Speech material for automating v-f sounds for children 3.5-9 years old

V - F: pronunciation, differentiation, literacy training

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  • Letters. Getting to know letters and sounds 2733

Showing publications 1-10 of 190. All sections | Letters V, F and sounds [V], [F]. Class notes



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Lesson summary on sound automation “Sound [V]” Sound Bb Practical material on sound automation Bb 1 . Repeat the syllables. Vya - vya - vya Vya - veo - vu - viu Vu - vu - vu Be - vu - vi - vya Be - ve - ve Vyo - ve - vi - vu Vi - vi - vi Veau - vu - vya - vi Vyo - vyo - vyo Vyu - vya - vi - vyo 2. Repeat the words. Sound at the beginning of a word : Elm,...

Summary of a literacy lesson “Sounds [F, F'], letter F” Topic: Sounds [f , f], letter F. Goal: to introduce children to the sounds [f , f] and letter F. Objectives: Educational: • introduce children to the graphic image of the letter F ; • develop the ability to distinguish the letter F among other letters ; • improve the skill of reading syllables and words with the letter F ; •…

Sound F

Articulation of the F sound: the lower lip is slightly retracted and pressed against the upper teeth, the upper lip is slightly raised. The upper teeth are visible. The exhaled air breaks into the gap between the upper teeth and lower lip. The vocal cords are resting, the throat is not trembling (no voice) Staging sound F: 1st method: by imitation. When pronouncing a sound, the speech therapist draws the child’s attention to the position of his lips. The child sees how the lower lip is pulled towards the upper incisors, and the upper one rises. Method 2: if the child cannot immediately place his lips in the proper position, you need to invite him to blow, bringing the upper and lower lips closer together. At this moment, the speech therapist lifts the child’s upper lip with his finger, then the lower lip reflexively rises to the upper incisors. The result will be the sound F. Method 3: the speech therapist lifts the child’s lower lip with two fingers to the upper incisors, using this technique until the child has strengthened the skill of independently pulling the lower lip upward. (Material taken from the book by M. Polyakova “Self-instruction manual on speech therapy. A universal manual”) 4.1. Let the child bite his lower lip a little with his upper incisors and in this position blow air out of his mouth. The exhalation should be felt on the palm placed below the mouth; it should also be felt on the lower lip and upper teeth. The sound [f] will be heard. Make sure that the child’s lips are not tense, so that he does not “wrinkle” them. The upper lip should be raised. 4.2. Draw the child’s attention to the sound he makes, name it ([f]). 4.3. Then (keeping the same position of the speech organs) proceed to pronouncing the syllables [fa - fa - fa] and syllables with other vowel sounds. Syllables can be pronounced by imitation. 4.4. In the future, let the child not bite his lip, but simply touch it with his teeth (to its inner surface). Articulation of the sound Фь: Almost like the sound F. The difference is that when pronouncing the sound Фь the lower lip is less tense. Setting the sound Fb. By imitation. Best in the syllable FI. Gradually, the sound I is pronounced more briefly and dullly, resulting in the sound Fь.

Speech therapy manual “Name the pictures.” The F sound (Funtik) is aimed at automating the F sound in words (the F sound at the beginning of a word). Promotes automation of reading skills, development of attention and memory. Enriches and activates the child's vocabulary. The manual is intended for children of senior preschool or primary school age. The material consists of 58 sheets. They contain 54 cards with pictures, title pages, annotations and an algorithm for working with the manual. It is recommended to print on photo paper, image size A6. File in PDF format. Speech therapy manual “Name the pictures.” Sound F. (Funtik) – 70 rubles.

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Speech therapy manual “Name the pictures.” The F. sound (Roquefort) is aimed at automating the F sound in words (the F sound in the middle of a word). Promotes automation of reading skills, development of attention and memory. Enriches and activates the child's vocabulary. The manual is intended for children of senior preschool or primary school age. The material consists of 34 sheets. They contain 30 cards with pictures, title pages, annotations and an algorithm for working with the manual. It is recommended to print on photo paper, image size A6. File in PDF format. Speech therapy manual “Name the pictures.” Sound F. (Roquefort) - 50 rubles.

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Speech therapy manual “Name the pictures.” The F sound (Kif) is aimed at automating the F sound in words (the F sound at the end of a word). Promotes automation of reading skills, development of attention and memory. Enriches and activates the child's vocabulary. The manual is intended for children of senior preschool or primary school age. The material consists of 23 sheets. They contain 19 cards with pictures, title pages, annotations and an algorithm for working with the manual. It is recommended to print on photo paper, image size A6. File in PDF format. Speech therapy manual “Name the pictures.” Sound F. (Kif) - 50 rubles.

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Speech therapy manual “Name the pictures.” The sound Фь (Filin) ​​is aimed at automating the sound Фь in words (the sound Фь at the beginning of a word). Promotes automation of reading skills, development of attention and memory. Enriches and activates the child's vocabulary. The manual is intended for children of senior preschool or primary school age. The material consists of 24 sheets. They contain 20 cards with pictures, title pages, annotations and an algorithm for working with the manual. It is recommended to print on photo paper, image size A6. File in PDF format. Speech therapy manual “Name the pictures.” Sound FH. (Filin) ​​- 50 rubles.

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The album for children “Automation of the F sound” is aimed at reinforcing the correct pronunciation of the F sound in words, phrases, sentences and poems. Promotes the development of attention and memory. Enriches and activates the child's vocabulary. The manual is intended for children of senior preschool or primary school age. The notebook has 23 sheets with various tasks and picture material. It is recommended that you print and staple the sheets in a binder. File in PDF format.

The cost of the Album for children “Automation of sound F” is 230 rubles.

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