Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson for children with special needs “Spring has come”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of an open frontal speech therapy lesson in the “Spring” preparatory group


  • clarify and expand children’s knowledge on the topic “Spring” ; expand and activate children’s vocabulary on this topic;

Correctional educational tasks:

  • consolidate the skills of word formation and inflection: agreement of nouns with adjectives; nouns with verbs; select adjectives for nouns.
  • develop coherent speech; strengthen the ability to answer questions in complete sentences;

Corrective and developmental tasks:

improve phonemic awareness; practice proper breathing; develop fine motor skills, memory, attention, thinking; Correctional and educational tasks:

  • to instill in children a sense of love and respect for nature, to teach correct behavior in nature.

Wellness tasks:

-development of coordination of speech with movement, self-massage, su-joko therapy.

Equipment: a toy sun, pictures depicting the seasons, pictures depicting signs of spring, pictures for the game “What did the artist mix up?”, su-jok balls, drawings of flowers for coloring, pencils.

Preliminary work: observing spring changes in nature while walking, reading poems about spring, learning the “Maple” .

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment: (there is a toy “sun” )

Speech therapist: Guys, look who came to visit us?

Children: Sunny.

Speech therapist: let's greet the sun and each other. But you will learn what we will talk about in class from the poem that I will read.

(The speech therapist reads the riddle)

It gets light early in the morning. Thaws here and there. The stream is noisy like a waterfall, Starlings are flying to the birdhouse,

Drops are ringing under the roofs, The bear has gotten up from the spruce tree, The sun is warmly caressing everyone. Who knows this time of year?


(children finish in chorus: spring).

Can you guess what time of year we'll be talking about?

Children: about spring

Speech therapist: Everyone is happy about spring, looking forward to it. In the old days they believed that spring did not come on its own. Previously, they invited spring to visit and said these words... Spring is red! We invite you to visit! Come quickly! Bring with you... Let each of you ask spring for something.

{The speech therapist passes the sun toy, determining the order of answers. Children ask spring to bring: good weather, warm sun, green grass, warm breeze, singing birds, snowdrops, etc. They sit on chairs).

II. Main part.

Speech therapist: Guys, look. Here are pictures depicting the seasons (there are 3 pictures of the seasons on the board: spring, autumn, winter). Determine which picture shows spring. And prove why you think so? (Children's answers. For example, the second picture shows spring. Children, depending on the image in the picture, name the signs of spring, the speech therapist seeks a complete answer: This is spring, because the snow is melting,... icicles are dripping from the roofs,... birds have flown in,... the children are wearing spring clothes clothes, etc.).

Speech therapist: Well done, you chose the right words.

Speech therapist: The beautiful spring has returned to earth. Let's feel her touch.

1. (A facial massage is performed).

The bright spring sun is shining, stroking and caressing our face. The rain is still cold. — tapping with fingertips In the mornings, sometimes the frost still tingles. - tingling And yet the sun is shining stronger. - stroking again

2. Articulation gymnastics “The History of the Merry Tongue”

Spring has come, and the sun is shining brightly in the sky (open your mouth, lick your lips 3 times in one direction, 3 in the other). From its rays droplets began to drip loudly (click tongue). Tongue got dressed and went into the forest. He walked slowly along the path and heard the birds singing merrily: “Ku-ku-ku ,” the cuckoo crowed high on the spruce tree (onomatopoeia). “D-d-d ,” the woodpecker knocked on the tree bark, looking for small bugs (onomatopoeia). Everything sang and came to life in the spring forest. How long or short, but soon the path of the tongue led to a wonderful clearing (scapula). The tongue sat on a stump (fungus) and looked around (watch). Many snowdrops bloomed in the clearing. The tongue admired them for a long time. Soon the clouds covered the sun (open your mouth, slowly close it 5 times). Tongue hurried home to his mother.

3. Didactic game “Clap your hands”

Speech therapist: Guys, now be careful. I will name the words, and you clap your hands if you hear a word related to spring.

Words: warms, leaf fall, melts, blizzard, murmurs, warm, brighter, cold, swells, snowflakes, flood, arrives, thawed patches, frost, drops, ice drift, blizzard, snowfall, sun.

(The speech therapist asks to explain the words: thawed patches, drops, ice drift)

Speech therapist: And in the spring nature comes to life, and animals wake up, Hedgehog also woke up, he decided to travel.

(the speech therapist draws the children’s attention to su-jok)

4. Su-Jok therapy “The Tale of the Hedgehog”

In a fairy-tale forest, in a small cozy house, there lived a little Hedgehog. Show the ball in your open palm.

The hedgehog was small and therefore afraid of everything. He either looked out of his house or hid.

Squeeze and unclench your palm with the Su-Jok ball several times

One early spring morning the Hedgehog wanted to go for a walk. He came out of his house, looked around and ran along the path with his little legs. The path was narrow and winding.

Roll the ball back and forth across your palm.

The Hedgehog ran for a long time. And suddenly he found himself near a large raging river. And a thin bridge was thrown across the river.

Circular movements of the ball across the palm - first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

He carefully stepped with his small feet onto the narrow bridge - took one step, then a second, third, fourth, fifth - and crossed to the other side!

Roll the ball over each finger, starting with the thumb.

And there is a clearing - big, round, beautiful!

Circular movements with the ball in the palm of your hand.

In the clearing there are visible and invisible primroses: snowdrops, crocuses, coltsfoot, lungwort, and tulips! Beautiful, like in a fairy tale!

Roll the ball over each finger, starting with the thumb, for each flower name.

The hedgehog really liked the clearing, he walked around it, stepped onto the bridge - one step, two, three, four. The fifth... and he's on the other side!

Roll the ball over each finger, starting with the thumb.

The Hedgehog ran quickly - first along a winding path, then along a straight line. I got to my house!

Roll the ball back and forth across your palm.

And when evening came, the Hedgehog closed his house, lay down in his crib and fell into a sweet sleep! Hold the ball in your palm.

5. Exercise “Divide the word into syllables”

Speech therapist. Now we will play the game “Divide the word into syllables” . Let's divide into syllables the signs of spring, which are depicted in the pictures attached to the magnetic board (cloud, snowdrop, grass, sun, stream, cloud, tree, birdhouse, bud, thawed patch.)

6. Exercise “What did the artist mix up?”

Speech therapist. Guys, look at what picture the absent-minded artist painted? It depicts spring. But did the artist depict everything correctly?

7. Exercise “Maple” (coordination of speech with movement)

Outside the window, the icicle is melting (Children stand with their faces turned in a circle. Perform 4 jumps, keeping their hands on their belts)

The wind tears the clouds to shreds. (Arms up. Torso tilts left and right)

Unclenches, unclenches (Hands in front of chest, elbows down; slowly

Maple tight fists. unclench their fists)

He leaned against the window. (4 jumps)

Ah, as soon as the snow melts, (Tilts)

Give me a green palm (They turn to face each other and extend

Maple will last the longest. right hands to each other - handshake)

Speech therapist: And now guys, I suggest you color the spring flowers and create your own spring meadow. (The speech therapist gives the children drawn but not painted flowers: snowdrops, lilies of the valley, daffodils, mimosas, dandelions, tulips. The children paint them).

Speech therapist: Guys, what a wonderful spring meadow we have. Great!

III. Lesson summary

Speech therapist: Guys, you are so great. Today's lesson was interesting. Did you like it? Look, the sun is not easy, there is a pocket here. (The speech therapist takes out sweet prizes from the toy)

BU KHMAO Ugra "Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities "Good Wizard"


Summary of an open frontal speech therapy lesson in a preparatory group on the topic “Spring”

Performed by speech therapist G.R. Davletova.

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