Summary of a lesson on speech development “My friendly family. What do we do together"


Topic: “My Family” Age group: 2nd junior group Educational area: “Speech development” Goal: creating conditions for children’s speech activity, forming an idea of ​​the family, all its members living together in one house. Objectives: To introduce children of primary preschool age to such a social phenomenon as the family. To consolidate knowledge about the family, its members and the social roles played in the family: father, mother, grandmother, grandfather and child. Expand and replenish children’s vocabulary with new adjectives and verbs, consolidate their use in speech. Strengthen the ability to form adjectives with diminutive suffixes in your speech. Expand children's horizons. To cultivate a kind, friendly attitude towards others, to evoke a good mood, an emotionally positive background, a desire to share one’s experiences. Organization of children’s activities: 1. communication between a child and an adult; 2. communication of the child with peers; 3. research practice. Methods and techniques: Game: surprise moment, didactic games, finger games. Verbal: conversation, questions, instructions, encouragement, artistic expression (riddles, poems, nursery rhymes). Visual: showing illustrations. Materials and equipment: pictures depicting family members, a picture depicting the whole family, a double-sided palm with sad and happy faces, a white paper house, a chest, an easel, various figures cut out of colored paper, cardboard hearts, a letter. Organization of children's activities: group. Stage of educational activity Organization of the work space Adult activities Children’s activities Introductory part (organizational and motivational moment) There is a house in the group” All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. “The teacher draws the children’s attention to the house. Children, look, what unusual and new things have you noticed in our group? The teacher asks a riddle. What kind of turret is this? And the light is on in the window! Let's approach this tower. And the name of the tower is... V. - We’ll knock, knock-knock, no one? Let's knock louder, because there is no bell. Knock Knock. A toy bear looks out the window. The teacher takes the bear out of the house. He has an envelope with a letter in his paws. Bear: Hello, guys! I have a letter, but I can't read it. Help me please. Educator: Guys, can we help Mishka? Bear: Thank you. The teacher takes the teddy bear with the letter and leads the children to the table. The bear cub is placed on a chair next to the children. Children with a teacher approach the house. Children: Home! Children see a toy. Children say hello. Yes. Main part (Shows a picture of a grandmother). (Puts out a picture of his grandfather). (Palms with sad faces are shown). (The family has been reconciled, we are turning things over, my family is smiling). The teacher invites the children to sit down at the tables, where materials and materials for applique have been prepared (flower shapes, glue, paint, rags). 2. Riddles. Conversation about family members. V. Let's see what kind of letter the little bear brought us. Guys, there are riddles here. Who came to me this morning? Who said: “It’s time to get up”? Who managed to cook the porridge? Should I pour some tea into a bowl? Who braided my hair? Swept the whole house by yourself? Who picked flowers in the garden? Who kissed me? Who as a child loves laughter? Who is the best in the world? Q: Well done guys, that's right! Conversation (survey of 2-3 children): - What is your mother’s name? -Who are you to your mother? - What does your mother call you affectionately? - How do you help your mother? — What is she doing at home? - Why do you think your mother prepares food for you, buys you beautiful clothes, toys, and plays with you? Educator: Guys, look at the gum pouch I have. Let's put kind words for our mother in the bag. I will open the bag, and you will say kind words: they will fly and fill it. So, let's begin! What mom? Well done! That's how many wonderful words we collected in a bag. In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not lost and forgotten. B: Great! Now listen to the following riddle: Guess who it is? Who will teach you how to hammer a nail, let you steer a car, and tell you how to be brave, strong, dexterous and skillful? You guys all know that this is our favorite. . . Educator: Well done, guys, right! Conversation (interview of 2-3 children): - Sasha, what is your dad’s name? -Who are you to dad? - What is he doing at home? - How does it help mom? — Arisha, tell me about your dad. Q: Now let's open our magic bag and put kind words for dad in it. What dad? Q: Well done, guys! You have chosen a lot of words for dad too. Let's close our chest now, it will be useful to us later. Q: Great, guys! Let's guess the following riddle: Who is always standing by the stove in the kitchen with a ladle, Who is mending our clothes, Who is humming with the vacuum cleaner? Who in the world is the tastiest always bakes pies, Even dads who are more important And who is honored in the family? Q: Well done, guys, right! Conversation (interview of 2-3 children): - Grandma - whose mother is this? - Who are you to your grandmother? What do you like to do with your grandmother? Let’s put some kind words in a bag for grandma too. What kind of grandmother? Q: Well done! And here’s another riddle: He didn’t work out of boredom, His hands are calloused, And now he’s old and gray - My dear, beloved... Educator: Yes, guys, that’s right! Conversation (survey of 2-3 children): - Guys, who has a grandfather? - Grandfather, whose dad is this? -Who are you to grandpa? Educator: Great, guys! You are all just smart. Let's collect kind words for grandpa in our Wonderful Bag? The guys and grandparents are the oldest in the family, so they need to be respected and helped. Our bag is filled with words and mi. Let's remember for whom we collected kind words? Q: Let’s close our little bag for now so that all the good words don’t fly away. And all these people together are called in one word - Family. Everyone in the family loves, cares and helps each other. Guys, let's show our family on the palm of your hand. Finger gymnastics “Family”. (Extends the fingers from the fist and accompanies the movement towards the stoma). This finger is grandpa, This finger is grandma, This finger is daddy, This finger is mommy, This finger is me, That’s the whole family. Educator: And all these people together are called in one word - Family. Bear: Thanks, guys. Now I know what is written in my letter. Bear: You guys are great! Oh, I hear someone crying. B: Guys, let's go take a look. B: Oh, guys. Something happened in this family. Look how sad they are. What do you think could have happened? Educator: What do you think we can do? Educator: Of course, guys, the family needs to be reconciled! Physical education Our family is in a bad mood in the morning, and that’s why things are not going well in our family. (Head lowered down, arms along the body, turns to the right, left) Our grandfather’s back hurts all day, (Lean forward, hands behind his back) The old grandmother’s head is dizzy, (Circular movements of the head) Dad wanted to hammer a nail, I suddenly hit my finger (We knock our fists against each other) Mom’s dinner burned, we have a scandal in our family (We look at our open palms) Let’s reconcile them, you need to love your family. Let's smile at each other and hold hands (Hold hands and smile at each other) Let's all hug together and then make peace! Q: Guys, look, the whole family is smiling again, everything is fine with them, they have made peace. Where will our friendly family live? Q: Then we just need to build them a house. Stand in a circle and show us what kind of house we will build for a friendly family. Application "Beautiful House". Q: Guys, look how sad the house is. What do you think needs to be done to make the house cheerful and beautiful? Q: Let's decorate it and make it beautiful. Q: Let's look at what's on your plates. Q: The flowers are different. What is the difference? The teacher specifies the color of the petals. Children name colors. Q: Choose the flower that you liked best. Flowers need to be glued to the house to make it beautiful. I remind you that you need to spread glue on the entire white surface of the flower, and do it on oilcloth. When gluing a flower to a house, use a napkin to lightly press it on top, do not rub it, but lightly blot off the excess glue. Q: Well done, guys! Look how beautiful and festive the family home turned out to be. Bear: Well done, guys, I really liked the house. Q: Let's tell everyone a poem about home. Look at this house, With a roof, a door and a window, And with a porch, and a chimney, The color of the house is blue. Feel free to come into the house! Are you inviting? Let's come in! Children's answers (Mom) Children's reasoning (Because she loves us, takes care of us). Children: Kind, beautiful and beautiful, dear. Children's answers (Dad) Children's reasoning Children's answers. (Brave, caring, skillful, hard-working, handsome, happy.) Children's answer (grandmother) Children's answers Children's answer (grandfather) Children's answers For mom, dad, grandparents. D: They quarreled. D: We have to take care of our family. D: In my house. Children express their guesses. D: Flowers. D: They differ in color. Children make appliqué. All together The final part. The teacher with a toy goes to the bear’s house and takes out a basket. The bear treats the children with sweets, and the children treat the guests. Bear: Guys, I really enjoyed visiting you, but it’s time for me to return to my home. I want to treat you to some sweets - these are vitamins of good mood. Q: Guys, who came to visit us? Who did we target? And for whom did we decorate the house so beautifully? The children answer.

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