Memorization poems for competent writing in elementary school.

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children:

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about letters with pictures for children

Poems about the letters “U”, “F”, “X”, “C” for 1st grade

Poem about the letter “U”
Poems about the letters “U”, “F”, “X”, “C” for 1st grade:

The letter U resembles the ears of a bunny on the top of its head. The snail's horns also look like the letter U.

Ulyana taught the alphabet, The letter U, it hums, Already, a snail, a corner, I know the letter U by heart.

F got slightly angry, placing her hands on her hips. An owl, a flag, a hairdryer and a lantern... Here's a dictionary for the letter F.

Funtik and Fantik ate dates, Fekla's fruit was boiling in compote, a lively flamingo pecked at a pheasant, the cat snorted, having eaten sour cream.

To read well, we need to know the Letter X, Bread, a cracker, a round dance, The Letter X is calling to itself.

The hamster sits, chews, he puts bread into his mouth with his paw, If you want to know the letter X, you need to call the hamster.

Letter C - See for yourself - Like a bench Upside down.

“Chick-chick-chick!” - I call the chicken. Tsap Tsarapych is our kitten. Tsa's hooves clatter, clatter, clatter - the pony rushes along the path.

The chicken on tiptoe kissed the flowers. Chick on tiptoe - Chick-chick, he is very small.


I’ll tell you a secret, children, Letters walk around the planet, Letters float, fly, Sleep, eat, sing, play. They can’t sit still, They’re visiting all day, Because they come to life Exclusively in words. And if you look at their house, they will instantly form a friendly formation, the letters will take on an important appearance and are called the alphabet. © (Author, editor-in-chief and founder of the website Prazdnik-sam) *** Letter A
Shark opened a pharmacy in April, and there are still no visitors there.
© Letter B
Squirrel has been drumming on the beaver's door since the morning.
© Letter B
The camel was finally lucky, the camel found a bucket of water.
© Letter G
A goose walked with a rook in a thunderstorm, They talked about nothing.
© Letter D
Dolphins do good, For everyone who suddenly goes to the bottom.
© Letter E
The raccoon ate too many blackberries. The food grew near the wild spruce.
© Letter Yo
The hedgehog and the hedgehog argued for a long time, Was the hedgehog once a Christmas tree?
© Letter Z
The giraffe now lives with his wife, The giraffe is waiting for dinner at home.
© Letter Z
Zebra was given the task of Painting over the stripes on a building.
© Letter I
Turkey apologizes, Donkey ruined the mood.
© Letter K
The crocodiles screamed for an hour, the mosquitoes bit them.
© Letter L
The leopard licked the lemon, the Leo was very surprised.
© Letter M
Mice raced in a car between the shelves in the store.
© Letter N
Rhinoceros brought a sock, But he couldn’t put it on.
© Letter O
The octopus fell behind again, It took him a long time to put on his shoes.
© Letter P
Look, right next to the ice floe, penguins are swimming on the water.
© Letter R
Fish made Cancer laugh, gave Cancer roses.
© Letter C
The elephant was in a hurry to his neighbor elephant, to take salt for the soup for dinner.
© Letter T
Three cockroach dancers Danced by the sofa.
© Letter U
The boa constrictor crawled away a long time ago, The boa constrictor already invited him to the cinema.
© Letter F
Pheasant is in love with his figure, a bright tailcoat will emphasize the texture.
© Letter X
The ferret stores the supply in bags, the Hamster stores the grain in its cheeks.
© Letter T
The herons were counting all day, The herons were studying the numbers.
© Letter H
The seagulls poured tea into cups, The seagulls had chamomile tea.
© Letter Ш
The bumblebee found a hut for itself, Wide hall, sixth floor.
© Letter Ш
The puppy played in the water with its tail. The pike house was upside down.
© Letter E
The electrician owes a salary.
© Letter Yu
A young friend sent Yulu the seal and a skirt for her anniversary.
© Letter I
A lizard climbs into a hole in the rain, takes a Panama hat on a clear day. ©

Marshak - poems about letters: the best selection

Marshak - poems about letters:

Bus number twenty-six. The haran managed to get on the bus, the camel got in, and the wolf and ox. The hippopotamus entered, puffing.

The dolphin could not crawl into the carriage. E note cannot go out. The giraffe pulls the bell: He mistook the snake for a string.

The turkey asked: “What time is it?” The ozel said: “I can’t hear you.” Lisa said: “It’s almost seven.” The bear said: “I’ll eat you all!”

The dung beetle buzzes: - I'm afraid! Orel said: “Don’t be a coward!” The rooster sang: - What a hero! The lynx grumbled: “Shut your mouth!”

The pig argued with the hedgehog. The seal quarreled with the walrus. He squeezed the pig with a ring. Fazan hid under the bench.

Ferret by the chicken's tail - grab it! The chicken started running. The worm thought what was behind him. The bumblebee buzzed to him: “Let’s run!”

The goldfinch sat on the window. The bittern says that it is dark for her. E mu said: “He closed the light!”

Yurok and the blackbird said: “No!” I mumbled, walking forward: “The bus won’t go any further!”

The stork spent the summer with us, and in the winter he stayed somewhere. The hippopotamus opened its mouth: The hippopotamus is asking for rolls. The sparrow asked the crow to call the wolf to the phone. A mushroom grows among the path , head on a thin stalk. The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow, The oak tree was chiseling like a chisel. The spruce looks like a hedgehog: the hedgehog is covered in needles, and so is the fir tree. The beetle fell and could not get up. He is waiting for someone to help him. We saw the stars during the day , across the river, above the Kremlin... Frost lay on the branches of the spruce tree, the needles turned white during the night. The cat caught mice and rats. The rabbit was gnawing on a cabbage leaf. Boats float on the sea, people row with oars. The bear found honey in the forest, Little honey, many bees. Rhinoceros butts with horn. Don't joke with the rhino! The donkey was angry today: He found out that he was a donkey. The turtle wears the shell, hiding its head in fear. A gray mole digs the ground, destroys the garden. The old elephant sleeps peacefully, He can sleep standing up. A cockroach lives behind the stove, What a warm place! The student learned his lessons, His cheeks were ink. The fleet is sailing to its native land. A flag on every ship. A ferret walks through the forest, a small predatory animal. The heron, important, big-nosed, stands like a statue all day. The watchmaker, squinting his eye, repairs the watch for us. Schoolboy, schoolboy, you are a strong man: You carry the globe like a ball! I clean the puppy with a brush, I tickle his sides. This button and string, electric bell. Young man, a future sailor, brought us southern fish. There are no berries more sour than cranberries. I know the letters by heart.

Poems about English letters for children

Poems about English letters for children
Poems about English letters for children:

You saw a friend - Aa! Call him quickly! Here is the machine - Bb, Bb, Bb. Look at the road! The bird whistled - Cc, Cc, Cc. Bring her crumbs in winter. The hammer knocks - Dd, Dd. The birdhouse is ready - look! The baby elephant hummed - Ee. Don't ask for more chips! Ira said: “Eh!” I will remember the letter Ff. Show your knowledge and remember the letter Gg. I told Kate’s mom: “The letter Hh looks like Hn. Don’t play on the road! If you get hit by a car, you'll scream ! Remember the alphabet, don’t be timid! And don't confuse Gg with the letter Jj ! Learn me quickly: I am not “Kk”, but the letter Kk . The letter Ll is easy to remember: Corner and stick. Turn the corner over and you'll get a tick! Mm a wide gate . And also on the turret, And the accordion too. Stop! Think about it! Do not rush! Write the crossbar correctly! And remember forever: I am not “Ii”, but the letter Nn . To everyone's surprise, the show was round, like a ball, this letter Oo. The chicken squeaks: “ Pp, Pp, Pp” Look at this letter! The bird shouted: “Phew-fue.” This is the letter Qq, Qq. The crow will shout: “Kar!” Meet: this is the letter Rr. Do you know the word SMS? In it you will find the letter Ss. Looks like a hammer. This is the letter Tt , my friend. The nightingale whistles: Uu, Uu. I'll sing you a song. Take a closer look! The jackdaw is the letter Vv . You know, I’m telling the truth: if you turn “Mm” over, you’ll get Ww . The English letter Xx looks like an “X” or a cross . We baked a loaf. He's huge: Yy, Yy ! Let's put an end to it. Alphabet Ended with the letter Zz .

AA is for Apples One apple for me, And one for you, One for him and for Her, too. B is for Bird. Birds like to sing. They start to sing When it's spring. C is for Cat. My cat is grey. He likes to run, And he likes to play D is for Dog and Doggy. I have a dog, His name is Bobby. E is for English. At school we learn English and Russian, too. Do you like English? Yes, I do. F is for Five. And also for four. Four little kittens Are on the floor. G is for Girl. The girl is six. She likes to play With little chicks. H is for Hat. Ann has a hat. I am a boy, I have a cap. I is for I. I am a boy. What have I? I have a toy. J is for Jane and also For Jean. Jane is a girl. The boy is a Jean. K is for Kite. Kate has a kite. Her kite is big and white. L is for Letters. Do you know them all? Yes, we do. Twenty-six in all. M is for March And Mother's Day. And also for May And May Day. N is for Nelly and also For Nick. They are in the garden. Playing with Dick. O is for one. One plus two is three. Three little birds Are on the tree. P is for Pen. Have you a pen? “Yes, I have two”, Says little Ben. Q is for Questions. How do you do? How are you? How old are you? R is for Roses. They are white and red. “Give me this rose, please”, Says little Fred. S is for Spring And for Summer, too. When it is warm And the sky is blue. I'm for Tie. We are gentlemen And we have ties. U is for Us, Going by bus. Let's go with us By bus. V is for five and seven. It is also in twelve And eleven. W is for Willy and also for Why. Why do you cry, Willy? Why, Willy, why? X is for Six. Let's count to six! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Y is for Yard Where children play. They play in the yard Every day. Z is for Zoo. Let's go to the zoo. I like to go to the zoo. And what about you?


– Watermelons in the alley;
– Bagels in grocery;
– Cars at the station;
– Goslings gagat;
- Blackbirds are always at work;
– Raccoon from the echidna spruce;
- The hedgehog is singing at the Christmas tree;
- Giraffe chews jasmine;
- The ringing sound of the bell;
- They were looking for a turkey;
– Iodine will help yoga;
- A mole is digging in the bushes;
– Lazy frogs;
- They wave the flies at the fly;
- Heaven above us;
- The wasp was offended;
- Sunflower in a clearing;
– Drawing of a crayfish in a frame;
- The elephant is angry today;
- The phone rings;
- Our iron fell;
- Behind the ficus is hazelnut;
- The ferret grabs the bread;
– Healing flower;
– Drawing ink;
- The chinchilla sews the pants;
– Crayfish tickles the pike;
Next will be: Ъ
- (Hard sign) Next
(Soft sign) - the words will not begin in any way.
- Electrician at the screen.
– In the south there is a lady in a skirt.
– Apples have a bright color. - All! End! There are no more letters. ©

Poems about the letters “Y”, “E”, “Yu”, “I” for 1st grade

Poem about the letter “U”
Poems about the letters “Y”, “E”, “Yu”, “I” for 1st grade:

But the letter Y is walking. Without Y you will not learn.

In the Russian language, alas, there are no words starting with “Y”.

This is a letter, the letter E, We need it everywhere, Hey, hey, hey! You meet us, quickly give us the echo. We came to the mountains as a class, but we didn’t find an echo there.

To the Eskimos, the Eskimo carried an Eskimo in his pocket... Eskimos now know: A Eskimo melts in your pocket.

The letter Y is all bent, holding his wand. This is what she looks like - an old woman with a stick.

A yurt is a house in the tundra, Yunga is sailing on a boat, Katya has a fluffy skirt, Yurka is jumping on the bed.

The letter I has always been dear to everyone, but we advise, friends, to remember the place of the letter I!

A hawk flew from the sky like a stone, A hawk wanted to steal the letter I, A hawk, don’t take the letter I, We need it, you know.

Poems about the letters “P”, “R”, “S”, “T” for 1st grade

Poem about the letter “P”
Poems about the letters “P”, “R”, “S”, “T” for 1st grade:

For the letter P we have sand, And a tomato, and a cockerel, Bubbles, gifts And a pony in the zoo.

Ooh-ooh, ahi-ahi - They spun the yarn with a spinner's spinning wheel. The strands were spun, the spinners sang, the spinners simply puffed.

The letter R is a sail on the mast, floating into the distance, touching the sky.

The letter R is growling, simply wonderful. Waxwings love trills with this letter.

The sea crayfish lives in a shell, the lynx lives in an oak tree at the edge of the forest, the fish lives in the river, the hazel grouse lives in the grass in the meadow.

I love the letter C very much, I write “Son” from the letter C. What else? Go ahead and say it! Juice, and sun, and a bench.

The elephant had a terrible dream, that he slept through his breakfast. Pineapple salad Forty-seven baby elephants ate.

The hammer knocks: “Knock-knock!” To the letter T I am an old friend.”

T looks like an antenna And it looks like an umbrella too.

Three newts taught the alphabet, They received thirty-three letters, Pumpkin, shoe, notebook, Everyone needs to know the letter T.

Short poems about the letter A

Everyone knows the letter A - the letter is very nice. And besides, the letter A is the main letter in the alphabet.


The letter “A” is the head of everything, It has a respectable appearance, Because the letter “A” Begins the Alphabet! Asters, storks, pharmacies With the letter “A” we are friends forever!


- What are you bringing, car? - Everything that starts with the letter A. Here are watermelons, oranges, apricots and quinces.


Apricots for Antoshka, Oranges for Alyosha. Who is pineapple for? Well, of course, for us! Hey, young Stork! Tired, tea, poor fellow.


PineAnAs, Avocado, Quince, Orange, Apricot and Watermelon... For some reason, words with the letter “A” are extremely pleasant to the taste. My mouth is just watering - I want it so bad!.. By the way, I also remembered Cherry plum.


The stork delivered us a cargo: The most delicious watermelon, annaapples, tangerines, apricots, oranges!


An apricot grows in the garden and a watermelon in the garden. I will collect the alphabet so that it is understandable.


The stork tastes appetizing supplies: Oranges, pineapples, apricots and watermelon.


A shark swam in the sea and ate everything that sank in it. A shark swam to us - Turned into the letter... “A”


A stork flew to my roof, He held the letter A in his beak, Ah! He whispered barely audibly, How good is this letter!

Poems for 1st grade

The letter A at the first desk was planted in front of the map, And on the map is the whole earth - Rivers, mountains and fields. And they asked who she dreams of becoming, letter A? - I want to be an agronomist, I can also be an astronomer, an architect, an artist and also a scuba diver! What words do you know starting with the letter A?


There was a queue near the letter A. There was a queue, but there was no seller. And try to guess what they will sell here. A silently looks at us, “What will he offer?” A pineapple? Or maybe watermelon? It doesn't taste bad at all. But Apricot and Orange compete with it. Very tasty words Begin with A. Then the bus rolled in and opened the doors wide. And I was the only one left: My turn disappeared. This means that the letter, the letter A, is on the avenue for a reason: Stop here, order The letter asks to be observed. If you need to get on the bus, you have to stand in line.


With the letter A we are building a house: Two supports at an angle, A window sill for the window, The letter A is now visible.

Astra, ABC, Quince, Start with A And end with A Astra, ABC, Quince.


Without the letter A you cannot write Mama, Without the letter A you cannot write DAP. And many of the words that you hear, without the letter A, you also cannot write. Well, for example, the word DRUM, or, say, hare and boar. That's why we need the letter A, That's why the letter A is important to us. It’s not for nothing that, no matter what you say, SHE is in first place in the Alphabet!


In order to be able to read words, you must first learn the Alphabet - there is a chapter for everything, in it at the beginning, the letter A.

Acrobats in the Arena. The scarlet flag flies on the yardarm. The crossbow shoots an arrow. The author composes a song.

Apricot hanging on a branch. Children love oranges. Iceberg in the ocean. Andryusha on the sofa.


The letter “A” has good taste, “A” starts with watermelon! And also oranges, The letter “A” is also in tangerines, Only there it is inside, Write and look!


My sister knows how to read, and from the very morning she reads or writes the capital letter A. And if she goes out into the city, she will walk the whole street, look at all the signs and find the letter A. Aeroflot, Pharmacy, Touring, Grocery store. Our letter has climbed into almost every house!


The stork taught the alphabet and got an A. And today, without prompting, he reads fairy tales to himself.


A stork eats a big watermelon - It looks scarlet, but does it taste like it? He himself won’t be able to tell: It’s either sugar or honey.



like a ladder stands in front of the entrance to the alphabet.

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