Calendar and thematic planning on the topic “Transport” in the preparatory speech therapy group


CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW OBJECTS: car, transport, bus, metro, tram, trolleybus, train, plane, ship, helicopter, boat, truck, driver, pilot, captain, traffic rules, garage, parking, stop, sidewalk, rails, road , rocket, controller, conductor, station, airport, port, pier, airfield, wheel, steering wheel, door, glass, headlights, hood, trunk, pump, driver, boat, ticket, rails, sleepers, rocket, train, dump truck, taxi , cart, bicycle, motorcycle, tractor, combine, subway, accident.

SIGNS: land, water, air, horse-drawn, fast, ambulance, jet, passenger, passenger, cargo, ambulance, fire, cleaning, railway, city, country roads, tram, trolleybus, bus stop, underground, river, sea, snow removal, police

ACTIONS: drive, sail, fly, honk, stop, turn, transport, stand, repair, repair, break, cast off, take off, land, brake, start, skip, taxi, skid.

CHILDREN SHOULD BE ABLE TO NAME IN ONE WORD: The milk truck carries milk. The concrete is being stirred by a concrete mixer. Transports cement - a cement truck. Carries water - a water carrier.

SELECT VERBS: Bus – travels, carries people, turns, slows down.. Ship – sails, sails, docks...

SELECT AN OBJECT TO THE FEATURE: Old - ... New - ... Cargo - ... Fast - ...

DESCRIBE TRANSPORT ACCORDING TO THE PLAN: Name What does it consist of (what is on top, below, on the side, in front, behind, inside)? What is it intended for? What actions does it perform? Compare two types of transport. What are the similarities and what are the differences (according to the description plan).

TRANSPORT - a set of means of transportation (trains, ships, cars, etc.), as well as a separate type of these means. Railway, passenger, water transport. Work of urban transport.

Types of transport: land (rail, city), underground, air, water.

Ground transportation:

a) railway: train (cars, steam locomotive, diesel locomotive), electric train. b) urban: passenger car, trucks (truck, dump truck, van, tank), bus, trolleybus, tram, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, special vehicles (ambulance, fire, police, emergency, taxi).

Underground transport: metro. Metropolitan is a city electric road, usually underground.

Air transport: balloon, plane, helicopter, rocket, spaceship.

Water transport: boat (motor, rowing, with a sail, underwater), cutter, steamer, ship, barge, icebreaker, motor ship, raft.

TYPES OF TRANSPORT: freight and passenger. Cargo - goods, things that are transported somewhere. A passenger is someone who is traveling or intending to ride something.

PARTS OF TRANSPORT: headlight, body, cabin, engine, wheel, doors, tires, trunk, steering wheel, seat, pedals, brake, tail, propeller, gangway, salon, cabin, deck, mast, sides, stern, hold, lifebuoy, porthole.

TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT AND ITS MAINTENANCE: driver, carriage driver, driver, chauffeur, motorcyclist, cyclist, captain, pilot, pilot, helicopter pilot, flight attendant, navigator, controller, passenger, sailor, astronaut.

PLACES OF TRANSPORT AND PEOPLE USING IT: station, airport, airfield, helicopter station, pier, port, garage, trolleybus depot, bus depot, space, depot.


1. What kind of transport is there? a) What is the name of a vehicle that floats on water? b) Moves by rail? c) Moves on the ground? d) Underground? d) Does it fly through the air? 2. Name (list) ground (railway, city), underground, water, air transport? 3. What types of cars do you know? (truck, passenger, special). 4. What types of trains do you know? (passenger, freight). 5. What types of aircraft do you know? (passenger, military). 6. What types of boats do you know? (motor, rowing, sailing, underwater). 7. Show and name the parts of machines? (wheels, cabin, body, headlights, steering wheel, doors). 8. Show and name the parts of the boat? (mast, sail, oars, etc.). 9. Show and name the parts of the ship? airplane? 10. Who controls a car, plane, ship, train, tram, motorcycle, etc.? (driver, pilot, pilot, captain, engineer, etc.). 11. What professions involve driving? 12. What should a driver, driver, engineer, captain, etc. be like? (attentive, polite, courteous, neat, strict, efficient, etc.). 13. Do you like driving? 14. What kind of transport do you have at home? 15. Would you like to become a driver of any transport? 16. Tell me, what transport do you use to get to kindergarten? 17. How far did you leave home and what did you use?


A house is driving along the asphalt, there are a lot of children in it. And there are reins above the roof; he cannot walk without them. (trolleybus)

Very early outside the window there was knocking and ringing and chaos. Red houses run along straight steel paths. (tram)

A steam locomotive without wheels, that's a miracle - a steam locomotive. Has he gone crazy - walked straight across the sea? (steamboat)

It doesn’t flap its wings, but flies, Not a bird, but overtakes everyone (an airplane)

He rushes and shoots, grumbles in patter. The tram can’t keep up with this chatter (motorcycle)

So that I can take you, I don’t need oats, Feed me gasoline, give me rubber for my hooves, And then, kicking up dust, the ... (car) will run.

What a miracle - a white house, there are a lot of children in it. Wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline (bus)


The word was hidden somewhere. The word is hidden and waiting. “Let the guys find me. Well, who will find me?” The house on rails is right there. He'll kill everyone in five minutes. You sit down and don’t yawn - It’s leaving... (tram)

Will not travel without gasoline Neither bus nor... (car)

It rides on two wheels, does not slip on slopes, and there is no gasoline in the tank - This is my... (bicycle)

Early in the morning along the road, dew glistens on the grass. Legs move along the road and two wheels run. The riddle has an answer. This is my... (bike)

I don't look like a piano, but I also have a pedal. Whoever is not a coward or a coward, I will give him a dashing ride. I don't have a motor. What's my name? … (bike)

Runs quickly in the wind without oars or a motor... (sailboat)

I’m called a dump truck, I dump myself... (load)

Feed me gasoline, Give me rubber for my hooves, And then, raising dust, He runs... (automobile)

Clinging to the rear tire, Mishka rides ... (car)

The whole world read the message in the newspapers that Belka and Strelka flew in ... (rockets)

Without accelerating, it takes off skyward, reminding one of a Dragonfly. Rotary wing takes flight... (helicopter)

There is silence in this house, many windows, one door. The house flies into the sky. The whole country is outside the window. The house took flight. So this is... (airplane)

Past the grove, past the ravine, The little sister rushes without smoke, rushes without steam. The steam locomotive... Who is she? ... (train)

The driver was taking a lot of brooms and baskets to the store. How pleasant it was for Zina to sit with him in ... (cabin)

I started creating a fleet. The sponge turned into... (raft)

There are no clouds on the horizon, But an umbrella has opened in the sky. A few minutes later, Descended... (parachute)

Vehicle classification

The division is based on different principles. This could be a method of transportation or a destination. Depending on the method of transportation, vehicles are divided as follows:

  1. Ground type, in which the vehicle moves only on the ground or rails. An example would be a locomotive or an entire passenger (freight) train or bus.
  2. Water transport In this case, movement is carried out by water.
  3. Aviation mode of transport. Representatives of this category travel by air.

By purpose, transport is divided as follows:

  • Passenger view. As the name suggests, it is designed to carry passengers.
  • Horse-drawn look. Its main purpose is to transport goods. An example is a barge or an ordinary cart.
  • Special transport. It is intended to perform any specific tasks. A striking example of this type is a fire truck.
  • Agricultural type of vehicle. These are various tractors and combines designed to cultivate land for agricultural purposes.

Assignments for mastering the material

When introducing preschoolers to various types of vehicles, various games are used to help them remember them better. They can be represented by the following options:

  • Puzzles. They contribute to the development of logic, thinking, and intelligence.
  • Outdoor games. Each child is given a picture depicting some type of transport. There is a house where the corresponding transport base is located. The child’s task is to correctly identify it in relation to the type of vehicle depicted in the picture he received.
  • Puzzles. This is, for example, a picture of an airplane cut into pieces. The child finds a picture with the required part and talks about what it is intended for.

The information about transport received by a preschooler will contribute to his further development.

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