Speech therapist Olga Azova: I always relied on hooligans.

In modern society, the global Internet is becoming increasingly important. The network space is neither a material object nor an object of subjective reality, but it has the qualities of both.

We can say that the Internet occupies an intermediate position between space as an individual’s ideological system and a single physical material space. This means that a person deprived of access to the Internet is in a sense cut off from life. This applies to any field of activity, especially educational. Today it is difficult to imagine a teacher or student who would not use any web resources in the educational process.

Speech therapists also widely use the work of colleagues from all over the world in their work and generously pass on their professional experience. Websites for speech therapists allow a novice specialist to delve into the essence of speech therapy, and experienced colleagues to find missing material and ideas for creative self-development.

How to understand that a student needs a speech therapist

– Why does a schoolchild need a speech therapist? You can often hear that just to “tighten up” some sounds, to adjust speech – is this true?

– A school speech therapist, of course, in the first grade can improve a little more on what preschool speech therapists did not have time to do: automate sounds or conduct classes on speech development, especially for those children who had complex speech disorders before school, but the child still -I was finally able to go to secondary school.

But the main thing is that a school speech therapist comes when you need to start solving problems associated with the lack of development of basic school skills: reading, writing, mathematics. Accordingly, the terms dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, or with the prefix “a” - absence: agraphia, alexia, acalculia appear. That is, the child cannot learn to read, or write, or count, or experiences significant difficulties in developing these skills.

Somewhere towards the end of the second grade, depending on the program, maybe a little earlier, another feature appears - children do not master the skill of writing. A new disorder appears - dysorthography. All school problems of this nature are solved by a speech therapist.

There is also the term “hyperlexia,” but it is used for children with autism, that is, it is not entirely about reading and its impairment. We are talking about children who read mechanically, without understanding the meaning of what they read, reading for the sake of reading the text. But phenomenologically, this is not a reading problem, and we need to work with the characteristics of autism. Learn to translate what you read into spoken language.

– How can a parent understand that his child needs a speech therapist?

– So-called speech therapy, specific errors should appear on the letter. When a child is just mastering the skill of writing, spelling rules do not appear immediately. At first, children write as they hear, relying on their hearing, this is how the phonetic principle of writing is implemented: all sounds are in a strong position and are not difficult to translate into writing.

And if a child has so-called speech therapy difficulties, then specific errors appear immediately and even in a strong position. For example, a child writes the word “house” as “bom” (“the tail” of the letter in the wrong direction), “tom” (deafens), “dm” (misses a vowel), “domm” (extra elements), “do” ( does not add) and so on - everything that concerns the image of a letter, graphics and the sequence of writing letters, syllables in a word, and words in a sentence.

Or when copying and dictating, the child misses letters, syllables, and words. About the same thing happens with reading: errors in the image of letters in strong positions, omissions - he sees, but reads incorrectly.

These are specific violations. That’s why the name is “disgrapho”; it tells us about a partial violation of graphics. If such a mistake is isolated, it’s not a big deal. Any person, when learning to write, makes some mistakes, but they go away over time.

If there are a lot of such errors, then we talk about frequency. They are found in all subjects, not just Russian and mathematics. A persistent mistake is a mistake that is repeated from year to year and does not go away on its own, and sometimes is fixed for life and occurs even in an adult.

As soon as a parent or teacher notices that there are a lot of mistakes, they are not related to any spelling rule, but seem to look ridiculous, they are often interpreted as errors of inattention, then you need to contact a speech therapist.

And you can say to the specialist: “You know, we have been doing similar tasks for a long time, training, but the child continues to confuse such and such letters and not hear such and such sounds.”

What can a speech therapist do?

– I always start a consultation not with a conversation with the parents, but with the child. I have several questions that immediately clarify the situation, what kind of child is in front of me and how to build interaction with him. I usually ask parents questions later, without the child.

The first consultation always consists of two stages. First, the child must read and write, together with the speech therapist, those texts that correspond to the age and school curriculum. This is necessary to assess the range of problems in writing and reading. The parent should know which textbooks (what program) the child is studying from, bring workbooks, or better yet, tests with the largest number of errors, so that the problem becomes immediately clear to the specialist.

Secondly, you need to look at the development of speech and what age it corresponds to. There are things that are connected not only “with the letter”, but in general with the language as a whole, including agrammatisms when writing expositions and essays. Usually this problem extends from the preschool period and is associated with general underdevelopment of speech.

Sometimes parents do not notice problems, or they have worked with a speech therapist for so long before school that they believe that all speech problems have been solved. Then the teacher should suggest that you need to go to a speech therapist.

When I just started working as a speech therapist at school, the teachers greeted me like this: “How wonderful, a speech therapist has come to us! Will you play sounds for the children?” I had to give a very short lecture about what speech therapy mistakes children make when writing and what a school speech therapist does. The teachers agreed: “Yes, yes, yes, they make such mistakes. Now we have an ally to help us!”

Over time, everything changed. Now not only the teacher, but also the parent knows about school problems and knows the terminology: “You know, we have dysgraphia.”

Is it just dysgraphia? You still need to “grow into” it, it must also be formed. Some parents complain that the child writes slowly and clumsily, gets tired, has headaches, does not have time to cope with the amount of given material, takes a long time to do homework, is easily distracted, etc. Here it is already necessary to say that the speech therapist is obliged to work in tandem with a neurologist.

Paid courses, schools and individual lessons with a speech therapist for a child online

Paid courses provide more knowledge and have an individual approach to each child.

comparison table

Duration of classesClass formFree trial lessonPrice
Foxford30 minIndividually onlineYesfrom 726 RUR/lesson
Tutor online24 minIndividual onlineYesfrom 450 rub./lesson
Tetrika25 minIndividually onlineYesfrom 1090 rub./lesson
I'll speak40 minOffline and online lessonsYes850-1000 rub.
SONORAS40 minOffline and online lessonsYes600 rub
SLOG30 minOnline lessonsYes700 rub
Logoskype25-40 minOnline lessons via SkypeYes700 rub
LogoPractik30 minOnline lessons via Skype or ZoomYes12-16$
My speech therapist45 minOnline lessonsYes700-1500 rub.
Bilingual-Talk30-60 minOffline and online lessonsNo15-40 £
Karkusha40-60 minOffline and online lessonsNo1600-2500 rub.


Foxford School offers education to children of different age groups and in various areas. Home study, external study at the Foxford school can serve as a supplement to basic education or completely replace it. This resource is ideal for those who want to quickly and successfully understand the material, complete their homework, or prepare for competitions or exams. Individual training programs are provided. Several paths are offered, from which you can choose the one most suitable for the student. Foxford School is suitable for the following categories:

  • excellent students - they learn well the material that is given at school, but want to get more;
  • homeschooled children whose parents do not accept traditional schools on their own;
  • athletes, dancers and other children with intensive training and constant travel;
  • children living abroad in the absence of Russian schools, but who want their children to receive a Russian education;
  • disabled children who, due to physical disabilities, cannot attend school;
  • children who have social difficulties - have difficulty getting up early, have difficulty communicating with peers or teachers.

Training involves vacations that correspond to summer and winter at school. To study, you only need a computer and the Internet. Lessons are held in the form of webinars, during which students can ask clarifying questions and get answers to them.

  • Services: correction of sound pronunciation, development of phonemic hearing, assistance with dysgraphia and dyslexia.
  • Lesson duration: 30 min.
  • Free trial lesson: yes (sign up)
  • Parent presence: no.
  • Duration of the course: depending on the solution to the problem.
  • Cost: from 726 rub. for an individual lesson
  • Form of classes: individual online lesson with a tutor
  • Advantages: classes are conducted according to an individual program, you can choose a speech therapist.
  • Reviews on Irecommend: 4/5
  • Reviews : 4.6/5

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Tutor online

Tutor online is an educational platform where you can select a speech therapist based on your preferences. Each teacher displays his rating, portfolio, reviews, experience, number of classes conducted with students, resume, schedule and documents confirming his qualifications. Before starting classes, free testing and consultation are carried out. In this way, the problems that the child has are identified; It is possible to find out whether the proposed speech therapist is suitable or not.

Online tutor is suitable not only for those who want to help a child with speech; its services are offered for:

  • preparation for exams;
  • improving academic performance;
  • learning foreign languages ​​(English and German);
  • homework help;
  • preparation for the Olympics;
  • tutoring;
  • training according to the Russian system for emigrants and residents of other countries.

The platform offers a flexible system of discounts, which makes online classes even more profitable. Classes are held on our own unique platform.

Important! There are special promotional codes for our readers:

  • 300 rubles discount on courses using promo code course300 . Valid for old and new customers, no minimum order amount.
  • 800 rubles discount on lessons and tutors using promotional code rep800 . Valid for old and new customers, no minimum order amount.
  • Services: general speech disorders, phonetic-phonemic disorders, incoherent speech, dysgraphia, dyslexia.
  • Lesson duration: 24 min.
  • Free trial lesson: yes (sign up)
  • Parent presence : yes.
  • Duration of the course: depending on the problems (from 4 to 100 lessons).
  • Cost: from 450 rub. per lesson
  • Form of classes: individual online lesson.
  • Advantages: ability to study at home via computer; individual approach, drawing up a program depending on the presence of problems; flexible system of discounts.
  • reviews : 4.64/5
  • Reviews on Irecommend: 5.0
  • Reviews on Zoon: 3.67/5

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Tetrika online school platform offers individual lessons in various disciplines. Each specialist knows how to find an approach to the child, which increases the ability to assimilate the material received. Classes are held on an interactive whiteboard, homework is given and a progress log is kept. Communication with a speech therapist takes place in real time, which makes it possible to ask questions and get answers immediately. The training program is compiled according to an individual schedule by the platform’s methodologists. There is a division by age. Speech therapists begin working with preschoolers if the following is noticed:

  • poor pronunciation or complete lack of speech;
  • slurred speech (rearrangement of syllables, “swallowing” of part of a word);
  • small vocabulary;
  • inconsistency of words at the end.

Other requirements for schoolchildren:

  • stuttering;
  • not pronouncing sounds;
  • dysgraphia;
  • dyslexia;
  • lag in the school curriculum.

Classes with a speech therapist are offered for children from 3 to 10 years old. To understand the need for classes, it is worth taking a free consultation session, where a specialist will evaluate the child’s speech.

  • Services: lack of speech, non-pronunciation or incorrect pronunciation of sounds, dysgraphia, dyslexia, poor vocabulary, stuttering.
  • Lesson duration: 25 min.
  • Free trial lesson: yes (sign up)
  • Parent presence: yes.
  • Course duration: 8 or 20 lessons.
  • Cost: from 1090 rubles. per lesson
  • Form of classes: individual online classes.
  • Advantages: exercises take place in the form of a game, individual approach, course design depending on the child’s schedule, taking into account his convenience.
  • reviews : 4.35/5
  • Reviews : 4.42/5

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I'll speak

I will say - a platform for online classes for speech therapists. Specialists work not only with children, but also with adults. Speech therapists annually undergo advanced training, attend seminars, the centers are equipped with the most modern didactic materials and constantly acquire the latest developments.

Classes are conducted in the following order:

  1. Prepare a computer or tablet with a large screen, a notebook and a pen to write down the specialist’s recommendations.
  2. Prepare methodological material.
  3. One of the parents or an older relative should be with the child to help him and the speech therapist keep in touch.
  4. The lesson plan is tailored individually to each child and depending on his speech problems.
  5. At the end of the classes, the specialist gives recommendations on independent work.

Speech therapists at the I Will Speak Center conduct classes with children who have the following speech disorders:

  • aphasia;
  • aphonia;
  • autism;
  • Bradylalia;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • dysarthria;
  • dyslexia;
  • stuttering;
  • hearing impairment;
  • ONR;
  • FNN;
  • mental retardation;
  • Down syndrome;
  • tachylalia;
  • rhinolalia.

The center’s specialists diagnose speech disorders and carefully work through them until the problem is completely solved and diction is fully restored.

  • Services: speech disorders (ONR, FNN, alalia, etc.), hearing impairment, dysarthria,
  • dyslexia, etc.
  • Lesson duration: 40 min.
  • Free trial lesson: yes (sign up)
  • Parent presence: yes.
  • Course duration: depends on speech disorders.
  • Cost: 850-1000 rub. for 1 lesson
  • Form of classes: online and offline lessons.
  • Advantages: individual approach, possibility of payment in installments, working with highly qualified specialists.
  • reviews : 4.73/5

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SONOR is a network of speech therapy centers. Only highly qualified specialists who have passed strict selection work here. Speech therapists do not try to profit from students by delaying training. On the contrary, the faster they achieve results, the higher their bonuses.

The center’s specialists carry out diagnostics:

  • grammatical structure of speech;
  • sound pronunciation, sound-syllabic structure of speech;
  • syntactic structure of speech;
  • vocabulary;
  • degree of connectedness of speech.

The SONOR Center works with many problems:

  • dyslalia;
  • SRD (speech development delay);
  • ZPRR (delayed psycho-speech development);
  • dysgraphia;
  • dyslexia;
  • preparation for school.

The center’s specialists do not work with all diagnoses:

  • stuttering;
  • autism;
  • oligophrenia (mental retardation);
  • Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  • dysarthria.

Both offline and online lessons are offered. With the direct participation of the speech therapist, he performs all the necessary actions himself. If this concerns distance learning, then some points (facial massage, tongue massage, other articulatory influences) are shown and explained how to do it yourself.

  • Services: ZRR, ZPRR, dyslalia, dysgraphia, dyslexia.
  • Lesson duration: 40 min.
  • Free trial lesson: yes (sign up)
  • Parent presence: required.
  • Course duration: depends on the problem.
  • Cost: 600 rub. for 1 lesson
  • Form of classes: offline or online lessons.
  • Advantages: The goal of specialists is to solve the child’s problem as soon as possible.

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The online speech therapy center SLOG is recommended by the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy. Classes are held online in a special web room. The process is in the form of games involving famous heroes.

Lessons follow an approximate plan:

  • prepare everything necessary for the lesson;
  • Explain to your child how to use the Internet and tools in the web office;
  • During the lesson, training takes place according to a selected program;
  • After the lesson, the speech therapist gives homework to complete independently or together with parents.

The child has access to special tools with which to perform the work.

  • Services: speech disorders.
  • Lesson duration: 30 min.
  • Free trial lesson: yes (sign up)
  • Parent presence: yes
  • Course duration: 3-6 months.
  • Cost: 700 rub. for 1 lesson
  • Form of classes: online lessons.
  • Advantages: game-based learning, individual approach.

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Logopraktik is a portal that brings together speech therapists and their students. The site’s specialists are engaged in the production and correction of sounds. Lessons are held for children and adults. Classes are held for children over 5 years old who have problems with pronunciation, written and oral speech, and disorders in the structure of the articulatory apparatus. Knowing about the problems of the student, the speech therapist selects exercises that he shows to the student to improve pronunciation. Coherent speech is being taught, phonemic processes are being worked on, and articulatory motor skills are being developed.

Classes are held online via Skype or Zoom. First of all, the specialist conducts a free diagnosis, determining the child’s individual characteristics, level of speech development, and correct pronunciation of sounds. Based on the results, parents are informed of the results, a training program is proposed, if required, and a class schedule is discussed.

Logopraktik uses modern Western technologies to correct pronunciation, which make the learning process more effective.

  • Services: dyslalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, dyspraxia, FNN, ONR.
  • Lesson duration: 30 min.
  • Free trial lesson: yes (sign up)
  • Parent presence: yes.
  • Duration of the course: depending on the problems.
  • Cost: $12-16 for 1 lesson
  • Form of classes: online lessons via Skype or Zoom.
  • Advantages: use of the latest technologies, 15 years of experience, individual approach.

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My speech therapist

Speech therapy center My speech therapist offers services for classes with a speech therapist online. They provide diagnostics and training. Specialists are divided into categories and each deals with a specific problem, increasing the effectiveness of their lessons. All classes are supervised by a highly qualified speech therapist. To repeat the knowledge gained and further analyze the material, you can watch video recordings of classes. Additional methodological materials can be downloaded from the website for free. They are suitable for both joint and independent work. This will make learning more interesting and fun.

The site hosts periodic webinars during which you can ask questions. Consultation and diagnostics are provided free of charge.

Speech therapists provide training in the following cases:

  • dysarthria;
  • ZPR;
  • ZRR;
  • FNR;
  • FFNR;
  • ONR;
  • billingism;
  • alalia;
  • dyslalia;
  • dyslexia;
  • dysgraphia.

Comprehensive programs are also offered: Preparing for school, Child development, Literacy training.

  • Services: speech disorders (ONR, FNR, FFNR, etc.).
  • Lesson duration: 45 min.
  • Free trial lesson: yes (sign up)
  • Parent presence: yes.
  • Course duration: depending on the complexity of the violation.
  • Cost: 700-1500 rub. for 1 lesson
  • Form of classes: online lessons.
  • Advantages: highly focused specialists on specific problems, the ability to view video recordings of lessons for repetition.

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The Bilingual-Talk platform offers speech therapist services. Consultations, individual and group lessons, and independent sound production courses are provided. Lessons are held offline and online (via Skype and Zoom).

The center's specialists provide the following services:

  • Consulting parents of children from birth.
  • Diagnostics of speech of children from 4 years old.
  • Individual lessons from 4 years old.
  • Courses for self-producing the sound “R” from 5 years old.
  • Group speech therapy courses “Development of speech culture” from 5 to 14 years.
  • Courses for bilinguals in group speech therapy classes from 5 to 14 years.
  • Group courses “Development of speech through literary works” from 8 to 10 years.

Initially, the child’s speech is diagnosed, individual characteristics, the level of speech development, and the presence of disorders are determined. Based on the results, a training program is proposed, the duration of the lessons and their schedule are agreed upon.

  • Services: speech disorders, bilingual problems.
  • Lesson duration: 30-60 minutes.
  • Free trial lesson: no.
  • Parent presence: yes.
  • Duration of the course: depending on the violations.
  • Cost: £15-40 per lesson
  • Form of classes: offline and online lessons, group and individual.
  • Advantages: classes for children from different countries, bilingual children.

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Speech therapists and defectologists of the Karkusha platform specialize in speech development, elimination of speech defects, psychological, and neuroleptic. Classes are held for children from 1.5 years old. In their work, specialists use traditional approaches and adapted foreign proposals. Work begins with diagnosing the child, which identifies speech problems. Next, a training program is selected. Classes can be held individually or in groups.

Training is carried out in a playful way. This not only keeps babies' attention, but makes them feel more free and at ease. For older children, an academic education scheme is provided - with exercises and assignments. To make classes easier, there is a frequent change of activities.

  • Services: speech disorders, ZPRR, ONR, FFN, etc.
  • Lesson duration: 40-60 minutes.
  • Free trial lesson: no.
  • Parent presence: yes.
  • Course duration: depending on the disorder.
  • Cost: 1600-2500 rub. for 1 lesson
  • Form of classes: online lessons.
  • Advantages: work of highly qualified specialists, individual approach.

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The child needs to be given an exemption, like from physical education.

– It turns out that a child with speech therapy problems at school is in a state of stress. Stress at school, because things don’t work out, and the teacher doesn’t always understand why. In addition to schoolwork, classes with a speech therapist, and sometimes a neurologist gives some exercises.

– Mechanisms to support such a child exist. Let me draw a parallel. For example, a child breaks his leg and is exempt from physical education. After all, no one invites him to classes and gives him two grades for failing to pass the standards. But for some reason, speech therapy errors and learning difficulties are not interpreted as a disorder or pathology that requires, in some sense, leniency. It is necessary for the teacher to show not only tolerance, but simply universal wisdom.

So a student came to class, and he was beautiful in himself. And there is nothing unusual about it. Just like everyone else. But he developed a problem in the form of a writing disorder, dysgraphia, because before school he was a “speech” child, or did not keep up with the general pace of development, or did not fit within the allotted framework for mastering writing.

Why shouldn't he just temporarily count all these errors as one? Or don’t count them as mistakes at all. Give exemption, like from physical education. He still goes to classes, studies, studies. And don’t say all the time: “As long as I tolerate you, and the time will come, I will punish you if you don’t improve!” If we undertake to help, then we must help to the end.

In the end, we write, read, count in order to receive information, and not in order to say: an error, not an error. Therefore, the child needs to be helped. And for each, any minimal personal success, praise him.

A boy taught me who said: “The teacher will never see what I am capable of, because he is used to me always making mistakes. I work with you, and everything works out for me.” I suggested to my mother: “Ask this teacher for additional lessons, so that he will finally look at the child more closely, not against the background of his overall performance, but his personal successes.” After additional classes, the teacher said: “It turns out you’re not a fool!”

– What is dangerous to miss in elementary school? What is important not to miss?

– In primary school you only need three skills: reading, writing and counting. Dot. Nothing else. And you need a good teacher to teach this. Because if the teacher is difficult, she creates fear and reluctance to learn for the entire subsequent period. You have to like the teacher.

The teacher must influence the microclimate in the classroom so that the children feel comfortable.

All parents strive to ensure that the teacher is the strongest, the smartest. When parents choose a school for a child, they need to pay attention not only to whether the teacher is “strong” or not, but also to whether she is suitable for the child. In general, absolutely everyone remembers GOOD people and good teachers; moral things are instilled by good people. How demanding is the teacher, is she ready to differentiate the child? The child is assessed from early childhood, but at school this reaches its climax.

I can look at this situation as if from the outside, because when I worked as a school speech therapist, I saw how children are drawn to those teachers who know how to share and can resolve a difficult situation in a game.

All children love the young and beautiful, and those whom you can take by the hand and walk with her in pairs to the dining room, without fear that she will shout “get into line.” And everyone is fighting for this hand.

And maybe this teacher is not the most titled, but she can calmly explain the material and give adequate grades. And in the classroom there is a normal, healthy environment.

Many people say that modern children are cruel. Of course, there will be cruel ones if the teacher starts shouting: “You should have taught mathematics a long time ago instead of running, training your legs somewhere.” Well, who will like it? If, on the contrary, they say about a child: “Guys, look what a boy he is. And here he knows how to draw,” the child will open up to him. It’s all very easy to organize and find and highlight each student’s strengths and abilities.

I always relied on hooligans. If you attract them to you, the microclimate will be formed correctly. I have always liked extraordinary children, and it doesn’t matter whether they had special needs or not. You meet different children in practice: a rebus child to whom you need to find the key, or a loser child who attracts problems like a magnet, finds himself in absurd situations, or such a “prickly hedgehog”, everyone has already offended him, he defends himself.

You see that the child requires your attention, he needs support, praise, an interesting assignment, and it’s not even a matter of dysgraphia, but simply if you support the person, everything goes differently, a different emotional mood.

“Speech therapy workshop” on Fridays

Irina Karabchukova

“Speech therapy workshop” on Fridays

End of the working week. It would seem that everyone is tired. But this is the most interesting time in our preparatory speech therapy group. We are open on Fridays

"Speech therapy workshop"

for pupils and their parents. The joint creative activity of children, teachers and parents produces colossal results. A charge of energy, vivacity, good mood! At such events we have not just a working environment, but a very creative one. Judge for yourself.

I try to select material for the workshop so that it is not only interesting, but also useful. As a rule, I take the material for reinforcement (if parents are not confident in the correct completion of a particular task, the children are happy to help them, acting as full partners in the educational correction process).

Parents can see how children work in this kind of correctional classes, what they experience difficulties with, and what exercise they can take to consolidate the material.

Photo report on the work of the Speech Therapy Workshop.

Theme: “Spring is coming. Make way for spring!


-involving parents in the correctional educational process in preschool educational institutions;

-improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

-consolidation of educational material with children;

-building partnerships by the participants of the “Workshop” ;

-distribution of gaming speech therapy technologies among parents;

-teaching non-traditional drawing techniques to Workshop participants.

1. Organizational moment. Ball game “What is spring?”

Working with sound boxes. Sound analysis of the word - SPRING.

Development of phonemic hearing. Syllable analysis of words. Game "Telegraphists".

The speech therapist pronounces the words: “Spring, snow, snowdrop, thawed patches, drops.”

Children tap out the number of syllables, and parents record the syllable pattern of a given word on paper.

And of course, our favorite Schulte tables!

Learning to read is a lot of fun!

A little physical exercise could not have come at a better time. We choose according to the wishes of the children (and more than one)

the Speech Therapy Workshop creative work with great pleasure!

Using the advice of our colleague at MAAM -

Nadezhda Okulova MK on unconventional drawing of primroses"


I invited children and parents to create a spring picture with primroses.

Physical exercise "Snowdrop"

But such wonderful works now decorate the corridors and staircases of the preschool educational institution.

See you next time at our Speech Therapy Workshop on Friday!

And the teacher says - program

– You have said many times that today the pace of the school curriculum is faster than the development of the child. It’s even more difficult for a child with speech therapy problems. And if the teacher doesn’t understand this... What to do? Transfer to another school?

– Transferring to another school does not seem very desirable to me. Any changes in schools or classes in childhood are imprinted for life. At the previous school there was a team, for some reason they did not accept the child, or the teacher did not accept. The child has come to a new home, and again must assert himself, show himself, and find friends. This is not an easy process.

It’s good if a smart teacher helps the child, surrounds him with attention and says: “This is Masha. Masha can do this, and let’s accept her into our team.”

As for the pace. Yes, now everything is at an accelerated pace - both in life and at school. Such a speed that it seems that they no longer teach at all, but only the teacher gives a lecture and gives an assignment to the parent.

Because of the imbalance of demands, emotional tension increases both at school and at home: come on, come on with the pace, come on, come on with the quality. But at a high pace, the quality of a fledgling skill inevitably suffers. If you write well, the pace slows down. The pace increases only when the skill is formed, and then the quality improves. These are sequentially cumulative things. The imbalance is leveled out. Thus, to develop reading skills, two stages are necessary: ​​technique and understanding. In the early stages, attention comes first, and only then understanding. For an experienced reader (this is everyone who already has fluent reading), the processes change places.

In many schools there is only pace, pace, pace - read stress, stress, stress, because the basic skills have not yet been mastered, but the acceleration has begun. And on all fronts. That is, it is no longer necessary to do something about dysgraphia, but in general to change the approach to life and learning. Stress is already a change in the quality of life. So we hear from all sides: “What do you want? Such a life".

Let's rely on the word "life" and not on the word "pace".

Let's still live and get satisfaction, including from learning. Otherwise, many will remember school as a bad dream. And parents are in a hurry for years, if only this school would “pass” faster. Children do not have time to learn what is not possible. They begin to be cunning, do not understand or misunderstand the task, but at the same time they say - I understand. The situation of failure is growing like a snowball. We must remember that any question a teacher asks is always stressful. The child is always in a testing situation. And then tests are added - a whole lesson filled with stress.

Children pay with their health, persistent reluctance to learn, even refusal, irritation increases, and aggression may appear. Therefore, it is better to prepare your child for school in advance. I will tell you a little later about how to prepare your child for school.

But what to do if speech therapy problems are added? The most common complaint to me is: he reads poorly, slowly. I'm starting to watch the baby. Everything is fine. Yes, he reads syllables, sometimes a syllable + a word, he understands everything. But he already hates the process.

"What do not you like? - Slowly. Anya is already fluent. - And what? You have Vanya, not Anya. He has his own pace of development, physical and psychological readiness, maturity in the end. HE READS AND UNDERSTANDS - this is the main thing. The pace will increase. “And the teacher says it’s a program.”

This is where my arguments end. The teacher, it turns out, “drives” the program, and does not teach a specific child. And the main thing in both words, “student” and “teacher” is teaching.

There must be time for passion

– “Speech therapy” children require more attention. Are there any mugs worth donating to? How then can you find time for your child to just play and be idle?

– We said that in the elementary grades you need to learn three basic functions: reading, writing and counting. It’s not Moscow studies to study biology, but precisely this. And we must definitely develop some kind of interest, which, perhaps, will help in life, and maybe become a start to choosing a profession. We are all interested in something.

Primary school is the period when a child should try. For example, he went karting. What boy doesn't want to go karting: there are cars there. But I came across a teacher who only forces these karts to be cleaned and polished. And that's it, the desire is gone. Well, okay, we don’t want that, now we want to go to another circle.

We came to fight. It’s the same thing there: adults fight, and everyone else watches. And again you can search. You need to find a specialist who will interest you, make you fall in love, let you roll over, and hit the punching bag. This is also a difficult search. It is difficult to find any specialist. Have to search.

I am for the child to have a hobby. And time should be allocated for it. Or then, no hobbies at all, just school. But I don't like it that way.

And so that you have enough time for everything and still have time to rest, a schedule can help. It's just compiled incorrectly. Children love it when it is very beautiful. They attached adhesive tape to cardboard, photographed the child himself: here he is reading, here he is writing, here he is counting, here he is eating, and they lined up his entire daily routine on this adhesive tape. I did it and peeled it off. He is comfortable, he has time for everything. He makes it in time. He lives in such a good rhythm. And then look, if the load is heavy, then something will need to be changed, removed.

The most important thing is that the child tried

– If the parents seem to be happy, it is clear that their “speech therapy” child is really making some progress, trying hard, but the teacher thinks that the child is weak and continues to give C grades?

- This is, of course, bad. The most important thing is that the child tried. He didn't try for a C grade. So effort is worth giving a grade. It is no coincidence that, for example, music schools have disadvantages. For example, they give it a five with three minuses. These disadvantages are the degree of gradation of success. And sometimes you may not deliver anything. I tried, and well, and well done. Because if a person tries, he should be rewarded for his efforts.

The reward system should be flexible. Our center has extensive experience working with children with autism. In classes they are not rewarded only for the final result. When will he be there again?

Encouragement from the teacher can be a word for some specific small task: “Where did you try, let me see.” I tell schoolchildren: “Let’s choose the three best letters and give them a plus.” Or: “Let’s write for dad. After all, we will try for dad.”

You can set a specific task: “Let you now write the text from memory.” And we don’t look at the mistakes, but the child is happy, he made it. We will talk about mistakes later, in another task.

When I worked as a school speech therapist, I rewarded children for small pieces of work. I told them: “All the work didn’t work out very well, I will only appreciate this exercise, and here you did everything just wonderful!” I think this approach is reasonable.

– Is it possible for parents to offer their child some kind of material bonuses for classes?

- Certainly! All incentives just need to be thought through. For some this is an encouragement, but for others it is not an encouragement at all.

I sometimes ask parents the question: “What would be an encouragement for you?” The smart and fast ones answer: “Money.” This is natural, an adult wants money, because with it he can buy any reward he wants. It's difficult for children. Children cannot do something like that directly.

Although there was such a story in my life when my mother, a fourth-grade student, decided to ask if I knew natural history. And I told her everything, answered all her questions and received a metal ruble as a reward. It was the ultimate dream, because the ruble is very, very much. For a ruble you could buy a lot of ice cream, for example. Mom never indulged in money; everything amounted to 20 kopecks for a pie and tea, relatively speaking. And then a ruble was given. This example is about an individual approach.

Therefore, for some, emoticons, flags, plus signs are suitable as encouragement, for others - candy. At the center, we reward children with candy, cut cookies into pieces, and for a small task completed, part of the task is micro-encouragement: “You did it!”

– What if the teacher gives a C, thinking that this will give the child motivation to study better?

– I just want to say: is it possible to leave this teacher? In my opinion, the concepts of motivation and encouragement, or rather even punishment, are confused. Evaluation in this case is not motivation, but punishment.

When training, punishment does not work, only encouragement for any success, even minimal.

Such a teacher needs to be somehow pushed towards reading books on behaviorism, the study of human behavior. If a child has studied, he cannot be punished for it. Punishment is for misconduct, not for learning.

– How do you motivate a child? So he writes with errors, counts with errors, and he doesn’t care. How to explain why to correct the situation?

- I'm used to it. Apparently, he was put in such a situation that he stopped worrying about it. There are a lot of mistakes, they are growing. There must be types of work in which there will be no errors. For example, the task: just copy the text. Not accurate copying, not competent writing, but only copying. Or dictation and only speed dictation. And a score for speed. But we have several at once: we dictate quickly and give marks for literacy, and even accuracy. And if it’s an essay, then also for aesthetics, for lyrics and for mistakes. Therefore, it will not suit such a child. We need to show him that he can, that he can cope.

When you start working with such children, at first they “hate” you: you force them to do something they don’t like to do. I usually instill confidence in the child and say: “I will teach you in such a way that it will not be scary. It’s definitely not scary.”

Very often I don’t let you check the entire text, but select a couple of sentences and say that the child made a mistake in them. I put a dot in the margin - there is an error on the line. This is no longer very scary, because not the whole text. And the child immediately finds this mistake for me. “Wow, almost without checking, you “see” errors, it’s great, simple!” And he is proud that everything works out quickly and at the same time I do not scold him for correcting it, as they usually scold him for mistakes, but praise him.

– All speech therapy problems should be solved by what grade?

- All? Traces of many complex systemic disorders can remain for life. If speech in general was formed by school, and writing and reading impairments appeared already in the 1st-2nd grade, then it is advisable to complete the correction by the end of elementary school. If a child did not receive proper help in elementary school, and the problems persist, then a speech therapist can be contacted throughout the entire period of schooling. Let me list the optimal timing of correction.

So, if three people are included in the process: mother, child and specialist, then provided that the child has 4-5 in mathematics, written speech disorders can be corrected within a year. If a specialist works without the help of parents, then in two years. If a child’s cognitive functions are reduced, the process lasts for many years.

Why a child does not study well - myths and reality

Myth: A child does not study well because he is lazy

In reality: Laziness is a social function, and it already appears by school. Laziness is when you have to, but don’t want to. But still, children are not very lazy, because everything before school was structured for them. And if a child lives in a good regime, then he cannot be lazy.

Who are they talking about “lazy”, and is this really a myth? These children are not resourceful. Children who cannot sit through the entire lesson and who need a break. Or maybe you need a snack: a pie, juice, or you need to move: get up and walk to the toilet. We remember that it is difficult to remain in a static position for a long time, and in general static has only just begun to actively form, so children have an urgent need to stand up and stretch, but this is not accepted.

This is not laziness, this is physiological fatigue. I want to lie down and I want to sit down, leaning on something. Often the child is distracted due to protective inhibition of the brain - this is how the nervous system works if the child is overloaded or tired. The protective brake turned on, and that’s it, the grass didn’t grow, he was mentally outside the window. It's not inattention, he's just tired.

Myth: A child can study, but does not want to, he is inattentive

In reality: Attention is a really important function in communication, and in many children it may be reduced, undeveloped, and may even have attention deficit disorder.

Who do they talk about “inattentive”, and is this really a myth? Everyone who works with children in primary school should know the physiology of the child. The active formation of selective attention occurs precisely during this period.

School time should be interspersed with periods of learning and relaxation. Some people are able to work in the morning, while others, on the contrary, only gain strength in the afternoon. Girls are ready to study right away, from the very beginning of the lesson, but boys need time to unwind and get involved.

When the girls listen carefully to the explanation of the new material, the boys look through their textbooks and take pens out of their backpacks. The teacher finished the explanation - the boys are finally ready to listen, and everything has already been explained, and it’s time to move on to doing the exercises.

Here we are not talking about inattention, but about physiological features. There are people who turn on in the morning, like a running car. And there are those who swing for a long time, and then do everything quickly. And there are those who exist in a mode - they worked, got up, worked.

It’s just that the school itself doesn’t suggest this. It is very difficult to organize the educational process when everyone goes somewhere and relaxes. But this is a social problem, not a student’s problem. After all, we are talking about physiology, we are talking about psychology, we are talking about speech therapy problems that are involved in the general learning process.

But they took the children out earlier for exercise, thought through the schedule in order to alternate lessons that require special attention with those in which they can aesthetically and physically recharge. In Japan, children are endlessly taken out to run, dance, and play musical instruments.

Myth: A child does not study well because he was not prepared for school

Reality: The truth is that a child may lag behind other children at the very beginning. That is, they are already reading, but he cannot. And not because he was not prepared, but because he has his own physiological pace of development and maturation. The same can be said about children with delays and speech problems. Even if you teach before school, you may not be able to do it in time, because the mechanism is different - not social, not because you didn’t prepare, but because there is a violation. He didn't have time to just prepare.

Who are they talking about “not ready for school”, and is this really a myth? Two children of the same age went to school. This was prepared, but this was not. If a child who has not been prepared in advance is normotypical, then after a very short time they will learn at approximately the same pace, also because elementary school is the most favorable time for learning, 7-8 years is a sensitive period for learning to read, writing, arithmetic.

Myth: Extra classes and clubs interfere with your studies

In reality: Of course, they interfere if absolutely all the time is devoted to, say, gymnastics. Here we need to set priorities. Either we study and go to the same section for the soul. Either we are geniuses in music, we play, or we are athletes, well, we also study a little.

About someone they say that he “spends all his time on clubs,” and is this really a myth? In our center, for example, there is a girl with problems mastering school skills. She studies in a regular school. And my mother immediately said: “We will never give up drawing, she has aspirations.” Yes, we are in favor, let the person draw. We helped the girl solve speech therapy problems in the Russian language and reading. And here it is - a situation of success. She also draws and feels just great!

Myth: A child does not study to spite the teacher.

In reality: A child can show his dissatisfaction, and it looks like “out of spite.”

About whom they say that he does not study “to spite the teacher,” and is this really a myth? These are behavioral problems. We need to figure out when the “evil” began and for what reason. Behavioral analysis is useful for everyone. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the behavior: why the person was offended, how often he is offended, whether it is possible to put up with it or not.

In general, we are all bad at voicing our problems and become isolated. It’s even more difficult for children, they have less experience, so adults need to get involved: parents, psychologists. It is necessary to be observant and notice changes in the mood and behavior of children.

Useful links for speech therapists and parents.

Useful links for speech therapists. (for certification, courses, for publications, communication, useful literature, information)..

1. “Speech therapist” - scientific and methodological journal https://www.logoped-sfera.ru/

2 “September 1” - pedagogical university (courses, festivals, competitions indicated in the list of the certification commission) “Open lesson” - pedagogical festival. ideas (Speech Therapy section: notes, presentations) https://1september.rf/ https://festival.1september.ru/

3 ASOU (courses according to the list of Min. Education, certification) https://www.asou-mo.ru/papo.shtml

4 LOGOPED.RU – a well-known portal for speech therapists (certificates, notes, various information) https://www.logoped.ru/index.htm/ 5 Speech therapy portal – an all-Russian educational website. https://logoportal.ru/

6 Books on speech therapy (pedagogical library) https://pedlib.ru/katalogy/katalog.php?id=2&page=1

7 Kindergarten - a site where you can download books, useful material, etc. https://detsad-kitty.ru/

8 Educational presentations for children (download) Children's electronic presentations and clips https://900igr.net/prezentatsii/ https://viki.rdf.ru/item/878/

9 Maam.ru - international educational portal (many useful things) https://www.maam.ru/novosti

10 “Speech therapist plus” - speech - training center (courses, master classes) https://www.logopedplus.org/ https://www.logopedmaster.ru/

12 Website “speech therapist-wizard” M. Lynskaya (speech pathologists, guild of speech therapists, master classes, competitions, forum) www.logomag.ru

15 “Logopedy.ru” speech therapy portal (logo information, certificates) https://logopedy.ru/portal/

16 Logorina – personal website (practical material) https://logorina.ru/news/zvukoproiznoshenie/1-0-

17 Social network of educators - a lot of practical material on speech therapy, publications

18 Stuttering. ru https://www.zaikanie.ru /

19 Speech therapy for everyone (notes, classes, certificates) https://www.logolife.ru/

20 “Logopedia.by” - (various information, certificates) https://logopedia.by/

21 Logoburg – speech therapists of Yekaterinburg https://logoburg.com/

22 Logopunkt.ru (games for Tigers) https://www.logopunkt.ru/

23 Federal educational portal: regulatory documents https://www.edu.ru/index.php?page_id=35

Useful links for parents of children with speech problems. (where to go for help (Moscow region), information, games, presentations)

1 Institute of Correctional Pedagogy RAO (consulting complex cases) https://institute-correction-pedagogy.rf/

2 Clinics Prognosis (consultations of neurologists from St. Petersburg) (paid) https://www.prognozmed.ru/moscow/

3 Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children - consultations are free, in the direction of DP. https://mokdcd.ru/viewpage.php?page_id=6

4 “Logomed Prognosis” – complex cases, reception of non-speaking children, new techniques (paid) https://www.logomedprognoz.ru/

5. Portal “sun” for parents https://www.solnet.ee/parents/log_00.html 6 “Chatterbox” site for speech therapists and parents (early development) https://www.boltun-spb.ru/

7 Stuttering|Treatment for stuttering| Stuttering in children and adults https://www.stuttering.ru/

8 Logosauria: website for children's computer games https://logozavr.ru/

9 Everything for children - a useful site https://allforchildren.ru/

10,900 games - educational presentations for children https://900igr.net/prezentatsii/

11 Preschooler of the Russian Federation - online publication https://doshkolnik.ru/

12 Children's electronic presentations and clips Igro-bookvoteka https://viki.rdf.ru/item/878/ https://igrobukvoteka-shop.ru/

How to prepare a child for school - advice from Olga Azova

I believe that there is no need at all to prepare children for school in the way they do now. It even sounds somehow absurd: preparing for school. What will we do at school then if we have learned to read and write? How do you cook anyway?

Train your muscles.

When preparing for school, it is necessary to deal with the physical development of the child. Many modern children are physically very weak. They play little, jump and run little, and don’t know how to play role-playing games. If a child has not learned to hold a pen, stroke, and does not know how to button buttons and lace shoes, it will be more difficult for him to master the skill of writing and learn in general.

Motor development greatly stimulates the brain, forms new neural connections, and stimulates the centers that are responsible for speech and motor functions.

When a child comes to me for a consultation, I do not immediately sit him down at the table, offering pictures. I carefully watch how the child enters my office: does he touch the door frames, does he fall over on his side, does he limp, does he walk on his toes, does he shift from one foot to the other.

Prepare for the fact that your child will need to be static for a long time: train the muscles of the back and leading arm (adaptive physical activity, general massage with an emphasis on the muscles that are involved in the act of writing, biofeedback training for the leading arm and back muscles).

Train your balance.

A bicycle is a means of transportation for a child, so when walking, the child should ride the bicycle, and not the father’s bicycle.

Use other opportunities to train your balance: jump on a trampoline, try different exercises, swing on a swing, walk on a balance beam, do exercises on a stability ball.

A well-developed balance is a support for the development and coordination of functions that form writing and counting skills.

It is good that the child is ready neurologically and psychologically for school.

If there is some kind of pathology, then you need to think about how to help him. Let's say a child with speech disorders. This child should remain in the sight of the speech therapist and be supervised by him. It is better for such a child to be observed by a psychologist and neuropsychologist.

Before school, play a lot of role-playing, rules-based, story-based and other games.

Play is a motivation for learning. A child should play a lot before school. When a child plays, he builds relationships in the game. Games have rules and order. This is the only way to painlessly change the leading activity: from gaming to educational. Then the child begins to understand the learning task, and not just play with an eraser and pencil.

Learn to listen.

Of course, you need to watch it too. But a huge flow of information comes through the ears, especially if the teacher is teaching. For women, the auditory method of communication is more typical. Boys, on the contrary, are more suited to the visual type. And in general, it’s easier for children when the task is given not only by ear, but also written down. Many mothers know that if the teacher does not write homework on the board, the child believes that nothing was assigned. I didn't hear.

Learn to hear, train auditory perception, “phonemic hearing” (distinguishing sounds that are similar in sound). Use Tomatis (method for developing auditory perception). Learn to answer questions and respond.

By school, the child must learn to speak spontaneously.

Teach your child to retell, tell, fantasize. If a child has difficulty finding words (cannot name the word “garage”, “fountain” in the picture), makes many grammatical errors (trees - “trees”), does not pronounce the whole word (thermometer - “temomet”, “temom”), cannot pronounce sounds (misses, replaces, distorts), his “phonemic hearing” is impaired, then he definitely needs to work with a speech therapist .

7. It is necessary to develop visual-motor and auditory-motor coordination.

I hear, I write, I see, I write. If children do not retain instructions well or are not taught, for example, to memorize a sentence and then write it based on memory, then they begin to copy almost every letter or look at the teacher after each written word during dictation. These children need some kind of training. You need to learn to retain information in memory, starting with sentences of two words, and so on up to six words.

Train your auditory-verbal memory: learn poetry! Nothing trains your memory better than memorizing a quatrain every day. Maintain this form throughout your life. If a child has problems with perception and memory, then he needs to work with a neuropsychologist who will stimulate these functions.

It is important to decide on lateralization and which hand the child will write with.

Neurophysiologists and neuropsychologists ask you to decide on your leading hand, eye, leg . Why do we need to decide? In order to determine the type of child and, possibly, the type of learning. If a child is right-brained: he has an eye and a right ear, maybe he is a future artist or musician. This should be taken into account when choosing a program. And if we send such an emotional, artistic, creative child to a class to learn according to Peterson, it will not be easy for him there. Because he is not a logician, not a mathematician.

Before school you need to develop a rhythm.

The basis of the sound-syllable structure is the ability to clap the rhythm. We speak in words, syllables, sentences - linearly. And we write linearly. If a child has poor rhythm, then in oral speech there is a violation of the sound-syllable structure, and in writing there are omissions and rearrangements. Slap different rhythms, practice different types of timing!


Information and communication technologies (ICT) are pedagogical technologies that use special methods, software and multimedia tools (film, audio and video, computers, telecommunication networks) to work with information.
The introduction of information technology makes it possible to move from an explanatory and illustrative method of teaching to an activity-based one. This, in turn, is a huge potential for gaming and learning opportunities, a means of optimizing the process of speech correction. However, a computer is not valuable in itself, it will not replace a specialist, it is only an auxiliary training material. A positive result from the use of ICT can only be in the interaction of a child, a teacher and a computer [7]. Benefits of information and communication technologies.

  1. Provide information in a clear and attractive form.
  2. Children's motivation and interest in activities increases.
  3. The process of memorizing information accelerates and becomes meaningful and long-lasting.
  4. The time required to develop skills and functions is significantly reduced.

Psychological capabilities of information and communication technologies.

  1. Use of various analyzing systems in the process of execution and control of activities.
  2. Activation of compensatory mechanisms based on visual perception.
  3. Coordination of the work of the motor, auditory and visual analyzers.
  4. Teaching children self-control skills.
  5. Resources for the development of higher mental functions: symbolic and planning functions of thinking and speech.
  6. Educational opportunities of ICT for children. Imperceptibly moves from play activities to educational ones.
  7. The child himself sees the result of his work.
  8. The process of understanding one’s own speech skills is being formed.
  9. There is a desire to correct the mistake seen.
  10. Negativism regarding repeated repetition of speech material disappears.
  11. The child masters models of communication with the characters of the computer program.
  12. The child learns basic computer operations.
  13. Gets the opportunity to experiment, model, compare, classify.
  14. The child’s emotional tone increases, which helps to quickly transfer the material being studied into long-term memory.

Educational opportunities of ICT for teachers

  1. Using a game form of learning is an escape from routine work.
  2. A combination of systemic and activity-based approaches to correction.
  3. Differentiated approach (selection of material of varying degrees of complexity, easy to change the degree of difficulty and nature of the task).
  4. Objectivity – problems become “visual” for the child, parents and teacher, visual recording of initial, intermediate and final data.
  5. Individual and educational route - you can see how to transform the identified problems and work tasks.
  6. Effective and flexible reward system (computer characters, sound and visual effects).
  7. Collaboration between teacher and child in interesting activities.

Educational benefits of using ICT

  1. The time spent working with paper media is reduced.
  2. Less effort and time when preparing visual and didactic support for classes.
  3. Possibility of creating a database and media library.
  4. Possibility of remote participation in Internet conferences, forums and training in advanced training courses.
  5. Expanding the plot content of traditional gaming activities. Visualization of the acoustic characteristics of sounds.
  6. Expanding the range of non-verbal tasks.

Speech therapist media library. I. Reporting documentation, methodological literature and teaching aids in electronic version. Computer programs for speech correction. Multimedia presentations.

II. Speech therapy chants and phrases on audio discs. Files with recordings of children's speech at the beginning and end of classes. Audio ABC. Photos and video materials.

The use of ICT in speech therapist classes is based on the following principles:

  1. The principle of a multisensory approach to the correction of speech disorders. Corrective work is carried out using various analyzers.
  2. A systematic approach to the correction of speech disorders. ICTs make it possible to work on systemic correction and development of the following characteristics:

— sound pronunciation (articulation gymnastics, automation of sounds, differentiation of sounds and letters);

- prosodic components of speech;

- literacy training (phonemic analysis and synthesis, phonemic representations);

— lexical and grammatical means of language (word formation, inflection);

- speech breathing;

- general and fine motor skills;

— formation of visual-spatial relationships;

- coherent speech (composing or retelling a text based on a series of plot pictures).

  1. The principle of developmental and differentiated education for children. The ability to objectively determine the zones of current and immediate development of children.
  2. The principle of systematic and consistent learning. Using previously acquired knowledge in the process of mastering new ones, moving from simple to complex.
  3. The principle of accessibility of training. Compliance with the age characteristics of children. Tasks are presented to children in a playful way.
  4. The principle of individual training. ICT is intended for individual and subgroup lessons and allows you to build correctional work taking into account the individual educational needs and capabilities of children.
  5. The principle of objective assessment of the results of a child’s activities. In computer programs, the results of a child’s activities are presented visually on the screen, which eliminates subjective assessment.
  6. The principle of game strategy and introducing a child into a problem situation. The game principle of teaching with the presentation of a specific task allows you to effectively solve the assigned correctional tasks and put into practice the didactic requirements for the availability of computer teaching aids.
  7. The principle of educational training. Nurturing children's strong-willed and moral qualities.
  8. The principle of interactivity of computer teaching aids. The use of ICT occurs simultaneously with the provision of feedback in the form of animation of images and symbols, as well as with the provision of an objective assessment of performance results.

Requirements for computer development and training programs used in speech therapy classes:

— the program must indicate the age of the child;

— the program should be bright, colorful, with sound design;

— objects displayed on the screen should not be small or incomprehensible to children;

— the program must be in Russian;

— the text of the tasks, if available, should preferably be voiced by a speaker;

- tasks are interesting, understandable to the child, and easy to complete;

— periods and episodes of the game should be no more than 3-5 minutes;

— it is advisable for the child to work with the keyboard, since it is still difficult for him to cope with the mouse;

— the program should develop children, give them knowledge, teach them skills in a simple game form;

- alternating different computer games.

ICT is used at different stages of speech therapy work.

  1. Preparatory stage: When performing articulation gymnastics. For the development of speech breathing. Like a visual simulator. When preparing your hand for writing. To be included in the lesson.
  2. Automation stage: To continue the game, you need to pronounce the sound correctly.
  3. Differentiation stage: Tasks for classifying words with the sound being studied. Recommendations for parents. Presentation with speech tasks

Any speech therapy session begins with an organizational moment. Riddles, puzzles, and anagrams can be used here. In the main part of a speech therapy lesson, various (depending on the topic and goals of the lesson) ICT materials can be used. It is very convenient for a speech therapist to create and then use presentation classes on specific topics. These presentations include visuals, word and sentence diagrams, reading texts, flashcards, animated crosswords and puzzles, anagrams and much more.

A physical education session for students can also be conducted by a computer. Schematic images of men in different gymnastic poses appear on the monitor screen. There are also computer eye training programs that allow you to give your child's eyes a rest.

The final part of the lesson can contain problematic questions on the topic of the lesson in a text file (for summing up) or become an incentive for good work (children’s favorite computer games).

When organizing joint organized activities (literacy classes), ICT can be used at the beginning of the lesson to indicate the topic and create a problem situation. Presentations, diagrams, drawings, and video clips can accompany the explanation of educational material. ICT can act as an information and educational tool and can be used to monitor children’s learning of material.

Websites with online speech therapy games:

  • www.logozavr.ru
  • www.solnet.ee
  • www.detiseti.ru
  • www.teremoc.ru
  • www.lohmatik.ru
  • www.nachalka.com
  • https://mersibo.ru

Now let’s take a closer look at the correctional speech therapy computer programs available on the domestic market.

Hardware and software complex "Delfa" - 142 Created in 1994. This is a simulator for speech rehabilitation and correction of sound pronunciation of children and adults. The speech therapy simulator "Delfa" - 142 uses a non-standard sound processing device in the form of an additional converter that replaces modern sound cards, and operates in the DOS operating system. The sounding speech is captured by a microphone and converted and transmitted as a signal to the processor - displayed on the computer screen in the form of informative images with animation elements - stored on the screen for any time. The set includes 63 basic dictionaries with a total number of words of about 4.5 thousand. These are thematic dictionaries (“Clothing”, “Food”, “School”, etc.) and dictionaries built on a phonemic principle (“second row vowels”, “Soft sign”).

The advantages of the Delfa-142 program are the possibility of correcting both oral and written speech, developing perception, attention, and memory. The simulator allows you to repeatedly duplicate the required type of exercise, use various stimulus materials, select the level of difficulty of the task, compose and use your own dictionary in the process of speech therapy work [11].

And the later one, “Delpha” - 142.1 - allows you to work with any speech units from sound to text (from correction of speech breathing to the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech). The program is often used by specialists [3] as part of a system of correctional work in various areas. At the initial stages of correction of the sound aspect of speech, the “Sound” section is used, which includes 19 exercises aimed at correcting speech breathing, tempo, rhythm of speech, voice, sound pronunciation, and elimination of overtones. At the stage of mastering literacy, when developing the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, the initial skill of correct reading and the prevention of dysgraphia, the sections “Letter”, “Syllable”, “Word” are used. Work on the lexical and grammatical side of speech, training exercises in establishing semantic connections between words in a sentence are carried out using the sections “Work on the word” and “Sentence”.

The software and hardware complex “Visible Speech – III” was developed by IBM. Designed to work with children and adults with disorders of sound pronunciation, voice formation, and sensorimotor speech dysfunctions. This program seems unique because it allows you to visualize the acoustic components of speech (duration of speech and phonation exhalation, strength and pitch of the voice, intonation), phonetic design, syllabic structure of words and display them in the form of cartoon images. The opportunity provided in the program to record, save and play back a child’s speech utterances allows you to analyze pronunciation skills and demonstrate progress in their formation. For the effective use of the “Visible Speech” program in Russia by the staff of the laboratory of computer technologies in teaching of the Institute of Communications of the Russian Academy of Education T.K. Korolevskaya, O.I. Kukushkina, all three versions were adapted in relation to the phonetic side of the Russian language. They developed a methodology for using the program in teaching children with hearing impairment, organized training courses for speech pathologists, thanks to which domestic specialists also successfully used the program in speech therapy work with children in the correction of dysarthria, rhinolalia, and stuttering.

The set includes 13 modules. Main ideas: visual control of speech and the gaming principle of operation. Module "Presence of sound". Module "Volume". Module "Voice Volume". Module "Voice enablement". Module "Height". Module "Altitude exercises". Phoneme Automation module. Module "Chains". Module “Differentiation of two phonemes”. Module “Differentiation of four phonemes”. Module “Spectrum of pitch and loudness in a phrase.” Module "Sound Spectrum".

“Games for Tigers” A comprehensive speech therapy program designed to correct OHP in children of senior preschool and primary school age with an erased form of dysarthria. The program consists of 4 blocks: “Phonematics”, “Prosody”, “Vocabulary”, “Sound Pronunciation”. The “Prosody” block is aimed at developing the prosodic characteristics of speech, while speech activity is recorded by a microphone and presented on the monitor with cartoon images. The “Sound Pronunciation” block facilitates corrective work to overcome defects in sound pronunciation. The Phonematics block includes a variety of exercises to develop phonemic processes. The “Vocabulary” block is aimed at overcoming language development disorders: expanding the volume of the dictionary, forming the grammatical meaning of a word.

Games for Tigers contain:

-Breathing exercises (production of a long and strong air stream);

-Lessons on rhythmic repetition of a given sound (syllable, word);

-Voice modulation tasks (volume and pitch control);

-Exercises on sound analysis and synthesis;

-Vexical exercises.

There are more than 50 exercises in total. This program is indicated for the correction of dyslalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, and stuttering. It can be used when consulting parents and preschool teachers.

This program is presented on electronic media (CD disk), contains a description and detailed methodological recommendations that allow you to effectively organize individual and subgroup activities of preschoolers.

Computer game “Speech development. Learning to speak correctly" Consists of the following blocks: Non-speech sounds. Sound pronunciation. Speech sounds. Development of coherent speech. Includes more than 1000 pure twisters, tongue twisters and poems for pronouncing whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds.

The computer training program “Sound-syllable analysis of words” can be used in individual and subgroup lessons to develop phonemic awareness and teach literacy to children of senior preschool age. The program consists of three elements: sound-syllable analysis of words; the “Pyramid” game, aimed at consolidating acquired skills in determining the number and sequence of sounds; the game "Literacy", used to improve and consolidate the phonemic analysis of practiced words in writing, to prevent dysgraphic errors. The program allows the teacher to manipulate the pictures contained in the database: change places, select and enter picture words of any sound-syllabic structure, change missing ones letters in the same word - allows you to adjust the presentation of tasks according to the degree of difficulty, thereby determining the accessible level of work on the word for each child individually.

Computer biocontrol system "Boslab-LOGO". Due to the urgency of the problem, specialists from the State Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, together with NPF Computer Biofeedback Systems LLC, developed the Boslab-LOGO program for the rehabilitation of children suffering from speech disorders using computer biofeedback. The result of using this method is the development of correct breathing skills, the formation of clear articulation, intonation expressiveness, tempo, and rhythm of speech. Participants in the Boslab-LOGO program master methods and areas of work to improve their own speech and voice. Correct breathing skills also help children stop logoneurotic manifestations (stuttering), reduce the level of anxiety and fear of speaking. The training consists of performing special exercises under the control of signals presented on a computer screen. The use of game screen presentations and the ability to compare your current results with those achieved in the previous lesson help maintain motivation at a high level. During the classes, the following physiological parameters are monitored: electromyogram (muscle tension), duration of the respiratory cycle, duration of exhalation, amplitude of the sound wave recorded during speech exercises, etc. Since breathing, voice formation and articulation are single interdependent processes, breathing training, voice improvement and articulation adjustments are carried out during training sessions simultaneously. The tasks become more complex gradually: for example, training long periods on individual sounds, then on words, then on a short phrase, when reading poetry and prose.

Before the start of a speech therapy session, sensors are attached to both sides of the mouth to record muscle tension in the mouth and larynx (muscles of the speech motor apparatus). In case of speech disorders, these muscles are usually overstrained, so during classes the child must develop the muscles of his articulatory apparatus and learn to control them during speech. At the beginning of work, tension may be observed when moving the tongue and lips. Gradually the tension disappears, movement becomes free and more coordinated.

The basic rule of biofeedback training is to observe a gradual transition from an easy task to a difficult one, from intact components of speech to impaired ones. The course of therapeutic training consists of 20–30 sessions. The duration of one lesson is 20–30 minutes. Each session begins with articulation gymnastics (myographic training) lasting 3-7 minutes, followed by breathing exercises - from 5 to 20 minutes. Sessions are held 3–5 times a week. Initially, breathing exercises are aimed at coordinating mouth and nose breathing without speech. Gradually, speech material is included in these exercises.

Therapeutic, diagnostic and correctional problems solved using the Boslab-LOGO program:

1. Diagnosis of speech function, its quality.

2. Treatment, correction of pathology: speech and voice disorders of various origins; stuttering; logoneuroses; aphasia; dysarthria and dyslalia; rhinolalia and rhinophonia; speech tempo disturbances; speech anxiety (logophobia); speech disorders in children with hearing impairment; functional dysphonia.

3. Teaching reading and speech techniques to preschoolers and schoolchildren.

4. Prevention of speech and voice disorders [5].

The FBU BOS “Comfort” complex is a universal multifunctional technique, the purpose of which is the correction and optimization of speech breathing, the formation of continuous, free speech, the prevention and correction of psycho-emotional state disorders and neurotic disorders caused by the presence of speech defects.

This complex consists of 4 modes. The technology is based on the principle of biofeedback. When implementing the method of functional biofeedback, the physiological parameters of the body are recorded using special equipment and converted into feedback signals in the form of sound or visuals on a computer screen. Due to the fact that information arrives in real time, the brain instantly assesses which bodily sensations are associated with the desired changes and learns to reproduce them not randomly, but arbitrarily.

Timokko correctional and developmental complex with video biofeedback is used to develop motor activity and cognitive functions, train more precise motor skills, strengthen and stimulate the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms in children with a tendency to hyperactivity, with deficiencies in the function of attention, memory, and with cerebral palsy. In speech therapy classes, the complex can be conveniently used during physical exercises to relieve emotional and muscle tension.

Program “Speech therapy examination of children” V.M. Akimenko helps conduct speech therapy examinations in the main areas of speech. Each section consists of a number of tasks containing both instructions for the teacher and tasks, pictures and sound fragments for children. After the child completes each task, the specialist can enter his own comments on each exercise and evaluate its completion.

Program “Development and correction of speech of children 4-8 years old” V.M. Akimenko allows us to carry out work on the correction and development of all aspects of students’ oral speech. Each section contains a library of games and tasks of varying degrees of difficulty. The program allows you to store the history and minutes of classes, sound files, the number of correctly and incorrectly completed tasks.

In addition, there are a number of interactive developmental aids, such as “Logorhythmics” (development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, development of the sense of ri, “Logogames” (training of the speech and breathing organs, development of auditory perception), “Games with words”, “ Look and Speak” (expansion and consolidation of vocabulary, development of coherent speech), used with pleasure by correctional teachers.

Conclusion: the use of information technology in the correctional process makes it possible to intelligently combine traditional and modern means and methods of teaching, increase children’s interest in the material being studied and the quality of correctional work, and significantly facilitate the work of the speech therapist teacher. However, no matter how positive and enormous potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace live communication between a teacher and a child.


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