Automation of sound Card file for speech therapy on the topic

Collocations (101)

  • step forward
  • step by step
  • step back
  • step march
  • nowhere to step
  • crazy head
  • easy money
  • Monomakh's hat
  • Monomakh's hat
  • nodding acquaintance
  • casual acquaintance
  • Sharashka's office
  • the balls jumped for the babies
  • the balls got caught behind the rollers
  • the balls went behind the rollers
  • ball pen
  • roll the ball
  • precarious position
  • Swedish family
  • Swedish sex
  • Buffet
  • move your rolls
  • going all in
  • contrary
  • sinking
  • compromising
  • backpedaling
  • walking over heads
  • following in the footsteps
  • walking, taking frequent, small steps
  • neckerchief
  • followed the lead
  • Shemyakin court
  • sherochka with masherochka
  • sixth Sense
  • sixth sense
  • hits you in the nose
  • very bad
  • chic shine, beauty
  • amazing woman
  • pain in the ass
  • you can't hide an awl in a sack
  • awl in one place
  • pain in the butt
  • fiddle with soap
  • fly full of wool
  • broad soul
  • broad nature
  • general public
  • ample opportunities
  • broad masses
  • general population
  • a wide range of
  • wide view
  • wide choose
  • wide range
  • wide circle
  • broad-minded
  • wide public response
  • wide range
  • broad meaning
  • wide range
  • broad front
  • widely known
  • widely used
  • widely used
  • widely represented
  • widespread
  • widespread
  • wide range
  • generalist
  • wide range
  • broad meaning
  • wide use
  • broad understanding
  • wide application
  • wide use
  • in a broad sense
  • breadth of interests
  • sewn with white threads
  • shish with butter
  • lump out of the blue
  • school of Life
  • art school
  • blackboard
  • school uniform
  • school years
  • selfish interest
  • Sasha was walking across the USA and fell in shock
  • mayonnaise slap
  • years passed, it got dark
  • highway
  • psychological freak show
  • staffing table
  • regular mode
  • nimble bird
  • as fast as an electric broom
  • a fool
  • is it a joke
  • jokes aside
  • jokes are bad

On this page you can find the most popular words starting with "sh" (at the beginning of the word - Ш). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing Sh.

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Words with the sound Ш

Words with the sound Sh.

The sound Ш is at the beginning of a word.

Sha, template, step, mongrel, mischief, naughty, sage, shawl, crazy, shaman, shamkat, champignon, skewer, chance, chanson, chansonnier, blackmail, shantrapa, hat, step, step, pedometer, puck, gang, shaitan, jackal, scow, hut, play naughty, ball, charaban, charade, ball, sharashka, hinge, bloomers, ball, scarf, shast, wobble, brown-haired, cartoon, sharia, ball, fumble, shuffle, quack, charlotte, charm, organ, miner, checker, checker player, checker, checkers, shish kebab, shaky, tent, check, saffron, chess, chess player, mine, connecting rod, shaky, Scots, driver, tent, chocolate.

Shaw, show, showman, silk, silk, whisper, seam, shock, ramrod, saddler, saddlery, rustle, driver, chocolate, Scots, chauvinism, shorts.

Shu, noise, noisy, skimmer, noise, brother-in-law, screw, pit, joker, riffraff, whisper, whisper, joke, joke, joke, fur coat, fur coat, suga, joke, sharpie, make noise, noise.

Shy, chic, awl, shibat, nifty, shiit, chic, chic, shivat, shilling, shivot, awl, chimpanzee, tire, overcoat, shred, shinnik, chinchilla, chignon, thorn, fizz, spikes, rosehip, effervescent, fizz, width, fly, screen, wide, sewing, slate, chiffon, wardrobe, cipher, encryption, shish, shishak, cone, width, latitude, sewn, sewn.

She, wiggle, head of hair, masterpiece, chaise longue, neck, sheik, neck, sheikh, silkworm, silkworm, rustle, husk, shelf, whisper, line, sheriff, chief, patronage, neck, rough, hornet.

The sound Ш in a combination of consonants (at the beginning of a word).

Sword, twine, lard, spier, stiletto, spinach, spy, espionage, spy, spur, syringe, bobbin, rabbet, spool, sparger, putty, putty, esp, sleeper, crib, spar, lard. Way, slap, harness, slot, slap, slippers, slap, slap, grind, grinder, boat, hit, hat, hatter, barrier, slag, hose, harness, harness, helmet, headset. Shmatok, bumblebee, sniff, shmyak. Cord, lacing, lace, snoop. Scar, shrapnel, font. Headquarters, stack, stamp, calm, pin, adit, darn, darn, corkscrew, curtain, storm, storm, damask, fine, penal battalion, penalty, stroke, thing, plasterer, rod, pants, staple, staff, tripod, thing, helm, assault, navigator, piece, bayonet, pin. Mop, Swede, Swedish, sewing, doorman, seamstress. Skoda, school, schoolboy, skin, skin, scale, scale, box, cabinet, squall, cracklings, shket, pulley, skipper, skin.

The sound Ш is in the middle of a word.


Porridge, sperm whale, ours, yours, Masha, Dasha, Glasha, Arisha, Marisha, Alyosha, Ilyusha, Pasha, Andryusha, poster, breathe, walk, Katyusha, cat lover, eat, sash, key, whore, mother, stirrer, mishmash, interfere, interfere, carcass, soul, breathe, deprive, horse, little mice, little frogs, roof, curdled milk, horse,


Hood, wallet, spine, scallop, naked, good, cuckoo, bag, stew, stew, stewed, petiole, fluff, cockerel, strap, powder, mouse, frog,


I write, bite, ear, wear, cat, kite, tinsel, breathe, wave, ask, scales, brochure,


Kids, pebbles, mice, strangle, evil, keys, buckthorn, destroy, machine, driver, sin, on foot, extinguish, amuse, silence, good, bruise, sewn, decided,


Target, collar, decision, petition, consolation, deprivation, spiritual, tiny, mad, higher, quieter, cook, cough, cashmere, wallet, peg, cliche, crash, swarm, stew, writes, waves, plows, pedestrian, peas,

The sound Ш at the end of a word.

Yours, ours, pencil, goulash, lily of the valley, cub, sew, make noise, blackmail, reed, mouse, cartoon, crumb, finish, give, fall, divide, saw, baby, ladle, shower, pellet, whooping cough, ladle, march, baby, loss, huckster, touch, be quiet, give, pour, drink, sing, rub, take, shout, be silent.

The sound Ш in a combination of consonants in the middle of a word (words with the sound Ш).

Chestnut, flowerpot, cinderella, reel, smelt, nightmare, cat, cat and mouse, egg cup, gossip, cannon, bear, mouse, pawn, pine cone, brooch, pickler, claw, stick, gut, kishlak, kishmya, sultana, stick, leg, crown, baby, baby, shirt-front, monkey, route, scale, midge, goosebumps, mouthpiece, front sight, musket, musketeer, drill, thinking, cutie, donut, boy, rattle, armpit, dummy, tags, pawn, toes, sick, carcass, jerboa, carcass, skinny, top, pig, cherry, Cheburashka, chamomile, arable land, cup, porridge, shirt, bug, baby, window, peas, basket, palm, okroshka, potatoes, ears, stuffy, edge, frog, pillow, reel, cuckoo, croak, cheesecake, welcoming, shell, tower, donut, lid, baby, tire, Yashka, plaque, Alyoshka, flatbread, fish, matryoshka, ladle, nuts, spring, external, eat, cherry, extra, boy, tower, shoe, hood, muffler, gone, cockerels, grandmother, grandfather, Alyonushka, Buryonushka, fur, bottom, feather, speck, log, belly, pole, manicurist, marshal, jug, water lily, lousy, worst, wheat, millet, floor lamp, trench, buffet table, earlier, lace, darn, curtain.

Word combinations and phrases with the sound Ш (words with the sound Ш).

Grandfather's chess. The naughty man is walking. Eating stew. Sews pants. Wide trousers. Pants for Yasha. There are champignons on the skewers, Yasha has a bag, a bag of chestnuts, the driver of the Skoda, Shawka’s collar, a good cheat sheet, neck and ears, brother-in-law’s scarf, sewing on a typewriter, peas on his palm, a pencil in the baby’s hand, the hut is good, a cartoon of a chess player, eat porridge , found a lily of the valley, a connecting rod bear, grandfather and grandmother, the driver has a checkerboard, a shaky wardrobe, a seamstress is sewing, sewing an overcoat, found in a bag, a chimpanzee is whispering, a bump on the top of his head, a fizzy snake, a spool in a box, a wide screw.

The bear has a bump, a brooch adorned, I write with a pencil, on my grandmother’s neck, the marshal is marching, you can’t hide the awl, the school student is good, I write jokes, eat cherries, checkers and chess, a chinchilla fur coat, a walking path, a gang of sharpers, the reeds are swaying, please don’t making noise, a good fur coat, chiffon ruffles, staggering on hinges, eating stew, a bug on a daisy, embroidering a shawl, polka dots on the palm, a frog on the pillow, grandmother's fur coat, a jester behind a screen, a swindler's mistake, wide slate, noisy birds, a donkey staggering, millet porridge, chopping a pear, a silk muffler, Alyonushka's brooch, a chinchilla fur coat, a baby monkey, slate on the roof, the sound of footsteps, a charlatan with a barrel organ, an abandoned wallet, stewed champignons, a chic chignon.

Teddy bear connecting rod. Millet porridge. Feels good. Wide scarf. Good-natured horse. Walked at a pace. Playing pranks at school. Rustle in silence. Bumblebee and hornet. Walk wide. Pies with cottage cheese. Flags and balls. The nut fell. Sniffle and cough. A stain on a shirt. Bugs rustle. The chestnut tree is rustling. Silk curtain. Noisy hedgehog. Alyosha's shirt. Natasha's fur coat. Higher than the tower. The horse is plowing. Chamomiles on arable land. Hat in the closet. Fur coat on a hanger. Grandfather's spoon. The ball was damaged. Darned shawl. Frog frog. There is a cheesecake under the pillow. Give me a basket. There is silence in the hut. The mouse rustles under the overcoat. Arisha has champignons in her basket.

The letters "ch" and "sh" before "n" and "t"

In words formed from the stems h, k, c , before suffixes starting with a consonant n (suffixes -н, -nik, -nits), the letter h , which in most cases corresponds to the sound h , for example: stove, stove-maker (from the stove), harvester (cleaning), colorful (paint), source (source), sandbox (sand), poultry house (bird), final (end). However, in some such words, the letter h usually corresponds to the sound sh . These include: bakery, bakery (noun), baker (from bun); viper (viper); mustard, mustard plaster (mustard); bachelorette party (maiden); piece(piece); tray, hawker (tray); milkman, thrush (milk); spectacle, eyeglass case (glasses); pepper shaker (pepper, only in combination damn pepper shaker); night owl, midnight (midnight); trousersless (trousers); laundry, laundry (n.) (laundress); trifling (trifle); candlestick (candle); cordial (heart, only in combination cordial and as a noun cordial in the meaning 'poor thing'); birdhouse, birdhouse (starling); boring, boring (boredom, bored); cap (cap, only in combinations come to a cap analysis, cap acquaintance); scrambled egg (egg); two-student, three-student, four-student, five-student (two, three, four, five). The same is true in the word of course, which is related in origin to the word end, and in the word deliberately.

It is written h , and is usually pronounced sh also: before n - in female patronymics such as Savvichna, Nikitichna, Ilyinichna, Kuzminichna; before t - in the word that, in the derivatives nothing and almost (but something and insignificant are pronounced h ).

In several words derived from the stems on k , before the suffix n not only is pronounced sh , but also the letter sh : gorodoshny, gorodoshnik (from gorodki), foolish (fool), rayoshny, rayoshnik (rayok). The same is true in the words rushnik, dvurushnik, meticulous, where the suffix in modern language is no longer highlighted, and for fun (albeit on purpose). The combination pc is written in the particle neshto 'unless' and in the adverb nishto 'pretty well; rightly so', related in origin to the word that.

Note 1. The combination sh is regularly written: 1) before suffixes starting with n , in words formed from words with a stem on x , for example: scrofulous (from scrofula), hectic (turmoil), oreshnik (nut);
2) in the suffixes -shn (y), -shnik, attached to indeclinable nouns with a vowel, for example: lotoshny, lotoshnik (from loto), kinoshny, kinoshnik, dominoshny, dominoshnik; 3) in adjectives na -shny, formed from adverbs: yesterday, tomorrow, today, always, present, there, present, ancient (see § 56). Note 2. It is written shch , and is usually pronounced sh in the word assistant (from help). The word all-night vigil (from night - the Church Slavonic form of the word night) is also written with the letter ш , although it can be pronounced sh .
  1. Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Ed. V.V. Lopatina // Spelling of consonants, §91
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