Tongue twisters for children 5-6-7-8-9-10 years old in kindergarten, in English. Card index with pictures

Tongue twisters (various)

Part 1

  1. The white rams beat the drums, beat them indiscriminately, and broke their foreheads.
  2. White snow. White chalk. White sugar is also white. But the squirrel is not white. It wasn't even white.
  3. Beavers go into the forests bravely, beavers are kind to beavers.
  4. Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey. Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey.
  5. The brawler ram climbed into the weeds.
  6. On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.
  7. You can’t get rye bread, long loaves, or rolls while walking.
  8. The baker baked the bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf from the dough early in the morning.
  9. Bori has a screw. Vitya has a bandage.
  10. Granny bought beads for Marusya.
  11. There was a whitewing ram, and he killed all the rams.
  12. We bought mittens and felt boots for Valerika and Varenka.
  13. The crow missed the little crow.
  14. Valerik ate the dumpling, and Valyushka ate the cheesecake.
  15. As if on a hill, thirty-three Egorkas stand on a hillock.
  16. Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.
  17. Dima gives Dina melons, Dima gives melons to Dina.
  18. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood.
  19. Daria gives Dina melons.
  20. The woodpecker heals the ancient oak tree, the kind woodpecker loves the oak tree.
  21. You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara. Get in the shower quickly and wash off the mascara from your ears in the shower. Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower, and dry off after the shower. Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.
  22. The Christmas tree has pins and needles. Splitting needles near the Christmas tree.
  23. I met a hedgehog in a thicket - How is the weather, hedgehog? - Fresh. And the two hedgehogs went home, trembling, hunched over, and cowering.
  24. The hedgehog is happy with the yellow russula, like a squirrel with nuts.
  25. It’s a pity for the Christmas tree: - the hedgehog thought, “She can’t run around without legs.” The tree was surprised: “Hedgehog, how do you live without roots?
  26. A Christmas tree grows near a pond, The Christmas tree has a prickly needle. There is a hedgehog living in a hole under the tree - you can’t take it with your hands.
  27. The hedgehog, the hedgehog, and the hedgehog, and the swift, the swift, and the little bear were frightened.
  28. Hedgehogs and grass snakes lived in the living corner.
  29. Hedgehogs became friends with mice in the rye. They went into the reeds - and there were no souls in the rye.
  30. On the roof of Shura lived the crane Zhura. The crane Zhura lived on the roof of Shura.

Part 2

  1. The toad sat in the puddle, looking greedily at the beetle. The beetle buzzed, buzzed, buzzed and came to her for dinner.
  2. Centipedes have too many legs.
  3. A good pie has curd inside.
  4. The hedgehog washed his ears, neck, and skin on his belly in the bathhouse. And when a wolf meets him, a click comes at the hedgehog with its teeth. The hedgehog showed his needles, the wolf ran away in fear.
  5. Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.
  6. The violent Byaka is loud, Byaka Buka is threatening, Byaka Buka is insolent, Byaka Buka is pushing.
  7. On a winter morning, the birch trees ring from the frost at dawn.
  8. The girl was carrying a kid, a goat and a goat on a cart. The girl in the forest overslept the kid, the goat and the goat.
  9. Zina has a toothache and cannot eat soup.
  10. Sonya brought elderberries to Zine in a basket.
  11. Zina has a lot to worry about; the bunny's stomach hurts.
  12. Buba the bunny has a toothache.
  13. Sonya is a know-nothing, and Zina is an arrogant one.
  14. Irishka baked a gingerbread for the dolls; Grishka and Marishka like the gingerbreads.
  15. Egorka was playing with Igorka and rolled down the hill head over heels.
  16. Your Parashka, and she’s wearing our shirt.
  17. The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have thin needles.
  18. A sad magpie returns from class. I spent the whole lesson chatting with the jay, and returned home with a bad mark.
  19. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
  20. The little cat was eating porridge crumbs on the window.
  21. Cuckoo bought a hood. The cuckoo put on a hood, he looks funny in a hood!
  22. The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground, the sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks.
  23. Pussy eats soup from a bowl. The pussy is full, the bowl is empty.
  24. We bought a lace dress for the cuttlefish. A cuttlefish walks around, showing off its dress.
  25. The hen is colorful on the tail, the duck is flat on the toe.
  26. Lena was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.
  27. Mikheika is on a bench weaving bast shoes for Anreike. Bast shoes are not suitable for Andreika's legs, but bast shoes are suitable for a cat's paws.
  28. Mila's mother washed her with soap. Mila didn't like soap.
  29. The cat lapped the milk, and Vitya dipped the bun in the milk.
  30. Have you washed the raspberries? They washed, but did not soap.

Part 3

  1. – Have you washed the Mila doll? – We soaped and washed Mila.
  2. Mila washed the bear with soap, Mila dropped the soap. Mila dropped the soap, but didn’t wash Mishka with soap.
  3. Dear Mila washed herself with soap. We washed ourselves and washed it off - This is how Mila washed herself.
  4. Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.
  5. Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies on the grass.
  6. We heard from the owl that there are no words starting with the letter “Y”.
  7. Mom didn’t spare soap. Mom washed Mila with soap. Mila didn’t like soap. Mila dropped the soap.
  8. The Greek was driving across the river, he sees the Greek in the river - cancer. He put the Greek's hand in the river, and grabbed the Greek's hand - claw!
  9. The hippopotamus stomps on the heels of the hippopotamus.
  10. The rooster sings about colorful birds, about lush feathers, about down.
  11. Repeat without hesitation: there are dewdrops on the aspen tree, sparkling like mother-of-pearl in the morning.
  12. Polya went to weed parsley in the field.
  13. The parrot says to the parrot: “I’ll parrot you, parrot!” To the parrot, the parrot answered: “Parrot, parrot, parrot!”
  14. Only Tanya will get up in the morning. Tanyusha is drawn to dance. Why is it taking so long to explain? Tanya loves to dance.
  15. Thirty-three striped piglets, thirty-three tails hanging.
  16. Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.
  17. Sonya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets. A catfish with a mustache in Sonya and Sanya's nets.
  18. Sanya took a sleigh with him to the hill, Sanya rode down the hill, and Sanya rode the sleigh.
  19. Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled. The sled jumps, Senya off his feet, Sanya into the side, Sonya into the forehead, off the sled everything into a snowdrift.
  20. Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled. Sanki hop! Senya - from the feet, Sanya - to the side, Sonya - to the forehead. Everything is in a snowdrift - bang!
  21. Forty forty For their own people Forty shirts Without quarreling, they scribble. Forty shirts Wasted on time - They quarreled right away, They quarreled right away, They quarreled right away Forty forty!
  22. The mouse sat in the corner and ate a piece of bagel.
  23. They gave the children a lesson at school: forty-forty jump in the field. Ten took off, landed and did not eat. How many forty are left in the field?
  24. Forty forty stole peas, Forty crows drove away the forty. Forty eagles frightened the crows, Forty cows scattered the eagles.
  25. Sasha quickly dries the dryers, Sasha dried about six of them. And the old women of the Sushiki Sashas are funny in a hurry to eat.
  26. Sasha loves sushi, and Sonya loves cheesecakes.
  27. Get in the shower quickly, wash off the mascara from your ears in the shower, wash off the mascara from your neck in the shower, and dry yourself off after the shower.
  28. There are dryers for Proshe, Vasyusha and Antosha. And two more dryers for Nyusha and Petrusha.
  29. Sasha sewed a hat for Sashka, Sashka knocked off a bump with his hat.
  30. Sana, Sonya and Yegorka had fun on the slide, but Marusya didn’t ride - she was afraid to fall into the snow.

Part 4

  1. Granny bought beads for Marusya. At the market, a grandmother tripped over a goose... All the beads were pecked off by the geese.
  2. You can hear the laughter of honest people, Luda is afraid to go down the hill.
  3. A sparrow sat on a pine tree, fell asleep and fell in his sleep. If he had not fallen in his sleep, he would still be sitting on the pine tree.
  4. Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket.
  5. The cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner. The cat rolled a ball of thread into the corner.
  6. Ducks to pipes - cockroaches to drums.
  7. The crested little girls laughed with laughter: “ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”
  8. Chicken and hen drink water on the street.
  9. Two colorful chickens are running along the street.
  10. Starlings and tits are cheerful birds.
  11. The chickens ask for millet, Frosya brings out millet to the chickens on a tray, All Frosya’s braids are in millet.
  12. There lived three chickens: Yak, Yak Tsydrak, Yak Tsydrak Tsydroni. Once upon a time there lived three chicks: Tsypa, Tsypa Drypa, Tsypa Drypa Lampomponi. Here Yak married on Tsypa, Yak Tsydrak on Tsypa Drypa, Yak Tsydrak Tsydroni on Tsypa Drypa Lampomponi. They had one son: Yak and Tsypa: Shah. Yak Tsydrak with Tsypa Drypa: Shah Sharakh. Yak Tsydrak Tsydroni with Tsypa Drypa Lampomponi: Shah Sharakh Sharoni.
  13. The baker baked kalachi in a hot oven.
  14. Four little black little imps drew a drawing in black ink.
  15. The rooks are chattering about the jackdaws, The jackdaws are chattering about the rooks.
  16. The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.
  17. Tanya's saucers clash very often.
  18. There were jackdaws visiting the wolf cubs. There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaw cubs. Now the wolf cubs are making noise like jackdaws. And, like cubs, the cubs are silent.
  19. The little turtle has turtle shoes on his little turtle little hands.
  20. On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney.
  21. The train rushes by grinding: w, h, w, w, w, w, w, w
  22. A hat and a fur coat - this is our Mishutka.
  23. Masha washes her neck and ears in the shower.
  24. Masha sewed a fur coat, a hat and pants for the monkey.
  25. On the window, a cat deftly catches a tiny midge with its paw.
  26. The cuckoo bought a tub and decided to give the cuckoos a bath.
  27. Ivashka has a shirt, the shirt has pockets, Pockets have a shirt, Ivashka has a shirt.
  28. In the yard, four Sashas were playing checkers on the grass.
  29. Six little mice rustle in the reeds.
  30. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

Part 5

  1. Sasha walked along the highway, carrying a drying bag on a pole.
  2. Masha has midges in her porridge. What should our Masha do? She put the porridge in a bowl and fed the cat.
  3. They gave Klasha porridge with yogurt, Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.
  4. Our Masha was given semolina porridge. Masha is tired of the porridge, Masha hasn’t finished the porridge, Masha, finish the porridge, Don’t bother Mom!
  5. Old talkative women live in a hut at the edge of the forest. Every old lady has a basket, in every basket there is a cat, cats in baskets sew boots for the old ladies.
  6. The mouse whispers to the mouse: “You keep rustling, you’re not sleeping.” The mouse whispers to the mouse: “I will rustle more quietly.”
  7. The old women listened to the cuckoo crow at the edge of the forest.
  8. You can hear a rustling in the reeds, It makes your ears ring, A hundred young frogs frighten the Heron with their whispers.
  9. They gave Klasha some curdled milk. Klasha is dissatisfied: “I don’t want yogurt, just give me porridge.”
  10. Timoshka's mongrel barked at Pashka, Pashka hit Timoshka's mongrel with his hat.
  11. The little nesting doll's earrings were missing. I found the earrings on the path.
  12. The goldfinch chirped and clicked, inflating his cheeks like a balloon. A pike looked out from the pond, wondering what kind of thing it was.
  13. The puppy eats sorrel cabbage soup by both cheeks.
  14. Mom, don’t look for us, we’re plucking sorrel for cabbage soup.
  15. Swifts, tap dancers, goldfinches and siskins are chirping in the grove.
  16. Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.
  17. I clean my teeth with this brush, my shoes with this brush, I clean my trousers with this brush, I need all three brushes.
  18. Wash your hands cleaner and more often.
  19. The puppy squeaks pitifully, he drags a heavy shield.
  20. Yula spins around Yulka, sings, Yula doesn’t let Yulka sleep.
  21. Yulka-Yulenka-yula, Yulka was nimble, Yulka could not sit still for a minute.
  22. Yula doesn’t let Yulka sleep.
  23. The Christmas tree has pins and needles. Splitting needles near the Christmas tree.
  24. I met a hedgehog in a thicket - How is the weather, hedgehog? - Fresh. And the two hedgehogs went home, trembling, hunched over, and cowering.
  25. Valya got her felt boots wet in the thawed patch. Valenka’s felt boots are drying on the heap.
  26. The doctors saved the sparrow and carried him into the helicopter. The helicopter turned its rotors, disturbing the grass and flowers.
  27. Roma was frightened by the thunder; he roared louder than thunder. Because of such a roar, the thunder hid behind a hillock.
  28. The stork spreads its wings, the stork opens the book. The book contains letters and words. The stork sees the letter A. And, putting glasses on his nose, He reads: - AB-RI-KOS.
  29. Letter A, letter A – Alphabet head. Vova knows, Sveta knows, And she looks like a rocket.
  30. Letter A, where is Aunt Anya? Daughter Anya is floating in the bathhouse. The bathhouse warms up Anya, Anya loves the bathhouse.

Tongue twisters by letter

Home / Children's section / Collections of tongue twisters / Tongue twisters by letter

Children's tongue twisters (pure twisters) to help speech therapists and mothers with the most problematic letters - consonant sounds (B, V, G, D, ZH, Z, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, Ts, Ch, Sh, Sh). Children will really like these tongue twisters; they will help children develop speech, and the child will be happy to practice the pronunciation of words.

With the letter B / With the letter V / With the letter G / With the letter D / With the letter Z / With the letter Z / With the letter K / With the letter L / With the letter M / With the letter N / With the letter P / With the letter P / With the letter S / The letter T / The letter F / The letter X / The letter C / The letter Ch / The letter Sh / The letter Sh

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Letter B

*** The hippo brothers will be visiting the bulls on Saturday.
© *** There were brave fighters, like fathers. © *** White snow, white chalk, a white hare is also white. But the squirrel is not white - it wasn’t even white. *** Beavers wander into the cheese forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers. *** The brawler ram climbed into the weeds. *** The bull’s sides hurt; all the grass was covered in weeds.
© *** It will be delicious to eat the broth if you take a loaf of bread with it. © *** The squirrel baked a bun and brought it to the baby squirrels. © *** The baker baked the loaf, the loaf, the bagel early in the morning. *** Grandma's bean blossomed in the rain, and grandma's bean will bloom in borscht. *** The chatterbox was chattering that she had over-talked her grandmother. *** Drum, trumpet and tambourine. Bull, ram and white poodle - I don’t understand what they are playing: - Woof! -Be! -Mu! *** The beaver is kind to the beaver. *** Be kind, cheerful and brave. *** A ram was running along the steep banks. More tongue twisters starting with the letter B...
Letter B
Water always flows in the river, now the water is in my bucket. © *** Sparrow told the monitor lizard to clean the bathtub after itself. © *** The wolf taught the wolf cub to howl so that he could be a wolf. © *** In the garden on Tuesday for lunch - noodle soup and vinaigrette. © *** The crow missed the crow. *** Varya cooked jam in a saucepan, The dolls-girlfriends fell asleep without Varya. *** The raven was picking rhubarb in the ditch. *** There are grapes and cherries in the vase, but there are no mittens there. © *** The wolf is free, and howls happily. ***Valera felt boots, Varya mittens. © *** Vova and Vika are carrying pitchforks. © *** Wobbles had fun knitting sweaters in the underwater hall. © *** Vera with a pinwheel, Varyushka with a cheesecake. © *** The otter tried to snatch the fish from the otter. *** In a volcano, lava is the main threat. ©

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Letter G
The thunderstorm is formidable, the thunderstorm is formidable. *** The rook and the jackdaw guessed right: hail in winter, and thunderstorms in May. © *** The caterpillar loves pears, and will gnaw on a pear today. *** Thunder thundered and rumbled, driving darkness and clouds. © *** Geese cackle on the mountain, but geese on the mountain are not cowards. © *** Egor has a round globe, Egor has a globe at home. © *** The truck is loud, its load is huge. © *** The ghoul-pigeons were walking, picking blueberries. *** Goose Goga and Goose Gaga don’t take a step without each other. *** The head is in charge of everything, but also woe comes from the mind. © *** Geese cackle in the meadow, the main goose has gone to the pond. © *** Rake the gravel crab. *** In Hollywood, the gorilla played Godzilla. © *** The road to the city is uphill, From the city - down the mountain. *** Year after year, bad weather. *** The geese were walking in the meadow, and now they are running to the haystack. ©

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Letter D
A homely brownie leads the girl home. © *** A wild blackbird teases a woodpecker for its long beak and long nose. © *** I took a shower at home and now it’s fragrant. © *** Friends, let’s work together and get the porcupine dinner. © *** The long road lies far away. © *** Two two-legged dinosaurs are catching up with a leopard. © *** Dima gives Dina melons, Dina fixes Dima’s hole. *** Grandfather Danil divided the melon, a slice for Dima, a slice for Dina. *** The dragon was thinking about food, there is it in the village, but where... © *** The length of the long diagonal is like two diagonals in the original. © *** There is a wooden house in the village, an oak door in the house. © *** A good friend sold a precious metal to a friend. © *** The student brought a bad grade and gave me a difficult question. © *** There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don't chop wood in the middle of the yard! *** Around the yard, courtyard, in good health.

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Letter Z
The giraffe chewed jasmine for dinner, and he also needed jasmine for breakfast. © *** A yellow greedy beetle in pajamas, chewing gum along with a toad. © *** A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a squeeze. *** A yellow lampshade is needed for the home of our chickens. © *** The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, but not spinning. *** The giraffe needs pearls, the giraffe will wear them to the count. Count Crane is waiting for him, he will also come wearing pearls. © *** It’s hot for a toad in a warm puddle. The toad urgently needs rain. © *** Zhora has a beetle, Rosa has a beetle. *** The snakes are already in a puddle. *** The juggler juggled with knives, the spectators in the hall were trembling. © *** Find me gelatin, I want to make jelly. © *** Zhenya and Vika are chewing blackberries. *** Fatty pie - if there is curd inside. *** A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle.

More tongue twisters for the letter Z...
Letter Z
Zebra crammed the alphabet Zebra forgot the letter Z. © *** The hare had a toothache, the hare ate a lot of marshmallows. © *** An angry, toothy beast in winter raises a brutal howl. © *** The green zil made my dad angry, it started up badly. *** Lisa tied up the roses, planted two splinters. *** The tongue is hidden behind the teeth and silence. © *** The strawberries near the fence will bloom at Zoya’s soon. © *** The late winter swept the huts overnight. *** Here tomorrow I will plant a vine, the rains will water the vine in a thunderstorm. © *** Winter froze both fences and houses. *** Zakhar forgot to go to the market. Now Zakhar has neither grain nor lard. © *** A snake noticed the umbrella - my life will change. I'll pick up the umbrella tomorrow, I'll crawl back at dawn. © *** Zoya is a know-nothing, and Zina is an arrogant one. *** Zina has elderberries in her basket.

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Letter K
The tick found ticks near the maple tree, these were rat things. © *** What good is a gate if the lock is open? © *** The mower mowed with a crooked scythe. © *** Short legs of a tiny centipede. © *** The cat on the window lapped milk. *** The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel. *** We bought a lace dress for the cuttlefish. And here is a cuttlefish in a dress rolling. *** Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl. *** The beautiful Karina has beauty, not pictures. *** The cuckoo sewed a hood for the cuckoo. How funny he is in the hood! *** The cap is sewn, not in the Kolpakov style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap. *** Kondrat’s jacket is a little short. *** They bought a jug for Kirill at the market. *** The eagle is the king - the eagle is the king. *** Near the stake there are bells and bells. *** Klava put the onions on the shelf; she didn’t need so many onions. *** A beautiful cypress rushed upward towards the sun. ©

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Letter L
A fox in the forest licked a puddle, the puddle was frozen into ice. © *** A doe found a magical treasure, the treasure was taken away by an evil leopard. © *** The forest tree stood for a long time, the tree was sleeping, waiting for the new year. © *** The sloth is too lazy to be lazy, The sloth has become lazy. © *** Lara played the lyre. *** Bast shoes, bast shoes. *** Danila and Lina in the Nile Valley. *** The crowbar breaks thick ice, the crowbar never tires of breaking. *** Lena and Valya are playing the piano. *** The leaves of the maple tree flew away, The leaves did not want to fall. © *** Lily of the valley said to buttercup: I’ve been waiting for summer for so long. © *** Leo went to visit the monkeys, Leo got entangled in the vines. © *** Swans with their cubs flew, Foxes watched with their cubs.

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Letter M
*** The monkey went to visit the bear, The mice went with the monkey to the bear. © *** Frost paved the bridge, but did not pave the bridge. *** Roma’s mother is washing the frame, They are digging a hole in the area. *** Sailors in sailor suits, Sailor suits in stripes. *** Makar got a mosquito in his pocket. The mosquito in Makar’s pocket disappeared. *** Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket. *** A little boy exchanged stamps for a ball. *** The bear wanted honey with raspberries, Mishka got a sore throat. © *** Have you washed the raspberries? They washed, but did not soap. *** The anteater took the right trail, The ant is his lunch.© *** A bowl of butter and flour, We bake a big pie.© *** In our thoughts, we are chalked in our minds, We can draw skillfully. ©

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Letter N
Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep on the hay. *** On the river shallows we came across a burbot. *** The rhinoceros found a sock and put it on its horn. © *** We are happy to wear our new outfits today. © *** Hurray! The guru's inauguration took place. *** The dolphin was carrying some food for the sick octopus. © *** Nyusha’s feet are wet, Nyusha stepped into a puddle. © *** Didn’t we catch burbot on the Nile? *** And I have no time to feel unwell. *** Our baskets were not washed of clay. The dirty baskets are now with Nina. © *** A lot of snow fell on us from a high snowdrift. © *** The bridge of the nose doesn’t transfer from nose to nose. *** New Year is just around the corner, but there is no snow in the forest yet. © *** We liked the lilac, it smells delicious all day long. © *** Never has an elephant's foot worn a boot. ©

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Letter P
In the pond near Polycarp - Three crucian carp, three carp. *** The guns were firing from the pier, the ships were sailing towards the pier. © *** From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field, dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves. *** We baked pies together, our fingers were in the dough. © *** The quail hid the quails from the guys. *** The baker baked pies not in the oven, but in the oven. *** There are five honey mushrooms on the stump again. *** Let your path pass through the field somehow. © *** A field full of wormwood fell to Polina to weed. *** Dad made me puree soup from the ingredients. © *** Quail and quail, he hid it from the guys in the copse. *** Philip stuck to the stove. *** The poodle treated the poodle to pudding. *** The teacher gave five for the cap craft. © *** The pelican came to the penguin, got onto the ice floe for the first time. ©

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Letter P
The raw rice was cooked immediately. © *** The cancer fed the fish with worms, the cancer held the worms with its claws. © *** A mole is digging up our garden, the mole has dug up everything in the garden bed. © *** I painted a frame of Rome, my mother gave me paints. © *** Radishes and turnips have strong roots. *** The lynx and the tiger fought, the lynx lost to the tiger. © *** Kirill bought a jar and a mug at the market. *** I calculated the radius of the circle for a friend. © *** Magpie brought a ruble, she has a box of rubles. © *** Rima has a pink bracelet, Marina has a bright red one. © *** Radishes rarely grew in the garden bed, and the garden bed was rarely in order. *** The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel. *** The wooden fence is always crooked. © *** The fishermen got up early and were catching fish near the river. © *** The turtle opened its mouth and hid in its shell out of fear.©

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Letter S
Sleigh jump, Senka off her feet, Sonya in the forehead, all into a snowdrift. *** Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. *** The nightingale asked the magpie, will it be possible to sew a frock coat by the deadline? © *** Sweet juicy pineapple, we ate it right away. © *** The elephant licked the cream on Saturday so that it would not turn sour later. © *** The marmot's cheese has disappeared, the marmot is now shedding tears.© *** The baby elephant slept sweetly, sweetly, dreaming of juice and chocolate. © *** Today the catfish combed his mustache for beauty.© *** Seven tits are small, more sisters are waiting for a visit.© *** Only seven found an octopus boot with eight legs, There is no eighth boot, there will be a bare leg.© * ** We have a Sweet, juicy pineapple on the table! © *** A rat found the cheese in the dining room and quickly took it with them. © *** Alesya is sitting with her legs dangling from the stove. *** Have fun, Savely, stir the hay. *** Frost bites your nose until you cry.

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Letter T
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, we're taking a cat with us. *** I met a whale in the water of a whale, there was vanity in the ocean. © *** Tick-tock, tick-tock, the clock is ticking like this. © *** Dark clouds are floating, the clouds are bringing us a thunderstorm. © *** According to the tariff from the taxi driver from the metro to the theater - three hundred. © *** Dance with stomp near the house, Three tritons danced. © *** Fat is the one who eats cake. *** Three magpies, three ratchets We lost three brushes each. *** Tolya grew a poplar tree beyond the field. Across the field, across the field, Tolya walked towards the poplar. *** A cockroach lives behind the stove, That’s a warm place. *** Thirty-three cars in a row are chattering, rattling. *** Thirty-three striped piglets have Thirty-three tails hanging. *** Tigers look at the path, No one can pass there. ©

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Letter F
Feofan Mitrofanich has three sons of Feofanych. *** The eagle owl said to the pheasant: “I won’t call you Count.” © *** A giraffe chews a date fruit. The date grows in Africa. © *** The fleet is sailing to its native land, A flag is on every ship. *** The pharaoh's favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade. *** On air, facts were given about the benefits of fruits and kefir. © *** The fairies have very few purple violets left. © *** An old cabinet made of plywood, There are old cracks in the facade. © *** We watched the film in the cinema hall, Everyone fell asleep at the end. © *** Fanny has a sweatshirt, Fedya has shoes. Faina has a jacket. *** Philemon looked at the field, He was wearing a T-shirt at the football match.

More tongue twisters starting with the letter F...
Letter X
The ferret had halva, The ferret's food was good.© *** The refrigerator is cold, The jellied meat keeps the cold. © *** Hamster and hamster, They built a good house. © *** The hamster stores grain in its cheeks. *** If you want to skate, you have to wait for the cold. © *** Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse. *** I store in the refrigerator: Bread, peas, nuts, persimmons. © *** Ha-ha-ha, Ha-ha-ha, there is a flea sitting on the rooster. © *** Piggy grunts in the barn. © *** Khavroshi’s bread is good. © *** Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback. *** A pig has a hooked tail, and a ferret has a sticky tail. *** The ferret planted peas and collected thistles. *** A bitter fly sat on my ear.

More tongue twisters with the letter X...
Letter C
The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead. *** The compass made a whole circle and a ring suddenly appeared.© *** Prices for valuables are priceless for valuables from antiquity. © *** This flower is a seven-flowered flower in multi-colored flowers. © *** Herons performed in circuses, to the herons “Well done!” - they shouted. © *** A whole hundredweight of cucumbers. © *** Starlings and tits are cheerful birds. *** The heron's chick clung tenaciously to the flail. *** Chicken and hen drink water on the street. *** A starling flies - winter is over. *** On the flower there is pollen on the flower of a sheep, On the nose of a sheep there is a whole layer of pollen. *** The sisters are sitting on the porch, asking for bread and water. *** There is no ring near the well. *** Multi-colored flowers have been blooming in the flower garden since spring. © *** The young man asked the young woman for some water to drink. *** We danced a bird dance, today it’s a titmouse’s holiday. ©

More tongue twisters starting with the letter C...
Letter C
Tea cups are sad, cups without tea are bored. © *** The worm was repairing his suitcase, Then, grumbling, he was repairing the sofa. *** On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney. *** Using a comb, the bees got their hair done. Now the bees have straight bangs. © *** The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea. *** The Chukchi in the tent cleans the chuni. The Chukchi have purity in the plague. *** Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig. *** Cheburashka turtle I asked him to color the cup. *** The turtle put the cherry in the cup. © *** Seagulls are learning numbers in the classroom. © *** Four little black little imps were drawing a drawing in black ink. *** Seagulls scream, dogs growl, cows moo, and fish are silent. *** The baker baked rolls in a hot oven. *** The clock knocked and knocked, hour after hour.

More tongue twisters starting with the letter Ch...
The letter Sh
U Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket. *** Six little mice rustle in the reeds. *** I sewed a new chinchilla fur coat. © *** The little doll's accordion has disappeared. *** Six ruffs cooked cabbage soup. © *** You are welcome to our hut: I will crumble the pies and ask you to eat. *** Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. *** Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha. *** The cuckoo bought a tub and decided to give the cuckoos a bath. *** A mouse dries its ears on dry land. © *** A cat was coming from the market, the cat had some drying clothes in a basket. *** The bumblebee has his own hut, House sixth, sixth floor. © *** Step by step the jackal walked. © *** Masha has water lilies and daisies in her pocket. *** Checkers on the table Cones on a pine tree.

More tongue twisters starting with the letter Sh...
The letter Sh
The tick found ticks near the maple tree, these were rats' things. © *** I clean the puppy with a brush, tickling its sides. *** Wolves prowl, looking for food. *** Tongs and pliers - these are our things. *** A powerful click was heard by the puppy. © *** Wash your hands more often and cleaner. *** They pinned things with a clothespin, Things fluttered in the wind.© *** The octopus felt the food, The tentacles were shocked. © *** Bream is needed for fish soup, and sorrel is needed for cabbage soup. *** I drag the pike, I drag it, I won’t miss the pike. *** The lizard climbed under a powerful shield, and now sits under the shield. © *** Predators are prowling the forest, Predators are looking for prey. © *** In the room, the puppies have chewed the cloak to pieces, And now the puppies are squeaking, their mothers don’t want to forgive them. © *** A powerful shield will protect. The enemy saw a powerful shield, was afraid, and trembled.©

More tongue twisters starting with the letter Ш...

Tongue twisters help shape speech and diction. The ability to clearly pronounce words is useful not only for children and representatives of creative, television professions, and the blogosphere. Throughout our lives we communicate with people, at home and at work, clear speech helps to convey information to others and encourage constructive dialogue. If, due to the nature of your activity, you need to speak in front of large audiences, tongue twisters are where you should start preparing for each speech.

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Part 6

  1. An astronomer, a lawyer and one climber, an Architect, a pharmacist and even an artist once sat on a carousel. They couldn’t resist and flew down: Pharmacist, artist, acrobat, astronomer. Which of them were you not familiar with yet?
  2. The pear does not like caterpillars: the caterpillars love the pear.
  3. Pear - a small girl shook the pear-tree. From pear to pear hail, Pear to pear is glad.
  4. The crab made a rake for the crab and gave the rake to the crab. Rake the gravel crab.
  5. The ghoul-pigeons were walking, picking blueberries.
  6. The beaver has a good hat, but the beavers have a richer outfit.
  7. The barrel of the bull lay down.
  8. They poured the soap into the bath and washed Vanya with soap.
  9. Varvara cooked and cooked, but didn’t cook it.
  10. They gave Valenka small felt boots.
  11. Lenya climbed the ladder, Lenya picked peaches. Lenya rolled down the stairs with songs and peaches.
  12. Mila washed the bear with soap, Mila dropped the soap. Mila dropped the soap, but didn’t wash Mishka with soap.
  13. The eagle owl Fili has two little owls - Filka and Filimonka.
  14. Hey, hurry up and catch up with me! Ay, but don’t catch me by the tail! Oh, I’d better hide behind the closet against the wall. Games with cats are harmful to mice.
  15. The rats quickly dug a hole, so that the cat would not know about it, so that the mice would steal cheese and candy from the buffet.
  16. In the oven the rolls are like fire, hot for whom are they baked? For Galochka the rolls are hot.
  17. Puffy Mishka puffs like a plump one.
  18. I can't find our frog's ears.

Algorithm for learning tongue twisters

  • An adult reads the text of the nursery rhyme slowly, clearly pronouncing all the sounds.
  • Discuss the content with the child using questions:
      What does the tongue twister mean?
  • What characters act there (if the text is about people or animals)?
  • Does this happen in our lives (do such events occur)?
  • Ask your preschooler which words are unclear and explain their meaning.
  • Tell that the nursery rhyme needs to be pronounced in different ways, starting at a slow pace and ending with a very fast one. Show your child how to do it correctly.
  • Repeat the text of the tongue twister several times together, trying to do it at a different pace.
  • To make it easier to understand the patter rhythm, suggest clapping your palms to the rhythm of the words, first slowly, then faster and faster.
  • You can interest a preschooler with a playful moment: repeat a funny phrase, lightly tossing the ball up, then from hand to hand.
  • In order for tongue twister to become an interesting pastime, organize a game with forfeits in the family circle: “Who can tell it faster? Who did it best? Who can remember the most jokes?”

Tongue twisters starting with the letter “A”

  1. Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.
  2. Agrafena and Arina have dahlias growing.
  3. The ampoule of the lamp, filled with aplomb, fell to the floor and burst hollow.
  4. Al lal, white diamond, green emerald. (Lal - ruby)
  5. Ay, you are lions, weren’t you howling by the Neva?
  6. Astra will ask sharply and soberly: is it in vain that I explode with blades?
  7. The scarlet reflection of the Himalayas fell on the fields of Nepal.
  8. On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.
  9. Brit Klim is a brother, Gleb is a brother, and brother Ignat is bearded. Three brothers are walking: brother Klim is shaven, brother Gleb is shaven, and brother Ignat is bearded.
  10. A loon was flying over the barn, and another loon was sitting in the barn.
  11. Astronauts in orbit. Acrobats on Arbat.
  12. The stork spreads its wings, the stork opens the book. The book contains letters and words. The stork sees the letter A. And, putting glasses on his nose, He reads: - AB-RI-KOS.
  13. Letter A, letter A – Alphabet head. Vova knows, Sveta knows, And she looks like a rocket.
  14. Letter A, where is Aunt Anya? Daughter Anya is floating in the bathhouse. The bathhouse warms up Anya, Anya loves the bathhouse.
  15. Alla collected asters and made bouquets of asters.
  16. An astronomer, a lawyer and one climber, an Architect, a pharmacist and even an artist once sat on a carousel. They couldn’t resist and flew down: Pharmacist, artist, acrobat, astronomer. Which of them were you not familiar with yet?
  17. Alyosha gives a signal to Ulyana, Ulyana will hear and find Alyosha.
  18. Varvara cooked and cooked, but didn’t cook it.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter “B”

  1. The white rams beat the drums, beat them indiscriminately, and broke their foreheads.
  2. Grandma's bean blossomed in the rain, and Grandma's bean will bloom in borscht.
  3. White snow. White chalk. White sugar is also white. But the squirrel is not white. It wasn't even white.
  4. Beavers go into the forests bravely, beavers are kind to beavers.
  5. Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey. Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey.
  6. The brawler ram climbed into the weeds.
  7. You can’t get rye bread, long loaves, or rolls while walking.
  8. The baker baked the bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf from the dough early in the morning.
  9. Smooth planed white oak tables.
  10. Bori has a screw. Vitya has a bandage.
  11. Take half a glass of sour milk from the bearded man.
  12. Granny bought beads for Marusya.
  13. There was a whitewing ram, and he killed all the rams.
  14. A harrow was harrowing an unharrowed field. A harrow was harrowing across a harrowed field. A harrow was used to harrow an unharrowed field.
  15. The bomber bombed Brandenburg.
  16. Cucumbers are great green-white-lipped ones.
  17. Beavers go into the pine forests. Beavers are kind, beavers are cheerful.
  18. Beavers wander into the cheese forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.
  19. Ivan the idiot chatted milk, but didn’t blurt it out
  20. Malanya the chatterbox chatted, blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
  21. Two chickens are running naked down the street.
  22. The birch bark basket is full of cloudberries.
  23. Brit Klim is a brother, Gleb is a brother, and brother Ignat is bearded. OR Three brothers are coming: brother Klim is shaved, brother Gleb is shaved, and brother Ignat is bearded.
  24. In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.
  25. Vakul baba shod, and Vakul baba shod.
  26. I’ll walk the filly sideways along the strap, along the log.
  27. The borscht was too salty, too much salt.
  28. The woman has beans, the grandfather has oaks.
  29. The violent Byaka is loud, Byaka Buka is threatening, Byaka Buka is insolent, Byaka Buka is pushing.
  30. The oak post stands like a pillar, the ram rests his forehead against it. Although you don’t feel sorry for the ram’s forehead, you can’t knock down a pillar with your forehead.
  31. Bull butting with bull. Everyone is running away. Take care, runner, of your sides from the gory bull.
  32. Vakul baba shod, and Vakul baba shod.
  33. The bull was rampaging in front of the oak tree, shaking his brown forelock under the oak tree. Oak grabbed him by the forelock. -Don't be a brawler! - exclaimed the oak tree.
  34. The boyar beaver has no wealth, no good - two beaver cubs are better than any good.
  35. Drum, trumpet and tambourine. A bull, a ram and a white poodle - I don’t understand what they are playing: - Woof! -Be! -Mu!
  36. The soldiers walked aty-baty, aty-baty to the market. Aty-baty what they bought, Aty-baty - a samovar.
  37. The beaver has a good hat, but the beavers have a richer outfit.
  38. The boby got the beans, the boby got the beans.
  39. The beaver is kind to the beaver.
  40. Two basts cannot be taken from one oak tree.
  41. It will either rain or snow, it will either happen or it won’t.
  42. An old woman and there are potholes on the stove.
  43. The woman planted beans, and mushrooms grew.
  44. Grandma Bogatka was running. She beat a white ram with a batog.
  45. The ram ran along the steep banks, butted, pushed, and rolled on the grass.
  46. Beavers wander along a log.
  47. The barrel of the bull lay down.
  48. A white sheep bleated at the ford.
  49. The sheep don't want to wander near the ford.
  50. The oak post stands like a pillar, the ram rests his forehead against it.
  51. The harrow is harrowing, stone is knocking on stone.
  52. The drum was given to the ram, the ram was very happy about the drum, and the ram drummed on the drum, the ram drummed on the drum.
  53. Lyuba walks near the oak tree, we love to look at Lyuba. Lyuba leaned against the oak tree, we loved to look at Lyuba.
  54. Rowan ruby, ruby-rowan.
  55. Magpie balabok, balabok filly.
  56. Damn the cat is on the watch - the cat is on the damn watch.
  57. Kubra cooked cabbage soup for kubra, when bukara came, she drank it.
  58. The chatterbox chattered until she chatted too much.
  59. Taxable grace.
  60. The violent Buka is loud, Byaka Buka is threatening, Buka Byaka is insolent, Byaka Buka is pushing.
  61. A couple of drums, a couple of drums, a couple of drums Beat the storm. A couple of drums, a couple of drums, a couple of drums Beat the fight!
  62. The oak pillar stands like a pillar, the ram rests his forehead against it. Although I don’t feel sorry for the ram’s forehead, But I can’t knock down a pillar with my forehead.
  63. Bull butting with bull. Everyone is running away. Take care, runner, of your sides from the gory bull.
  64. White snow. White chalk. White sugar is also white. But the squirrel is not white. It wasn't even white.
  65. Drum, Trumpet and Tambourine. Bull, Ram And white poodle - What are they playing, I don’t understand: - Woof! -Be! -Mu!
  66. The bull raged in front of the oak tree, shaking his brown forelock under the oak tree. Oak grabbed him by the forelock. -Don't be a brawler! - exclaimed the oak tree.
  67. The boyar beaver has no wealth, no good - two beaver cubs are better than any good.
  68. Vakul baba shod, Yes, and Vakul baba shod.
  69. Ivan the blockhead chattered milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
  70. You can't get rye bread, long loaves, rolls while walking.
  71. Kind beaver to beaver.
  72. The brawler ram climbed into the weeds.
  73. Beavers go bravely into the forests, Beavers are kind to beavers.
  74. Cucumbers are great green-white-lips.
  75. Smooth planed white oak tables.
  76. There was a white-winged ram, Vsekhbaranov turned white-winged.
  77. The baker baked a bagel, a bagel, a long loaf and a loaf of dough early in the morning.
  78. The bomber bombed Brandenburg.
  79. Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey. Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey.
  80. Three brothers are walking: brother Klim is shaven, brother Gleb is shaven, and brother Ignat is bearded.
  81. Grandma will have bob in her borscht. Grandma's bean blossomed in the rain.
  82. Granny bought beads for Marusya.
  83. Malanya the chatterbox chatted, blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
  84. A harrow was harrowing an unharrowed field.
  85. The bombardier bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres.
  86. Beaver, be kind, get some cobras
  87. Take half a glass of sour milk from the white-bearded man.

Tongue twisters for preschool children for the development of speech and diction

At a young age, children periodically have difficulties pronouncing combinations of sounds. To eliminate the problem, teachers use the technique of patter phrases. You can learn to pronounce consonant sounds clearly. In addition, they treat childhood stuttering.

Tongue twisters help train a child's diction.

From 3 to 4 years in kindergarten

In this age category, children have problems with the letters Ш, Ж, Ш, Л, and they don’t yet know how to pronounce R. There are several exercises for them that help them develop the ability to pronounce words and phrases correctly.

The first exercise is called “Tell from a picture.” You need to choose images with fairy tale characters or animals and ask your child to describe the illustrations.

The second task is to pronounce mixed sounds. For children of this age, choose options for the hissing group, Sha, as well as the combinations Cha-Tsa, La-Ra:

To interest the child, as well as to correctly perform all types of exercises with him, they need to be read in the form of a poem.

From 4 to 5 years

In this age period, the technique of working with all sounds of the Russian language is used.

Children can memorize already complex tongue twisters:

  1. “They threw bananas at a funny monkey. They threw bananas to a funny monkey.”
  2. “Kirill covered the jar with a lid.”
  3. “But the tea cups, in sadness, knocking and clanking, cried out.”

You can use mini-poems during training.

From 5 to 6 years

It is important that at the age of 5 or 6 the preschooler has already learned to pronounce the sound R. If the baby does not pronounce the voiced R, then the speech therapist should choose the right articulation gymnastics for him.

Professional classes with a speech therapist.

Examples could be the following phrases:

Tongue twister for the letter r.
  1. “A teapot with a lid, a lid with a lump. A cone with a hole, in the hole there is steam.”
  2. “Toads lived in the swamp. They loved the bun and bagel.”

Tongue twisters starting with the letter “B”

  1. Ay, you are lions, weren’t you howling by the Neva?
  2. Ivan the blockhead chattered milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
  3. We bought mittens and felt boots for Valerika and Varenka.
  4. Have fun, Savely, stir the hay.
  5. The crow missed the little crow.
  6. Valerik ate the dumpling, and Valyushka ate the cheesecake.
  7. The otter dived into the otter's bucket. The otter drowned in a bucket of water.
  8. The driver was carrying straw.
  9. Valenko's felt boots fell into the clearing.
  10. Fanya visiting Vanya. Vanya is visiting Fanya.
  11. The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply.
  12. The sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain.
  13. The big guy Vavila merrily moved his pitchfork.
  14. A sorcerer was doing magic in a stable with the wise men.
  15. Open, Varvara, the gates, if not the enemy is behind the gates, but the enemy and the enemy are turned away from the Varvara gates.
  16. Valya got her felt boots wet in the thawed patch. Valenka’s felt boots are drying on the heap.
  17. The doctors saved the sparrow and carried him into the helicopter. The helicopter turned its rotors, disturbing the grass and flowers.
  18. Exquisite script has a very powerful effect on us.
  19. You don’t wear trousers instead of a shirt, You don’t ask for rutabaga instead of a watermelon, You can always tell a number from a letter, And can you tell the difference between ash and beech?
  20. The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply.
  21. Time is precious.
  22. I picked oats for the sheep. Eat your oats quickly, sheep.
  23. The waxwing whistles with a flute.
  24. The raven was picking rhubarb in the ditch.
  25. Saturday for work, Sunday for fun.
  26. They poured the soap into the bath and washed Vanya with soap.
  27. The crow stole the chickens, and Varvara kept watch.
  28. The crow missed the crow.
  29. Near the stake, loaches and hops climb the fence. They curl, weave, braid, uncurl.
  30. Varvara was guarding the chickens, but the crow was stealing, she stole all the chickens - Varvara missed it.
  31. I led an ox into the yard, the ox took me over the hill.
  32. Varvara cooked and cooked, but didn’t cook it.
  33. It was in Babylon. The emotional Babylonian Varvara felt the emotion of the insensitive Babylonian Babylon of Babylon - the Babylonian.
  34. The wolf is free and howls happily.
  35. They gave Valenka small felt boots.
  36. The big guy Vavila was happily moving his pitchfork with the hay.
  37. The wolf waltzed with the she-wolf: “It’s not good for us to drag around.”
  38. Two governors on one cart.
  39. Trade - don't grieve.
  40. Vlas, don't climb into the hole!
  41. I'm driving through a pothole, I won't get out of the pothole.
  42. Somehow the bunny turned upside down from under the fold.

Tongue twisters for working on problem letters

There are several problematic consonant sounds:

  • hissing and dull;
  • whistling and sonorous;
  • sonorous.

To correct their pronunciation, tongue twisters are used.

During training you need to follow 4 rules:

  1. Start with short phrases, moving to long sentences gradually.
  2. Understand the meaning of all words in a sentence, pronounce it with expression. Highlight the main words with intonation.
  3. Increase your speaking speed gradually.
  4. Before pronouncing, take in more air into your lungs and pronounce short phrases in one breath.

To improve "r"

Of all the sounds of the Russian language, this is the most complex in its formation.

It requires active movement of various parts of the tongue, so the causes of the disorder are very different:

  • shortened hypoglossal ligament;
  • undeveloped tongue muscles;
  • phonemic hearing deficit.

Therefore, tongue twisters alone will not help for the development of speech and diction at the age of 8-12 years.

We need exercise for the tongue muscles.

Examples of tongue twisters:

  1. A durable popcorn bag.
  2. The bomber bombed Brandenburg.

With hissing sounds

The problem with hissing occurs due to an incorrect bite or missing upper teeth. When the tongue gets between the incisors, the sound becomes lisping. An orthodontist can correct your diction.

If a child replaces the sound [w] with [f], [s] or [x], this indicates difficulty in auditory differentiation. Regular training with tongue twisters will help you tune your hearing and distinguish [w] from [s], which for some people sound the same. You can use balls, buttons or chips of different colors in classes. Each color represents a letter. The child places a red ball on the table if, for example, he hears the sound [w] in a word, and a white ball if he hears [s].

Sasha has whey from yogurt in his porridge.

The sunflowers look at the sun, and the sun looks at the sunflowers. But the sun has many sunflowers, And the sunflower has only one sun.

Sasha quickly dries the dryers. I dried about six dryers. And the old women of the Sushiki Sashas are funny in a hurry to eat.

The riffraff rustled among the riffraff, That rustle prevented the riffraff from rustling.

Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig.

The pike has brushes behind its cheek. The pike has brushes behind its cheek. The pike squints its eyes, but don’t squint.

To English pronunciation

For children who are starting to learn English, tongue twisters will become both a game for memorizing new words and a diction trainer.

The two-twenty-two train tore through the tunnel.

Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew.

While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew.

The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

That's what made these three free fleas sneeze.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

We surely shall see the sun shine soon.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter Z

  1. The beetle is buzzing over the lampshade, the ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, spinning.
  2. I met a hedgehog in the thicket, - How is the weather, hedgehog? - Fresh. And they went home, trembling, hunched over, cowering, two hedgehogs.
  3. Hedgehog, hedgehog, where do you live? Hedgehog, hedgehog, what are you talking about?
  4. A hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles, And below, looking like little hedgehogs, last year’s cones lie on the grass.
  5. The bear cub was frightened, Hedgehog with the hedgehog and the hedgehog, Swift with the swift and the little haircut.
  6. Hedgehogs and grass snakes lived in the living corner.
  7. Hedgehogs became friends with mice in the rye. They went into the reeds - and there were no souls in the rye.
  8. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze.
  9. Centipedes have too many legs.
  10. The bunnies trembled when they saw a wolf on the lawn.
  11. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze. Uhata - from the snake, hedgehog - from the hedgehog.
  12. The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes and spins.
  13. The hedgehog is lying by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles.
  14. The ground beetle buzzed the snake. The ground beetle stung the snake.
  15. The toad was sitting in a puddle, looking greedily at the beetle. The beetle buzzed, buzzed, buzzed and came to her for dinner.
  16. A good pie - there is curd inside.
  17. The snake has been bitten by the snake, The snake cannot get along with the snake.
  18. On the roof of Shura lived the crane Zhura. The crane Zhura lived on the roof of Shura.

Rules for using tongue twisters

Today, many preschool children experience speech errors that hinder their development and prevent them from mastering the skills of coherent speech. Parents turn to the help of speech therapists, although they themselves can eliminate some of their children’s speech disorders if they use such accessible means as tongue twisters and jokes. What should you pay attention to before learning them with your child? Experts advise following the following rules when selecting jokes for home activities:

  • Take into account the age of the baby and the corresponding features of his speech skills: for example, at an early age the sounds [l, n, t, s] are difficult to come by. Middle preschoolers are developing [p] and hissing. The main thing for older children is the formation of clear diction and coherent speech. For those children whose problem with hissing persists for a long time, work with these sounds does not stop.
  • Determining which sounds are not sufficiently formed is difficult for a child; for example, the most difficult are considered to be [r, sh, ch, ts]. This means that it is better to choose material based on practicing sounds that are difficult to pronounce.
  • Start getting acquainted with simple short tongue twisters, gradually moving on to complex ones.
  • It’s good to know the algorithm for learning a humorous phrase in order to quickly and easily teach it to your baby.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter “R”

  1. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard.
  2. Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
  3. The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.
  4. Tell us about your purchases. What purchases are you talking about? About shopping, about shopping, About my shopping.
  5. The otter dived into the otter's bucket. The otter drowned in a bucket of water.
  6. The Greek was driving across the river, He saw the Greek - there was a cancer in the river. He put the Greek's hand in the river, Cancer grabbed the Greek's hand - tsap!
  7. In the depths of the tundra Otters in spats Poking into buckets Cedar kernels!
  8. Ripping the leggings off an otter In the tundra I'll wipe the kernels of the cedars with the otter I'll wipe the otter's face with the leggings Cannonballs in buckets Otter into the tundra!

Memorizing complex tongue twisters

Learning complex tongue twisters is useful. Regular repetition of such phrases will help make your speech clear and improve your articulation.

In order to quickly memorize difficult tongue twisters, you must follow several rules:

  • put the correct emphasis on each word;
  • pronounce words slowly and remember difficult sound combinations;
  • monitor the movement of your lips and tongue when pronouncing complex syllables and practice your tongue twister in front of a mirror;
  • pronounce phrases every day for 15-20 minutes from 2 to 5 times;
  • add new ones to the learned tongue twisters, for example after 10 days;
  • print them on paper and place them in the apartment in visible places, for example on a closet (before opening it, you need to read the phrase, close the door and read it again).

It is convenient to track the results of work using audio or video recordings. This way you can work on errors and eliminate problem areas.

You can make a crispy sandwich and try to pronounce certain phrases. It won't be easy, but this practice will develop your diction.

There are many different versions of tongue twisters for groups of consonant sounds:

Variants of tongue twisters for groups of consonant sounds

  1. “The thought of the meaning of meaninglessness is meaningless. After all, the meaning of meaninglessness is its meaninglessness, and understanding meaninglessness makes meaninglessness meaningless.”
  2. “The hippopotamus in the hippopotamus was looking for a hippopotamus. The hippopotamus did not find the hippopotamus in the hippotonaria.”

Tongue twisters starting with the letter “C”

  1. No saddle, no bridle, no thing to put the bridle on.
  2. The heron has a chicken, the hare has a hare.
  3. The gypsy on tiptoe tutted at the chicken.
  4. Two chickens are running right down the street.
  5. Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.
  6. Not a catcher, but a good guy.
  7. There is a sheep on the cart, and a pound of oats on the cart.
  8. The sheep doesn't remember its father; it would like a piece of hay.
  9. Only the good and the good have a button made of tin.
  10. Well done to the sheep, and well done to the sheep himself.
  11. The sheep doesn't remember its father. That sheep is of the wrong father.
  12. Herons claw at chickens.
  13. The hen admired the chickens: no matter what the chicken, she was smart.
  14. The dog is pining on the chain, but try to unhook it.
  15. The girl-bride is the same age as her grandmother.
  16. There is one and a half loaves in a box on the police.
  17. Chicken and hen drink water on the street.
  18. Starlings and tits are cheerful birds.
  19. The young man asked the young woman for some water to drink.
  20. An awl, a piece of soap, a crooked spindle, a silk towel - on the porch under the door.
  21. Two colorful chickens are running along the street.
  22. The heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain.
  23. There is a cart of oats, next to the cart is a sheep.
  24. The horse clicked its hoof from behind, and dust swirled under the hoof.
  25. Water flows from a nearby well all day long.
  26. A starling flies - winter is over.
  27. Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.
  28. There lived three chickens: Yak, Yak Tsydrak, Yak Tsydrak Tsydroni. Once upon a time there lived three chicks: Tsypa, Tsypa Drypa, Tsypa Drypa Lampomponi. Here Yak married on Tsypa, Yak Tsydrak on Tsypa Drypa, Yak Tsydrak Tsydroni on Tsypa Drypa Lampomponi. They had one son: Yak and Tsypa: Shah. Yak Tsydrak with Tsypa Drypa: Shah Sharakh. Yak Tsydrak Tsydroni with Tsypa Drypa Lampomponi: Shah Sharakh Sharoni.
  29. The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead.
  30. The gypsy approaches the chicken on tiptoes: “Tsyts!”
  31. The chickens ask for millet, Frosya brings out millet to the chickens on a tray, All Frosya’s braids are in millet.
  32. You, well done, tell the well done, let the well done tell the well done, let the well done tie the calf.

Complex tongue twisters

Tongue twister about the Chinese

Once upon a time there lived three Chinese - Yak, Yak-Tsidrak, Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni, and three more Chinese women - Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi. Yak got married to Tsypa, Yak-Tsidrak to Tsypa-Drip, Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni to Tsypa-Drip-Lampomponi. So they had children: Yak with Tsypa - Shah, Yak-Tsidrak with Tsypa-Drypa - Shah-Sharah, Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidroni with Tsypo-Drypa-Lampoponi - Shah-Sharah-Sharoni.

What is not

No apricot, coconut, radish, Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice, No compass, longboat and rope, Thermos, press, Indian sailor, No bass, no taste, weight and demand, No interest - no question.

Feast at Kira and Fira

Kira and Fira had a feast in the apartment: Fakir ate marshmallows and Fakir drank kefir. But Fira and Kira did not drink kefir, did not eat marshmallows - they fed the fakir.

Blackberries and strawberries

If you didn’t live near a blackberry tree, but if you lived near a strawberry tree, then strawberry jam is familiar to you and blackberry jam is not at all familiar to you. If you lived near a blackberry tree, then it means that you are familiar with blackberry jam, and not at all with the usual strawberry jam. But if you lived near a blackberry tree, and if you lived near a strawberry tree, and if you didn’t spare time for the forest, then that means you ate excellent blackberry jam, strawberry jam every day.

Tongue twisters with the sound Ш

  1. Our chess player will exceed your chess player, exceed your chess player.
  2. The cuckoo bought a tub and decided to give the cuckoos a bath.
  3. Ivashka has a shirt, the shirt has pockets, Pockets have a shirt, Ivashka has a shirt.
  4. Lyubasha has a hat, Polyushka has a bun, Pavushka has a boat, Ilyushka has a hockey stick.
  5. Timoshka Proshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka.
  6. On the window, a tiny midge is deftly caught by a cat with its paw.
  7. Masha washes her neck and ears in the shower.
  8. A hat and a fur coat - that’s our Mishutka.
  9. Masha sewed a fur coat, a hat and pants for the monkey.

Short tongue twisters for children

  1. The quail hid the quails from the boys.
  2. Good beavers go into the forests.
  3. The star serpent jingled his teeth: “Z-z-z.”
  4. Seven waxwings sat and whistled.
  5. There is a wasp on the vine, a goat in the vine.
  6. Sasha dried a bunch of dryers on dry land.
  7. The ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.
  8. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
  9. The parrot says to the parrot: “I’ll scare you.”
  10. We walked through ditches and over humps into the forest, picking up mushrooms.
  11. Valerik ate dumplings, and Valyushka ate cheesecake.
  12. A chubby bear puffs like a plump.
  13. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
  14. I drag the pike, I drag it, I won’t miss the pike.
  15. The hedgehog is visiting, the hedgehog is visiting,
  16. The hedgehog teaches you to run, and the hedgehog teaches you to crawl.
  17. Kirill bought a jar and a mug at the market.
  18. The beaver has a good hat, but the beavers have a richer outfit.
  19. They gave Klasha porridge with yogurt, Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.
  20. One forty is one hassle, and forty forty is forty hassles.
  21. Daria gives Dina melons.
  22. Karp Karlych bought carp from Karl Karpych.
  23. The snake was bitten by the snake, and you can’t get along with the snake.
  24. Three magpies chattered on the slide.
  25. A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle, the casing is heavy on the beetle.

Learning modern tongue twisters

Speech phrases using borrowings and anglicisms have recently become part of the modern Russian language.

Some tongue twisters are hard to imagine without these words:

  1. “The copy machine operator photocopied what was copied.”
  2. “Grandfather-dandy in the valley on the ice of a long fur coat on deadline.”
  3. “The Instagram master with a hundred grams was immediately caught by the orderly.”
  4. “The homomorphic image of a group, for the glory of communism, is isomorphic to the quotient group with respect to the core of the homomorphism.”
  5. “The biceps on a bodybuilder’s cityboard are small.”

Tongue twisters with hissing sounds

Tongue twister starting with the letter Z

  1. Scared of the bear cub
  2. Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog,
  3. Swift with a swift and a haircut.

Tongue twister starting with the letter H

  1. Four turtles have four baby turtles.
  2. Four little devils
  3. Four little black little devils drew a drawing in black ink.

Tongue twister starting with the letter Sh

  1. Old talkative women live in a hut at the edge of the forest. Every old lady has a basket, There is a cat in every basket, Cats in baskets sew boots for old ladies.
  2. Sasha sewed a hat for Sashka, Sashka knocked off a bump with his hat.
  3. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
  4. In the hut the yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks and, juggling with knives, eats figs.
  5. Cuckoo bought a hood. Put on the cuckoo's hood. How funny he is in the hood!

Tongue twisters starting with the letters Ш and С

  1. Two puppies, cheek to cheek,
  2. They pinch the brush in the corner.
  3. I drag the pike, I drag it, I won’t miss the pike.
  4. Wolves prowl, looking for food.
  5. The puppy eats sorrel cabbage soup by both cheeks.
  6. The wasp has antennae, not whiskers.
  7. If you don't look for a goose's mustache, you won't find it.
  8. Mom, don’t look for us, We pinch sorrel for cabbage soup.
  9. Swifts, tap dancers, goldfinches and siskins are chirping in the grove.
  10. Thickets are more common in our Pushcha. In our forest the thicket is thicker.
  11. The goldfinch chirped and clicked, inflating his cheeks like a balloon. A pike looked out from the pond, wondering what kind of thing it was.

How to work with tongue twisters correctly

When using difficult-to-pronounce phrases to develop diction, the result will depend on age. It is advisable to base classes with children aged 5-6 years on the entertainment component.

It is useful to show the child that rapid recitation is interesting and fun. It is advisable to use special children's literature with colorful pictures on the topic. Organize the process in a playful way and gradually move on to tasks with mandatory execution.

Tongue twisters for children can be used both in a playful and educational form

Tongue twisters, as a tool for improving the diction of older children, are more convenient to use in an educational setting. Schoolchildren aged 9-10 are accustomed to home lessons. For them, memorizing difficult-to-pronounce expressions will be a routine task of accumulating knowledge.

Tongue twisters for the sounds R, L, Rь, L

  1. Polkan pushed the stick with his paw. Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.
  2. Mila's mother washed her with soap. Mila didn't like soap.
  3. The Christmas tree has pins and needles. Splitting needles near the Christmas tree.
  4. In the winter cold everyone is young. Everyone is young in the winter cold.
  5. Our regiment fell into a trap.
  6. The cat lapped milk, and Vitya dipped a bun in milk.
  7. The woodpecker was pecking at the oak tree, but didn't finish it.
  8. The cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner. The cat rolled a ball of thread into the corner.
  9. Have you washed the raspberries? They washed, but did not soap.
  10. They stomped and stomped, they stomped until they reached the poplar, they stomped until they reached the poplar, but they stomped their feet.
  11. Kolya stabs the stakes. Fields field flight.
  12. The field is not weeded, the field is not watered. The field needs to be watered, the field needs to be watered.
  13. Prokhor and Pakhom are riding on horseback. Prokhor and Pakhom are riding on horseback.
  14. Beavers go into the pine forests. Beavers are kind, beavers are cheerful.

Tongue twisters for the sounds S, Сь, З, Зь

  1. Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.
  2. Osa is barefoot and without a belt.
  3. Sanya took a sleigh up the hill, Sanya rode down the hill, and Sanya rode a sleigh.
  4. Sonya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets. A catfish with a mustache in Sonya and Sanya's nets.
  5. Alesya is sitting with her legs dangling from the stove.
  6. They stomp, gander after gander, in single file. The gander looks down on the gander.
  7. Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay.
  8. Evsey, Evsey, sift the flour.
  9. Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.
  10. The violent Byaka is loud, Byaka Buka is threatening, Byaka Buka is insolent, Byaka Buka is pushing.
  11. On a winter morning, from the frost, the birch trees ring at dawn. Tongue twister A poplar was stomping along the road. Poplar was stomping towards Sevastopol, and Seva was stomping nearby. Poplar on the right, Seva on the left. Where is Seva with the poplar? Already near Sevastopol.

Children's tongue twisters in English with translation

Such phrases help to acquire speaking skills and expand your vocabulary. After several readings, you will be able to recite the phrase by heart.

When working with children, honing their pronunciation, you need to translate the selected task to the child so that he knows what is being said. This approach will help the child draw the situation in his imagination.

English tongue twisters for children under 7 years old should be shown in pictures. They need to be pronounced with translation, slowly, gradually increasing the tempo. After some time, you can repeat the phrases you read.

Examples of children's English tongue twisters:

English children's tongue twisters must be translated into Russian.

Translation: “I can sail the new canoe. Can you steer the new canoe?”

Translation: “Red truck, yellow truck. Red truck, yellow truck"

Translation: “One fly flew, two flies flew. One girl was crying, four girls were crying."

Tongue twisters for the letters V, P, G, K, T, D, V, F

  1. Dima gives Dina melons, Dima gives melons to Dina.
  2. The woman has beans, the grandfather has oaks.
  3. The road to the city is uphill, from the city - down the mountain.
  4. Boba has a screw, Vitya has a bandage.
  5. Fanya visiting Vanya. Vanya is visiting Fanya.
  6. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
  7. There are five honey mushrooms standing by the stumps again.
  8. There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under a cap.
  9. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a peak.
  10. A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.
  11. The baker baked the bun, bagel, loaf and loaf early in the morning.
  12. The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply.
  13. A bull has a dull lip, a bull has a dull lip. A poplar stomped along the road. Poplar was stomping towards Sevastopol, and Seva was stomping nearby. Poplar on the right, Seva on the left. Where is Seva with the poplar? Already near Sevastopol.

Other famous tongue twisters

Myla Mila

Mila washed the bear with soap, Mila dropped the soap. Mila dropped the soap, but didn’t wash Mishka with soap.

From the clatter of hooves

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.


White snow. White chalk. White sugar is also white. But the squirrel is not white. It wasn't even white.


One day I was scaring a jackdaw when I saw a parrot in the bushes. And that parrot says: “You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare, but scare the jackdaws in the bushes, don’t you dare scare the parrot.”

Sonya on a sled

Senka and Sanka are carrying Sonya on a sled.

Tongue twisters for the sounds C, S

  1. The heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain.
  2. Two colorful chickens are running along the street.
  3. Chicken and hen drink water on the street.
  4. An awl, a piece of soap, a crooked spindle, a silk towel - on the porch under the door.
  5. The horse clicked its hoof from behind, and dust swirled under the hoof.
  6. The young man asked the young woman for some water to drink.
  7. Water flows from a nearby well all day long.
  8. Starlings and tits are cheerful birds.
  9. There is a cart of oats, next to the cart is a sheep.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter CH, CH+T

  1. The rooks are chattering about the jackdaws, The jackdaws are chattering about the rooks.
  2. There were jackdaws visiting the wolf cubs. There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaw cubs. Now the wolf cubs are making noise like jackdaws. And, like cubs, the cubs are silent.
  3. At the top of the tower, rooks scream day and night. Day and night the rooks scream at the top of the tower.
  4. The baker baked kalachi in a hot oven.
  5. The river flows, the stove bakes. The stove bakes, the river flows.
  6. Crucian carp in the river, sheep by the stove, Lamb by the stove, crucian carp in the river.
  7. The little turtle has little turtle shoes.
  8. Tanya's saucers clash very often.
  9. In the stove there are three chocks, three geese, three ducks.
  10. The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.
  11. Four little black little imps were drawing a drawing in black ink.

Funny tongue twisters

  1. The mouse crawled under the lid, To gnaw the crumb under the lid, The mouse must be dead - The mouse forgot about the cat!
  2. Skinny, weak Koschey drags a box of vegetables.
  3. It's a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is forty hassle.
  4. The parrot said to the parrot: I will parrot you, parrot. The parrot answers him: Parrot, parrot, parrot!
  5. Once upon a time I gave a crucian carp a coloring book. And Karas said: “Color the fairy tale, Little Karas!” On the coloring page of Little Kara - Three cheerful little pigs: Little Kara has repainted the piglets into little crucians!
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