5. Poems for automation and differentiation of sounds L, L

Poems about the letter L

Like a bow, the “L” broke, and began to fly like an arrow. Laconic and light, she is dazzling!

*** Arriving in the forest, at one moment I drive two “Ls” into the sand. I put a tarpaulin on top of the pole and build a house. *** Let's write the letter L first. Two boards cover the roof. Let's put a belt on the letter L - change the L to the letter A.

Let's write the letter L again. Let's underline it with a lower line, put the legs on the sides - the letter D comes out to us.

If you managed to write two letters L side by side, then they will turn into the letter M to the delight of everyone.

Poems about letters for preschool children

Poems about letters for preschool children
Poems about letters for preschool children:

A watermelon lies in the sun, sparkling with its ripe belly. Ah, it’s hard to live in the world for such big watermelons!

The ram looks at the new gate. The ram is sad for some reason today. He wanted to take a walk, leaving the house, but he couldn’t open the gate with his forehead...

Here is a young, carefree marsh muskrat walking. She admires herself, After all, everyone addresses her using “you”.

Dovecote of pigeons All so beautiful - Blue, blue - There are no pigeons!

A house with a chimney, and above the chimney there is smoke. Smoke can be good or evil. Good smoke is over the Tula samovar, Evil and terrible smoke is over the forest fire.

The prickly spruce, like a hedgehog, threatens everyone with needles. That's why you won't find the hedgehog under the trees.

A beetle sneaks along a blade of grass, as if along a narrow path. This path is very long, and dangerous - just scary!

The hare has fun in the wild, The hare's soul sings! Life is beautiful in an open field, It’s a pity that carrots don’t grow...

The needle is skillful and sharp, The thread leads after itself. But if she injects you, you’ll have to look for a bandage and iodine...

The cat lies there, knows no worries: He chews and rests. From the point of view of a cat, human life is vanity.

The moon shines at night, as if smiling. And what is happening under the moon is not the luminary’s concern.

The hammer on the workbench lies in melancholy for a whole hour... How can you not get bored here, The hammer is used to knocking!

The rhinoceros, like all rhinoceroses, walks through the jungle without a road. Don't touch his sharp horn! Let him go his way.

The eagle has a proud disposition, Believes that he is always right. He looks down on everyone, And alone soars in the heights.

The locomotive puffs and crawls - it carries five carriages. I would like to take fifty, but I don’t have the strength. A bit old!

The river flows from afar, It is transparent, deep... And you won’t believe that the river was born from a stream!

The table is in the main place. Our friendly family is together at the table today: Mom, dad, cat... and me!

Old slippers sigh, rest under the sofa. It’s not easy for slippers to be on your feet from morning to night.

The iron serves its owner faithfully and irons her clothes smoothly. The iron cannot live any other way, Because it is very hot!

The owl does not sing songs, The owl's flight is inaudible. The mouse in the meadow is afraid to hear him cry: “Uh-huh!”

The chameleon always changes color. There is nothing more cunning than him in this world. What color it really is - I probably forgot about it myself.

The circus came to us yesterday. The kids are very happy. There is a notice on the fences: “There will be a show soon!”

The tea cup is standing, Black tea is poured into it. And the one that is empty will also be filled.

The balloon is inflatable, airy, obedient to the light wind, I would be glad to fly into the sky... But I have to endure it.

The puppy was spinning like a top: He broke the potty, tore the stocking... The puppy did a lot of business in the house! Tired... And sleeps without hind legs.

We couldn’t remember Russian words starting with the letter “Y

An echo without people is silent, And if you call out, it will scream, Or it will respond with laughter, Our voice will return to us in an echo.

Young man is a young sailor, only his first year on the ship. But the day will come someday, When he will become a captain!

Apple, berry, fair, pit... Lots of words with the letter “I”, let’s face it. Each of you who can read will be able to count them on occasion.

Poems about the letter L for 1st grade

Assistant. I was as dear to my mother as I could, even though she was small, she helped. She didn’t look for anything for a long time: She rinsed the towel, washed the forks and spoons, gave the cat milk to drink, swept the floor with a broom from corner to corner... She wanted to rest - she couldn’t sit idle: she found scraps on the shelf, and pins and needles, and for a doll Mila began to sew a dress and a blanket. Mom barely put this troublesome Mila to bed. Mila went to bed with the doll. I managed everything, I could do everything! I. Lopukhina. *** Doll. Mila bought a doll and wore it all day. Mila dressed the doll, kissed it, and loved it. She gave the doll a name - she called the doll Galochka. Mila rocked the doll. Nicely - nicely she sang: Gala - Gala - Tick, Here's a jump rope for you, Here's a box for you, Chocolate and a bun. *** Broom. Nikolai scared the bee and ran through the garden. He stepped on a broom and crashed into a fence. The broom slammed loudly, and with such force that it would have been better if the bee had bitten Kolya. O. Grigoriev.

Short poems about letters for 1st grade

Poems about letters for grade 1, short
Poems about letters for grade 1, short:

A - Oh, what a beauty - B - The cat’s cap! B - Checkered shirt! G - Where are you, Stepashka? D - The cat is dozing on the sofa E - He wants to sleep. E - The hedgehog hurries to his prickly mother F - He is eager to tell a fairy tale. Z - The hedgehog knows a lot of fairy tales, I - And he’s an expert at telling them. K - Kitty listens tiredly, L - Moves his paw, simpleton. M - The mouse crawled out of the hole, N - I couldn’t sleep, O - I really wanted to go off the shelf P - Slowly steal the cheese. R - He’s afraid to wake up the cat, S - Styopka is sleeping lightly. T - This is how she dresses up with herself, U - She manages everything around her. F - Ugh, I’m incredibly tired, X - At least lie down in a row with the cat. C - The dial looks foggy - C - The watch has been standing for a long time. Sh - Styopka's fur stood on end, Sh - He clicked the mouse on his forehead, E - It was you who came for the cheese - Yu - Snuck into my hut? I - I-I-I...


And - a toothy shark! B - the butterfly fluttered, C - the wolf cub howled with boredom, D - the dwarf took the guitar in his hands, D - the road to the house winds, E - there is a mushroom under the spruce tree, E - the hedgehog was happy! F - a crane without boots, Z - a bunny forgot a book, I - a turkey, too puffed up, J - sweet fruit yogurt, K ​​- the cat ate it on the sly. L - the frog loves water, M - the bear ate honey, N - the rhinoceros was angry, O - keep the window open, P - the dishes washed the Fields, R - daisies grow in the field, S - the sun is shining brightly, T - and the tiger is hot in the cage ! U - dill is growing in the garden, F - an eagle owl plays hide and seek, X - a small piece of bread, C - old lady's chickens, W - we poured tea for Lyuba, Sh - we wear a fur coat in winter, Sh - the puppy is waiting for us at the house b - entrance friend, Y - so many holes in the cheese! b - there is nothing softer in the world! E - the screen flickers in the night Yu - the baby dreams of becoming a cabin boy I - the anchor will be thrown into the sea, Do you remember everything, my dear?

Tongue twisters with the letter L

Polkan pushed the stick with his paw, Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.

There are pinning needles at the Christmas tree, Pinning needles at the Christmas tree.

After saying the tongue twister, ask your child: What other trees does he know that have needles instead of leaves?

The woodpecker was pecking at the oak tree, but he didn't finish it. The woodpecker was hammering the tree and woke up Grandfather with the knock.

Tell your child why the woodpecker knocks on wood.

The woodpecker is a forest healer; by tapping the wood of a tree, he identifies the voids in which various bugs, blackworms and worms live - they destroy trees. The woodpecker eats them, thereby treating the tree from pests.

Klava put the onion on the shelf and called Nikolka over.

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Poems about letters of the alphabet for children

Poems about letters of the alphabet for children
Poems about letters of the alphabet for children:

Hello, my reading: A, B, C, D, D, E, E! I’ll read it out loud to everyone: F, Z, I, J, K, L, M! Well, I’ll re-read it again: N, O, P, R, S, T, U! Read with me too: F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Sh, S! Kommersant and b - There’s no way we can read them! But I read twice: E, Yu, I! E, Yu, I!

Thirty-three sisters, written beauties, live on one page and are famous everywhere! They are rushing to you now, Nice sisters, We really ask all the guys to make friends with them! A, B, C, D, D, F, F They rolled up on the hedgehog! 3, I, K, L, M, N, O They climbed out the window together! P, R, S, T, U, F, X Saddled the rooster, C, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, I - That’s all of them, friends! Meet them, kids! Here they are, standing side by side. It’s very bad to live in the world for those who don’t know them!

For the holiday, Santa Claus brought me the Miracle Alphabet... Well, I’ll learn it: A, B, C, D, D, E, E And I’ll continue without problems - F, Z, I, J, K, L, M, A then I’ll read it again - N, O, P, R, S, T, U And I’ll add from the heart - F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch, Y, Finally it will be like this - Hard sign (Ъ), and soft sign ( b), But in the end, I know, It’s very simple - E, Yu, I...

A – watermelon, B – bull, C – ox, D – mountain, garage and goal. D - board, E - spruce, E - hedgehog, In the word “hedgehog” you will find F. Z – fence, I – silt, Y – iodine, K – holidays and cat. L – lemon, M – fruit drink, N – thread, O – cut to sew a dress. P – wig, P – rice, S – sleep, T – tram or coupon. U - ukha, F - Finn, X - henna, C - tsigeyka and price. Ch - thicket, Sh - screw, Shch - sorrel, as well as probe. B, Y, b - words don’t begin, But, even though it’s the way it is, They are not forgotten. E is the emblem on the machine, Y is the top in your hand, I am the egg, and the letter I is the last in the alphabet.

Repeat these letters, To remember, three times, From beginning to end, From watermelon to egg.

Children's poems about letters in riddles

Children's poems about letters in riddles
Children's poems about letters in riddles:

A - A school of silver fish flashed by, And a predatory one rushes after them... (shark)

B - They were looking for a husband for the lamb, a handsome man with ringlets. We've traveled to many countries, but one like this... (ram)

Q - How a crown would suit me! Caws important... (crow)

G - I’ll waddle around, People will say - like this... (goose)

D - If he combed his hair just once, they wouldn’t call him... (porcupine)

E - He won’t put anything unwashed in his mouth. And you be like a neat guy... (raccoon)

E - There is a hedgehog and a ruff in the thorns, But you can immediately make out: He who shudders is (hedgehog) And whoever is ruffling is ... (ruff)

F - Igo-go! - the child shouts, So - this is ... (foal)

Z — Sharing with everyone is my habit! “You don’t need poison,” asked... (snake)

And - The sawfish does not saw logs, the fish cannot sew... (needle)

Y - on the tails of birds and animals. Here is an ermine, and here... (sparrow)

K - Where does the underground passage lead? (mole) knows this

L - The enemies had to retreat! Met them with horns... (elk)

M - In front of the mirror, a boy makes faces like ... (monkey)

N - By the river on a hill there is someone’s mink, The name of the owner of the mink is also... (mink)

O - The donkey wandered lazily up the mountain, And hovered over the mountain... (eagle)

P - The shepherd wakes up first. Before the shepherd gets up... (rooster)

R - I tore off the bait, And without saying “thank you”, the Impolite One swam away somewhere... (fish)

S - He sang solo among the branches. The singer was named... (nightingale)

T - For some reason, there’s no time for games, If ... (tiger)

U - Even if the roof leaks and the gate breaks, He will never leave his house... (snail)

F - There is only a line on the piece of paper: “Wake you up at night.” Dot. (eagle owl) sleeps until nightfall

X - Moving from branch to branch, He changes color each time. And he becomes invisible! Plays hide and seek... (chameleon)

C - Just came out of diapers and began to rooster... (chicken)

Ch - Sea, rock it! - Asked... (seagull)

Sh - Winter has gone far away. (bumblebee) hummed over the meadow.

Sh - I'll grab it! I'll swallow it! Clicks his teeth... (pike)

b - Leo is harsh! Softer lioness. There is a soft sign hidden in it!

Y - Clubfoot doesn’t fit into the book... (bear) We will replace “I” with “Y” - It turned out... (mouse)

Kommersant - Announces Kommersant: The beast is my enemy and the bird is my enemy! I’d rather hide in the entrance, And no one will eat me... (won’t eat me!)

E - I see a team of runners. Come forward, rhea ostrich! And a report on this topic was prepared for you by an ostrich... (emu)

Y - Pigs love the letter “Y”! Without it you can’t say... (oink)

Me - Hide, chickens! In the clear sky, a black shadow circles... (hawk)

Poems about the letters “D”, “E”, “E”, “F” for 1st grade

Poems about the letters “D” for 1st grade
Poems about the letters “D”, “E”, “E”, “F” for 1st grade:

D - like a neat house with a high gable roof.

The dragon flew far, he visited the sea. He saw a magical forest, Enchanted princesses. He saw heroes, sorcerers, kings... He knows many fairy tales - My flying dragon, And he tells me these fairy tales in silence.

Here is a house where there are good friends, There is smoke above the house, and there is a door in the house. We guessed, you and I, what we need to write now.

Next will be the letter E, I’ll show you that too. The tall spruce is growing. The hedgehog is chewing blackberries. Grandfather is riding in a cart. He turned one hundred years old. A raccoon lives under a bush. Egor goes outside.

In the word spruce we hear E, we write the letter E like this: A trunk, and the trunk has three branches. Let's remember the letter E, kids.

The tree is the same as the spruce, and there are drops above the tree. We add dots, E - this is how we read the letter.

Hedgehog, my rubber Hedgehog, You can’t spill water on us. We float in the bath, As if in the ocean. I will dive, and he will dive, and he won’t lag behind me.

F has so many legs, as if a letter could crawl. The letter Z is for sure There is a shadow of a beetle on the paper.

The letter Z is just like a beetle, perched on a branch. And with six legs spread out, he just can’t get down.

She looks like a beetle, and is friendly with an acorn. And the giraffe said: I also need the letter Z.

Marshak - poems about letters: the best selection

Marshak - poems about letters:

Bus number twenty-six. The haran managed to get on the bus, the camel got in, and the wolf and ox. The hippopotamus entered, puffing.

The dolphin could not crawl into the carriage. E note cannot go out. The giraffe pulls the bell: He mistook the snake for a string.

The turkey asked: “What time is it?” The ozel said: “I can’t hear you.” Lisa said: “It’s almost seven.” The bear said: “I’ll eat you all!”

The dung beetle buzzes: - I'm afraid! Orel said: “Don’t be a coward!” The rooster sang: - What a hero! The lynx grumbled: “Shut your mouth!”

The pig argued with the hedgehog. The seal quarreled with the walrus. He squeezed the pig with a ring. Fazan hid under the bench.

Ferret by the chicken's tail - grab it! The chicken started running. The worm thought what was behind him. The bumblebee buzzed to him: “Let’s run!”

The goldfinch sat on the window. The bittern says that it is dark for her. E mu said: “He closed the light!”

Yurok and the blackbird said: “No!” I mumbled, walking forward: “The bus won’t go any further!”

The stork spent the summer with us, and in the winter he stayed somewhere. The hippopotamus opened its mouth: The hippopotamus is asking for rolls. The sparrow asked the crow to call the wolf to the phone. A mushroom grows among the path , head on a thin stalk. The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow, The oak tree was chiseling like a chisel. The spruce looks like a hedgehog: the hedgehog is covered in needles, and so is the fir tree. The beetle fell and could not get up. He is waiting for someone to help him. We saw the stars during the day , across the river, above the Kremlin... Frost lay on the branches of the spruce tree, the needles turned white during the night. The cat caught mice and rats. The rabbit was gnawing on a cabbage leaf. Boats float on the sea, people row with oars. The bear found honey in the forest, Little honey, many bees. Rhinoceros butts with horn. Don't joke with the rhino! The donkey was angry today: He found out that he was a donkey. The turtle wears the shell, hiding its head in fear. A gray mole digs the ground, destroys the garden. The old elephant sleeps peacefully, He can sleep standing up. A cockroach lives behind the stove, What a warm place! The student learned his lessons, His cheeks were ink. The fleet is sailing to its native land. A flag on every ship. A ferret walks through the forest, a small predatory animal. The heron, important, big-nosed, stands like a statue all day. The watchmaker, squinting his eye, repairs the watch for us. Schoolboy, schoolboy, you are a strong man: You carry the globe like a ball! I clean the puppy with a brush, I tickle his sides. This button and string, electric bell. Young man, a future sailor, brought us southern fish. There are no berries more sour than cranberries. I know the letters by heart.

Farewell to the ABC - poems about letters

Farewell to the ABC - poems about letters
Farewell to the ABC - poems about letters:

Once a sorcerer began to teach children letters. Right there the letter A turned into a pineapple. The letter B is in a large bouquet. The letter B is for a bicycle. The letter G became an accordion. The letter D is a forest path, along which E is a raccoon going to visit a hedgehog. She became a long giraffe. Z - an umbrella for the Zina doll. Where the letter I was, a needle suddenly appeared. So that with that needle the wise yogi could repair the T-shirt. This is the page with the letter K. The white goat is frolicking here. Where is L? Yes, here she is! Round-faced Moon! A clever wizard turned the letter M into a bunch of carrots. N - they look like black boys. Oh - in funny deer. P said - I'm Panama! R answered - I am the frame. Spun like a snowflake. T rolled like a cart. And her neighbor U became a duck on a pond. It shoots into the sky like a fountain. X starts a round dance. She became Tsar Saltan. H - a pot-bellied suitcase. The letter Sh became a hat. Shch - the baby’s puppy. A firm sign without delay turned into an announcement. The letter Y is in the river reeds. A soft sign - into a naughty mouse. Eh, like a bird, turned into an electric train. The letter U has become a bindweed. I am a shiny anchor. So the game is over. It's time for us to finish. You already know the secret: There is a letter, but no sound. If you read the alphabet, you will find six such letters, This is clear to you!

Soft sign and hard sign. I, guys, admit: There is no such sound: Y. Yu = Y + U And, a discovery, not mine, That there is no sound: E. E = Y + O At the same time, I’ll say, friends, There is also no sound: I. I = Y + A And, please believe me, There is no sound in the world: E. E = Y + E

With a black umbrella, wearing a beret, On instructions from the FSB, someone went out at dawn to point A from point B. Without a hitch, very soon, along the trampled grass, He made his way along the fence To point D from point B, At point D, turning off the path, Crossed ditch, At point E he took off his shoes, At point E he changed his beret, At point G he got tired, (The rain started to drizzle a little), At point Z he stopped, rested, had a snack and went, checking the map, (The goal seemed to be close) ... Somewhere nearby, a raven croaked, Probably at point K. The rain poured down... The umbrella broke!.. It's good that there is a spruce nearby!.. The rain passed. Point L appeared on the horizon. He walked straight through the forest and ended up in a swamp. He came out of the swamp along bumps, like dots. O, P, R... A little more. It became drier... F, H, C... Ch, Sh, Sh... And suddenly anxiety was reflected on the face. “Obviously, I’m out of my mind! What an empty head! After all, I left point B to get to point A! He was nearby!.. Incredible!..” And, gnashing his teeth, Someone turned back to point A from point Shch.

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