Action words pictures – Actions, verbs and adjectives – StopAutism

Pictures for a safety stand: safety corner in kindergarten design

A corner with visual materials on the topic of safety is an integral part of the overall design of each group in kindergarten. By studying useful pictures, instructive stories, tips and rules, young explorers learn to recognize danger both at home and on the street.

Proper design of the safety stand in the future will certainly protect many children from injury, and perhaps even save their lives.

To make it easy to create a stand with information interesting for kids, you can use ready-made pictures and useful materials for filling.

safety rules for children in pictures

Templates for stands and posters about safety for children:

safety pictures for children in kindergarten

Information in the “Your Safety” section of the stand:

summer safety pictures

safety at home and on the streets

promoting safety in preschoolers

about fire safety for children

pictures of rules of behavior for children

what to do if you get lost on the street

Verb cards | Training

In order to understand how much the child has mastered lexical material (in this case, verbs), Nurieva recommends using tasks with verbal riddles, the implementation of which requires non-verbal voluntary activity from the student.


In her technique, Nurieva suggests using double-sided cards, on one side of which pictures of people, animals or objects are depicted, and on the other side are printed verbs that denote the actions in the pictures. It is necessary to lay out the cards in front of the child with the pictures facing up. And then ask him questions based on the pictures. For example: “Who swims and is silent?” The child must answer the question or point to the picture: “Cow.” Then you need to immediately turn the card over and check the answer.

You can use these cards for classes, or replace verbs (images and texts) if they are not familiar to the child (you can find out how to replace pictures in Word here).

Sample Verb Cards

Here is a sample of several cards:

The archive contains 24 cards on verbs:

  • barks, guards - a dog,
  • swims, is silent - a fish,
  • a horse gallops, neighs,
  • blooms, grows - a flower,
  • jumps, croaks - a frog,
  • flies, tweets - a sparrow,
  • cackling, pecking - a chicken,
  • purrs, scratches - cat,
  • squeaks, scratches - a mouse,
  • swims, quacks - a duck,
  • buzzes, flies - a fly,
  • jumping, chirping - a grasshopper,
  • hanging, closing - lock,
  • cuts, becomes dull - a knife,
  • the sun is shining, warming,
  • warms up, stands – radiator,
  • ticking, ringing - alarm clock,
  • rings, shines - a bell,
  • jumps, deflates - the ball,
  • dries, buzzes - hair dryer,
  • the locomotive is humming, driving,
  • floating, humming - a steamer.

Download verbs with captions

You can download cards for working using Nurieva’s method 2 here. You can also look at the cards for Nurieva 1, which were posted earlier. The methodology itself can be downloaded on the website in the “Speech” section (Nurieva: Speech development in autistic children. Methodological developments + Visual materials).

Pictures and verbs are chosen as examples. If you have your own ideas, send your pairs of simple verbs via the feedback form or comments, and I will prepare the necessary materials based on them!

Nuriev's tags. Bookmark permanent link.

Pictures for stands for parents

On the walls of the corridors of kindergartens you can often find stands with educational information for parents. They are designed to teach parents important rules for the safety of their children, interesting aspects of raising and developing a child, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle. Information stands can be supplemented with sections that will be taught by educators, a speech therapist, and a full-time psychologist.

stand templates for parents

memo to parents pictures

Pictures for sections on child safety

pictures of the alphabet of health

pictures of psychologist's advice

pictures of advice to parents

pictures of speech therapist for children

Download verbs and cards for practice.

You can download cards for working using Nurieva’s method 2 here. Other cards - archive can be downloaded HERE.

Chapter 4 of the book “Speech Development in Autistic Children” by L. G. Nurieva describes examples of tasks for working on the structure of a simple sentence. And one of the tasks is to introduce words with the particle “not” that have an antonymous pair (runs - does not run, crawls - does not crawl, jumps - does not jump). I have prepared a set of cards that can be used for several tasks.

Place a card with a verb printed in large font in front of the child, and place pictures of animals underneath it. Separately, put a card with the particle NOT, typed in bright color and large font. Ask the child: does this animal fly (jump/swim, etc.)? If the answer is affirmative, the child must name the affirmative form of the verb - flies (jumps/swims...), if negative - then move a card with the particle “not” to the word and read the antonym. (Non-speaking child use pointing gesture.)

You can use synonyms (jumps - jumps, walks - walks).

Anti-terror pictures for the stand

The Anti-Terror stand highlights important topics that help children learn to recognize danger in the form of terrorist criminals, as well as to behave correctly in the event of a terrorist attack.

Main topics that can be presented at the stand:

  • Rules of conduct with strangers. Is it possible to have conversations with them and what to do if your parents are not around.
  • What to do if you are alone at home.
  • We learn our names, addresses, and phone numbers of our parents.
  • Dangerous situations on the street: strange objects.
  • Campaigning for a world without war.
  • Actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.

children's pictures anti-terror

anti-terror pictures for kindergarten

danger signs pictures

pictures and information for the mobile folder at the Antiterror stand

Task 2

Lay out several large cards with verbs and pictograms of different meanings, indicating the characteristics of an animal or bird (flies, butts, swims) and displaying the part of the animal’s body with which it performs the action (wings, horns, fins).

Below lay out small cards with images of animals, fish, birds. Ask your child questions based on the pictures: “Who flies?” “Butting?” "Floats?" The child must answer: “The dove is flying.” "The goat is butting." “The fish swims” and place the pictures next to the corresponding pictograms.

Then you can practice antonymous options by adding a large card with the particle “not” + a card with the verb: a sparrow does not butt, a turtle does not peck, a toad does not bite, etc. This task will help broaden the child’s horizons, draw his attention to the fact that the method The actions of birds, fish, and animals largely determine the structural features of their body.

Firefighter stand clip art

Posting information about fire safety is one of the ways to inform kindergarten students and their parents. The fire stand in kindergarten is decorated with text and graphic information. Its main task is to convey information in an accessible form on how to prevent a fire, and if one occurs, how to avoid negative consequences.

In a preschool educational institution, the fire stand consists of several sectors, for example, it could be information about fire prevention, types of fire extinguishing agents, propaganda leaflets, evacuation recommendations. For each section it is necessary to select suitable information material in pictures.

In preschool educational institutions, on fire safety stands, it is advisable to place educational pictures on the topic:

  • dangerous actions and consequences of a fire;
  • actions in drawings during a fire;
  • images of fire extinguishing equipment.

Pictures for decorating a stand in kindergarten

where to call fire

fire safety rules in the forest

pictures for children about fire

templates for fire safety stand

folder moving in dow for parents

An interesting part of the fire stand is a sliding folder with information presented in a concise form and with beautiful illustrations. You can fill such a folder with the following materials:

ABC of actions: who does what? (100 didactic pictures)


In the didactic set “ The ABC of Actions: Who Does What?” » included 100 cut-out pictures depicting animals performing certain actions. The names of the actions are indicated under the picture, thanks to this, the child develops a visual image of the verbs during the lesson.

Using cards, you can not only study various verbs and study who does what, but also write small descriptive stories for each picture. You can also ask your child different questions for each card. For example, the following questions:

  1. What action is depicted and who is performing it? (The picture shows a hare swinging on a swing)
  2. Why is the action being performed? (Teeth is brushed to keep them strong)
  3. Where is the action performed? (Hedgehog collects mushrooms in the forest)
  4. What time of day can it be performed? (We wake up in the morning, have lunch at lunchtime, go to bed in the evening)
  5. Do you perform this action, when and why? (I also bathe to be clean)
  6. Can this action be performed without using other items? (To chop wood you need an ax. To brush your teeth you need a toothbrush and toothpaste).

By downloading the “ABC of Actions: Who Does What?”, you will receive two sets: with large size cards (2 pieces per A4 sheet), medium (4 pieces per sheet) and small (8 pieces per sheet). Select the size you need and print the pictures.

Download large cards>>>

Download small cards

Tags verbs. Bookmark permanent link.

Traffic regulations pictures for the stand

Preschoolers, due to their age, do not yet understand the level of danger awaiting them on the road. In addition, kids are very active and inquisitive, which increases the risk of ending up on the road. It is precisely in order to teach children how to cross the road correctly, not to ride a bicycle and not to play in dangerous places near moving vehicles that illustrated stands are created in kindergartens. They help preschoolers consolidate the material they have learned about traffic rules in life safety classes.

Stand templates and ready-made posters in pictures of traffic rules for preschoolers

Road signs - pictures for the traffic rules stand

Pictures for designing sections of the traffic rules stand

Word play in pictures (30 pictures)

Wordplay in pictures - these are the most simple and cool pictures for people of all ages. Everyone can understand them, since they contain “catchphrase” expressions and well-known words. I hope you enjoy the selection of simple and at the same time clever pictures.

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