Card file of tasks for automation and differentiation of hissing sounds “Sound [Ш]”

Working in words

You need to choose only those words that contain a practiced syllable. The work is carried out in the following order:

  • the sound is at the beginning;
  • in the middle;
  • at the end.

Automation begins with words with forward and backward syllables. It is advisable to illustrate each name, invite toys to “visit” - all this will make the lesson not only more interesting, but also more effective.

Examples of exercises

Similar to the previous stage, in the first lessons the speech material is spoken by an adult, then together with the student, and then the child repeats it independently. Gradually, when there are more practiced words, the baby names them without prompting from the speech therapist.

At the stage of automation of phonemes in words, work is carried out in parallel on the development of phonetic-phonemic processes. The child is explained where the word has a beginning, middle and end. During the classes, word diagrams are drawn up and tasks for the development of auditory self-control are offered.

At the same stage of automation, the gradual introduction of the automated phoneme into coherent speech begins. They do this using the example of phrases, Ш or Ж can be either in one or in each word:

  • Repetition of words:

SHA: ball, cap, puck.

SHU: noise, fur coat, joke.

JA: toad, heat, sting.

And in this way they select words for each practiced syllable.

  • The child is asked to listen carefully to the words and correct the adult. An adult deliberately makes mistakes in the pronunciation of the automated sound in some words. This task is aimed at developing auditory control of speech.
  • Add the desired syllable to make a word. Pictures are used with children of primary and middle preschool age to make it easier for them to complete this task. For example, given an image of a cap and the second syllable – PKA. The child needs to add a syllable from the proposed options (SHA).
  • Repetition of words with two sounds Ш or Ж. For example: bump, panties, kidding, etc.
  • Repetition of phrases: On W: grandfather’s checkers, new hat, funny joke, sewing machine.
  • On F: a beetle is buzzing, an orange jacket, liquid jelly.
  • Make up a phrase. Cards are laid out in front of the child and they are asked to make up a word combination on their own.
  • Call me kindly. For example: pants - pants. This exercise not only reinforces the correct pronunciation of sibilants, but also develops the skill of word formation using a suffix.
  • Game “Who can name more words with the sound Ш or Ж.”
  • “Count how many objects there are here.” This exercise helps to further develop counting skills.
  • When the child manages to pronounce the sound in words correctly, they move on to a more complex stage of correctional work - automating sounds in sentences. This block is longer in terms of the proposed material, because it is a preparation for the introduction of an automated phoneme into coherent speech.


    In children over 14 years old, sound automation begins with independent composing of syllables, reading them, highlighting the problematic sound. First you need to pronounce combinations where Sh is in an open position: ash, ush, ish, ish, yush, esh. Then switch to syllables with a closed position: sha, shu, shi, she, she. From syllables they move on to reading words, first starting with the desired letter, then at the end and in the middle of the word:

    • Jackal, noise, hut, rustle, whisper, chocolate, hornet, bumblebee, joke, chic, neck, tire, washer, silk, scow, sharpie, champignon, curtains, blinkers, husk, screen.
    • Baby, brooch, mascara, breach, quiet, good, lie (w), rye (w), luggage (w), garage (w).
    • Noodles, jerboa, hawthorn, pot, arshin, fur, crumb, basket, matryoshka, grandfather, powder, drying, brooch, nightmare, cannon, frog.

    Next, the words are used to form phrases. You can invite the teenager to combine the words themselves, or read ready-made examples:

    • Wide pot.
    • Big cup.
    • Good powder.
    • The best brooch.
    • Big frog.
    • Jerboa jumps.

    With a teenager, you can perform exercises that involve selecting words that are opposite in meaning or synonyms, and composing phrases:

    • I'm walking along the highway.
    • The big frog went into the forest.
    • Wash a good pot with powder.
    • He has a big scarf.
    • He is embroidering a scarf.
    • I wear a hat with earflaps and a fur coat.

    You can use tongue twisters, proverbs, and sayings. It is important not just to pronounce, but also to work on intonation: speak loudly, clearly, quietly, slowly, drawn out, quickly, accelerate, highlight the desired sound.

    ProverbsEven a needle and thread interferes with sewing for an inept seamstress.
    Murder will out.

    You'll walk away from a drop, but you'll end up in the rain.

    Tongue TwistersThe mouse whispers to the little mouse:
    -You keep making noise, making noise!

    The little mouse whispers to the mouse:

    -I'll be quieter.

    The cuckoo sews a hood for the cuckoo,

    The cuckoo will put on its hood.

    How funny he is in the hood!

    SayingsYou are welcome to our hut.
    At the feast the beaters are dancing.

    The sooner you start, the sooner you get there.

    Working with texts for teenagers is an integral part. Using them, you can check how automated the sound in speech is. The work is carried out using several methods:

    • reading text highlighting the desired sound;
    • retelling the text;
    • search in the text for words with the letter Ш, reading;
    • composing a text with a variety of words starting with the desired letter.

    An important part is retelling and composing, as it allows you to test natural speaking. When a child reads a text, sees a problematic letter in advance and concentrates his attention on it, he tries to read it correctly. When retelling or composing a text, speech is not controlled by the teenager, especially if the words are pronounced without interruption or pauses.

    Rules for successful automation

    When automating sound, the correct placement of the speech apparatus plays an important role. Sometimes children forget after classes with a speech therapist how the tongue and lips work when pronouncing a problem sound. Before each lesson, you need to pronounce the correct position. The work should be carried out before exercises with syllables.

    Where to start

    A child and an adult must understand where the tongue is, how the teeth and lips are located. This is not easy to understand when there is no professional assistant nearby. When pronouncing the sound Ш, the lips move forward, the teeth should be partially closed. The tongue is extended forward, the tip rises to the sky without touching it. The sides of the organ should be in contact with the molars. The vocal cords are not involved in pronunciation, there is no voice.

    When automating at home, you need to talk to your child about correct articulation before completing tasks:

    • stretch your lips forward, imagine that it is a pipe or tube;
    • stretch your tongue forward towards your teeth, lift the tip up, feel the palate;
    • lower your tongue a little so that it does not touch the palate, form a gap between them;
    • imagine that the tongue is a cup from which the cat will lap milk, you need to prevent it from spilling, make it deep (you need to show that the edges of the organ should touch the molars);
    • try to make a sound without using your voice, as if a snake is hissing.

    Parents begin work on sound automation, making sure that the child has correct articulation and can repeat it several times without gross violations.

    Articulation warm-up

    For successful automation, each lesson should begin with an articulatory warm-up. It allows you to warm up the muscles of the speech apparatus. It is necessary for children and adults to carry it out. To prepare the articulatory apparatus, classical exercises are used aimed at honing the pronunciation of the sound Ш: shovel, painter, pie.


    The exercise helps overcome muscle tone by relaxing the organs of articulation. You need to stick your tongue forward, it may be tense at first. Afterwards, children are asked to smile, but without straining their lips. The end of the tongue rests on the lower lip, the sides easily touching the corners of the mouth. You need to achieve relaxation of the organ; you should hold in this position for several seconds. In subsequent times, you can increase the relaxation time to train the muscles. Exercise “Shovel” is a basic exercise for correcting hissing sounds.


    Children are asked to imagine themselves as a painter who needs to paint the roof of their mouth. To do this, you should open your mouth slightly in a slight smile, without straining your lips. The jaw should not move. The exercise is complex and involves “painting” the upper part of the mouth with the tongue from the pharynx to the teeth and back. Important: the child must keep his tongue in constant tension, control it so that it does not come out. The task allows the baby to understand how and where to point the tongue when making the sound Ш.


    The exercise is often used in speech therapy, is complex, and trains the lateral muscles of the tongue. Don't be upset if your child doesn't complete the task the first time. Not every adult will be able to repeat the movements of a speech therapist. In children with regular practice, success comes on the 5-7th day.

    You need to relax your tongue, as in the “Shovel” exercise, so that it lies calmly on your lower lip. Then ask the baby, without straining the organ, to try to bend its side parts inward, forming a funnel. As a result, the baby should see a funny “pie” made of tongue in the mirror. You need to hold this position for 5-10 seconds.

    It is necessary to train not only the organs of the articulatory apparatus before automation, but also correct breathing.

    Speech therapists recommend using soap bubbles, tubes, whistles, paper snowflakes or cotton balls that need to be blown away to develop breathing in children. You can play with your preschooler on his birthday, blow out the candles on the cake or pie that mom prepared for the doll. An adult can inflate balloons.

    Words with the syllable SHA

    Game "Divide"

    Look at the pictures. Name them. Divide the pictures into two groups.

    Game "On the contrary"

    Read the words backwards. What word did you get? Match the resulting word with the picture.

    Game "Count the syllables"

    Read the word, determine how many syllables it has. Don't forget about the correct pronunciation of the sound [Ш].

    Game "Insert the letter"

    Read the words by inserting the missing letter Ш.

    Game "Fourth wheel"

    Name the objects, clearly pronouncing the sound [Ш]. Find the extra picture. Hint: extra picture without sound [Ш].

    Fourth wheel

    Game "Labyrinth"

    Collect pictures in the maze that have the sound [Ш] in their names. Name what you take.

    Game "Airplane"

    Fly the plane and collect pictures that have the sound [Ш] in their names. Name what you take.

    Automation of the sound [Ш] in words with a confluence of consonants in the middle of words

    Game "One-many"

    Make pairs of pictures: one object - many objects. Say it like this: “mouse-mice.” Pronounce the sound [Ш] clearly.

    Game "4 extra"

    Read or repeat all the words after an adult. Find the extra word. Justify your answer.

    Game “Name it kindly”

    Call it affectionately, for example: “hut-hut.” Pronounce the sound [Ш] clearly and correctly.

    Game "Find the word"

    Read the words that are written on the right. Pronounce the sound [Ш] clearly. Find these words in the table. They can be horizontal and vertical. Hold down the left mouse button and drag over the word. Read these words again.

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