22 short poems about the letter G for children: learning the alphabet

Poem about the letter G for preschoolers

- Ha-ga-ha! - the goose cackles. - I'm proud of my family! I keep looking at the goslings and the goose, I can’t get enough of it!

N. Koyotarev


Grom forgot to put on his galoshes. He clapped his hands loudly, hooted loudly, thundered, and scared the jackdaw in the field. From the meadow he drove the Geese away -

Run away from the Guests! Only our shaggy puppy didn’t hide his head in a hole - he barked loudly at the thunder: Woof! Go away! Let's go for a walk!

O. Tsvetikova


The letter G as a corner - The lesson could not be simpler. Here are the words in G for you: Globe, City, Head.

S. Ivanov


The letter G suddenly disappeared. Turn around, you will find it in the word “goose”. With the letter G, you won’t get lost. Gas, newspaper and horns, Dove, jackdaw and leg, A lot of words starting with the letter G, Just find out where?

A. Teslenko


One guest knocked on the roof, another guest knocked on the window, but when I went out into the yard, I did not meet any guests. A sparse rain fell on the roof, it was empty and dark; An old elm tree tapped my window with an autumn branch.

D. Kondratiev


Letter G - hippopotamus Divides the Pear in half. For yourself and the baby Hippopotamus.

K. Green


From the letter G - Mushrooms and Eyes, And the magical Dwarf in a fairy tale. - Come to us, Overweight Goose! - MiGom! I'll just run away!

A. Manfish



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G walks around the City, the hum of cars does not bother her. The letter feeds the pigeons Buckwheat A handful in her hand.

O. Talanova


Up the line, then bend it - we'll call it the letter G. A table on one leg will remind us of the letter G.

S. Rhine

*** Goose bought himself an accordion, but it had a few holes. The harmonica sang well and hissed like a goose.

G. Vieru


Here are geese with a brood of goslings, making noise and hissing like snakes. They threaten the truck, craning their necks. But the truck is not afraid of a flock of loud-mouthed geese. He threatens the gander with a horn, clearing the road.

S. Marshak.

Poems about the letter "G"

The letter G as a corner - The lesson could not be simpler. Here are the words in G for you: Globe, City, Head.


“Ge” - like a Goose or a poker, He ALWAYS LOOKS Slim. If we add “A” to it, the Goose will scream “Ha-Ha-Ha!”


From the letter G - Mushrooms and Eyes, And the magical Dwarf in a fairy tale. - Come to us, Overweight Goose! - MiGom! I'll just run away!


A stork on one leg resembles the letter “G”.


On the letter G, like on a horse, Gleb raced around the garden, but Gleb did not run into the pea beds with his feet.


The goose walks along the path, the goose plays the accordion, and the accordion player is proud: “I am a ha-ha-ha-vocalist.”


“Ha-ha-ha,” cackles the goose, “I am proud of myself, ha-ha, on one ha-ha leg I look like the letter “G.”


The letter G suddenly disappeared. Turn around, you will find it in the word “goose”. With the letter G, you won’t get lost. Gas, newspaper and horns, Dove, jackdaw and leg, A lot of words starting with the letter G, Just find out where?


The letters make up a syllable, so that you can read them, We, like a leg, will call Ge for help. A gnome is walking in the forest. He collects mushrooms in a basket. The bright light of the fire is burning. The truck is stronger than the horse. The guitar makes sounds. Grisha is calling Galya.


Up the line, then bend it - we'll call it the letter G. A table on one leg will remind us of the letter G.


G walks around the city, the hum of cars does not disturb her. The letter feeds the pigeons Buckwheat A handful in her hand.

The goose cackles, ha-ha-ha, Where are the guests, gentlemen, I was expecting guests today, I invited the letter “G” to come to me!


Geese, jackdaws and loons, Rook, capercaillie and dove, Tara-bars among themselves, They adore G, my friend.


The proud goose teaches the jackdaw: A heavy mushroom is called a milk mushroom, He wears a hat on his leg, Imitating the letter “G.”


I saw the letter “G”: What kind of stick, friends? I thought that she was broken, but she is magical! There is a rainbow in the sky - an arc. Geese, geese! Ha - ha - ha!


The Dwarf rides on the Caterpillar, the Truck follows them. The Goose sells newspapers, Thunder Rumbles, and it rains. Ksyusha drives quickly from Gorki. She has Pear in her pocket. One-two-three-four-five, We need to know the letter “G”!


Look, at the construction site - the letter “G” On a huge leg. And head to the sky - a cargo crane.


I’m telling you, friends, it’s impossible without the letter G, Carnation, Tick, Fungus, You need to know the letters by heart! Before us is the letter G. It stands like a poker.


“G” is the beginning of the state, the Anthem and also citizenship. I am a citizen of Russia, like my whole family! I know the hymn very well, I sing it with the choir! My voice is beautiful and firm, I am very proud of my country!


Our “G” is barely noticeable, lying in a corner: Who could notice it? - The corner is like a corner.


Grom forgot to put on his galoshes. He clapped his hands loudly, hooted loudly, thundered, and scared the jackdaw in the field. He drove the Geese out of the meadow - Run away from the Guests! Only our shaggy puppy didn’t hide his head in a hole - He barked loudly at Thunder: Woof! Go away! Let's go for a walk!

Poem about the letter G for 1st grade

The ermine played the scale and gavotte on the guitar, played the anthem on the oboe, and was tired at the accordion.

S. Shusharina


Sad geese are walking in the park, We brought gifts for the loud-mouthed ones: Pears, pomegranates, grapefruit juice, A huge cartload of buckwheat porridge.

E. Varteresyants


Our G is barely noticeable, lying in a corner: Who could notice it? - A corner is like a corner.

N. Shiryaev


The letter G suddenly disappeared. Turn around, you will find it in the word “goose”. With the letter G, you won’t get lost. Gas, newspaper and horns, Pigeon, jackdaw and leg, A lot of words starting with the letter G, Just find out where ?

A. Teslenko

Collocations (118)

  • galloping across Europe
  • range of feelings
  • highlight of the program
  • anywhere
  • idea's generator
  • genius of pure beauty
  • geographical position
  • heroic deed
  • hero of the story
  • flexible stone
  • bad deal
  • head of state
  • head of the family
  • main character
  • the main task
  • the main idea
  • the main role
  • the main objective
  • main character
  • main character
  • mainly
  • you need an eye and an eye
  • good eye
  • I couldn't take my eyes off
  • the eyes are afraid, but the hands do
  • eyes to eyes
  • eyes popped out of their sockets
  • eyes popped out of my head
  • wet eyes
  • eyes opened
  • eyes run wild
  • you won't have time to blink an eye
  • voice in the wilderness
  • deep meaning
  • deep knowledge
  • deep Scan
  • deep meaning
  • deep study
  • deep understanding
  • back street
  • remote place
  • plain collar
  • muffled voice
  • deaf man
  • rotten man
  • bend your back
  • talking about
  • talks about that
  • speaks for itself
  • I'm telling the truth
  • talking about
  • goal like a falcon
  • my head hurts
  • head is spinning
  • dizzy
  • garden head
  • glans penis
  • headache
  • headdress
  • hunger is not my aunt
  • hungry as wolf
  • blue blood
  • Blue eyes
  • Homeric laughter
  • homo sapiens
  • a great weight off one's mind
  • leopard change his spots
  • Gordian knot
  • onion grief
  • burn it with blue flame
  • rock
  • urban environment
  • city ​​dweller
  • bitter truth
  • hot water
  • hothead
  • hot blood
  • hotline
  • burning eyes
  • Oh my God
  • government
  • public administration
  • government system
  • government bodies
  • state machine
  • statesman
  • government agency
  • state employee
  • finished products
  • Cook food
  • ready for anything
  • ready to help
  • Civil War
  • civil position
  • civil turnover
  • civil society
  • civil law
  • schedule
  • warming the soul
  • deathly silence
  • menacing visions
  • penny price
  • roughly speaking
  • rib cage
  • infant
  • chest wheel
  • group of persons
  • a group of people
  • risk group
  • group sex
  • sad mood
  • gnawing granite of science
  • lip no fool
  • roll your lip
  • goose pimples
  • dense forest
  • clawed goose
  • the goose is not a friend to the pig

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Summary of a literacy lesson “Sound [G] and letter G”

Abdulova Dzhume Sirazhutdinovna

Summary of a literacy lesson “Sound [G] and letter G”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the sound and letter G

Materials: demonstration material, workbooks part 2, a simple pencil, colored pens and pencils, tumblers, felt-tip pens.

I. Organizational moment

Educator: Guys, listen and name the first sound in the words:

Goose, pot, pear, mushroom (children's answers) geranium, weight (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, the sound “G” is heard. This is a consonant sound, it is not sung, and when we pronounce it, we feel obstacles in our mouth.

Articulation of sound

Let's pronounce the sound "G" together.

II. Main part.

One child does a task at the board,

(Work in the notebook Elena Astafieva: We play, read, write. Workbook No. 2. Federal State Educational Standard) children write the letter G, paint the roof of the house and the tumbler in blue and green, write the letter G in their pocket.)

1. Game exercise “Put the letter in her apartment”

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the studied sound and letter; learn to choose the right and left front house, count the floors in order, starting from the bottom; explain the choice of your decision based on knowledge about sound.

Educator: Guys, look, in your notebook you have drawn a house for letters, the owner of this house is a tumbler. In the tumbler's pocket there is a key to the letter apartments (these are cards with colored letters).

Educator: which tumbler do we choose?

Children's answers: blue and green with a bell

Educator : why?

Children's answers: because the sound G is a consonant, voiced, and can be soft or hard.

1. Game exercise “Find your place”

Goal: learn to find the place of sounds in words and write the letter G

2. Game exercise “The letter is lost”

Goals: consolidate knowledge about sounds and letters. Training a child's visual memory

Educator: guys, now we do the second exercise, we write the letter G, large and small, in the air with our fingers, then with a pen in a notebook, and to consolidate the knowledge we write 6 in green and 6 in blue.

3. Exercise “Graphic dictation”

Goal: continue according to the example; develop visual memory

4. Exercise “Complete the picture”

Goal: learn to find the image of the letter G and trace the dots of the picture; learn to find words with the sound G in a picture

5. Game “What’s on sale in the store?”

Goals. We develop the ability to differentiate paired consonants K and G, strengthen the ability to select words with a given sound and a given letter. We consolidate knowledge on the topic “Shop”.

Progress of the game. Having recognized the letters written with dots in circles, the child circles them. The adult explains that the houses are stores, and the letter written on the door of each store is in its name. Listing (with the help of an adult) familiar store names, the child guesses that in the top picture there is a grocery store, in the bottom picture there is a department store (we check the letter G in the word department store by selecting related words - department stores, etc.).

Next to the shops there are pictures of the goods sold in these shops. We give the task: indicate with arrows where which goods are sold, if in a store with the letter K there should be products whose names have this letter, and in a store with G there should be products whose names have the letter G. After completing the task, the child specifies whether it is correct Whether the names of the stores were selected in accordance with their assortment. At the end of the game, the child colors pictures of goods.

6. Game “Sign the pictures yourself”

Goals. We train the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals. We learn to analyze and write down phrases: two boots, one boot, two ties, one tie. We train in identifying the paired consonant at the end of a word (K - G).

Progress of the game. Having named the objects and their quantity on the left in the picture, the child writes the phrases: two boots, two ties. (Here, comments from an adult about the correct spelling of the word boots are required. The child, having written this word in a phrase, circles the letter a with a red pen.) The task for the pictures on the right is performed in the same way; In this case, the child’s explanations about the correct spelling of consonants at the end of the words boots, tie are necessary. At the end of the game, the child completes the sound and syllabic patterns of words and colors the pictures.

7. Game "Shop"

Goals. We strengthen the ability to recognize and correctly write the letters we have learned. We train in reading words written in a circle, clockwise. Using the example of reading and writing the word shop, we continue to develop the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Progress of the game. Having crossed out the incorrectly written letters, the child reads the word clockwise, starting with the letter M (store). Then he writes this word, follows its sound and syllable patterns.

Summary of the lesson, assessment of children.

- Guys, remember what sound we met in class today?

- With what letter?

– What color do we use?

– What did you like most?

– Well done, they studied well, listened carefully, answered questions

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