on the topic “Transport” is intended for children in the middle, high school and preparatory school groups. It will also be interesting for younger schoolchildren, and expand children’s knowledge of cognitive development.

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about different types of transport.

The first spread contains pictures depicting roads, rails, clouds, water and pockets with modes of transport: air, water, land, rail.

Didactic game “Arrange correctly”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about types of transport.

Children's task: it is necessary to place pictures depicting different types of transport in the places where they move (ground - road, water - water, air - clouds, rail - rails).

Didactic game “Who controls what?”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about professions.

Children's task: it is necessary to place images of a person in a work suit in the pocket with the transport he controls (driver - rail transport, captain - water transport, pilot - air transport, driver - ground transport).

The second spread contains information about parts of transport, the history of transport development, and types of special-purpose transport.

Didactic game “Parts of transport”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about parts of transport

Children's task : you need to look at a card with a picture of transport and name the parts of transport that it consists of.

Little book “History of transport development”

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the history of transport development

This little book contains information about the history of the development of land transport (from a horse-drawn carriage to a modern car), about the history of the development of air transport (from the wings of Icarus to a modern airplane), about the history of the development of water transport (from a raft to a modern ship)

Didactic game "Special transport"

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about special transport, professions, and the call number for special transport.

Children's task: it is necessary to place call numbers for special transport with the image of the special transport that will come to this call, to place pictures with the image of a person of the required profession on the transport in which they will come to help.

The third spread contains information about freight and passenger transport and the game “Help the Car”

Didactic game “Freight and passenger transport”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about freight and passenger transport

Children's task: it is necessary to distribute passengers into the bus, cargo into the truck.

Didactic game “Help the car”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about car repair and car services

Children's task: you need to select pictures - the car has run out of gas - gas station, the car has a broken wheel - tire service, the car has broken down - car service.

Nomination: didactic games for preschoolers. Author: Demina Elena Mikhailovna Position: teacher of the 1st qualification category Place of work: MKDOU - Chernakovsky kindergarten "Teremok" Location: Chernakovo village, Ordynsky district, Novosibirsk region

Date modified: April 21, 2020

A selection of games and exercises on the theme “Machine”

A thematic selection of games and exercises for young children on the theme “Machine” (Car)

Author: Davydova Svetlana Alekseevna.
Continue to introduce children to colors (red, yellow, green, blue), the concepts of “big-small”, “little-many”. To consolidate knowledge about the numbers “1” and “2”, the ability to count objects and indicate the result of counting with a number. Learn to distinguish and understand traffic light signals. Introduce children to A. Barto’s poem “Truck”. Improve the ability to navigate in space: top, bottom. Develop the ability to follow verbal instructions accompanied by a model. Develop memory, auditory perception, sense of rhythm, balance, general and fine motor skills. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards other children.


Toys: cars of different sizes, “cat”, cube, nesting dolls. Shawls. Pictures-backgrounds depicting one and two cars with a white window for numbers above the cars. Number cards “1” and “2”. Educational insert game “Cars”. Coloring pictures “Car”, blue finger paints. Flags and rudders cut out of cardboard in different colors. Curved strips cut out of paper (thick wallpaper) are “roads.” Benches, two long cords, small building material. A background picture depicting a traffic light with white circles inside the colored “windows” of the traffic light. Buttons of the appropriate size are red, yellow and green. Garbage bag, pine cones, pebbles, rags, cubes, chestnuts. Blank pictures depicting a truck without wheels, circles-wheels cut out of black paper, adhesive pencils. Blank pictures with the image of a truck, brown plasticine. Audio recordings: “Song of Friends” to the words of S. Mikhalkov, sounds of a moving car, poem “About the Car” by V. Berestov.


Didactic exercise “Whose sound?”

- Listen carefully, whose sound is this? (A recording of the noise of moving vehicles is played.) Whose voice is this? This is a car!

Didactic exercise “How many cars?”

— Show one car in the picture. Find the number “one” and place it on the window above one car. The number “one” indicates that there is only one car.

Can you count how many cars are in the other picture? Two cars. Find the number “two” and place it on the window above the two cars. The number “two” shows that there are two cars.

Didactic game “Matryoshka dolls are riding in a car”

- Look, these are nesting dolls. Matryoshka traveler dolls. They want to take a ride in the car. Here we have two cars. Big car and small car. How many nesting dolls can fit in a small car? Few. But how many nesting dolls can fit in a large car? Lots of nesting dolls.

Finger painting “Machine”

— Paint the car, make it beautiful, blue.

Game with buttons "Traffic light"

The traffic light gives advice on how to cross the road. A pedestrian in this matter cannot find a better friend! Color green - Come in! Yellow - Wait a little. Well, if it’s red – Stop, my friend! Dangerous!

Let's play with a traffic light.

- When the red light comes on, put down a red button. Red color - no passage, stop! - When the yellow light comes on, put down a yellow button. Yellow - wait. - When the green light comes on, put down a green button. Green color - go!

Game "Colored Cars"

— We have steering wheels of different colors: yellow and red. Take one for yourself. Here is a garage for cars with yellow steering wheels, and here for cars with red ones. I raise the yellow flag - yellow cars leave, but red cars don't go. Then I raise the red flag - the red cars are moving and the yellow ones are standing still.

Didactic game “Where is the car hidden?”

A matryoshka doll, a cube and a car are placed in front of the child, which are then covered with handkerchiefs.

- Find where the car is hidden? Pick up your handkerchief and find the typewriter.

Insert game “Find a place for the car”

Children are given machine inserts, which they must insert into the right place on the frame.

Game "Remove trash from the road"

— Look how much debris the wind blew onto the road. You need to collect it and put it in this bag.

Didactic exercise “Find the car in the picture”

- There are so many different pictures. Take and show a picture of a car. Where is the machine?

Drawing “Roads for cars”

— Take a pencil in your hand and draw a path for your car.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “We are going, going, going”

Children listen to music and beat out the rhythm with rattles.

- Make some noise at the top. Tap the rattles on the floor. Tap the rattles on your knees. Hands with rattles to the sides. Hide the rattles behind the back.

Construction game “Car Garage”

- When night comes, you and I go to bed in our beds at home. And the cars go to sleep in the garage. A garage is a home for a car. Now we will build a garage for our car. Take the cubes. Place them like this. And cover the top with a roof. Now our cars have garages.

Massage “These are the wheels”

— In order for a car to move, it needs wheels. Look where the wheels are on your car. Spin the wheels by hand. And now the car has driven across your palm. Like this. I went along the arm, along the leg. The wheels of the car are spinning and spinning, Spinning and spinning, we drove through the whole city.

Application "Wheels"

- Look. The car in our picture cannot drive because it has broken down. What doesn't the car have? Wheels! Let's fix the car - give it wheels.

- These are the wheels the car has! Now the car can drive. And even carry loads.

Balance exercise “Cars driving on a bridge”

“And now we ourselves will drive like cars.” Get up, we're heading out. First you need to drive along the road (between two cords), and then along the bridge (along the bench).

Dramatization of A. Barto's poem "Truck"

— Listen to a poem about how a cat decided to go for a ride in a car.

No, it was in vain that we decided to take the cat for a ride in the car: the cat was not used to riding - he overturned the truck.

Modeling “Truck carrying logs”

— Take a piece of plasticine and roll it into a sausage (with straight movements of your palm) and attach it to the body of the car. Press down the plasticine log on top with your palm.

— Load more logs into the car.

Listening to an audio recording of the poem “About the Car” by V. Berestov

Children listen while sitting on large balls.

Additional material:

Riddles about the car

My first question is simple: What will break through the thick fog? Whose magical rays illuminate the way in the night? There are two pairs of them on the car. Did you guess it? This . (Headlights)

We drive and drive and here we go: We need to make a turn. The path forward is now closed, and the patrol is looking at us. So as not to be delayed by the patrol, we turn. (Steering wheel)

Well, answer me now, Who growls like a wild animal? What's the most important thing in a car? You won’t drive it, since it hasn’t been installed in the car yet. (Motor)

To live, a person must eat and drink. There is food for cars too, called gasoline. This food is not a trifle, It will fill you up. (Gas tank)

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