Lesson summary “Pantomime artists as a means of speech development in children”

Pantomime is a type of stage art known since ancient times and always popular, the main means of expression of which are the artist’s facial expressions and plasticity. Elements of pantomime are often found in folk dances, are common in modern acting and are widely used in training young artists in the art of acting on stage.

“Pantomime is the poetry of silence.” Joseph Michael Kreutzer.

The tasks facing a mime actor are, in essence, indistinguishable from the tasks of a dramatic actor. This:

  1. Creating a bright stage image.
  2. Continuous action in the fight against proposed circumstances.
  3. Emotional expressiveness and recognition.

The main difference is that the mime does not use speech, the absence of which is compensated by a variety of non-verbal expressive means - plasticity, facial expressions, and gestures.

Despite the grotesque and exaggerated nature of the gestural, facial and plastic techniques used in pantomime, they all come from life, from human emotional reactions and their physical expressions. That is why pantomime lessons are taught not only at the Faculty of Theater Arts, but also in areas not related to stage practice: from lessons in seducing girls to methods of investigation and diplomatic negotiations.

At the Benefis theater studio, great attention is paid to the art of pantomime. It is taught to both adults and children. Our teachers know that pantomime is a great way to master stage movement and plastic techniques. Our students explore the capabilities of their body and learn to convey their thoughts and emotions through gestures. The art of pantomime relieves psychological tension, develops reaction and balance, and increases joint mobility. This type of physical activity is very beneficial for both children and adults.

Choose the most suitable course for yourself. We conduct classes for adults and children in the center of Moscow.

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  • host and dragon costumes
  • shields (according to the number of guests), cut out of a cardboard box and children's coloring books with images of Vikings or dragons (not painted) glued to them. The handle for the shield is made from adhesive tape.
  • face painting
  • modeling balls (swords)
  • blanks for Viking helmets (how to make them will be described below)
  • map of the road to the island with the names of the islands written backwards
  • jump rope
  • cards with words (+ with pictures, for those who cannot read)
  • a large sheet of paper with a drawn oval of a face, felt-tip pens.
  • large, thick trash bags (replaces race bags)
  • balloons with dragon names inside. The mouths of dragons are drawn on the balls.
  • dart with a sharp tip
  • clothespins



: Dear squad, we are glad to welcome you on our drakkar (Viking ship). Today we have gathered here to properly celebrate the birthday of our leader Iron Hammer (child's name). And it’s also high time to raid Dragon Island, since according to rumors, a particularly terrible and dangerous dragon, the Fire Nibbler, has appeared on this island.

However, I see that many of you are not ready for such a glorious battle. And without a shield, sword, helmet and war paint, a Viking has nothing to do on this island.

First, children are given coloring boards, which they must color with felt-tip pens. After this, using face painting, we give all the children war paint.


: Great, squad. Now come one by one to me and get your swords!

It is carried out according to the knighting scheme. The leader taps the child on the shoulder with a sword and names him with the name of a real Viking, for example: Deafening Thunder, Dragon Slayer, and so on.


: Well, now you are real Vikings. And they, as you know, were brave warriors! Come on, try your martial art on me.

The leader fights off the Viking attack.


: Eh, you are hot heads! You fight well, but I won’t let you go to the Island of Dragons without a helmet - as soon as the Dragon Nibbler breathes fire, you will perish there with your whole squad.

Children, with the help of adults, make their own helmets. For example, from pieces of wallpaper according to an origami pattern. Or from cardboard, like this:

Helmet blanks must be prepared in advance! (see props).


: It’s time to board the ship and set off, we have a long way to sail and there will be stops along the way. The Vikings are known to be good sailors, so let's chart the path of our ship. Hmm, our old cartographer Gremlik has done something clever here... I can’t read anything, everything on this map is encrypted.

With the help of clues, children read the correct names: Loki Bay, Shark Strait, Thor Island, Dragon Island, etc. A map with the names of stops written backwards (encrypted) must be prepared in advance (see details).


: Let's hit the road! First stop: Loki Bay. Oho, what do we have here? Look at the whirlpool in the sea. Come on, which of the squad can hold out longer?

A regular game with a skipping rope to see who can jump how many times (twisted by two adults).


: Great, here’s our first stop - let’s sit down and rest. The Vikings, by the way, were excellent storytellers, and could tell all sorts of tall tales without blinking an eye in order to surprise their friends and scare their enemies. Let's take turns writing a short story about our extraordinary adventures. Only in the story you will need to use the words that I will show you. Well, let's begin: “One night I opened my eyes and saw outside the window...”

Example words: bat, spoon, awl, pink elephant, fire...


: It was a nice story. Well, well, let's sail on. Judging by the map, we are in Shark Strait. Only a very attentive navigator can cross it, since not only sharks, but also krakens, and just sea monsters are found here. I will carefully watch the sea and if I shout: “Shark,” you will have to jump from the ship to the right. If I see a kraken, you jump to the left, but if you notice a sea monster, then return to the ship! If anyone made a mistake, don’t blame me, you’ll have to wait here for the command!

A jump rope is placed on the ground - this is a ship. The leader shouts the names of the sea monsters until one of the Viking team remains.


: Well done! So we arrived at the site of our second stop, Thor Island. Thor was one of the Viking gods and was known as a formidable and powerful warrior. Many artists tried to convey the appearance of this god, but not everyone succeeded. Let's try to draw his portrait. We'll just do it blindfolded.

Each child must draw a feature of Thor's face while blindfolded. The team can give advice to the artist.

Children are given large, thick garbage bags, and they must jump in them to the designated shore.


: Here we are. Let's rest before the glorious battle. And we will play the ancient Viking game “Menki”.

An “artifact” is placed on the ground and one of the children is appointed as its guard. The guard is armed with a sword (balloon for simulation). The other children are trying to steal this artifact. Whoever the guard hits with his sword becomes a guard. . An artifact can be any item. The ancient Vikings, when playing this game, stuck a simple peg into the ground. There are no winners as such in this game. Children play until they get bored.


: And here is the cave of dragons. Most of them are harmless, but somewhere among them hides the terrible Dragon Zubastic.

Pantomime script

When planning holiday events, you need to choose a scenario that includes various interesting games. As a good option, you can offer a pantomime script, which will certainly interest the participants of the event. The basis of this scenario is a game of pantomime.

What is pantomime? Pantomime: its essence is known to many - it is necessary to show the word without words, which the other participants must guess.

To lead the holiday and the games themselves, you will need a person who will become the host.

Presenter: – Our festive evening begins. We are glad to welcome all guests. Today the theme of our holiday is pantomime. This is one of the types of stage art in which it is necessary to create an artistic image only through the plasticity of the human body. No words are used. Today, every participant of the holiday will be able to play the role of a pantomime. Participating in the games prepared for you will allow you to learn this amazing art. So, I suggest starting with a game that will allow us to feel like we were in childhood, since many of us played it in our youth. Who wants to take part in an interesting game?

Next, the pantomime script includes the first competition. For this, one participant is initially invited. He will have to show the word that will be written on a piece of paper pulled out of a special box. It is necessary to show without words, only with the help of gestures and movements. All other participants will have to guess this word. The person who names the word first will then show the words. The participant who became the most active and guessed the most words wins a prize.

Presenter: – This game was a great warm-up. Many of us have realized exactly how pantomimes need to be shown. But our celebration does not end with this game. A large number of equally interesting games have been prepared for the participants. Now we will guess the songs!

The next competition, which is included in the pantomime script, is that the participant must show a song without words. All retired guests present at the holiday must guess it. As in the previous game, whoever says the word first gets to reveal the song next. You can display the title of the song or the name of the artist or musical group. You can also show the plot of the song. The most important thing is not to pronounce the words and so that the other participants can guess the musical composition.

Presenter: – This competition showed that the participants of the festival are getting better and better at showing pantomimes. I see that you will soon master this art very well. But we don't stop there. Now a participant is invited for a more complex competition. Thanks to this competition, you and I will be able to get to know each other better.

After this, another competition is held. One person is invited for this. The task is to understand which particular person from the guests present the participant is showing. In this case, the participant himself must show this person’s hobby or profession. After the guest is guessed, he next comes out to show another guest. The competition continues until all guests have been shown and guessed.

Host: – It was a wonderful competition! Now we know each other’s hobbies and areas of activity better. Our festive evening dedicated to the art of pantomime is coming to an end. I am sure that the minutes spent during the celebration brought pleasure and pleasant emotions to all the guests present. Now each of you has acquired the skills of this interesting direction in the performing arts.

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two cupids with bows and arrows come out to do their job. An unusual scene where participants will need to go down to the auditorium.

The plot is this: girls decide what to give their boyfriends on February 23rd. Only ladies participate in the scene. Finally, a legitimate reason to throw the men into the auditorium and enjoy the scene to the fullest.

This skit can be staged on March 8th and on a bachelorette party. The plot is already revealed in the title: best friends tell everyone the secret of how to make and not lose best friends. All, of course, with humor.

A skit for March 8, in which men will joke about typical feminine things. This sketch will be a good addition to the concert dedicated to International Women's Day.

It’s difficult not only for women before February 23, but also for men before March 8. Everyone is solving the most difficult problem - what to give?! This is exactly what we joke about in this scene.

This sketch can be shown at a concert in honor of March 8th, and at a corporate event at a beauty salon or store. Everyone wants to laugh at stereotypical approaches to female beauty.

Imagine that car designers finally decided to create a purely women's car. And even give it to women on March 8th. You understand that this scene is very funny.

A scene for a birthday or anniversary. It can be quickly shown on any free spot in a cafe or restaurant. For the joy of the birthday boy and for the amusement of the guests.

Another humorous skit on the topic of finding a gift for a birthday. Choosing a gift is especially difficult. And in this case, the problem seems completely unsolvable. Both the guests and the birthday boy recognize themselves in this story.

By the way, this scene is also suitable for an anniversary. From five to 10 people can participate in it. The more, the more fun the scene will be.


Purpose: to give the concept of pantomime, mime in the theater;
determine the role and place of pantomime in theatrical art; introduce pantomime performers (mimes); reveal the features of pantomime performance. Objectives: develop the ability to use facial expressions and gestures in life;

learn to control your body; to cultivate love and interest in theatrical activities, to cultivate a culture of behavior for both the performer and the viewer.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, task cards, booklet “Mime games for preschool children”

Pantomime (Pantomimos translated from ancient Greek: the one who depicts everything) is the art of creating an image using facial expressions and plasticity, a theatrical performance in which the characters express themselves not with words, but with facial expressions.

The main thing in pantomime is bright facial expressions and expressive movements. Classical pantomime came to us from the ancient Greek theater, where performances were given to a huge audience. Beggars, powerless, not having not only the right to life, but also the right to death (even before the end of the 18th century they were forbidden to be buried in city cemeteries), folk comedians roamed the world. Their theater halls were market squares, their audience was a crowd gathered around barrels on which boards were laid. It is difficult to hear words in the open air; in this case, movement and gesture were much more expressive. There was one more circumstance: folk actors were by their very nature seditious; they hated policemen, traders, and rich people. Buffoons of all nations ridiculed the oppressors hated by the people. And it was much safer to do this without words.

Actors convey their feelings and emotions to the viewer through expression not only with gestures, but also with the whole body, as well as facial expressions. This art is quite complex, because the main task of the actor is to convey to the viewer the full depth of the scene being played out.

— Who guessed what the actor in pantomime is called? (Mime)

A mime is capable of portraying not only people, animals and objects, but also performing an entire historical performance alone, so that the viewer feels the presence of many characters on stage.

The traditional form of pantomime is miniature, which is a mini-play.

Pantomime for children today is used as an educational game. Children love pantomime and often show off their talents.

At what age can children perform pantomimes? You can begin to introduce children to emotions in the younger group after the end of the adaptation period: children can already learn the necessary concepts, their vocabulary is replenished with words denoting emotions, although the word “emotion” itself is not introduced, it is replaced by the concept “mood”, which is more accessible to a child of this age " In early preschool age, children willingly show various animals using facial expressions and gestures: cat, cow, dog, hare, bear, fox, wolf. These animals are the main characters in children's fairy tales. Children can not only listen to fairy tales, but also often show and tell them. There are a lot of “Tell Poems with Your Hands” tutorials, where you use movements to show this or that line of a poem. Firstly, children quickly memorize the poem, and secondly, the child’s emotional sphere develops and his theatrical abilities are revealed. You can spontaneously come up with movements for any poem together with your children. You need to teach your child to play in public. Thus, it will be possible to remove excess shyness from the child. And most importantly, by showing pantomimes, children train their imagination and fantasy. Another game "Snowball". (cards or just everyone comes up with it themselves)

The first child draws out the task and performs an action, for example, rubbing his palms together. The card is put aside. The next child draws his card. He needs to repeat the action of the first player - rub his palms - and his own, jump on one leg. The third must draw a card, and then perform the actions of his comrades who have already drawn cards. And then also sit down 5 times. Thus, the game will continue until one of the children is able to complete all the tasks in order. You can play snowball without cards. In this case, the children should simply come up with tasks and their neighbors should repeat them. For older preschoolers, this option is quite acceptable. But for children of middle groups, it is better to give cards.

"Fairy Tales Alive" The pantomime fairy tale for children is popular. Both well-known fairy tales and new fables are perfect for such pantomimes. And most importantly, by depicting everything that the child hears, he remembers the meaning of the work.

The pantomime game for children requires practice. The child will quickly come up with actions and tasks only if he has such practice. The benefits of pantomimes as from any game, a child can take a lot out of grimaces and crocodile. His acting skills will improve time after time. The child will quickly be able to depict any emotion. Pantomimes help a child improve their memory. After all, when you play such games often, you want to avoid repeating yourself and have to remember how this or that animal was shown in the previous game. Fairy tales that children play out are especially good for developing memory. After all, here the skill of doing two things at the same time is practiced. The child has to train his auditory memory. After all, he needs to hear, understand and come up with something to show. If you don’t have time to read fairy tales, you can play audiobooks for your children. This will be a good help.

One of the most common pantomime games is “Crocodile”, which I invite you to play. But I'll change the rules a little. The presenter’s task is to pull out a card and show what is written there, and the players’ task is to guess the task on the cards: “The bull is swinging,” “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

And as is customary in the theater, let's applaud each other. And at the end, I would like to give you booklets describing some pantomime games for children of different ages, which you can use in your practice.

Sketch about school, studying

From the title of the skit it is already clear that it is the most school-themed one. The plot is this: the school director calls a meeting to prepare the educational institution for the arrival of a strict inspection.

It’s always interesting to imagine how children will be taught this way in forty or fifty years. And if you add humor to these dreams, you will get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This sketch will look natural in a concert on the occasion of the last bell or graduation at school. It can be played by both teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov quit his TV shows and began working as a literature teacher. In the skit we tried to show what his lesson would look like.

Imagine that, due to the crisis, it was decided to hold a summit of leaders from all countries of the world in one of the children's health camps. The skit is also good because it is popular, but everyone doesn’t need to learn the words.

New Year's scenes

Dynamic, modern, and most importantly, a funny New Year's scene. The beginning is like this: Santa Claus reads the letters of the children and is completely disappointed in them.

Scenario for a New Year's party for primary schoolchildren. Jack Sparrow, young hacker, Father Frost and Snow Maiden in one scenario. We guarantee humor!

Sketch-dialogues for two hosts of the New Year's evening. They will help out your concert and connect even the most disparate numbers with each other. The jokes are light, funny, New Year's jokes.

Anything can happen during the New Year holidays. The skit is about exactly this: the artistic director gives a scolding to the artists who performed at children's New Year's matinees. A sketch in the spirit of a Comedy club with a fair amount of childish humor.

A new, up-to-date scenario for a children's New Year's party. Recognizable modern characters: Cashier of Pyaterochka, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, and the symbol of the new year 2021 - Pig.

The classic battle of the Old and New Years has been transferred to the walls of an ordinary office. The scene is suitable for a corporate New Year's party. If your department is asked to stage a skit, take it and don’t suffer.

The plot of the sketch is as follows: astrologers-predictors compete in predicting the New Year for office employees. As you understand, you can weave all your intra-office joys and current events into the scene. Success at the New Year's corporate party is guaranteed!

Let's go back three hundred years and imagine how Russia switched to celebrating the New Year in winter. Let's do this in the form of a fun scene. If you rent theatrical costumes, the scene will be simply bombastic.

A current New Year's scene on a school theme. About how difficult it is for schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. Suitable for school or student KVN on a New Year's theme.

The plot of the scene is this: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for training Santa Clauses. How can they do without preparation?! You can show such a scene at KVN and at the New Year’s concert.

Pantomime is a type of stage art known since ancient times and always popular, the main means of expression of which are the artist’s facial expressions and plasticity. Elements of pantomime are often found in folk dances, are common in modern acting and are widely used in training young artists in the art of acting on stage.

“Pantomime is the poetry of silence.” Joseph Michael Kreutzer.

The tasks facing a mime actor are, in essence, indistinguishable from the tasks of a dramatic actor. This:

  1. Creating a bright stage image.
  2. Continuous action in the fight against proposed circumstances.
  3. Emotional expressiveness and recognition.

The main difference is that the mime does not use speech, the absence of which is compensated by a variety of non-verbal expressive means - plasticity, facial expressions, and gestures.

Despite the grotesque and exaggerated nature of the gestural, facial and plastic techniques used in pantomime, they all come from life, from human emotional reactions and their physical expressions. That is why pantomime lessons are taught not only at the Faculty of Theater Arts, but also in areas not related to stage practice: from lessons in seducing girls to methods of investigation and diplomatic negotiations.

Words for the game Crocodile


stripper, plumber, sign language interpreter, croupier, fireman, truck driver, psychiatrist, elevator operator, prosecutor, midwife, sculptor, director, dog handler, astronaut, collector, diplomat, crane operator, chemist, flight attendant, merchandiser, miner, gynecologist, beekeeper, designer, electrician, trainer, promoter, archaeologist, veterinarian, woodcutter

Living things

chameleon, rottweiler, crab, dung beetle, muskrat, starfish, boa constrictor, skunk, locust, ostrich, sloth, chihuahua, flea, raccoon, shrimp, ladybug, anteater, platypus, hummingbird, beaver, pelican, peacock, caterpillar, spider, dinosaur, jellyfish, snail, turkey, porcupine, chinchilla


to put a pig down the drain like water off a duck's back, a disservice, to kill a worm when the crab whistles on the mountain, to the chickens' laughter, a wolf in sheep's clothing, to step on the same rake, a pig in a poke, not at ease, good riddance , God's dandelion, beauty requires sacrifice, don't spill the water, wash dirty linen in public, a bear stepped on your ear

Difficult words

a priori, paradigm, mentality, conjuncture, civilization, perspective, resonance, empire, eclecticism, allegory, concept, constancy, resource, entourage, latency, industrialization, credo, pluralism, fate, context, configuration, infrastructure, assimilation, protégé, communism, deja vu, conservatism, voluntarism

TV shows

While everyone is at home, Guess the melody, Fort Boyard, In the world of animals, The last hero, Field of miracles, House-2, Man and the law, His own director, Fashionable verdict, Comedy Club, Stars on Ice, Let's get married, Minute of fame, You're not believe me, Let them say, Malakhov +, Full house, Our Russia, Big difference, Smart guys and smart girls, What? Where? When?

Famous personalities

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Marilyn Manson, Nikita Mikhalkov, Stas Mikhailov, Napoleon Bonaparte, Lady Gaga, Elton John, Yuri Kuklachev, Michael Jackson, Yuri Gagarin, Isaac Newton, Ksenia Sobchak, Jackie Chan, Andrei Malakhov, Albert Einstein, Alina Kabaeva, Ivan the Terrible , Pavel Volya, Maxim Galkin, Verka Serduchka

World brands

McDonald's, Apple, Google, Pampers, Barbie, Windows, LEGO, Ferrari, Durex, Bounty, Twitter, Gallina Blanca, M&M's, Whiskas, Playboy, Chanel No. 5, VKontakte, Oriflame, Ikea, Duracell, Jack Daniel's, Burn, Sprite, Pedigree, Nokia, Raffaello, Love Is, Harley-Davidson, Chupa Chups, YouTube


ichthyander, Chukchi, Chuck Norris, centaur, geisha, Terminator, Old Man Hottabych, gopnik, transvestite, Mukha-Tsokotukha, Catdog, Batman, homeless man, Baba Yaga, Shrek, alien, Superman, Homer Simpson, macho, hobbit, Dr. House, socialite, Jack Sparrow, mermaid, call girl, Winnie the Pooh, Freddy Krueger, dwarf, Kolobok, brownie


twister, diving, bookcrossing, body painting, parkour, shopping, paintball, surfing, table hockey, zorbing, hiking, break dancing, origami, crossword puzzle, poker, belly dancing, excursion, graffiti, floriculture, boomerang, treasure hunting, rope jumping, KVN, theater, hitchhiking, rock climbing, Mafia, billiards, opera, Photoshop

Russian songs

A million scarlet roses, Love me in French, They won’t catch up with us, A Christmas tree was born in the forest, The wind was blowing from the sea, Mom Lyuba, Oh, this wedding, The earth in the porthole, Katyusha, I got drunk and drunk, I’m already 18, May there always be sunshine , Watchmen, White Dragonfly of Love, Howling at the Moon, Naked, Nobody Writes to the Colonel, Dolphin and the Mermaid

Films and cartoons

Avatar, Spider-Man, American Pie, What Men Talk About, Interns, Home Alone, The Simpsons, Prisoner of the Caucasus, Hipsters, Sex and the City, Madagascar, Kin-dza-dza, Hachiko, My Fair Nanny, Scary Movie, Masha and the bear, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, The Matrix, Friendly sex, Well, just wait!

Pantomime for children

Any modern children's pantomime theater in Moscow or theater group begins training little artists with pantomime. Most often, kids learn to pretend to be animals and play charades, when one child shows a certain scene, and the rest try to guess the word. The benefits of such exercises for child development are enormous, including:

  • development of imagination;
  • developing the ability to correctly express emotions;
  • emancipation and strengthening of self-esteem;
  • taste for creativity and creative thinking;
  • broadening your horizons and gaining valuable emotional experience;
  • development of communication skills and interaction with other children.

The pantomime game for children is suitable for any age and is recommended for home activities. This is a fun, exciting and exciting way to spend time usefully, which can replace your children's mindless sitting in front of a computer or TV screen. You can play comic pantomime games together or in a large group of children, at birthdays, Christmas trees, school matinees, or just every day in your free time.

Children's tasks

Funny tasks for pantomime can be of varying complexity, depending on the age of the child. For the youngest children (up to 4 years old), the option of simply repeating after adults is suitable. Children love to imitate their mothers and fathers, showing how they do the cleaning, prepare dinner, get ready for work, and so on. This is exactly what you should do with children, gradually complicating the tasks. You can invite children to depict various domestic and wild animals, inanimate objects (for example, transport), representatives of professions (for example, policeman, fireman, doctor), etc.

Children 4–6 years old can quite use their imagination and come up with ideas for pantomime on their own; you only need to offer them simple topics. The child learns to remember what he usually does in different situations and reproduce small scenes from his own life.

Examples of topics:

  • Seasons,
  • kindergarten,
  • in the courtyard.

Pantomime for primary school children may include tasks for expressing feelings and experiences. The experiences should be simple and familiar to the student, for example, fear, joy, grief, surprise, etc.

Examples of tasks:

  • dad brought a new toy;
  • It is your birthday;
  • a dog is running towards you;
  • you got a D (A).

It is best to work with teenagers in a group, because the first thing that arouses interest in a teenager is communication with peers. Fairy tales, role-playing pantomimes for company, charades and similar games are perfect. It’s better to think of complex words for pantomime, which require imagination and a search for non-standard approaches.

These may be interesting animals:

  • chameleon,
  • ladybug.

Popular TV shows:

  • "Fashionable sentence"
  • "House 2",
  • "A big difference".
  • Sergey Zverev,
  • Timati,
  • Boris Moiseev,
  • Ksenia Sobchak.

Teenagers appreciate humor, so it is better to come up with funny words for pantomime. When making jokes about celebrities or famous TV shows, stick to the ones that lend themselves best to parody.

Fairy tale script without words for children

Staging a full-fledged fairy tale performance without words can be a wonderful pastime for your child and his friends on the occasion of a holiday or just in his free time. To do this, you do not need a special adapted script for a pantomime fairy tale for children without words; you can choose any fairy tale with roles and adapt it for production. Here's how it's done:

  1. Search for a fairy tale. When choosing a fairy tale, read the text carefully; it should contain as little “water” as possible and as much action as possible. You can check this very easily: as you read the lines, try to imagine how you express their essence without words, with the help of gestures and facial expressions. It turns out? This means that this is a good text, feel free to take it to work.
  2. Distribution of roles and preparation. Discuss the fairy tale with the children, invite them to choose their own roles, tell the plot of the fairy tale in detail, but in your own words.
  3. Conditional location and mise-en-scène. Agree with the little artists on how you will equip the playground, what zones you will divide into in accordance with the requirements of the fairy tale (palace, tower, cave, dark forest, etc.). Each hero must understand where he is supposed to be and what to do. Of course, children will not be able to remember everything, but do not worry about this, because you have the role of the leader of the fairy tale - the only person who can and should speak. You will direct all the action and will be able to help the actors.
  4. When the preparatory work is completed, the performance can open. You, as the presenter, announce the characters' exits and read their text, and child actors translate this text into sign language. It looks something like this:

Presenter: “I am King Pea, the king of the distant kingdom!”

The child proudly beats his chest, adjusts his imaginary crown and shows with his hand how wide his domain is.

Lesson summary “Pantomime artists as a means of speech development in children”

Safonchik Natalya

Lesson summary “Pantomime artists as a means of speech development in children”

— Tell me when a person is happy or, on the contrary, upset, when he sees something surprising or scary and incomprehensible, which helps him express his emotions?

— Of course, these are facial expressions and gestures. After all, our face and body are as plastic and changeable as our mood. Tell me, are there actors who do not use words at all, but only gestures and facial expressions?

- And who is it?

- Right. And, therefore, today we will talk specifically about pantomime : about how and when this art appeared, what meaning pantomime has now and , of course, we will also try to be mimes and learn to show our mood through facial expressions.

Studying the history of the development of pantomime .

Once in ancient times, the Armenian king Tiridates visited Rome. They received him solemnly and magnificently, wanting to make him their faithful friend. When Tiridates was preparing to return, the ruler of Rome, Nero, invited his new ally to choose any gift. And then King Tiridates asked for a gift of an actor whom he had seen in the theater. Without words, only with gestures and facial expressions, he was able to express absolutely everything! King Tiridates explained his choice by the fact that in his country people speak many languages ​​and dialects and often have to use the services of an interpreter. And this actor would become “universal”
means of communication . pantomime emerged as an independent art.
So, what is pantomime ?

Pantomime is a miniature without text, performed by a group of artists or one artist .

Seems boring? This is wrong. If you watch the performance of at least one professional mime, it becomes clear how he conveys his feelings to people. The first films, as everyone knows, were black and white and silent. As you can guess, mimes played in them. Most of these films were comedies. This is understandable; showing a funny scene without words is not as difficult as expressing sadness or melancholy.

Pantomime for children today is used as an educational game . After all, it's fun. Children and adults, together with them, guess different characters, actions and emotions.

Children love pantomime and often show off their talents.

At what age can children perform pantomimes ? Experience of working with preschoolers shows that you can begin to introduce children to emotions in the younger group after the completion of the adaptation period: children can already learn the necessary concepts, their vocabulary is replenished with words denoting emotions, although the word “emotion”

, which is more accessible to a child of this age . In early preschool age, children, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, willingly show various animals: cat, cow, dog, hare, bear, fox, wolf.
These animals are the main characters in children's fairy tales. Children can not only listen to fairy tales, but also often show and tell them. There are a lot of “Tell Poems with Your Hands”
, where you use movements to show this or that line of a poem.
Firstly, children quickly memorize the poem, secondly, develops and his theatrical abilities are revealed. You can spontaneously come up with movements for any poem together with your children. You need to teach your child to play in public. Thus, it will be possible to remove excess shyness from the child. And most importantly, by showing pantomimes , children train their imagination and fantasy. It seems to an adult that it is easy to show how to sweep the floor. A four-year-old child can think about this task for about 10 minutes. You can ask the child to dance, but you need to walk on the floor with your hands, not your feet. Such unusual revolutions will help children develop imagination , and most importantly, understand that familiar things can always be looked at from a different perspective.
What other dance tasks can you come up with for your child? You can play the little ducklings dance song in reverse and tell your child to do the usual movements in reverse order. Kinds:

1. Dance. Here children must dance to any music provided. But for the task to be difficult, the guys must move around the improvised stage in a certain way. For example, on the toes or on the heels.

2. Classic version. In this game, the child is given a word, and he must show it to others without using sounds. This type of pantomime is most often used when working with children.

3. Acrobatic. Here the child must show his talent as a juggler, jumper or gymnast. Such pantomimes are popular among athletes .

4. Eccentric. Acting out a comedic situation.

In the classic version there are subtypes of games such as:


One of the most interesting games for kids. This is a pantomime for children , with tasks included. How does the version for kids differ from the game for older preschoolers? Because there is only one task on the card and it is depicted with a picture . That is, even a small child who cannot read can play such a game. What should be done? Draw animals, people and objects. For example, you may need to show a cow, a lemon, an apple, a cook, or…. Moreover, in the children's version, all this diversity must be conveyed without words or sounds, exclusively through gestures and grimaces. Alice
with both a purchased game and a homemade one
. The advantage of cards that will be printed yourself is that they can be supplemented periodically. After all, if you play Alice
often, you can quickly memorize all the tasks and guessing them will be uninteresting.


Examples of pantomime for children include showing funny faces. For example, you can play with the image of the emotion that appears on the face after eating: lemon, pear, strawberry, sugar or sea buckthorn. But faces can also be made while depicting emotions: for example, a child can show fear, confusion, joy, pain or inspiration. Of course, this version of the game is best played with preschool children. After all, at this age, a child should already be able to not only realize his emotions, but also be able to demonstrate them.


One of the simplest entertainments for children is pantomime . The leader makes the word, and the child must show through actions what he was told. Older children can be taught to play crocodile without adults. But kids are not always able to come up with a task. Therefore, adults can control and direct children's thoughts in the right direction. If a child is lost and doesn’t know what to wish for him, you can whisper in his ear.

Snowball. (cards or just everyone comes up with it themselves)

The first child draws out the task and performs an action, for example, rubbing his palms together. The card is put aside. The next child draws his card. He needs to repeat the action of the first player - rub his palms - and his own, jump on one leg. The third must draw a card, and then perform the actions of his comrades who have already drawn cards. And then also sit down 5 times. Thus, the game will continue until one of the children is able to complete all the tasks in order. You can play snowball without cards. In this case, the children should simply come up with tasks and their neighbors should repeat them. For older preschoolers, this option is quite acceptable. But for children of middle groups , it is better to give cards.

Fairy tales come to life. tale for children is popular. Both well-known fairy tales and new fables are perfect for such pantomimes And most importantly, by depicting everything that the child hears, he remembers the meaning of the work.

Daily training Mime game for children requires practice . The child will quickly come up with actions and tasks only if he has such practice. But if you are not lazy and practice this fun game with your child for at least 10-15 minutes a day, the results will not take long to arrive. The benefits of pantomimes are like any other game ; a child can take a lot out of grimaces and crocodile. His acting skills will improve time after time. The child will quickly be able to depict any emotion. Pantomimes help a child improve their memory. After all, when you play such games often, you want to avoid repeating yourself and have to remember how this or that animal was shown in the previous game. that children play out are especially good for developing memory After all, here the skill of doing two things at the same time is practiced. The child has to train his auditory memory. After all, he needs to hear, understand and come up with something to show. If you don’t have time to read fairy tales, you can play audiobooks for your children. This will be a good help.

Safonchik N. A.

Pantomime for adults

Pantomime is not only a set of educational exercises for children, but also a way to diversify any adult party. The game “Crocodile” is not inferior in popularity even to “Mafia”, because it perfectly liberates the company and lifts the mood. In addition to leisure time with friends, “Crocodile” can be used as training for employees, since valuable skills are developed during the game:

  • sense of team, cohesion;
  • ability and desire to interact with each other;
  • intelligence and logic;
  • imagination and creative approach to problem solving.

No matter how far two people are from each other, during the game they become allies, acquire common interests and have a pleasant time together. Barriers and distances disappear by themselves. It is much easier for people to communicate after such practices, so the pantomime fairy tale for corporate parties in roles is widely used to create a healthy and positive atmosphere within the team.

Rules of the game "Crocodile":

  1. The player who shows the hidden word is prohibited from speaking, pronouncing the word with his lips or using any sounds.
  2. It is forbidden to show the word by letter.
  3. It is allowed to show each word separately if a phrase or phrase is guessed.
  4. Spectators can ask questions, and the acting player can answer them only through pantomime.

Example words

  • hydroelectric power station,
  • magnitude,
  • historical materialism,
  • natural selection,
  • binomial theorem.
  • polite deer,
  • elusive Joe,
  • delirium tremens,
  • childbirth,
  • enema,
  • horse in a coat,
  • cheerful drug addict,
  • homeless optimist.


  • desert Island,
  • spaceship,
  • Submarine,
  • North Pole,
  • Ocean floor.


  • salary was delayed
  • got married
  • divorced
  • quit,
  • won the lottery
  • drank too much
  • underdrank.

Characters and heroes:

  • D'Artagnan,
  • Winnie the Pooh,
  • Headless horseman,
  • Master Yoda,
  • Kenny from South Park
  • Bender from Futurama.

Tasks for companies and corporate events

Here are some more popular games with pantomime elements for teenagers, also suitable for adult groups:

Orchestra (preferably performed to rhythmic instrumental music)

  • The company is an orchestra playing imaginary musical instruments. Everyone's tools are different.
  • One of the orchestra members is selected as conductor. He stands in full view of everyone, pretending to play his instrument.
  • Suddenly the conductor changes his instrument to that of one of the orchestra members, for example, a flute.
  • The owner of the flute should stop playing and cover his ears with his hands, and the rest of the orchestra begins to imitate playing the flute following the example of the conductor.
  • The conductor returns to his instrument, the orchestra returns to its own. Everything repeats itself from the beginning.


  • The company is divided into 2 teams, each team makes a picture, preferably with the appropriate number of characters, so that everyone can participate (“Barge Haulers on the Volga”, “Cossacks write a letter to the Sultan”, “They didn’t expect”, etc.).
  • The first team has an allotted time to prepare and present their painting in the form of a small pantomime sketch.
  • The second team is given time to confer, after which they need to guess which picture was brought to life by team No. 1.
  • The teams change, and at the end of the game the winning team is determined by points.
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