Synopsis for a natural science lesson on the topic: “Types of transport”

TRANSPORT - a set of means of transportation (trains, ships, cars, etc.), as well as a separate type of these means. Railway, passenger, water transport. Work of urban transport.

Types of transport:

ground (railway, city), underground, air, water.

Ground transportation:

a) railway: train (cars, steam locomotive, diesel locomotive), electric train. b) urban: passenger car, trucks (truck, dump truck, van, tank), bus, trolleybus, tram, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, special vehicles (ambulance, fire, police, emergency, taxi).

Underground transport: metro. Metropolitan is a city electric road, usually underground.

Air transport: balloon, plane, helicopter, rocket, spaceship.

Water transport: boat (motor, rowing, with a sail, underwater), cutter, steamer, ship, barge, icebreaker, motor ship, raft.


cargo and passenger. Cargo - goods, things that are transported somewhere. A passenger is someone who is traveling or intending to ride something.


headlight, body, cabin, engine, wheel, doors, tires, trunk, steering wheel, seat, pedals, brake, tail, propeller, gangway, salon, cabin, deck, mast, sides, stern, hold, lifebuoy, porthole.


driver, carriage driver, driver, driver, motorcyclist, cyclist, captain, pilot, pilot, helicopter pilot, flight attendant, navigator, controller, passenger, sailor, astronaut.


station, airport, airfield, helicopter station, pier, port, garage, trolleybus depot, bus depot, space, depot.


1. What kind of transport is there?

a) What is the name of a vehicle that floats on water? b) Moves by rail? c) Moves on the ground? d) Underground? d) Does it fly through the air?

2. Name (list) ground (railway, city), underground, water, air transport?

3. What types of cars do you know? (truck, passenger, special).

4. What types of trains do you know? (passenger, freight).

5. What types of aircraft do you know? (passenger, military).

6. What types of boats do you know? (motor, rowing, sailing, underwater).

7. Show and name the parts of machines? (wheels, cabin, body, headlights, steering wheel, doors).

8. Show and name the parts of the boat? (mast, sail, oars, etc.).

9. Show and name the parts of the ship? airplane?

10. Who controls a car, plane, ship, train, tram, motorcycle, etc.? (driver, pilot, pilot, captain, engineer, etc.).

11. What professions involve driving?

12. What should a driver, driver, engineer, captain, etc. be like? (attentive, polite, courteous, neat, strict, efficient, etc.).

13. Do you like driving?

14. What kind of transport do you have at home?

15. Would you like to become a driver of any transport?

16. Tell me, what transport do you use to get to kindergarten?

17. How far did you leave home and what did you use?


M.V. Vodopyanov “Cosmonaut-1”; B.S. Zhitkov “What I saw”; V.V. Mayakovsky “This is my little book about the seas and about the lighthouse”, “Who should I be?”; A.V. Mityaev “Today is a holiday” (April 12 - Cosmonautics Day); S.V. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”; V. Orlov “Electric Train”; S.V. Sakharnov “The Best Steamship”; A.N. Tolstoy “The Aeronaut’s Tale”, “The Jump”; E. Tarakhovskaya “Metro”; E. Uspensky “Trolleybus”; D. Kharms “Boat”; A. Shalygin “The Cautious Goat Rode”; Estonian folk tale "The Forbidden Knot".


Carl Aron “Man rose to the sky”; Jules Verne "Five Weeks in a Balloon"; Anatoly Markusha “Bogatyrs”; Marina Moskvina “The balloon is my comrade.”


The sound is y - the mouth is slightly open, the lips narrow slightly, but do not stretch out like a tube. Techniques: 1. – the train gives a signal; - The plane is flying; - The ship is humming.

2 Game "Radio Operator". Transmission of a radiogram, stressed vowels are emphasized by voice


Techniques: 1. “Who takes longer” - maintaining breath and spending it correctly: - whose locomotive hums longer; - whose pipe sings longer.

2.. "Locomotive". Walk around the room, alternately performing hand movements and saying “chuh-chuh-chuh.”

3. A game for developing breathing when pronouncing hissing and whistling sounds. “Racing on water” - a) paper, celluloid toys. The teacher invites the children to take turns blowing on light toys located in the basin. You have to blow hard for the boat to float far. The teacher shows how to blow to create a strong and directly directed stream of air. b) “On the wave of the ocean.” A child lying on his back is placed on his stomach with a toy boat. Inhalation and exhalation is done with the stomach.


Exercise “Cars” for children 3-4 years old. V.: “Let’s play “cars”.” Children line up one after another. V. ahead. V. buzzes loudly and clearly: “beep-beep” or “doo-doo” and invites the children to hum too. The entire column moves around the room several times, accompanying the movement with clear, loud beeps.



There is no need for us to walk up the stairs with you - The miraculous staircase runs by itself.


Light dust swirls down the street, A car rushes down the street


The wind is blowing across the sea and the boat is urging on. He runs in the waves on swollen sails.


We come to kindergarten, There are toys there: A steam locomotive, a steamboat, They are waiting for the children.


Kostya and Rosa's dad is a locomotive driver. He drives trains to big cities quickly.


Thirty-three cars in a row, chattering and rattling.


Driver's Song

Do wolves sleep? They are sleeping. They are sleeping. Do bees sleep? They are sleeping. They are sleeping. Do the birds sleep? They are sleeping. They are sleeping. And the chanterelles? They are sleeping. They are sleeping. Everyone in the world is sleeping. They are sleeping. Just me and the locomotive - We don't sleep, we don't sleep. And the smoke flies to the very stars, towards the sky.


Senya was carrying a cart of hay.


We're driving a truck. According to the flag in our hand. The traffic light's red eye won't let us go further!


The iron horse rushes, rushes, Iron thunders on iron. Steam billows, smoke rushes, The iron horse rushes, rushes.



The green carriages run, run, run. And the round wheels go on and on and on.

Children stand in a column and move regularly (walk one after another), at the same time making movements with their hands like the levers of locomotive wheels. These movements can be performed to other verses.

The locomotive hummed and the carriages were driven Chokh-chokh, chok-chokh, chuk-chok. I'll rock you far.


The rocket took off like an arrow into the sky, and the astronaut in it was strong and brave.

Children stand in a column (possibly scattered), raise their arms up, making them “boat” up (the tip of the rocket is directed to the sky) and so walk one after another for the duration of the flight.


The plane flies and flies, a brave pilot sits in it.

Children stand in a column, spreading their arms to the sides (wings) and run after each other.


And now you and I are sailing on a boat. The wind is blowing across the sea, the wind is rocking the boat. We take the oars in our hands and quickly row towards the shore. A boat has landed on the shore. We will jump onto the shore deftly. And let's jump across the lawn Like bunnies, like bunnies.

Children stand scattered, arms extended to the sides, swaying left and right and up and down. They depict rowing with oars. They stop and crouch. They jump forward, galloping like hares.

A car

We drove, we drove, we drove up to the bridge, we drove in, we drove off, we drove again, we drove, we drove up to the pit, we drove around the pit, and we drove to the house.

Children stand in a column, walk one after another, imitating the rotation of the steering wheel with their hands, lower their hands down, raise them up, stretch, squat, “go”, squat, make a turn, “go”, stop.


The big steamer is sailing, the captain is leading it.

Children stand up in a scattered position, place their hands in front of their chests, forward, put their palms together like a “bucket” (both palms are placed on the edge, the little fingers are pressed, and the thumbs are raised up) and move freely around the group.


a) “Boat”

(point the ends of your fingers forward, press your hands with your palms to each other, open them slightly).
b) “Passengers on the bus”
(crossed fingers pointing down, backs of hands up, thumbs extended up).
c) "Boat".
Both palms are placed on the edge, the thumbs are pressed to the palms (like a ladle).

The boat floats along the river, leaving rings on the water.

d) "Steamboat".

The steamboat floats along the river and it puffs like a stove.

Both palms are placed on the edge, the little fingers are pressed (like a ladle), and the thumbs are raised up.

d) “Trip”

(tale of fingers). Place your palms like a house, move your hand or folded hands forward along the surface of the table (garage, car). Place your palms on edge towards each other, bend your fingers at right angles until they touch (from the garage, the gate is closed).

Press your hand or folded hands more tightly to the table (the car is standing in front of the gate - Bib! Toot!).

Draw the closed gate again. Slowly straighten your fingers (the gate opens).

Move the hand or folded hands forward (the car is moving).

Use a wave-like movement to imitate the flow of a river (the car moves towards the river).

Place your elbows shoulder-width apart on the table, bend your fingers at right angles until they touch. Depict the movement of the car again (this is a bridge, a car is driving along it).

Place your palms on the edge and connect the fingers of both hands at an acute angle, like the bow of a ship, and smoothly move forward (a ship is sailing under the bridge).

Depict the movement of the car again (the car drove off the bridge).

Show the house with your palms again (we drove, drove and arrived home).


1. Dashing drivers.

Glasses or buckets of water filled to the brim are placed on children's cars. Twine (10-15 m long) is tied to the cars; you need to quickly wind the twine around the stick, pulling the car towards you. If the water is splashing, the presenter calls the driver’s number, and he stops driving for a second. The winner is the one who pulled the car up the fastest without spilling the water.

2. Train.

The teacher offers to play train: “I will be a steam locomotive, and you will be a carriage.” Children stand in a column one after another, holding onto the shoulders or clothes of the person in front. “Let’s go,” says the teacher, and everyone begins to move, saying: “Choo-Choo.” The teacher drives the train in one direction, then in the other, then slows down, finally stops and says: “Stop.” After a while, the whistle sounds again, and the train sets off again. The game is for 2-4 year old children; for other ages the plot becomes more complicated. At the same time, children are being trained to pronounce hissing sounds. In a more complicated version, the guys depict different trains: fast, freight. You can develop an active game into a role-playing game. For example, the role of a switchman is introduced to prevent trains from colliding. You can organize the unloading of goods, etc. you can beat the stops.

3. Sparrows and a car.

A game for 3-5 year old children. The boundaries of the site are marked. At one end of it, sparrows are placed on chairs. On the other is a place for a car (garage). The sparrows get scared and fly away to their nests. The car returns to the garage. The game is repeated with another vehicle.

4. Astronauts.

Game for children 5-7 years old. The contours of rockets (2-4 seats) are drawn along the edges of the site. The total number of seats must be less than the number of children playing. In the middle of the platform, the astronauts, holding hands, walk in a circle, saying: “Fast rockets for walking around the planets are waiting for us. We’ll fly whichever one we want! But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers.” With the last word, the children give up and run to take their seats in the rocket. Those who did not have enough space in the rockets remain at the cosmodrome, and those who are sitting in the rocket take turns telling where they are flying and what they see. After that, everyone stands in a circle again and the game repeats.

5. Airplanes.

For children 4-5 years old. Children line up in 3-4 columns in different places on the site. The players portray pilots. They are preparing to fly. At the signal: “Get ready for flight!” - the children make movements with their hands - Landing! — the planes find their places and land: they line up in columns and go down on one knee.

6. Tram.

Game for children 4-5 years old. Children stand along the walls of the room in a column in pairs, holding each other's hands. The teacher plays the role of a traffic light, using multi-colored flags: yellow, red, green. You can arrange a stop.


The word was hidden somewhere.
The word is hidden and waiting. “Let the guys find me. Well, who will find me?” The house on rails is right there. He'll kill everyone in five minutes. You sit down and don’t yawn - It leaves ... (tram) Will not go without gasoline Neither bus nor ... (car)

It rides on two wheels, does not slip on slopes, and there is no gasoline in the tank - This is my... (bicycle)

Early in the morning along the road, dew glistens on the grass. Legs move along the road and two wheels run. The riddle has an answer. This is my... (bike)

I don't look like a piano, but I also have a pedal. Whoever is not a coward or a coward, I will give him a dashing ride. I don't have a motor. What's my name? … (bike)

Runs quickly in the wind without oars or a motor... (sailboat)

I’m called a dump truck, I dump myself... (load)

Feed me gasoline, Give me rubber for my hooves, And then, raising dust, He runs... (automobile)

Clinging to the rear tire, Mishka rides ... (car)

The whole world read the message in the newspapers that Belka and Strelka flew in ... (rockets)

Without accelerating, it takes off skyward, reminding one of a Dragonfly. Rotary wing takes flight... (helicopter)

There is silence in this house, many windows, one door. The house flies into the sky. The whole country is outside the window. The house took flight. So this is... (airplane)

Past the grove, past the ravine, The little sister rushes without smoke, rushes without steam. The steam locomotive... Who is she? ... (train)

The driver was taking a lot of brooms and baskets to the store. How pleasant it was for Zina to sit with him in ... (cabin)

I started creating a fleet. The sponge turned into... (raft)

There are no clouds on the horizon, But an umbrella has opened in the sky. A few minutes later, Descended... (parachute)

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