Specifics of the work of a speech therapist teacher in a school speech center.

Under the guidance of a speech therapist - the principle of successful speech development

Only a speech therapist can solve a problem with pronunciation in a comprehensive manner.
Caring parents, trying to save their child from possible complications at school, begin to work with him on speech development. A properly designed exercise program and competent work methodology will bring tangible results in two directions :

  1. Active expansion of the lexicon , the child becomes aware of the peculiarities of the composition of words of different parts of speech;
  2. Improving oral speech , which, in turn, mobilizes the areas of the brain responsible for thinking, memory, alertness, concentration and reaction.

However, maximum results can only be achieved in suitable living and learning conditions. And for this it is necessary to provide the child, especially if he suffers from speech impairment, with classes with a speech therapist.

A school speech therapist deals with problems in the field of speech defects, correction and prevention of speech disorders, and has knowledge from various fields of pedagogy, humanities, exact and natural sciences related to speech and medicine, psychology, neurolinguistics and other related disciplines. Classes and consultations with a speech therapist will help to competently and timely diagnose the disorder, create a set of necessary exercises aimed at correcting and further eliminating problems in pronunciation .

At the same time, the work of a speech therapist in school is not limited to solving specific problems of correcting specific violations in individual students. Its main goal is to systematically identify children with speech impediments from the stream of students.

Communication, training, adaptation - vectors of speech therapy education

Classes with a speech therapist teach children to adapt to various life situations.
Speech therapy classes help children not only in their speech practice, but also simultaneously develop their learning skills and cognitive functions, prepare them for intensive work with teachers , and teach them to separate play and learning activities.

Formation of arbitrariness

During the border period between preschool life and within the walls of an educational institution, is especially important, along with the development of speech, to form in the child a correct perception of the new reality . More than half (78%) of six-year-old children are not mentally prepared for school; in the case of seven-year-old children, the percentage is half as much, but also remains significant (20-30%). And here a specialist should also come to the rescue.

The researchers came to the conclusion that a child who is psychologically ready for school must have a sufficient level of voluntary and volitional development.

Undeveloped voluntariness can be inherent even in gifted children who are distinguished by cognitive activity.

Despite this, they may make mistakes that are not related to either grammar or dysgraphia, which is typical for children with speech disorders. This is often expressed in the design of the letter - sloppiness, dirt in notebooks, insufficient pressure on the pen, low writing speed.

Such children make the following specific mistakes :

When writing

  1. do not distinguish between “k” and “p”
  2. incorrectly copied from the board;
  3. incorrectly reproduce sentences, phrases, words and sounds
  4. get tired and make more inaccuracies by the end of the lesson
  5. has difficulty working with the alphabet
  6. has difficulty mastering basic spelling patterns

When reading

  1. skips or repeats pronunciation of lines
  2. reads with errors
  3. reads slowly
  4. doesn't remember what he reads well

Voluntary skills require the child to be aware of his own behavior ; he must be able to treat himself as if from the outside, looking at himself a little detached, and analyze the order of his actions. In the conditions of modern education, it is quite difficult to form voluntary attention in children, since all tasks come from an adult, and the child only has unquestioning obedience.

Stages of preparation for voluntary activity

In order for a child to be prepared for voluntary activities, he needs to go through several communication stages from a very young age.

  • At the first stage, the word acts as the final phase of any action; it seems to consolidate the result.
  • At the next level , at an older age, the child already sets the task in verbal form, and only then does action follow.
  • By the age of 5-6 years, a child can already regulate his behavior and control his actions, accompanying them with speech.

It is competent speech, clearly formulated tasks and plans that allow you to achieve your goals. As a result, a first-grader who has mastered the skills of voluntary activity can already distinguish the main from the secondary and analyze the speech space.

The development of voluntary attention will help to form and develop creativity in a child, the ability to communicate successfully, solve problems of varying complexity, and quickly and painlessly adapt to new conditions. All this can be achieved in classes with a speech therapist teacher, in small groups, where both an individual approach and team activities are important.

For more information about the competencies of a speech therapist, watch the video .

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