Calendar-thematic planning of speech therapy classes in the conditions of a school speech center; calendar-thematic planning in speech therapy (grade 1) on the topic

Planning the educational work of a preparatory group of children with special needs development

Valentina School

Planning the educational work of a preparatory group of children with special needs development

Planning educational work

WITH «25»

.09 to
.09. 2021

Group : preparatory group of children with special needs .

Educator: School Valentina Viktorovna.

Topic of the week: Deciduous trees

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about the forest (deciduous, coniferous, mixed)

diversity of trees . To consolidate knowledge about trees and various parts of trees (roots, trunk, crown, branches, leaves)
. To form ideas about the state of plants in autumn, to give ideas about the fruits and seeds of trees and shrubs, to give ideas about the methods of seed dispersal. To provide knowledge about the benefits of trees and shrubs for life on Earth. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

09/25/2017 Monday. 1 Half day Morning 1. Communication activity Conversation with children “Forest full of wonders”

.Goal: To activate
children's .
Consolidating an expanded understanding of the forest and its significance.. 3. Play activities. Did. game “Name the parts of the whole”

: children talk about what every tree has... roots, trunk, branches, leaves, fruits, crown, and why trees need them.
Children answer 4. Articulation and finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”
Purpose: Development of motor skills of the fingers, development of the articulatory apparatus.
5. Gymnastics for the eyes: Gymnastics for the eyes. Purpose: to teach children to concentrate their gaze on distant objects;
develop observation and vigilance. 6. Self-service and elements of household work. Duty in a corner of nature. Goal: to teach children to take care of the inhabitants of the “green corner”

, choose methods of spraying and cleaning plants in accordance with their structure.
Learn to combine work in a corner of nature with observation of the growth and development of plants. Canteen duty. Purpose: To teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of canteen duty, set the table, and clear away dishes after meals.
Breakfast Improve food culture: Ability to use cutlery correctly; eat carefully, silently, maintaining correct posture at the table, make requests , thank.

Organizational educational activities .

1. Speech therapy 2. Familiarization with the surrounding world. Topic: Trees and shrubs

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about trees and shrubs; clarify and systematize

children's knowledge of different types of trees and shrubs; develop the ability to form adjectives from nouns; differentiate concepts: “tree”
3. Visual activity Topic : “Autumn birch”
Purpose: to consolidate
children’s knowledge about the structure of a tree , teach them to depict a trunk , branches, taking into account that the birch has thin, flexible branches, which is why the birch is called curly; teach children to depict the crown of a tree as a single spot of color, on which small spots of a different shade are visible - individual leaves;
strengthen the skills of mixing paints to obtain different shades of the same color. Morning walk. Walk No. 16 Topic: Observation of dew. Purpose: to develop cognitive interest; cultivate sustained attention, observation, the ability to see the beauty of inanimate nature; expand and clarify specific knowledge about autumn phenomena in nature.

Dinner. Conversation on “Table Rules”


Goal: To teach children to follow the rules of etiquette when eating, to use cutlery and napkins correctly.

2 half day.

1. Motor activity. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. Hardening procedures. Walking on a ribbed board with bags on your head. Goal: maintaining and strengthening physical strength. Children's health .

4. Correction hour. ( Work on instructions from a speech therapist )


5. Physical education in the air

An evening walk. Walk No. 16 1. Topic: “Observing the distribution of seeds and fruits.” Purpose: to formulate ideas about the state of plants in the fall, to provide knowledge about the fruits and seeds of specific trees and shrubs and herbaceous plants; show the adaptation of seeds and methods of their dispersal.

2. Work on the site. In flower beds, together with the teacher, remove dried plants, faded seeds and flowers. Examine the ripening seeds.

Evening. ( Group work .)

1.Game activity Role-playing game: “My Family”

“Family dinner”
Purpose: to reinforce the concept of
“household responsibilities”
, to cultivate a desire to help parents; develop holiday table setting skills.

2. Perception of fiction and folklore Reading the fairy tale by D. Mamin - Sibiryak “About the hare - long ears”


Goal: To form a holistic perception of a literary text in the unity of content and artistic form; consolidate children's about the features of different literary genres; Exercise children in the selection of comparisons , synonyms, antonyms, and cultivate a desire for accurate word usage.

3. Self-service and elements of household work. Household work. Cleaning the group room . Goal: continue to maintain order and maintain it. Help the teacher wash the toys.

4. Individual work : Angelina and Adelina Did. game: “Quickly name the number”

.Goal: To strengthen
children’s to name neighboring numbers.
5. Interaction with parents. Individual conversations about students.

September 26, 2017 Tuesday. 1 Half day Morning 1. Communication activity - Conversation with children on the topic “Leaf fall”

.Goal: Show children
the variety of colors of golden autumn.
Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and inanimate phenomena. Conduct seasonal observations. 2. Game activity. D/i “Who can name more school supplies”

Purpose: to consolidate the names of school supplies.

3. Articulation and finger gymnastics. "Autumn leaves"

Goal: Development of motor skills of the fingers, development of the articulatory apparatus

4. Self-service and elements of household work. Goal: to consolidate the ability to neatly fold clothes in a closet.

Canteen duty. Purpose: To promote the improvement of skills associated with the duties of a duty officer. Involve children in serving the second course and clearing dishes from tables.

Breakfast. Improve food culture: Ability to use cutlery correctly; eat carefully, silently, maintaining correct posture at the table, make requests , thank.

Organizational educational activities .

1. Music 2. FEMP. Topic: “Vegetable garden. Vegetables"

(consult No. 4, p. 46)
Goal: Improving quantitative counting skills within ten.
Consolidating ideas about the composition of the number “ten”
Formation of the ability to compose and solve a problem, use the signs “+”
. Formation of the ability to measure the thickness of objects using a conventional measure and compare objects by thickness. Improving plane orientation skills. Development of mental and speech activity, visual attention and perception, speech hearing, fine motor skills. Developing skills of cooperation and interaction in educational activities, independence, activity, initiative. 3. Speech therapy

Morning walk. Walk 17 Topic: Observation of the wind. Purpose: to expand understanding of the diversity of inanimate nature ; cultivate curiosity, a desire to understand the processes occurring in nature.

-Individual work with Arseny and Adeline (consolidation)
Work on FEMP . Goal: consolidate the composition of the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Lunch. Conversation on “Table Rules”


Goal: To teach children to follow the rules of etiquette when eating, to use cutlery and napkins correctly.

2 half day.

1. Motor activity. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. Hardening procedures. Walking on a massage mat. Purpose: maintaining and strengthening physical. Children's health .

3. Formation of KGN: exercise “Wonderful combs”


Goal: To instill in children the need to be clean, neat, neat, to teach using a mirror to monitor their hair, find flaws and correct them, and use a comb after sleep.

Correction hour. ( Work on instructions from a speech therapist )


Evening walk. Topic: Observing plants in the garden. Goal: to continue to develop a love for nature, a desire to take care of its beauty and wealth; develop observation skills; attentiveness; expand your horizons.

Evening. ( Group work .)

1. Game activity Did. game "When does this happen?"

Goal: To teach children to determine the time of year by description, by image , to take into account the weather, the state of living and inanimate nature, and the work of people in nature. Activate your vocabulary.

Role-playing game: “Souvenir shop”

Goal: to learn to coordinate roles and behavior during the game. 2. Didactic game “Collect a picture”

.Goal: to practice composing a whole from parts.

3. Perception of fiction and folklore Reading the story by V. A. Sukhomlinsky “Ashamed before the nightingale Goal: To teach children to listen carefully , answer questions about the content of the fairy tale.

4. Self-service and elements of household work. Household work. Cleaning the group room . Goal: continue to maintain order and maintain it. Help the teacher wash the toys.

5. Interaction with families of pupils. Conversation about spare things for children .

09/27/2017 Wednesday. 1 Half day Morning 1. Communication activity Conversation on the topic: “Flora world in autumn”

Goal: Expand the understanding of
the diversity of the plant world .
Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance. To form a desire to reflect the beauty of nature in artistic and creative activities. 2. Game activity. — D/i “Repeat after me”

.Goal: development of motor-auditory memory.

-Didactic game “Say it backwards”

Goal: to develop logical thinking, observation, attention, expand horizons, promote the development of coherent speech.

3. Articulation and finger gymnastics Purpose: Development of motor skills of the fingers, development of the articulatory apparatus.

4. Self-service and elements of household work. Duty in a corner of nature. Goal: to create a desire to take care of the plants that live in a corner of nature. Cultivate a caring attitude, hard work, and teach how to finish what you start.

Canteen duty. Purpose: To teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of canteen duty, set the table, and clear away dishes after meals.

Breakfast. Improve food culture: Ability to use cutlery correctly; eat carefully, silently, maintaining correct posture at the table, make requests , thank.

Organizational educational activities . 1. Speech therapy 2. Modeling Topic: “Apple tree”

Goal: to cultivate in
children a love of nature , a desire to sculpt an apple tree; develop aesthetic perception, the ability to convey the structure of a tree; develop fine motor skills, synchronous work of both hands .
3. Physical culture

Morning walk. Walk No. 18 Topic: Observing a thunderstorm. Purpose: to teach children to see and establish connections between some phenomena and others; continue to introduce the diversity and beauty of natural phenomena; reinforce the rules for safe behavior during a thunderstorm.

Dinner. Conversation on “Table Rules”


Goal: To teach children to follow the rules of etiquette when eating, to use cutlery and napkins correctly.

2 half day.

1. Motor activity. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. Hardening procedures. Walking on a ribbed board with bags on your head. Goal: maintaining and strengthening physical strength. Children's health .

Correction hour. ( Work on instructions from a speech therapist )


4. Play activities. Role-playing game “Healthy Products Store”

.Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge about healthy foods;
develop volitional interaction, dialogical speech. D/game “Vitamins”
. Purpose: to introduce vitamins and determine in what products they live.

An evening walk. Walk No. 18. Topic: Watching the rain from the windows.

2. A recreational jog around the territory of the kindergarten.

Goal: To train children in running , to develop the functional capabilities of the child’s body, and to promote a healthy lifestyle . Develop endurance, improve children's .

Evening. ( Group work .)

1. Game activity - Didactic game “What is made of what?”

Goal: to teach
children to group objects according to the material from which they are made (metal, rubber, glass, wood, plastic)
activate children's ;
cultivate observation, attention, and the ability to strictly follow the rules of the game. –Games with building materials 2. Perception of fiction and folklore Reading L. Tolstoy’s fable “The Oak and the Hazel Tree”

.Goal: to teach
children to listen carefully and answer questions about the content of the fable.
3. Self-service and elements of household work. Household work. Cleaning the group room . Goal: continue to maintain order and maintain it. Help the teacher wash the toys. Interaction with parents: Invite mothers to tell their children about their profession

09/28/2017 Thursday. 1 Half day Morning 1. Communication activity Conversation on the topic: “We are friends of nature”

.Goal: To consolidate
children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.
Teach caring and kind attitude towards nature and each other. 2. Game activity. -D. and “Guess who is standing where”

.Goal: to improve
children’s to navigate the surrounding space, understand spatial relationships, and accurately convey in speech the location of people’s objects relative to themselves or given objects. - D/game “Measure an object”
. Purpose: to exercise the ability to measure the length and width of objects using a conventional measure

3. Articulation and finger gymnastics Purpose: Development of motor skills of the fingers, development of the articulatory apparatus.

4. Self-service and elements of household work. Canteen duty. Purpose: To teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of canteen duty, set the table, and clear away dishes after meals. Breakfast. Improve food culture: Ability to use cutlery correctly; eat carefully, silently, maintaining correct posture at the table, make requests , thank.

Organizational educational activities .

1.Music 2FEMP Topic: “Vegetable garden. Vegetables"

(consult No. 4, p. 46) (consolidation)
Goal: Improving quantitative counting skills within ten.
Consolidating ideas about the composition of the number “ten”
Formation of the ability to compose and solve a problem, use the signs “+”
. Formation of the ability to measure the thickness of objects using a conventional measure and compare objects by thickness. Improving plane orientation skills. Development of mental and speech activity, visual attention and perception, speech hearing, fine motor skills. Developing skills of cooperation and interaction in educational activities, independence, activity, initiative. 3. Psychology

Morning walk. Walk No. 19 Topic: Observation of the first frosts. Purpose: to continue to introduce the diversity and beauty of natural phenomena; develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships (if the air temperature drops below zero, the soil freezes, frost appears, the altitude of the sun changes, and therefore the air temperature changes).

Dinner. Conversation on “Table Rules”


Goal: To teach children to follow the rules of etiquette when eating, to use cutlery and napkins correctly.

2 half day.

1. Motor activity. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. Hardening procedures. Walking on a ribbed board with bags on your head. Goal: maintaining and strengthening physical strength. Children's health .

3. Speech therapy

An evening walk. Walk No. 19 Topic: Observing the weather. Purpose: to consolidate ideas about changes in nature in the fall. P/n “Hit the hoop”

.Goal: to strengthen
children’s to throw snowballs at a target.
Evening. ( Group work .)

1. Game activity -D/i “Seasons”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about the signs of the seasons.
-Plot role-playing game: “My mother is a doctor.”
Purpose: to form an understanding of the professional actions of a doctor, to teach the rules of first aid, the rules of safe behavior and safe play.
Cultivate interest in mother's work .
Ind. with Adelina and Angelina -D/i “What is where”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to determine spatial direction relative to another person: left, right, in front, behind.

2. Perception of fiction and folklore Reading E. Moshkovskaya “Ears”

children’s interest in fiction, to replenish their literary knowledge.
3. Self-service and elements of household work. Household work. Cleaning the group room . Goal: continue to maintain order and maintain it. Help the teacher wash the toys.

09/29/2017 Friday. 1 Half day Morning 1. Communication activity Conversation on the topic: “Trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants”

Goal: Expand ideas about changes in the plant world in autumn. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance.

2. Game activity. Did. Game "Say the other way around"

The child catches the ball and names words denoting the moral qualities of people. Goal: A negative concept of laziness and evil has been formed. -: D/i: “When does this happen?”
3. Articulation and finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”

Goal: Development of motor skills of the fingers, development of the articulatory apparatus.

4. Self-service and elements of household work. Canteen duty. Purpose: To teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of canteen duty, set the table, and clear away dishes after meals.

Breakfast. Improve food culture: Ability to use cutlery correctly; eat carefully, silently, maintaining correct posture at the table, make requests , thank.

Organizational educational activities .

1. Speech therapy

2.Drawing Topic: “Rowan Branch”

.Goal: to develop the ability
to plan the location of an object on a sheet of paper, to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of mountain ash (a complex sheet of narrow leaves arranged in pairs)
teach a new technical technique - a two-color side brushstroke, depict rowan bunches using the poking method , develop organizational skills: name the topic of the lesson, understand the purpose of the task named by the teacher; work according to the plan proposed by the teacher; develop communication skills: help each other, express their actions in speech. Develop fine motor skills; to cultivate hard work, activity, endurance, the ability to listen to adults and peers without interrupting, to bring the job started to the end, love for nature. 3. Speech development Topic: “Trees.
Forest.” Purpose: To consolidate
children’s knowledge about trees , their beauty and benefits for humans; To form an idea of ​​different types of forests; Enrich and activate children's . Development of ideas about the external differences of trees. Develop conscious skills in children : work in a team , negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to select words of the same root, coordinate nouns with numerals, and form diminutive forms.
Morning walk. Walk No. 20 Topic: Observing the beauty of nature. Purpose: to develop cognitive interests; to cultivate sustained attention, observation, love for nature, the desire to take care of it, protect it. Individual work with Adeline and Arseny, Vadim. D/i “Who’s the odd one out?”

.Goal: to develop attention and memory.

Dinner. Conversation on “Table Rules”


Goal: To teach children to follow the rules of etiquette when eating, to use cutlery and napkins correctly.

2 half day.

1. Motor activity. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. Hardening procedures. Walking on a ribbed board with bags on your head. Goal: maintaining and strengthening physical strength. Children's health .

3. Physical culture

4. Correction hour. ( Work on instructions from a speech therapist )


An evening walk. Walk No. 20. Topic: Observing temperature and changes in nature.

Goal: develop observation skills; intensify mental activity; clarify and systematize children’s about the characteristic signs of autumn; teach children to independently determine the weather and show its influence on the plant world.

Individual work : with Denislam and Vadim. D\i: “assemble a figure from counting sticks”

.Goal: To develop fine motor skills of the hands

Evening. ( Group work .)

1. Game activity D/i “Collect beads”

Games for orientation in space Goal: to continue to develop attention, coordination of movements, orientation in space.

2. Perception of fiction and folklore Reading Panteleev “Stories about Squirrel and Tamarochka”

.Goal: Introducing
children to the world of fiction.
3. Self-service and elements of household work. Household work. Cleaning the group room . Goal: continue to maintain order and maintain it. Help the teacher wash the toys 4. Interaction with the families of the pupils. Work with parents : distribute homework from a speech therapist.

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