Summary of educational activities on speech development for children of the senior group Topic: “Clothing” outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group)

Goal: Expand vocabulary on the topic “Clothing”.

Program content:

Correctional educational tasks:

update and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Clothing”;

improve the grammatical structure of speech - train children in the use of the genitive, accusative forms of nouns, in the formation and use of prefixed verbs;

automate the correct pronunciation of the “sh” sound.

Correction and development tasks:

* develop coherent speech, memory, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

* develop articulatory, fine and gross motor skills.

Correctional and educational tasks:

* develop the ability to listen to your interlocutor;

* cultivate a careful attitude towards clothing.

Integration of educational areas


“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Preliminary work


— Reading fiction on the topic “Clothing” for children 5-7 years old, — conversation about clothes

— Excursion to the Atelier.

— The plot-role-playing game “Atelier”.


Demo material:

object pictures depicting clothes, a ball, pieces of various fabrics, a magnetic board, magnets;


cut-out pictures on the topic “Clothing”.

GCD move:

Stages Activities of a teacher Children's activities Targets
Organizational stage. Greetings. The teacher greets the children: Good morning to smiling faces! Good morning to the sun and birds! Let everyone become kind and trusting. May the good morning last until the evening! — Show me, in what mood did you come to study today? — Guys, we have lockers in the reception room. What are they needed for? —Can a person do without clothes? Why does a person need clothes? - What do you think we will talk about today? So let's talk about clothes today. Children hold hands, smile and say the words all together:

Children show emoticons to choose from (happy, sad). — They put clothes in lockers and hang them. — Clothing protects a person from heat, cold, rain, and wind. They answer the question.

Breathing exercises “Blowing away specks of dust”

“Forgot your mittens”

“Zip the jacket”

"Ironing clothes"

Turn your head straight, inhale, to the right, exhale, pronounce (u); straight-inhale, left-exhale, pronounce (u). 3 times. They inhale, pause, then as they exhale, “warm their fingers,” blow on them, pronouncing (Ш), (Ф), (Х) for a long time. 3 times With the right hand they fasten the lock-inhale, while exhaling they say “Zzhik!” 3 times. Slide your right palm over your left palm, inhale, and as you exhale say “Psh-sh-sh-sh!” 3 times

“Are we dressing correctly?”

The teacher asks you to sit on chairs. Names the action that we perform when dressing in a modified sequence. For example: We put on a coat and then a jacket. Children come up to the chairs and sit down. The child finds and corrects an error in the statement. No. We put on a jacket and then a coat.
A game

“Remember and name it.”

On the easel there are subject pictures on the topic. The child is asked to remember a series of words (3-5) denoting items of clothing, then repeat it and lay out the corresponding object pictures. Children watch and remember. Then, after the teacher’s question, they complete the task.

“Say the opposite.”

The teacher names the first word: Clean - Long - Wet - Thick - Big - New - Children take turns calling: - dirty - short - dry - thin - small - old
Dynamic pause. " " The teacher offers to rest and perform a series of movements with him. (Use of ICT) Children perform movements according to the text.

“Choose your words.”

It is suggested to name as many words as possible when answering the questions. You can use pictures. What can you sew? Silk dress - which one?

What can you connect?

What can you tie?

What can you wear?

They sit on the chairs. Children raise their hands to answer questions: (dress, coat, sundress, skirt, etc.)

(hat, mittens, scarf, sweater, etc.)

(scarf, bow on a dress, sundress straps, etc.)

(coat, dress, skirt, etc.)

Ball game

"One is many."

Imagine the situation: I came to visit you. (The teacher throws the ball, calling a singular noun). I have one hat - and at your house...? I have one dress - I have one trousers - Etc. The child, having caught the ball, names the genitive case of the noun in the plural. - I have a lot of hats. – I have a lot of dresses. – I have a lot of trousers.
A game

"Be careful".

Suggests grouping items depending on their gender into three boxes: 1st box is mine (scarf, suit, jacket, sundress, raincoat, etc.) 2nd box is mine (jacket, shirt, blouse, skirt, etc.) .etc.) 3rd box – mine (dress, coat, etc.) Children carry out the teacher’s task: arrange the pictures into
Game "At the Garment Factory". The teacher places pieces of fabric in front of the child. Invites to examine and say what kind of clothes are made from this fabric. From fur - fur From wool - wool From silk - silk Etc. Children examine and touch the fabric and answer. – fur – wool, etc.

“Collect a picture.”

The teacher suggests collecting cut-out pictures on the topic They collect the pictures and look and check whether they collected the pictures correctly.
Reflective stage. The teacher offers to go to the chairs and sit down. — What new did you learn in class today? — Do you have favorite clothes? Why do you like her? — What did you like in class today? Why? The children pass and sit down. They recall games and game exercises and express their opinions.
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