Differentiation of the letters “i” and “u”. Outline of a speech therapy lesson (2nd grade) on the topic

Differentiation of sounds and letters U-Oplan-compendium on the topic

A lesson using specialized electronic educational resources, the reproduction of which is didactically most justified on an interactive whiteboard.

Dragunova Elena Ivanovna

Municipal educational institution - Information and Technology Lyceum No. 24 of Neryungri (MOU ITL No. 24 of Neryungri).

Subject: subgroup speech therapy lesson, consolidation of material.

Topic: Differentiation of sounds and letters “O - U”.

Duration: 35 minutes.

Class: 2.

Technologies: computer presentation Microsoft Office Power Point, interactive whiteboard.


  • clarification and comparison of articulation and sound of sounds O - U;
  • improvement of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis;
  • development of visual memory, visual-spatial orientation;
  • enrichment of vocabulary.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, fan of letters, syllabic cards, colored pencils, pens.

  1. Organizing time. Speech therapist:

Guys, I’ll tell you riddles now, and you try to guess them. (If you have difficulty, slide No. 1 on the interactive whiteboard)

This letter is like a hoop; if I want, I’ll swing it along the way.

This letter looks like a snail's horns. Who guessed? (These are the letters O - U)

What are the similarities between the sounds U and O? (Sounds O and Vowels. The sound O is like a hoop, the mouth is open, the lips are rounded, the chin drops. When we pronounce the sound U, the lips are elongated, the teeth do not close, but the chin does not drop.)

  1. Main part
  1. Isolating the sounds O and U in words. Speech therapist. (fan with letters)

I will name the words, and you must determine by ear what sound is in the word O or U and raise the corresponding letter.

Autumn, mole, twig, friend, horse, pipe, coward, bridge, duck, piece.

  1. Working with syllables (spatial orientation).

Speech therapist. (The interactive board shows syllables with vowels O and U)

- There are syllables in front of you (slide No. 2 Read the second line from the bottom. Which syllable is extra in this line and why? Read the third column on the right. Which syllable is extra in this table and why? Etc.

bo - bu - bo ku - ko - ku mo - mu - mo so - su - so

  1. Working with cards “Add the word”

Speech therapist: in front of you are rollers on which syllables are written in two columns. You need to come up with and write down words that begin with a syllable from the first column (pen, bag, bun). Come up with words that end with a syllable from the second column (lock, boot, leaf).

ruch mok

sum pog

bull current

  1. Physical education minute.

If we’ve worked hard, let’s rest, get up, and take a deep breath.

Hands to the sides, forward. Left, right turn.

Three bends, stand up straight. Raise your arms up and down.

They lowered their hands smoothly and gave smiles to everyone.

  1. Working with proposals. Speech therapist: (slide No. 3; No. 4; No. 5; No. 6; No. 7)

-There is a sentence in front of you (a sentence is shown on the interactive board). Read it, please (the screen closes). Who can repeat what sentence was written on the board? Let's write it down.

Then the children work independently. Sentences are shown one by one on the interactive board. After reading the sentence, the screen closes, the children write down what they read from memory in their workbooks, highlighting the vowels O and U with a red pencil.

Vova hurt his leg. Tonya carries water. Gosha has new galoshes. A shepherd grazes a herd of cows. Kolya takes Lusha to school.

A mutual inspection of the work is carried out.

f) Game “Letters are lost”

— Here is a picture in which the letters U and O are missing. There is an image of the picture on the interactive board. (slide No. 8)

-Look carefully at what is shown in the picture?

You have the same paintings on your tables, only small ones. You need to find the lost letters and circle them with a red pencil.

-Why do we highlight the letters U and O with a red pencil? (Because they are vowels)

3. Summary of the lesson. Speech therapist.

- What sounds and letters did we talk about today in class?

— Were you able to complete all the tasks?

— What didn’t work out and why?

D/z: color the picture in which the missing letters were found.

Lesson 6. Differentiation of letters and - y in phrases, sentences and text.

Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the letters u -, i;

that are similar in style develop children's logical
thinking, fine motor skills, visual perception, visual attention.
Equipment: subject demonstration pictures on the board; card in the form of a telegram; crossword; cards for individual work. Progress of the lesson

I. _ Org. moment

1.Introduction to the heroes of the lesson.

Speech therapist:

Today, scammers and swindlers stopped by our class.
(The speech therapist displays pictures
the class heroes Chris and Rudy.)
They are plotting a terrible crime. Let's try to unravel their plans and prevent them from committing a crime.

But first you need to write down the date and topic of the lesson.

Look at the robbers' T-shirts and guess the theme of the lesson. (Letters i-u.)

2.Remembering the designation of letters in a letter and the sounds that they represent.

3. Comparative characteristics of the letters and - y.

II. Main part of the lesson

1. Differentiation of lesson letters at the word level.

Speech therapist:

I accidentally overheard a conversation between bandits and found out that they decided to kidnap a little boy and ask for a huge ransom for him. The villains have prepared a list of necessities.

Listen to what the scammers decided to take with them and determine how they will divide the items. Write down the words in two columns and indicate the presence of letters in the activity.

Words on cards:

basket, bag, brick, gloves, Mauser.

2.Working with a deformed sentence.

Speech therapist:

The robbers kidnapped the boy Willie. But how could they know what a mischievous, naughty and brawler this boy was! Soon he completely tortured them... The scammers had cards with sentences, which they loved to re-read many times. The boy mixed up all the words in his sentences, now the villains cannot understand anything. Help the would-be robbers - unravel the sentences.

A duck swims in the river.

The dog, the moon, at night, barks.

Clown, circus, kids, adults, and, amusing, in.

3. Development of logical thinking.

Speech therapist:

The scammers are no longer happy with their prey; they ask the old man to take back his mischievous son. But that was not the case; for some reason the old man was in no hurry to return his son. Solve the crossword puzzle and you will find out what condition the old father set for the kidnappers.

A mountain from the top of which fire and ash erupt.

A small brown animal that lives in water and resembles a mole.

The threads are wound into...

Inflates behind the cobra's head when it is angry.

A large non-venomous snake, otherwise called a boa constrictor.


volcano, muskrat, tangle, hood, python.
What word is hidden vertically? (Redeem)
4. Individual work using cards.

Speech therapist:

Read the old father’s message to the scammers and try to guess what he wrote about?

Old..k., support b..d,

Don't let the kids go...

Ut..pay the patient... p...t

And the bench... d... .

5. Physical exercise.

Speech therapist:

Prankster Willie mocked the robbers as best he could: he threw stones, spat, forced them to brush their teeth and even do exercises. This one. That's what a dragonfly is - Very round eyes. . Rotates like an airplane: Right, left, up, forward.

6. Consolidation of spelling rules. Differentiation of letters i-y in the text.

Speech therapist:

One night, when Willie was sleeping, the robbers decided to run away and never return to this city again, so as not to meet with the prankster Willie. They swore an oath to reform and never engage in robbery again. Slowly they wrote a note to Willie's father and tiptoed to the door of the cave in which they had been living lately.

Write down the robbers' letter in your notebook and try not to confuse the letters and - y,

then Willie will not notice the disappearance of the villains and will be able to return to his father in the morning.

Text of the auditory dictation:

“Dear dad Willie! Your son is a terrible bully. Please take it back. We apologize and ask for your forgiveness. We will pay the ransom. Goodbye!


Words for reference on the board: dear

, bully, kidnappers please.

III. Lesson summary

Speech therapist:

Name the words with the letters of the lesson from the text. In which words did you need a red oval to indicate letters, where did you use a red circle?

Differentiation of letters P and T

Topic: “Differentiation of P and T.”

Goal : To teach to differentiate the letters P and T in syllables, words and sentences.



  • developing the ability to compare the letters P and T in syllables, words and sentences;
  • vocabulary development;


  • development of hand-eye coordination;
  • development of phonemic awareness;
  • development of linguistic, phonemic analysis and synthesis;
  • development of phonemic differentiations;
  • development of writing and reading skills;
  • development of coherent speech;
  • development of the VPF.
  • Educational:
  • development of self-control, independently assessing the results of speech therapy activities;
  • developing interest in the activity;
  • organization of order in the workplace.

Equipment: cards with letters, cards with tasks for the sounds P and T, notebooks, pens and pencils, ball, number ruler, syllabic tables.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment.

Hello guys. Today an unusual guest came to our class. His name is encrypted on the board. To recognize him, we need to get acquainted with the topic of our lesson and then we will quickly insert the missing letters into his name. We actively raise our hands and answer; everyone will receive a star for correct answers. At the end of the lesson, we will count how many stars everyone has.

— Spatial orientation tasks:

take your left ear with your right hand;

with your left hand behind your right elbow;

close your right eye with your right hand;

with your left hand touch your right knee;

2. Introduction to the topic.

And now, everyone will read what is written on their card.

Guys, tell me, what are the first letters of the names of these words? (P and T).

Characteristics of the sounds P and T. (according, deaf, hard/soft).

Let's insert the necessary letters into our guest's name and find out his name. (Toptyzhka).

Today he will see which of you was the most active, did not shout and raised his hand.

3. Main part.

Determining their similarities and differences between letters by spelling.

- Look and say: how many “legs” does the letter T

at the letter P

- How are these letters similar? (Identical elements)

- How are they different? (Writing one element - 1 stick)

4. Isolating the letters p and t. Each of you has a card with a letter on the tables. I will name the words, and you will raise the card, depending on what sound you heard in the word: P or T. Words: fog, saw, sail, plate, cake, pie, tank.

5. Differentiation of letters P – T in syllables. Reading the syllabic table.

6. Game "Magic Eraser".

One day a magic eraser came to visit the letters and erased the P

bars. Look what happened. Read the syllables based on the number of letter stems.

Now we open our notebooks, write down today’s date (December 15) and the topic of the lesson (Pp-Tt).

Restore the crossbars in the syllables and write down all the syllables.

In the children's notebooks: pu, ta, pat, pu, you, five, sweat, ta, tet, pyo

-What word is hidden in the syllables? (sweat.)

7. Differentiation of letters P - T in words. Comparison of words by spelling.

At the beginning of the lesson, you read the words on the card (wheelbarrow, pack, dot, kidney, cannon). Let's see how the meaning of a word can change if one stick is not added to the letter “T”.

There is a “car” card on the board. We remove one stick from the letter T. What word did you get? (“Pack”).

The words “point” and “kidney” are compared in the same way.

Conclusion: You see, guys, how important it is not to make mistakes when writing the letters P and T.

8. You have cards on the tables. Let's read the task: insert the missing syllable PA or TA into the word.




PA TA ….rus



8. Game "Spies". Read the words using the cipher key.

Write the words in your notebook. In the children's notebook: Yolk, peacock, cottage cheese, cereal, syrup, sunset, boot, machine, scarf, crowd, pirate, ceiling, cake, pharmacy, briefcase.

9. Phys. Just a minute.

You need to catch the ball with your right hand, if you hear the sound [P] in words, if you hear the sound [T], catch it with your left. (Words: gun, dance, shooting gallery, peacock, croup, tank).

10. Classification of words by the presence of letters P - T. Write the words in two columns:

11. Name the pictures, connect them with the letter. Determining the place of letters P - T in a word.

Determine the place of the letters P and T in words using a number ruler.

Name the words that contain the letters “P” and “T” at the same time. (This is a briefcase and a shovel).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P T briefcase
P T shovel

12. Differentiation of letters P – T in sentences. Developing reading comprehension skills.

Read the sentences, choosing the appropriate words from brackets:

Hanging above the table is (a shelf, a shelf).

The Ugly Duckling (slept, became) a swan.

The ship arrives at (cake, port).

Misha was given (port, cake).

There is little (shelf, sense) from lazy people.

13. Working with deformed sentences. Make sentences from words. Write the sentences using the letters P or T.

Natasha, u, #e#lye, #a#ki.

#odme#ae#, Tanya, #ol. ka#ok, I'm going#, on, de#i.

ku#il, pa#a, #or#.

14. Summary of the lesson.

Remember the words you heard in class. Name words that contain both the sounds [P] and [T]. What did you learn in class today? How to distinguish between the letters P and T when writing?

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