Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group on the topic: “Types of transport” outline of a lesson on the outside world (senior group)

Types of transport is a fascinating and interesting topic for almost any little person. By introducing children to this topic, you can classify all vehicles and talk about the purpose of each of them. The task of parents and teaching staff is not only to familiarize themselves with various types of vehicles, but also to consolidate the acquired information through games.

Why do preschoolers need information about transport?

The full development of children can be achieved only by introducing them to the world around them. A child will always be interested in the question of what types of vehicles are there and why do people need them? It is not by chance that preschoolers are introduced to the classification of vehicles. This helps to enrich the vocabulary and consolidate the generic concept of “transport”. At the same time, they achieve the presence of other points:

  • The preschooler will learn to compare different types of transport and find some common or distinctive features in them.
  • If there is reason, he can unite individual representatives into a single group and somehow classify them.
  • You can teach a preschooler the rules of behavior that involve being in one or another type of vehicle.

All this will contribute to the development of personal qualities in the preschooler. This will contribute to the development of thinking, responsibility, and criticality.

Summary of educational activities for the development of speech on the topic “Transport” in the senior group.

The teacher asks 2 children to describe transport

, and say on what
Dunno will deliver his cargo.

Educator: Now children, try to name the object affectionately:

-Airplane (airplane)

; car, ship...

Great, you made me happy again. And now, we will have a little rest and new, interesting games await us.

Finger gymnastics “Chauffeur”

Have your hands ready, look carefully and repeat the movements and words after me.

The driver worked all day (rib-palm)

He is tired and dusty (imitation of shaking off dust)

He carried bricks and clay (bend fingers one at a time)

Rocks, logs and sand.

He transported everything to the construction site (circular movement with fingertips)

And went to the wash (movement of “washing palms”


Educator: Listen to the next task. "How does transport "

. I'll start a sentence, you have to finish it:

-The steamer is sailing, and the car... is driving, The tram is moving, and the plane... is flying,

The plane flies, and the bus... travels, the ship sails, and the train... travels.

Well done, you also coped with this task.

The next task is for attentiveness. Game “Flies or doesn’t fly”

Guys, I will show pictures if air transport

- you must show your wings (arms to the sides, and if not, then stomp your feet.

Helicopter - children put their arms out to the sides.

Tram - stomping feet.

Plane, bus.

Educator: Well done!

Children, what we studied today. What types of transport

, You know.
What type of transport
can Dunno use to deliver goods to the post office?

You worked well in class

so I will give you these pictures of
transport for coloring
. Teacher handing out car coloring pages

Developmental task:

Teach children to generalize and classify vehicles: cargo, passenger, fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, visual attention and perception.

Educational speech tasks:

write a descriptive story about this toy vehicle using questions:

- practice the practical use of words with affectionate and magnifying connotations;

- practical use of prefixed verbs;

- agree nouns with adjectives in number, gender, case;

- learn to compose a whole from parts (cut pictures).

Corrective task:

train children in the use of feminine and masculine nouns; expand your vocabulary on the topic “transport”.

Educational task:

teach children the rules of behavior in public transport through playful images.


toys transport, pictures of transport, cut-out pictures of transport, audio recording “Bus”, panorama of the city with images of transport.

Vehicle classification

The division is based on different principles. This could be a method of transportation or a destination. Depending on the method of transportation, vehicles are divided as follows:

  1. Ground type, in which the vehicle moves only on the ground or rails. An example would be a locomotive or an entire passenger (freight) train or bus.
  2. Water transport In this case, movement is carried out by water.
  3. Aviation mode of transport. Representatives of this category travel by air.

By purpose, transport is divided as follows:

  • Passenger view. As the name suggests, it is designed to carry passengers.
  • Horse-drawn look. Its main purpose is to transport goods. An example is a barge or an ordinary cart.
  • Special transport. It is intended to perform any specific tasks. A striking example of this type is a fire truck.
  • Agricultural type of vehicle. These are various tractors and combines designed to cultivate land for agricultural purposes.

Lesson summary on transport

Summary of the direct educational activities of children in the senior group on the topic: “Travel by transport.”

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”.


Continue introducing children to transport.



teach children to distinguish between types of transport: land, air, water, underground.


develop attention, the ability to substantiate your judgments, listen to each other’s answers to the end. To foster in children a friendly attitude towards each other and a sense of unity. Development of phonemic awareness


develop speech and thinking activity, expand the volume of vocabulary, consolidate grammatical skills. Development of phonemic awareness

Preliminary work:

looking at illustrations of transport, observing transport on a target walk, drawing transport.

Demo material:

illustration depicting fairy-tale characters - the three little pigs. Magnetic board, illustrations depicting modes of transport, colored pencils: red, blue, green, handouts depicting modes of transport.

Methodical techniques:

surprise moment, explanation, looking at illustrations, conversation - dialogue, didactic games, summing up, analysis.

GCD move:


At 9.30. let's get together -

We have a lot of important things to do

What we will do,

Tell me now?


We are developing speech. We will solve riddles, talk to each other, play...


Then let's begin!

(The teacher hangs an illustration depicting three little pigs on a magnetic board).


Your favorite fairy-tale characters have come to us. Let's remember the names of these fairy-tale heroes.


Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, Nif-Nif.


The cheerful piglets invite us to travel, but not on foot, and you have to guess what each of the piglets likes to travel on! Listen to their riddles.

I read riddles from piglets.

  1. Riddle from Naf-Naf. 2.
    Riddle from Nuf-Nuf.

I had a cart, an iron bird

But there was no horse spinning in the sky,

And suddenly she neighed, at the pilot's signal

She neighed and ran. He sits down on the ground.



  1. Riddle from Nif-Nif.

A steam locomotive without wheels!

What a miracle - a steam locomotive!

Has he gone crazy?

He went straight across the sea!



. Guys, how many of you remember what Naf-Naf’s favorite mode of transport is? Nif-Nifa? Nuf-Nuf?


Naf-Naf has a car, Nuf-Nuf has a plane, Nif-Nif has a steamboat.


How to call all these means of transportation in one word?




Why do you need transport?


Transport is needed to transport people and goods.


What kind of transport is there?


Transport can be by land, air, or water.


Why is transport called land (air, water)?


Transport is called ground transport because it moves on land (air, water).


Name the air transport?


Plane, helicopter, hot air balloon...


Name water transport?


Ship, steamer, boat, cutter...

  • Physical exercise “Colored palms”.

(Children perform tasks - red palm - jumping,

blue palm - children are walking, green - squatting)

Game "Divide into syllables"


Guys, your friends Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif brought you their favorite toys and want you to guess where and whose toy is.


The car is Naf-Naf's favorite toy because he loves to travel by land.


Who is driving the car?


The car is driven by a driver or chauffeur.


The airplane is Nuf-Nuf's favorite toy because he loves to travel by air.


Who flies the plane?


The plane is flown by a pilot or aviator.


The steamboat is Nif-Nif's favorite toy because he loves to travel by water.


Who controls the ship?


The captain controls the ship.


The piglets are wondering if you can divide the names of their favorite toys into syllables?


Ma - shi - na, SA - mo - fly, Pa - ro - move.

  • Game "Earth - Air - Water".
    (when the teacher names types of land transport, the children fold their arms straight, depicting a road; when the teacher names types of water transport, the children show waves with their hands; when the teacher names air transport, the children show “wings” with their hands).
  • Game "Make the right sentence."

Q. The piglets have prepared another task for you. You need to listen to the words and formulate the sentence correctly.

Car - road - go;

Airplane - sky - flies;

The boat - the river - floats.

  • Game "Logic puzzles"

1. A helicopter and a bicycle were flying across the sky. Which of them will fly faster?

2. The truck goes to the garage. What happens if it goes off the rails?

3. A boat and a bulldozer are sailing on the sea, who will be the first to enter the port?

  • Working at tables with handout tables.

(Classification of transport – circle land transport with a red pencil, air transport – with a blue pencil, water transport – with a green pencil).

  • Didactic game “Confused transport”.

  • Lesson summary:
  • What did we talk about today?
  • Did you enjoy the trip?
  • Which task did you find most interesting?
  • Don’t name who you think was the most active in the lesson!


You guys are great! They worked great in class.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 76

Summary of the direct educational activities of children in the senior group on the topic: “Travel by transport.”

Prepared by the teacher

Kisurina Galina Vasilievna

Voronezh 2018

Ground transportation, tasks for preschoolers

For movement, representatives of this species have wheels and tracks. They can also move on rails. Various types of vehicles are described to children.


Designed to transport passengers from one place to any point. The bus follows a specific route and makes stops along the way. Passengers get in and out of them. The same function is observed in the tram, but unlike the bus, it travels on rails. A trolleybus can also carry passengers. But the last two types differ from the bus in that they run on electricity, while the bus runs on gasoline.

Task “Who is the driver”


It can carry passengers as well as cargo. It moves on rails and carries out transportation between cities and villages, sometimes countries.

Fire engine

It is designed to extinguish fires. Such machines are equipped with light and sound signals. They are turned on when the car is going to put out a fire.

Task “Find the odd one out”


It transports sick people. Such machines are equipped with all the necessary equipment and also have signals.

Police car

It is designed to patrol roads and catch criminals. Such cars are equipped with a powerful engine so that they can reach high speed.

“Solve the crossword” task


It is used to transport goods.

There is also underground transport, for example, the metro. In order to use it, you need to go down underground on a special escalator.

Task "Count"

Traveling by various modes of transport

Contained in sections:

  • Transport. Class notes 1984

Showing publications 1-10 of 164. All sections | Types of transport. Class notes



The best

Lesson summary for FCCM “Introduction to modes of transport” FCCM Topic: “Introduction to modes of transport

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about land, water and air modes
of transport , places of movement of transport - land , water, air, the purpose of transport . Activate the dictionary on this topic. Materials: Images of transport ,...
Synopsis of collective artistic activity on application in the preparatory group “Types of space transport”

Topic: Types of space transport

Goal: To clarify children’s understanding of space
transport . Objectives: Educational: - To develop interest in children’s productive activities (application on the theme “space”
, children’s ability to identify various properties and relationships of objects...

Assignments for mastering the material

When introducing preschoolers to various types of vehicles, various games are used to help them remember them better. They can be represented by the following options:

  • Puzzles. They contribute to the development of logic, thinking, and intelligence.
  • Outdoor games. Each child is given a picture depicting some type of transport. There is a house where the corresponding transport base is located. The child’s task is to correctly identify it in relation to the type of vehicle depicted in the picture he received.
  • Puzzles. This is, for example, a picture of an airplane cut into pieces. The child finds a picture with the required part and talks about what it is intended for.

The information about transport received by a preschooler will contribute to his further development.

Topic of the week: “Transport” Schedule planning of ATS in the middle group


Artemyeva Svetlana Ivanovna, teacher

Ivanova Ekaterina Ilyinichna, teacher

MB Preschool Educational Institution DS “Golden Key”, Tarko-Sale.

Topic of the week: “Transport”

Goal: Expand children's understanding of types of transport and its purpose; about the rules of behavior in the city, basic traffic rules.

Develop the ability to classify types of transport according to the place of their movement - land, air, water; ability to reason and draw conclusions.

Consolidate the words in the active dictionary: passenger transport, cargo transport, passenger transport, land transport, water transport, air transport.

Final event: Entertainment-quiz “Transport Experts”

Date of the final event: 02/14/2020

Responsible for the final event: Teachers, children.

Topic of the day: “Water transport”

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Work on NQF Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

general educational institutions).

Direct educational


Educational activities in special moments
Group form of work Individual form of work
Morning Morning exercises. Goal: Raising emotional and muscle tone.

Teacher's story "River Station". Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the different types of river vessels; about their structure (bow, stern, bottom, deck) and functional purpose. (p. 25 Gubanova Developmental games for children). P/N “Pass the baton!” Purpose: to introduce a new game; develop coordination of movements.

Individual work with Nadya, Zarina and Anisa.

Game “Which stream is longer?

Teach children to find the longest stream by drawing a line. Develop attention, eye, visual perception, fine motor skills of fingers

A morning of joyful meetings, a lesson in politeness “Hello - Hello!” Children's stories about how they spent the weekend, what interesting things happened. Work in the corner: nature: watering plants. Teach children to independently determine the need for watering (by the color and condition of the soil, by the leaves of the plant), recall the watering technique, and activate the relevant concepts in the dictionary.

IZO: Offer “Water Transport” coloring pages. Goal: Continue to learn how to hold a pencil correctly, carefully paint over an image without going beyond the outline; ensure correct posture.

Conversation: “What kind of water transport did the children see in the summer on the river. Pur?” Introducing the theme of the week “Transport” (origami “Boat”.)

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents



1.OO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" 9.10-9.30 Modeling with design elements.

Topic: “A boat sails along the river”

Program content: Teach children to sculpt a boat from a block of plasticine, cutting off the excess (corners to form the bow) with a stack and completing the missing (mast, sail, flag). Show the relationship between sculpting methods and construction from parts (toothpick, paper).

(I.A. Lykova IZO p. 128 No. 57)

2.OO “Physical Development” (Phizo) 16.40-17.00

According to the plan of the physical education teacher.

Walk Monitoring the road, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing.

P/I "Crossing".

Teach children to jump from one hoop to another sideways, develop agility, speed, and endurance.

Ind. working with Vanya, Zarina and Ruslana. "Let's jump over the ditch." Teach children to jump over a narrow ditch (ropes), and then over a wide one. Labor: Elementary tasks - collecting toys after a walk. Independent play and physical activity of children with outdoor toys and sports equipment on the site. Removable materials: buckets, spatulas, ball, cars, dishes.
Evening Awakening gymnastics.

Goal: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children through physical exercise.

Consideration of the album “Military Equipment” of the Navy. Goal: to show the diversity of the Russian Navy; its purpose.

Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “The Ship”. Goal: Development of memory. Experimental activity with water “Battleship” (launching boats). Goal: To expand and clarify children’s understanding of the properties of water and paper, which manifest themselves during their interaction, and objects made of different materials.

Ind. work with Ilya, Nail and Zhenya on speech development

“Continue the sentence.”

Teach children to select words according to their meaning and form them into adjectives.

Household everyday life work

"Cleaning up toys." Purpose: To teach children to put away toys and building materials after playing. Develop interest in everyday work and respect for toys.

Independent activity at the center of cognitive development: Games with counting sticks.

Teach children to lay out a yacht or sailboat using sticks using a model.

Relay "On the Waves"

Teach children to jump on two legs with a ball in their hands from hoop to hoop, develop agility, speed, and endurance.

Ask parents to hold an explanatory conversation at home on “Rules of Conduct in Public Places.”
Walk Observing a non-living object:

Examination of the structure of houses: foundation, walls, windows, doors, roof, balconies.

Drawing 1-2 storey houses in the snow.

Topic of the day: “Ground transport”

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Work on NQF Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

general educational institutions).

Direct educational


Educational activities in special moments
Group form of work Individual form of work
Morning Morning exercises. Goal: Raising muscle tone.

Conversation about types of ground transport. Introduce ground transport, its types, and their components.

P/I “Colored cars”. Goal: to teach how to perform the correct actions at different traffic lights.

develop mindfulness;

Looking at a toy car

Teach children to name the components of a toy car: steering wheel, body, cabin, seats, hood, door, headlights, wheels. With Ali, Ilya and Karim.

Viewing images of ground transport.

Independent play activities of children. Teach children to choose their own games and maintain friendly relationships during games.

Introducing illustrations reflecting the theme of the day.

Offer “Ground Transport” coloring pages. Goal: Continue to learn how to hold a pencil correctly, carefully paint over an image without going beyond the outline; ensure correct posture.

KNS vehicles. Consultation for parents “Prevention of influenza and coronavirus.” Consent (signature) to transport children on the excursion “Mail” (Parcel to a Soldier).
GCD 1. NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” Music 9.00-9.20

According to the plan of the music worker. Preparations for February 23.

3. NGO “Speech Development” (speech development/fiction)

Topic: Reading the poems “Three Wonderful Colors” by A. Severny, “If…” O. Bedarev. Compilation of stories - description of the machine.

Program content: To introduce children to the perception of poetic speech. Continue learning to talk about the toy according to a certain plan (by imitation of the teacher).

(V.V. Gerbova Development of speech in kindergarten p. 34 No. 4)

Walk Excursion to the post office. Transport surveillance. Teach children to distinguish and name different types of transport. Improve your knowledge of trucks and cars.

P/I "Cars".

Teach to follow traffic rules.

Ind. work Exercise “Say the opposite”.

Teach children to name words

opposite in meaning. With L. Maryam, Vanya and Jobir.

Labor activity Clearing snow from paths and benches.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to help adults clear the snow from the area.

Independent play and physical activity of children with outdoor toys and sports equipment on the site. Removable materials: buckets, spatulas, ball, cars, dishes, hoops. Excursion to the post office.
Evening Gymnastics after sleep.

Review of the album “Military Equipment”. Goal: to show the diversity of ground transport in the Russian Federation; its purpose.

Memorizing the poem “Truck” by A. Barto.

Cards for dads. Goal: To teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué.

Ind. working with Nadya, Roma, Ali and Rayana.

according to FEMP


Teach children to make a train from parts, fix the names of geometric shapes.

CP game “Chauffeurs”, plot “Going to the forest”. teach children to develop the plot of the game, to play out various situations that may occur on the road. Develop dialogical speech. KGN. We remind you to be careful with water. We teach you to wash your hands cleanly with soap. Dry your hands and face with a towel. Individual conversations at the request of parents.
Walk P/I "Mousetrap". Goal: to develop dexterity, the ability to act after a signal.

Game exercise with hockey sticks.

"Hit the gate." Teach children how to handle a stick and puck.

Topic of the day: “Air transport”

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Work on NQF Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

general educational institutions).

Direct educational


Educational activities in special moments
Group form of work Individual form of work
Morning Morning exercises. Conversation about helicopter, airplane and air. Teach children to listen to the teacher’s story, maintain a conversation, and express their point of view. Experimenting “Who is the balloon’s friend?” Goal: to generalize children’s ideas about air and its properties, promoting the formation of cognitive interest.

P/N “Be careful!”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to act on a signal, knowledge of the rules of the road.

Individual. Job

with Gulfina, Edik and Nail. D/I “Who and where?” Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to navigate in space.

Canteen duty.

Learn how to properly set the table and distribute responsibilities among yourself.

Duty: assistance in organizing NOD.

Offer coloring pages “Air transport”. Goal: Continue to learn how to hold a pencil correctly, carefully paint over an image without going beyond the outline; ensure correct posture. Looking at photographs of the airport and the “helicopter” in Tarko-Sale. Video consultation for parents “Komarovsky School” (Why do children get sick?)
GCD 1.OO “Cognitive Development” (Mathematical and sensory development) 9.00-9.30

Program content: Continue to practice counting objects by touch within 5. Strengthen ideas about the meaning of words yesterday, today, tomorrow. Learn to compare three objects by width, arrange them in descending and ascending order, denote the results of the comparison with the words: wide, narrower, narrowest, narrow, wider, widest.

(I.A. Pomoraeva FEMP p. 37 No. 1)

2.OO “Physical development” (physical physical education on a walk) 10.40-11.00

Program content: Exercise children in stepping over obstacles and throwing snowballs at a distance.

(L.I. Penzulaeva FISO p. 62 No. 21)

3. NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” DRAWING

Topic: "Balloon".

Program content: Continue to introduce children to the techniques of depicting round and oval objects; develop hand motor skills; cultivate the desire to achieve good results.

(Note attached).

Walk Observation of air transport if possible (airplane or helicopter). Goal: to expand knowledge about air transport, its use and purpose. P/I "Airplanes". Strengthen the ability to run with your arms straightened without bumping into or touching each other; land with the engine turned off. Exercise “Mine, mine, mine.” Goal: to form the grammatical structure of speech. With Ali, Jobir and Rayana. Labor activity.

Clearing the area of ​​snow.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to collectively improve your site.

Independent play and physical activity of children with outdoor toys and sports equipment on the site. Remote material.

Spatulas, buckets, molds, machines.

Evening Gymnastics after sleep.

Consideration of the album "Military Equipment" of the Air Force. Goal: to show the diversity of the Russian air forces; its purpose.

Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “Airplane”.

Cards for dads. Goal: To teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué.

Develop the computer game “Teddy Bear” with the remaining children. Goal: to develop attention, logical thinking, memory. IR with Ali, Zarina and Ilya - continue to teach how to put on shoes correctly. Floor game "Airport" (paper airplanes).

Teach children how to handle paper toys. Develop communication skills and the ability to play together.

Consultation for parents: “Tips on road safety.” (You are a model of behavior for children. You are an object of love and imitation for a child. This must always be remembered, and even more so when you take a step onto the roadway with your baby...)
Walk p/i “Find your house”,

Goal: to develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly on a signal, and accurately follow the rules of the game.

p/I "Sparrows of Hiccups". (repetition of the rules of the game)

Topic of the day: “Traffic rules”

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Work on NQF Interaction with parents/social

ny partners (theatres, sports, art schools, general education

telial institutions).

Direct educational


Educational activities in special moments
Group form of work Individual form of work
Morning Morning exercises.

D/I "Road signs". Goal: to develop in children knowledge, skills and practical habits of safe behavior on the road and street.

P/I "Safety Island".

Goal: to develop in children attentiveness and the ability to act on a signal.

I/R with L. Maryam, Vanya and Kira. Reading a poem by A. Barto from the “Ship” cycle. “Airplane”, “Truck” Purpose: helping children remember poems, promoting expressive reading. Independent activity in activity centers Play activities with favorite toys – enrich children’s play experience, show an example of story-based actions with various toys Free creative activity: look at illustrations on the topic “Traffic Rules”, suggest coloring pages on the topic of the week. Memo “Prevention of ARVI”. Children with signs of a cold should not be admitted to day care.
GCD 1.OO “Cognitive Development” (Acquaintance with the environment) 9.30-9.50

Topic: "Transport".

Program content: Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about the methods and characteristics of human movement in different environments; clarify and expand children's understanding of traffic rules.

(Hello, world (environment world) A.A. Vakhrushev p.206 No. 9).

2.OO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" MUSIC 16:35-16-55

Entertainment “We will serve in the army.” Purpose: to bring joy from entertainment; cultivate a sense of respect and pride for the Motherland, defenders, and men.

Walk Observation of the street and road.

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about the street, road, sidewalk; about trucks and cars; give basic knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street. Develop observation skills.

P/I “Red, yellow, green.”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of traffic lights, develop attention and speed of reaction.

I/R with Roma, Edik and Gulfina. “Hit the target, knock down the pin” – development of the eye in children. Labor activity.

Clearing paths from snow.

Goal: to cultivate hard work.

Independent play and physical activity of children with outdoor toys and sports equipment on the site. Remote material.

Spatulas, buckets, molds, machines.

Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths.

P/N “Run to me.” Learn to navigate in space, strengthen your leg muscles.

Rehearsal for the matinee. "February 23". Goal: repeat the basic dance movements; learning songs. Education of patriotic feelings.

Cards for dads. Goal: To teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué.

Individual work “Assemble a road sign.” Goal: develop the ability to assemble a whole from pieces. With Zarina, Sasha and Karim. Role-playing games at the request of children (shop, hospital, hairdresser).

Create conditions for productive activity, clarify that after the game everything should be in its place, teach children order and self-control.

Free drawing on the theme of the week (using strokes, stencils, different types of paper, crayons, colored pencils, on a board, easel)
Walk P/I "Sparrows and the car." Goal: continue to teach children to run quickly when given a signal, but not to bump into each other, to start moving and change it according to a signal from the teacher, to find their place. P/I “Fishing Rod” - practice jumping in place.

Topic of the day: “Special equipment”

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) Work on NQF Interaction with parents/social partners (theatres, sports, art schools,

general educational institutions).

Direct educational


Educational activities in special moments
Group form of work Individual form of work
Morning Morning exercises.

Review of the album “Special equipment”. Purpose: Show the variety and purpose of specials. technology.

P/I relay race “Jolly Tram”.

Goal: develop reaction speed; consolidate ideas about transport.

D/I “Babushkino Lukoshko” (vegetables and fruits) - about healthy products

With Zhenya and Vanya.

Strengthen children’s ability to say hello, express gratitude for services, and politely ask for help. Illustrations on the theme of the week - day.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Public transport of our city. Recommendations for parents:

Explain and follow traffic rules on the way to kindergarten.

GCD 1.OO “Physical Development” FISO 9.00 – 9.20

According to the plan of the physical education teacher.

2. NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” (Applique/design) 9.30-9.50 APPLICATION

Topic: "Car"

Program content: introduce children to the cutting technique of applicative mosaics: tear strips of paper into pieces and stick them within the drawn outline. Arouse interest in creating an expressive color image. Develop fine motor skills and coordination in both hands. Foster independence.

(I.A. Lykova IZO p. 120 No. 53).

Walk Monitoring of special-purpose vehicles, if available (fire, ambulance, police, sewer, etc.). Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish and correctly name the name of transport.

P/I “Colored cars”.

Goal: develop mindfulness; learn to perform the correct actions at different traffic lights.

Ind. work in subgroups (girls and boys). Development of movements - practice jumping on two legs, moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m. Labor: Replenish the feeders - involve children in feeding the birds, cultivate a caring attitude towards birds. D/I “Mittens and gloves”

Ts.: to consolidate ideas about how mittens differ from gloves; promote the development of coherent speech.

Remote material.

Spatulas, buckets, molds, machines.

Evening Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths.

Situational conversation “Why you need to know the last name, first name and patronymic of your parents.” Reading K. Chukovsky: “I am my mother’s only son.” Discussion about what you read. Develop monologue speech. PI “Find where it’s hidden.” Goal: to develop endurance and observation in children.

I/R: Together with a teacher in a corner of nature - To develop the ability to care for indoor plants. With a subgroup of remaining children. S/R game "Bus". Goal: to form ideas about professions, improvise, use the attributes of the game. Entertainment quiz “Transport Experts”. Goals: to consolidate the rules of correct behavior on the road and sidewalk; clarify knowledge of types of transport and its purpose, distinctive features, names of professions related to transport.
Walk Observations of trees and shrubs.

Goal: to consolidate the recognition of trees by appearance, the ability to distinguish between a tree and a bush.


1. Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Middle group / - Moscow: Creative Center SPHERE, 2009. - 128 p.

2. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Middle group / - Moscow: MOSAIC-SINEZ, 2021. - 34 p.

3. Pomoraeva I.A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Middle group / - Moscow: MOSAIC-SYNEZ, 2021. - 37 p.

4. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. Middle group / - Moscow: MOSAIC-SINEZ, 2015. - 62 p.

5. Hello world! The world around us for preschoolers / A.A. Vakhrushev (and others) - Moscow: Balass, 2006. - 206 p.

6. Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Middle group / - Moscow: Creative Center SPHERE, 2009. - 120 p.


“Evidence of publication in the media” Series A No. 0007276, 0007277

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching materials: - Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games; — Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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1. “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region” is an officially registered specialized media outlet at the federal level. 2. The activities of the editorial office are supported by the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region 3. We issue a “Certificate of Publication” in the media. 4. The document has a unique number, is entered in the register, has the original seal of the editorial office of the online publication and signature. 5. “Certificate of publication” in the media is sent to the author in both paper and electronic versions.

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