ECD “Wintering Birds” (preparatory group) outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic

Thematic week on the topic “Let's help birds survive the winter” in the preparatory group.

find? Goal: to summarize children’s knowledge about wintering birds ,

their needs; evoke in children sympathy and a desire to help them.

4.Getting to know the model «

Purpose: to clarify children’s understanding of the structure of birds .
Learn to use the iconic-symbolic diagram of the structure of birds
5.D/I “I’ll start, and you continue.” Goal: to exercise the ability to describe a bird according to certain characteristics, to consolidate the names of birds .


1. Situational conversation “What do birds eat?” invite children to watch the feeders, what birds fly in?, who has what habits?, what birds like what kind of food? Cultivate observation skills

2.P/I “The Kite and the Hen”. Exercise children in performing the “side gallop” step.

3. Outdoor game “Fourth odd”. Goal: develop the ability to classify birds ,

responding to the teacher’s mistake with certain movements.

4.Work assignment: Offer to pour bird food.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to help birds in winter

1. Conversation about migratory birds. Goal: to form a generalized idea of ​​migratory birds ,

learn to distinguish them according to an essential feature: the ability to satisfy the need for food;
consolidate knowledge about the importance of birds in people's lives .
Enrich your vocabulary on the topic “Migratory birds
2. Reading fiction: V. Bianki “Red Hill” (from the collection “Forest Were” - continuation).

3.D/I “Build a bird.” Goal: to practice the ability to build an image of a bird using geometric shapes.

4.D/I “Whose tail? Whose beak? Goal: to practice the ability to name birds based on external features.

5. Outdoor game “Wolf in the Moat”. Goal: continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game, act (imitate the movements of a wolf and geese) according to the chosen role and text.




with children “Hello, winter-winter
Purpose: to give an idea of ​​winter phenomena that affect the life and behavior of birds
2. Didactic game “Who can name the most migratory birds .”

Goal: consolidate knowledge about migratory birds
3. Exercise for fingers to the text of I. Tokmakova’s poem “A Flock of Birds.” Goal: develop fine motor skills, memorize the text of the poem.


1. Observation of tits. They flew out of the forest in search of food. Write a comparative story about a tit. Consider their color. Tell them that they got their name because of their singing: “Xin - Xin.”

2. D/I “How many birds are there on the feeder?” Goal: to teach how to compose and solve simple problems on a visual basis.

3. Situational conversation “Do birds bring benefit or harm?”


1.D/I “Counting sticks”. Purpose: to practice the ability to make birds from counting sticks .

D/I "The Fourth Wheel". Goal: to develop children's attention and observation skills.

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