Sayings of great people about the development of a child’s speech

Quotes about speech culture

Speech culture is a concept that linguists often use in their work. And what’s interesting is that it’s not only about knowing the basics of oral and written language, but also about the ability to express your thoughts accurately and beautifully. The corresponding talent in yourself can be developed in a variety of ways, including through regular reading of cool aphorisms. Quotes about the culture of speech will also be useful to you.

Don’t rush to look for them on third-party resources, because ours provides you with access to a unique selection of thematic statements. Take the chance to find out what famous philologists, philosophers and others thought and said about linguistic culture.

Accuracy of word usage is the basic law of speech culture. L.N. Tolstoy.

There is no less eloquence in the sound of the voice, in the eyes and in the entire appearance of the speaker than in the choice of words. La Rochefoucauld.

Often obscurity comes as much from verbosity as from excessive brevity. Alembert Jean Le Ron.

Speaking without thinking is like shooting without aiming. M. Cervantes.

Eloquence is the gift of shaking souls, pouring one’s passions into them and conveying to them the image of concepts. M. Speransky.

Only the intonation convinces. Delphine Girardin.

Humility is recognized if you curb your tongue and are not loud. Rev. John Climacus.

To achieve purity of language, you need to fight for the purity of human feelings and thoughts. Korney Chukovsky “Alive as life.”

The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words. Plutarch.

The more I try to be honest, the deeper the necessary words sink into darkness. H. Murakami.

We say the most important words in our lives silently. P. Coelho.

Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but it takes a lot of intelligence to use it. G. Hegel.

The best thing is the word spoken directly and simply. W. Shakespeare.

Statements about the development of speech of children of great people

Subject of the article: Statements about the development of speech of children of great people. Jealousy is the art of causing more harm to yourself than to others. Alexander Dumas son

Few people like advice, and those who need it most like it least. F. Chesterfield

Children want the impossible: for nothing to ever change.

My mother always said, Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one you'll get. Forrest Gump.

Writers, like parents, love to endow their children with properties that they themselves lack. That’s why Maupassant’s heroes are always stupid, while Tolstoy’s are always smart. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

By raising children, today's parents are raising the future history of our country, and therefore the history of the world. A. S. Makarenko

No amount of success in social life can compensate for failure at home.

I constantly think about two things: that I need to grow up, become more serious, and about where bullfinches spend their summer.

My father was a statesman. I am just a female politician. Indira Gandhi

The traditions of all dead generations loom like a nightmare over the minds of the living. Karl Marx

Jealousy is a sign of love. A. Dumas the father

Happiness is a journey, not a destination. There is no other time to be happy except now! Live, enjoy this moment.

Do not be quick with your tongue, and lazy and careless in your deeds. May your hand not be open to receive and clenched when giving. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

Let's mark our successes with a minute of silence. Mikhail Mamchich

Every crow considers its chick the most beautiful in the world. Robert Burton

Do not make an enemy out of a friend, for a bad name brings shame and disgrace. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

The one who considers it necessary to teach children not to the extent that they can learn, but to the extent that he himself wishes, is completely unreasonable. Y. Kamensky

Whoever acquired a wife and children gave hostages to fate; for they are a hindrance in all endeavors, both noble and unworthy. Francis Bacon

Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s. V. O. Klyuchevsky

You can have a secondary education, but your upbringing must be higher!

Attitude towards children is an unmistakable measure of a person’s spiritual dignity. Yanka Bryl

The best thing we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves.

Our teachers are faced with the most difficult task of communist education, the formation of communist consciousness among Soviet people. This task can be successfully resolved only on the condition that our teachers are not only highly educated, but also Marxist-educated people. M. I. Kalinin

The Creator united the entire human race with a chain of love. I often think that there is no person in the world who would never have good feelings for another person and would not himself take advantage of someone’s kindness; for we are all one family, coming from Adam. William Thackeray

Science should be fun, exciting and easy. So must be scientists. Peter Kapitsa

You can get along with anyone if you live separately. Mikhail Zadornov

If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher. L. N. Tolstoy

Before I got married, I had six theories about raising children; Now I have six children and not a single theory. John Wilmot

The instrument and mediator of education should be love. V. G. Belinsky

Children need to be pampered, then they grow up to be real robbers. Evgeny Schwartz

There was a time when nothing but obedience was expected of children; now everything except obedience is expected of them. Anatole Broyard

Learn from those you love. I. Goethe

The most effective treatment for childhood trauma is to hit the ass with nettles.

The most effective treatment for childhood trauma is to hit the ass with nettles.

Wisdom elevates her sons and supports those who seek her: he who loves her loves life, and he who seeks her is filled with joy from early morning. Book of Ecclesiastes

Advice is like snow: the softer it falls, the longer it lies and the deeper it penetrates. N. Coleridge

Secret pride lives in the heart of every person who rebels against tyranny. You can order a person, command him, but you cannot force him to respect you. Heitzlitt

The most vile ingratitude, but at the same time the most ordinary and most primordial, is the ingratitude of children towards their parents. L. Vauvenargues

Just as a shadow cannot be born and maintain on its own, so glory: if virtue does not serve as its foundation, it can be neither true nor lasting. Francesco Petrarca

Education should develop in a person the habit and love of work; it should give him the opportunity to find work for himself in life. K. D. Ushinsky

The one who reveals secrets has lost trust and will not find a friend to his liking. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

A person who truly respects the human personality must respect it in his child, starting from the moment when the child felt his own self and separated himself from the world around him. D. I. Pisarev

Only that in a person is strong and reliable that was absorbed into his nature in his first period of life. Komensky Ya.

Many modern families are something of a parody of a constitutional monarchy, where the king reigns but does not rule. D. Girardin

If you want your children to finally grow up, try to grow up first.

Exhausting yourself with piety, trying to surpass everyone in virtue is not a result of good upbringing. Hong Zicheng

We love our sister, and wife, and father, but in agony we remember our mother. N. A. Nekrasov

Sometimes, happiness does not come with money, fame or power. You are simply happy if you have good friends, family and have achieved a calm peaceful life.

In a family, the one who is loudest is right. A. Markov.

Precisely those parents who poorly raise their children, and in general those people who are distinguished by a complete lack of pedagogical tact - they all exaggerate the importance of pedagogical conversations. A. S. Makarenko

You can get along with anyone if you live separately. Mikhail Zadornov

Friends only know part of you - what you are willing to show them. Only your family knows everything about you, even what is hidden from prying eyes.

A man, and to some extent a woman, who are not able to fully express themselves in social and professional activities, strive for compensation in the family. And in most cases, their activity in this regard takes on a despotic, selfish character. V. Zubkov

Remember, God is part of your dynasty.

If your father is kind, love him; if he is evil, endure him. Publilius Syrus

The upbringing of a man or woman is tested by how they behave during a quarrel. Bernard Show

Man has three disasters: death, old age and bad children. No one can close the doors of their house from old age and death, but the children themselves can protect the house from bad children. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Cultivate in yourself a sense of meekness, do not be committed to passions and reject feelings of anger and rage.

We demand from other people's children that they behave the way we should behave.

Man does not know his time. Just as fish are caught in a destructive net and as birds are caught in a snare, so the sons of men are caught in times of trouble when they are suddenly caught up in it. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

Children are more like their time than their parents.

Excessive severity and blind discipline are cursed teachers for children. F. E. Dzerzhinsky

Children are our judges of tomorrow, they are critics of our views and actions, they are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life. M. Gorky

Good teachers create good students. M. V. Ostrogradsky

If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him in all respects. K. D. Ushinsky - Statements on the development of speech of children of great people.

Consider that day and that hour unhappy in which you did not learn anything new and did not add to your education. Ya.A. Comenius

Who is a greater friend than a brother? Sallust (Gaius Sallust Crispus)

Statements about language and speechmaterial on the Russian language on the topic

Statements about language and speech

Aphorisms (Greek) are short, abrupt phrases that contain in a condensed, easy-to-memorize form a specific thought, maxim, generalization, etc. The aphoristic manner of writing and speech means a compressed, abrupt way of expressing thoughts.

Aphorisms or short instructive sayings were especially loved in the narrative literature of the Renaissance and, together with borrowed works, they spread to Russia. For example, “Solomon’s Conversation with Morolf” is especially rich in aphorisms, where almost exclusively both talking persons exchange aphorisms. We notice the same thing in Russian stories that came to us from the East and West: for example, we find many aphorisms in the story “Sinagrip King Adorov and the Nalivskie Countries,” where the teaching of the wise Akir to his son consists of aphorisms. In the West, the aphoristic conversations of Solomon with Morolf were treated as a special article; in Russia, the same thing happened with Akir’s teaching, which was isolated from the story and circulated as an independent whole, enriched with new sayings of practical wisdom and proverbs. The faces of other borrowed stories, for example, also speak in aphorisms. in Alexandria. Porus expresses the following thought: “there is no joy on earth where pity would not be accepted.” Aphorisms, however, appeared in Russia not only at this late time; in the 17th century They only began to stand out from general stories as an independent literary collection, but they had already been in circulation for a long time: as proof of this, one only has to remember Daniil Zatochnik’s “Prayer,” which is rich in such sayings.

F. A. Brockhaus, I. A. Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

Writers, poets, philosophers, linguists, statesmen of Russia

about language and speech

I instruct the gentlemen senators to speak not according to what is written, but in your own words, so that everyone can see the stupidity. (Peter I)
The language of a people is the best, never fading and ever-blooming flower of their entire spiritual life. (Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky)
Don’t throw words to the wind, don’t make frivolous promises. Be the master of your word. (Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky)
Read common folk tales, young writers, to see the properties of the Russian language. (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)
As a material for literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones. (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)
Before us is a community - the Russian language. Deep pleasure calls you, the pleasure of plunging into all its immeasurability and grasping its wonderful laws. (Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol)
Knowledge of the exact meaning of words and their differences among themselves, even the easiest, is a necessary condition for any true thinking. (Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky)
Follow the rule stubbornly; so that words are cramped, thoughts are spacious. (Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov)
The word is a great thing. Great because a word can unite people, but a word can also separate them. Beware of such a word that divides people. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
People learn how to speak, but the main science is how and when to remain silent. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
Handling the language somehow means thinking poorly. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
Language is the most important means of communicating with each other. It is a weapon of thought and culture. (Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)
Learned literature saves people from ignorance, and elegant literature saves people from rudeness and vulgarity. (Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky)
Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed on to us by our predecessors. (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev)
Take care of the purity of your language as a sacred thing! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us. (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev)
In essence, for an intelligent person, speaking poorly could be considered the same indecency as not being able to read and write... (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)
The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious. (Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin)
If you don’t know how to hold an ax in your hand, you won’t be able to trim wood, and if you don’t know the language well, you won’t be able to write it beautifully and understandably to everyone. (Maksim Gorky)
We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language. (Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky)
There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be an exact expression in our language. (Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky)

Statements about the language and speech of foreign thinkers, philosophers, politicians, writers and poets of the world

Knowing many languages ​​means having many keys to one lock. (Voltaire)
Language is the best mediator for establishing friendship and harmony. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)
You can communicate with those who speak a different language, but not with those who put a completely different meaning into the same words. (Jean Rostand)
Human language is flexible; There is no end to the number of speeches in it. The kingdom of words is inexhaustible in all directions. (Homer)
Language is given to man in order to express his thoughts. (Moliere)
Grammar commands even kings. (Moliere)
Everyone can speak vaguely, but few can speak clearly. (Galileo)
Speech is a great power: it convinces, converts, compels. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
You should never say: “You didn’t understand me.” It’s better to say: “I didn’t express my thoughts well.” (Robert)
Brevity is the soul of wit. (William Shakespeare)
Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but it takes a lot of intelligence to use it. (Hegel)
Just as a person can be recognized by the society in which he moves, so he can be judged by the language in which he expresses himself. (Jonathan Swift)

Proverbs and sayings about language

More action, less words.
To speak at good times, to remain silent at bad times.
A long rope is good, but a short speech.
Every cow can be milked, but not every word can be said.
Once you shoot, you won’t catch the bullet; if you say a word, you won’t be able to turn it back.
Speak, but don't talk.
He talks day until evening, but there is nothing to listen to.
He speaks as if a river is babbling.
Eat mushroom pies and keep your mouth shut.
He won’t reach into his pocket for a word (he has a word, and he has ten).
Lays down softly, but sleeps hard.
If you say it, you won’t turn it back, if you write, you won’t erase it, if you chop it off, you won’t put it back.
Words here and there, but deeds going nowhere.
Talk less - you will hear more.
Quiet in speech, but fierce in heart.
Speech is reddened by listening.
I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.
Give your word, keep your word.
Friendly words will not dry up your tongue.
Your speeches would be in God's ears.
Listen more and talk less.
Know how to speak in time, know how to remain silent.
One kind word can save you from thousands of troubles.
My tongue is my enemy: it speaks before my mind.
The tongue that says stupid words is not to blame, the head is to blame.
You can’t weave even a bast shoe with your tongue.
A sensible word is worth a fortune.
There is honey on the tongue, and ice under the tongue.
A bad word is like tar: if it sticks, you can’t get it off.
Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.


Author: Kovalenko Lidiya Aleksandrovna


The native language plays an important role in the development of a child’s personality. Language and speech have traditionally been viewed in psychology, philosophy and pedagogy as a node at which various lines of mental development converge: thinking, imagination, memory and emotions.

The problems of speech development in preschool children were studied by such scientists as L.S. Vygotsky, A.A. Leontyev, D.B. Elkonin, E.I. Tikheyeva, S.L. Rubinshtein, O.I. Solovyova and others.

Let's consider how the concept of “speech” is revealed in psychological and pedagogical literature, and what significance it has for development.

A.A. Leontyev considers speech as follows: “The activity of cognition, i.e. such activity, which consists in the “distribution” of reality using the language of cognitive tasks, highlighted by the course of social practice.

This activity is communication, communicative activity. Speech can act as a tool for planning speech or non-speech actions” [13, p. 18].

Revealing the structure that any speech utterance has, A.A. Leontiev notes a number of skills: quick orientation in communication conditions, the ability to plan your speech and select content, and for this you need to find linguistic means to convey it and be able to provide feedback, otherwise communication will be ineffective and will not give the expected results. At the same time, the most important means of acquiring speech skills is the ease of transferring language units to new, not yet encountered combinations. This is where the so-called sense of language comes into force, which gives the child the opportunity to use speech skills on unfamiliar language material, to distinguish correct grammatical forms from incorrect ones. If a child instantly orients himself in linguistic material and attributes a new word to some class of language phenomena already known to him (for example, the definition of gender or number), then we can talk about his developed sense of language.

There are various aspects of speech development.

The physiological basis for the development of speech is the teaching of I.P. Pavlova about two signaling systems of higher nervous activity in humans, explaining the mechanism of speech formation. Speech activity is ensured by different, very complex physiological mechanisms, depending on the content of various speech phenomena (naming objects, understanding words, phrasal speech, etc.). When perceiving and reproducing speech, there is primarily an unconscious or conscious choice of words based on their meaning. In physiology, a word is considered as a special signal that replaces direct signals: sensations, perceptions and ideas, and language as a whole is considered as a second signaling system.

The linguistic basis for the development of speech is the doctrine of language as a sign system. At the same time, the issue of the difference and relationship between the concepts of “language” and “speech” is resolved.

It is advisable to consider language as a sign system that encodes the reality surrounding a person.

Speech represents different forms of using language in different communication situations. It is interpreted as an activity included in the general system of human activity.

Speech without language acquisition is not possible, while language can exist and develop relatively independently of a person, according to laws not related to either his psychology or his behavior. Linguistics studies language as an abstract system, as a system in the unity of all its levels: phonetic, lexical, word-formation, morphological and syntactic.

The psychological aspect of speech development is based on the position of L.S. Vygotsky that the development of speech is closely related to the development of thinking and consciousness. Considering the problem of concept formation, Vygotsky said that the accumulation of associations and groups of ideas does not lead to their formation, “a concept is impossible without words, thinking in concepts is impossible without verbal thinking” [1, p. 124]

A.V. attached great importance to the interaction of speech and thinking. Zaporozhets. Giving examples of studies of the speech of young children, he emphasized that only in preschool age a complex system of speech connections develops. Zaporozhets O. [2, p. 98]

S.L. Rubinstein spoke about the interaction of thinking and speech: “Speech is not just the outer clothing of thought, which it sheds or puts on without thereby changing its essence. Speech, the word, serves not only to express, to externalize, to convey to another a thought that is already prepared without speech. In speech we formulate a thought, but in formulating it, we very often form it. Speech here is more than an external instrument of thought; it is included in the very process of thinking as a form associated with its content. Thinking and speech, without being identified, are included in the unity of one process. Thinking is not only expressed in speech, but for the most part it is accomplished in speech.” [5, p.117]

It is at the moment when the child finds a new speech solution in any specific situation that the development of language ability occurs. And here the most important task becomes training, the formation in the child of this ability, the basis of which is the semantic component.

Considering the pedagogical foundations, it can be noted that even Jan Amos Comenius, the great Slavic teacher, establishing the sequence of studying different disciplines, believed that first one must master the language (grammar), then the real sciences and, finally, rhetoric.

Works by K.D. Ushinsky has not lost its significance to this day. It was he who came up with the idea that the native language is the main, central subject, included in all other subjects and collecting their results.

All pedagogical research related to the development of children's speech refers to the legacy of Ushinsky, since he owns works that emphasize the role of the native language in raising a child and reveal specific teaching methods.

Ideas of L.N. Tolstoy and especially K.D. Ushinsky was developed by E.I. Tikheyeva, who is the founder of the method of speech development. She believed that to master all types and manifestations of speech means to master the instrument of human mental development.

A great contribution to the development of the problem of speech development was made by AM Leushina, who proposed to reveal the strong positive aspects of children's speech, to understand for themselves all the wealth of its potential capabilities in order, based on them, to develop what is already available in children's speech. [4, p.232]

In the development of monologue speech, many researchers have focused on the issues of perception of fiction: A.V. Zaporozhets, O.I. Nikiforova, N.S. Karpinskaya, A.E. Shibitskaya, L.Ya. Pankratova, S.M. Chemortan, L.M. Gurovich.

I would like to note that questions of speech development have long been of interest to many researchers. Each of them has their own understanding of the problem of teaching, their own attitude to the methodological solution of the problem, their own positions in developing the content and methods of speech development.

Considering the main tasks aimed at developing children's speech, it should be noted that preschool age is a period of active acquisition by a child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonemic, lexical, grammatical. Full mastery of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner learning the native language begins, the more freely the child will use it in the future.

Research by psychologists, educators, linguists (L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontyev, L.V. Shcherba, A.A. Peshkovsky, A. N. Gvozdev, V. V. Vinogradov, K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheeva, E. A. Flerina, F. A. Sokhin, L. A. Penevskaya, A. M. Leushina, O. II. Solovyova, M.M. Konina) created the prerequisites for an integrated approach to solving problems of speech development of preschool children.

O.S. Ushakova says that there are three main directions for developing psychological and pedagogical problems in the development of speech in preschoolers, improving the content and methods of teaching their native language. Firstly, structural (formation of different levels of the language system: phonetic, lexical, grammatical); secondly, functional (formation of language skills in its communicative function: development of speech, verbal communication); thirdly, cognitive, educational (formation of abilities for elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech). All three areas are interconnected, since the issues of developing awareness of phenomena are included in the problems of all studies studying different aspects of the development of speech in preschool children. [6, p.203]

The problem of speech development in preschool children has been and remains the focus of attention of psychologists and teachers. Correct, competent speech is the key to a person’s successful adaptation in society. Therefore, many teachers and psychologists directed their efforts towards solving this particular problem.


1. Vygotsky L. S. Thinking and speech. - Collection op. in 6 volumes - M.: “Pedagogy”, 1983. - T.2. — 340 s.

2. Zaporozhets A.V. Psychology of fairy tale perception by a preschool child. // Psychology of preschoolers. Reader / Comp. G.A. Uruntaeva - M.: ed. "Pedagogy", 1998. - 138 p.

3. Leontiev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. – M.: Education, 1969. -214 p.

4. Leushina AM Development of coherent speech in a preschooler. // Reader on the theory and methods of speech development in preschool children. / Comp. M.M.Alekseeva, V.I.Yashina. -M.: Publishing House, 1999. -560 p.

5. Rubinshtein S.L. Development of coherent speech. //Anthology on the theory and methods of speech development in preschool children. / Compiled by M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashina.-M.: Publishing House, 1999.-560 p.

6. Ushakova O.S.
Development of speech in children four to seven years old // Preschool education. – 1995. – No. 1. – P.59-66 comments powered by HyperComments

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about language and speech for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Not only Russian folk proverbs and sayings are interesting and instructive. The eloquent statements of other peoples of the world are also distinguished by their relevance and popularity.

  • When you speak, your words should be better than silence. (Arabic). Silence, as we know, is golden, and sometimes silence is valued more than words. The proverb teaches us that we need to speak only if we are sure that what is said will be more important and valuable than silence. If there is no such confidence, it is better to refuse any speeches.
  • What you cannot do with force, you can do with words. (Azerbaijani). Physical strength is not an indicator of strength of spirit and mind. The meaning of the saying is that with the help of correctly chosen words you can solve any problem, instill faith in a person, find new friends, etc.
  • Think about what you say, even when you're joking. (Uyghur). “There is a grain of truth in every joke,” almost all of us have probably heard this saying. Indeed, people can often present the most serious things in the form of a joke. The essence of the proverb is that even with a joke you can offend and hurt a person, so you need to think carefully about such words before pronouncing them.
  • Before you speak, turn your tongue seven times. (Vietnamese). Turn your tongue seven times, it means think carefully, weigh all the pros and cons. Speaking out teaches us that before we say a word, we need to think about the consequences of what we say.
  • When you speak, think. (Chinese). This proverb also encourages people to be more careful with their words and think before they speak.

Sayings of the peoples of the world

  • Think about what you say, chew what you eat. (Tibetan). Eating and talking have some similarities. A person rarely swallows food without chewing it well, and even if this happens, it is extremely bad for the body. That’s how it is with spoken words – you can say it without thinking, but what consequences this will entail is unknown. The saying teaches you to be attentive to your thoughts and speeches.
  • One warm word will warm you up in severe frost. (Chinese). The word has enormous power, so with its help you can work miracles. The meaning of the proverb is not literal, however, a pleasant word can melt a person’s heart and help him return to life.
  • The Word is the key that opens hearts. (Chinese). This saying once again confirms that with the help of words you can find an approach to any person and a way out of any situation.
  • One wounded by a sword will be healed, in a word - never. (Azerbaijani). Physical wounds and illnesses heal over time and with proper treatment and usually leave no trace. But with mental wounds received due to cruel and evil words, things are different. It is very difficult to forget bad words, and they will remind you of themselves all the time.
  • They kill with the tongue, like with a dagger, but no blood flows. (Chinese). The meaning of the statement is that saying a careless, offensive and cruel word can kill a person. Of course, “kill” is not meant literally. In this case, the person dies in soul.
  • It is better to do well than to speak well. (English). The essence of the saying is that speaking beautifully does not mean doing beautifully. It is better to remain silent and at the same time do the right and noble deeds, than to talk all the time and not do anything said.
  • Your tongue is a lion, if you give it freedom, it will eat you. (African). Lion is the king of the animals. This animal personifies strength, courage, bravery and endurance. The tongue is compared to a lion as it is also powerful in its ability to speak out and speak different words. If you don't control what you say, sooner or later it will work against you.
  • There is a long road between “saying” and “doing”. (Spanish). It is very easy to have conversations and make promises, but it is very difficult to implement what is promised and said, so it is customary to say that there is a very long road between these processes.
  • There is little truth in those who spout a lot of words. (Lithuanian). Empty talk and constant chatter were rarely taken for something serious and worth attention. Therefore, it is generally accepted that a person who talks little usually does a lot, and one who chats, as a rule, does not put anything of what he says into practice.

Child development

  • The eternal snow will sooner melt than the talker's words will dry up. (Azerbaijani). The proverb explains to us that people who are talkative by nature will always be so. This is the essence of such a person. The comparison is made with eternal snow, which never melts, since the talkativeness of such people is also eternal.
  • What they don’t ask you about, don’t talk much about it. (Ossetian). The proverb teaches us that we must value our words and learn not to speak out when it is not expected or asked of us.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about language and speech: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Russian folk art cannot do without proverbs and eloquent sayings. Some of the sayings are no longer used in everyday speech, but there are others that are still relevant today.

  • There is always bitterness hidden in sweet speeches. The meaning of the proverb is that beautiful words are not always true. The proverb teaches us to objectively evaluate the information that people present to us.
  • Where there are many words, there are few actions. The proverb explains to us that talkative people often only know how to talk beautifully, and when the time comes to act and fulfill what they promised, they retreat.
  • It's easy to say, hard to do. Our language almost never gets tired, which is why many people love to chat so much. It is often much more difficult to implement what has been said than to simply say it, which is why they say that it is easy to tell it as needed, but it is difficult to take it and do it that way.
  • A kind word inspires. Words, as we know, can both heal and cripple. A kind and pleasant word can instill faith, kindness and confidence in a person. That’s why they say that kind speeches give a person wings.

Popular proverbs

  • A kind word to a man like rain in a drought. When a drought occurs, all living things freeze, life seems to stop, however, with the arrival of rain, everything returns to normal. This is how it is in life with a person. A kind word can inspire a person and give him faith in himself.
  • You can't keep up with her tongue even barefoot. This is what they say about people who talk a lot and quickly.
  • As is the mind, so is the speech. The meaning of the proverb is that often what a person allows himself to say depends on his wisdom and intelligence. Stupid people don't say smart things, and it's the same with wise people. You rarely hear stupidity from a wise person.
  • When you speak, think carefully. The saying encourages us to think about what we are going to say. Thoughtful statements will never put us in an awkward position.
  • The best medicine is to always tell the truth. The saying explains to us how important the truth is and teaches us that in all situations we must speak only the truth.
  • Verbosity is not wisdom. The proverb explains to us that a person who constantly talks a lot is not necessarily smart and wise. On the contrary, unrestrained speech often indicates a person’s stupidity.
  • It’s one thing to talk a lot, another thing to say things. To speak to the point means to speak the right, sensible words that relate to the essence of some matter. The essence of the statement is that there is a big difference between the person who chatters empty words and the one who speaks information with meaning.
  • A truthful word is like medicine: it is bitter, but it heals. Sometimes the truth is not quite what we would like to know. Despite this, it is much better to know the truth and live by drawing conclusions, rather than to please yourself with untruths and create the illusion of happiness.
  • A wound inflicted by a word is more severe than a wound from an arrow. The meaning of the saying is that sometimes a spoken word can bring more pain and harm than any weapon, since mental suffering is sometimes much stronger than physical.
  • The Word is the commander of human power. The proverb explains to us that words are not just sounds. All words are endowed with enormous power and if used correctly, you can move mountains.
  • With a word you can pierce something that you cannot pierce with a needle. The human soul is a place invisible to other people. However, its owner always knows and feels how it hurts. The meaning of the proverb is that words can hurt the soul.
  • Bad people have a villainous tongue. The essence of the saying is that unkind people always say a lot of nasty things.
  • A good speech is pleasant to listen to. The proverb explains to us that it is always pleasant to listen to a person who speaks pleasant, kind words and the truth.

Development with kids

  • What is said to your face has nothing to do with evil. We all know that, as a rule, only bad things are said about us behind our backs. The proverb teaches us that words spoken to our face, even if they are unpleasant, cannot be considered mean.
  • Tongue without bones. This is what they say about a person who talks a lot and often only stupid things.
  • A gossip girl's tongue is longer than a ladder. A long tongue usually means such a human quality as talkativeness. People who gossip are constantly discussing and judging someone, which is why they say that gossipers have a very long tongue.
  • Don't be hasty in your language, and don't be lazy in your deeds. The meaning of the saying is that you need to speak only after you think about what you want to say, but you need to carry out what is said quickly.
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