Summary of the introductory lesson to the program “In Search of Treasure”; for children 5-6 years old

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

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What you need to know about 5 years of age

All babies begin to actively develop from a very early age. They get acquainted with the world around them very quickly and constantly replenish their stock of information, which at first glance seems very simple. Here, parents can find many educational as well as interesting activities for their children that will attract their special attention.

What a five year old should know

Kids of this age will be able to learn to distinguish colors, solve crossword puzzles, train logical thinking, tell time, study animals, plants, and many other useful things. Cognitive activities will help you explore the world in a playful way.

Note! Each game is illustrated with beautiful, bright, memorable pictures, and voice accompaniment will help those kids who do not yet know how to read to quickly master any task. Each completed children's game will develop confidence.

The development of children should not stop for a minute, especially if this is a preschooler (i.e. 1-2 years before entering 1st grade). Educational games for children 5 and 6 years old are more complex tasks. Here children will have to use their thinking to cope with the tasks. The presented tasks will help develop memory, imagination, attention, counting and other qualities important for a preschooler.

Games for a 5-year-old child at home

Universal classes for girls and boys 5, 6, 7 years old

  1. We carry out chemical experiments. We study the reaction when mixing soda and vinegar, adding food coloring to water, mixing colors.
  2. We carry out various studies using special kits.
  3. We create crafts and soft toys with our own hands.
  4. We collect puzzles, 3D puzzles.
  5. We sculpt from plasticine, salt dough and other materials.
  6. We study the environment using a microscope.
  7. Let's draw. Nowadays it is very fashionable to paint pictures by numbers. Special sets are sold that contain everything necessary to create a painting: a canvas with a printed pattern, paints, brushes. Such paintings can be used for room decoration.
  8. We use engravings.
  9. We make various applications.
  10. Playing with magic kits.
  11. Wood painting.
  12. We make crafts from plaster and clay.
  13. We make sand paintings.
  14. We make photo frames with our own hands.
  15. We paint the stones.
  16. We read books.
  17. We play puppet theater.
  18. Let's blow soap bubbles.
  19. Let's make up a fairy tale.
  20. We travel through the pages of a children's geographical encyclopedia.
  21. We make the modeling mass with our own hands.
  22. We make slimes.
  23. Game "Mind Reading". The adult thinks of a word, and the child guesses it by asking leading questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.”
  24. Game "Rhymes". The game consists of matching a rhyme to a word.
  25. Game "Associations". One player names the word, and the other player names others that he associates with the name.
  26. Game "Make a word". From a long word you need to make as many small words as possible.
  27. Game "Guess who I am?" — We attach a piece of paper with a word to one participant’s back, and he must guess it based on leading questions. Or another option - the player is given a word, which he must depict with gestures and facial expressions so that others can guess.
  28. Game "Hunt for numbers". It is necessary to find objects in the selected room that have figures and numbers on them. These could be books, watches, product labels, etc.
  29. Game of "Words". Choose a topic. Explain the conditions to your child: you name a word on the chosen topic, I say the next one, but it must begin with the letter with which the previous one ended.
  30. We buy an album with coloring books, puzzles and interesting problems, and give the child a task to relax and study.
  31. We make home decor with our own hands.
  32. If you want watching cartoons to be useful, give your child the task of writing or drawing a continuation of a fairy tale story.
  33. If your child loves to sing, dance or read poetry, give him the idea of ​​preparing a mini-concert for his parents or friends.
  34. Give him a virtual tour. With the help of the Internet you can go anywhere.
  35. Play chess or checkers.
  36. Play board games.

What to do with a 5, 6, 7 year old girl?

  1. We grow flowers and various indoor plants.
  2. We play with dolls.
  3. Needlework. You can master various types of creativity (sewing, embroidery, knitting, beading, macrame, drawing, decoupage, scrapbooking, etc.).
  4. Games related to fashion and beauty (going to a children's beauty salon, etc.).
  5. Learning how to do children's makeup.
  6. We create jewelry with our own hands.
  7. We make a dollhouse with our own hands from shoe boxes and scrap materials, and furnish it with furniture.
  8. We create outfits for dolls.
  9. We play mother and daughter.
  10. We make pictures from sequins.
  11. We make candles with our own hands.
  12. We make soap with our own hands.
  13. Let's learn to cook.

Training for children 5-6 years old “The Art of Communication”

Goal: bringing children together emotionally and improving the ability to openly express their feelings, the ability to say kind words and wishes, as well as the ability to show empathy.

Materials: magic wand, butterfly, tape recorder, sheets of paper with images of blots.

Progress of the lesson.

Psychologist: Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you all. Now we will greet each other. But we will greet not with words, but with our hands. Close your eyes. I will touch the one sitting to my right. He will accept my greeting and pass it on to his neighbor in the same way - he will touch him. And so on, until my greeting comes back to me again, only from the other side. Amazing! And now we will play the game “Praise your neighbor.”

Children: Each child praises his neighbor on the right, the last one praises the psychologist.

Psychologist: Well done guys! You tried very hard to praise your neighbor, and for this I, with the help of this magic wand, will take you to the ball, where there are many butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, mosquitoes and other insects.

(The psychologist waves his magic wand and the children are transported to a fairyland to the sound of magical music.)

Psychologist: Oh guys! And who is this lying on our earth?

Children: It's a butterfly!

Psychologist: Yes, it really is a butterfly. But why doesn't she fly? Let's go up to her and see if she needs our help. (Children together with a psychologist approach the butterfly, the psychologist takes it in his hands). Guys, her wing is broken. Let's help her. Let each of you tell her your wish. (Children pass the butterfly to each other and express their wishes).

Psychologist: Well, guys, look, you cured the butterfly and now it can fly. (The psychologist lets go of the thread and shows the children how a butterfly flies). Now guys, close your eyes and imagine that you have turned into the same beautiful butterflies. (Music plays, children begin to move around the room pretending to fly butterflies. The music fades out)

Psychologist: Guys, while you were depicting the flight of a butterfly, my magic wand moved us to the country of “Klyasography”. Look, the blots are lazy and don’t want to do anything. Let's help them. (Sheets of paper with images of blots lie on the carpet). Choose any blot and turn it into something interesting. (Music plays, to the sound of which the children complete the details so that the blot becomes a character. At the end of the work, everyone examines the drawings, the psychologist praises the children.)

Psychologist: Well done guys! But it’s time for you and me to return to kindergarten. (Children sit in their seats. Close their eyes and, to the music, the magic wand returns them home.)

Psychologist: Guys, you liked our trip.

Children: Yes!

Psychologist: What did you like most about fairyland?

Children: give their own answers.

Psychologist: Our lesson is coming to an end. I thank you all. It was a pleasure to work with you. And now we will pass each other a magic wand and say which magical country you would like to go to next time.

What to do with a 5, 6, 7 year old boy?

Boys are interested in everything related to technology, adventure, strength, and movement. Their favorite toys are cars and planes, trains, pistols and construction sets. If you don’t know what to do with a 5, 6, 7 year old child (boy) at home, use this selection:

  1. Table soccer.
  2. Table hockey.
  3. Solving puzzles develops logic, perseverance, teaches you to solve complex problems and make decisions.
  4. Construction. This includes games with various construction sets, as well as kits for self-assembling exact copies of a car, plane, or ship.
  5. Burning out.
  6. Sawing with a jigsaw.
  7. We make a car wash with our own hands. In the bathroom, you can make a car wash from a five-liter plastic bottle; various sponges, washcloths, and liquid soap are also suitable as necessary materials.

Games for children from 5 years old

Stringing hearts. Cut out hearts from colored paper. We make a hole in each heart and string it on a cord. We hang the chain.

Outline the hand. We place our hand on the paper. Draw along the outline with a pencil. Cut out and paint with colorful patterns.

Let's draw little people. We wet our finger. Then we dip it in ink and press it to the paper. We draw a little man from the print: we finish drawing the face, arms and legs.

We put up gates from bottle caps. We install a corridor of several gates. To do this, we put two caps together. We push the coins through the gate with our finger.

We count cars. We look out the window. We make a bet on how many cars (or how many cars of a certain color or model) will pass by the house over a period of time.

Guessing the animals . Each one depicts an animal. Others must guess which one.

Game of steps. We climb the stairs step by step. We come up with a name for each new step.

Toy money. We put the coins under the paper. Using a soft pencil, rub over the coin. We cut out paper money.

Swing. One lies down on the blanket, the others lift it higher and swing it.

A room out of a box . We make a room out of a cardboard shoe box. We draw furniture on paper, cut it out and paste it into the box.

Matchbox beds . We make cribs from matchboxes, and cut out suitable size pillows and blankets from paper. We draw little people on paper, cut them out and put them in bed.

We make paper animals. We draw any animals on thick paper. Cut it out. Glue a strip of cardboard as a stand.

Mosaic . Cut out a rectangle from paper. Then cut it into 10 pieces of different shapes. Mix the pieces. You need to make a rectangle out of the pieces again.

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