Speech therapist online, Skype. Distance (remote) speech therapy video classes.

To trust or not to trust an online speech therapist, that is the question. And how realistic is it to put pronunciation on the Internet?

During classes with a speech therapist, children perform articulation and finger exercises, draw, pronounce phrases, and guess riddles. Almost all of this works fine in remote mode, but there are exceptions. When is it better to look for a face-to-face specialist, and what can be done online? We talked to our teacher Tatyana Januskeviciene and found out everything.

So, why do you need a speech therapist?

Speech disorders

Most children and adults who need the help of a specialist experience difficulties with the standard set of sounds: [w], [zh], [ts], [sch], [h], as well as soft and hard [r], [l], [c], [z]. This is what speech therapists do - they help with various speech disorders.

Development of thinking and speech

In such classes, the child learns to solve logical problems. For example, “Find the odd one out,” “What comes first, what comes next,” “Name it in one word,” as well as build a monologue, compose a story based on a picture. The specialist explains to moms and dads how to communicate with their child at home in order to encourage him to speak competently and expand his vocabulary.

Sometimes a child speaks incorrectly because he does not accurately hear the consonant sounds [b], [p], [d], [t], [l], [v] or others. It happens that a preschooler incorrectly uses case forms of words or does not understand how the words in the sentence agree: “Vanya came home.”

Reading problems

Parents often bring non-reading elementary school children to a speech therapist. The teacher helps to find the cause of difficulties and develop the necessary skills. Some children did not have time to learn letters, others did not understand how to combine sounds into syllables, others suffer from dyslexia and reading quickly is too much work for them. In any case, the speech therapist will offer special exercises to help the child get closer to the age norm.

Preparation for school

One of the most popular requests to a speech therapist. Comprehensive activities for older preschoolers include mathematical games, broadening their horizons on various topics, and preparing their hands for writing. Even in families where a lot of attention is paid to the development of children, parents may miss something. Forgetting to learn the months of the year or modern professions is not scary. The main thing is to catch yourself in time and fill in the gaps before school.

Methodological materials for speech therapist teachers

Contained in sections:

  • Methodological materials for teachers and educators 27974
  • Speech development. Speech development of children 15468

Includes sections:

  • Articulation. Articulation gymnastics 1561
  • Bilingualism, bilingualism 211
  • Bioenergoplastics in working with children 120
  • Dysarthria 240
  • Dysgraphia and dyslexia. Prevention and correction 264
  • Kinesiology. Kinesiological exercises and games for children 444
  • Speech therapist consultations for parents 1573
  • Corrective work. For teachers of correctional groups 309
  • Corrective classes. Notes for correctional groups 4085
  • Speech therapy classes 9440
  • Speech therapy and speech holidays and entertainment. Scripts 1916
  • Speech therapy games 1421
  • Speech therapy rooms. Educational environment 203
  • Logorhythmics. Logorhythmic exercises 1456
  • Fine motor skills 11598

By groups:

  • Senior group
  • Preparatory group
  • Middle group
  • Junior group

Showing publications 1-10 of 8270. All sections | The work of a speech therapist. Speech therapy



The best

Homework for parents in the senior speech therapy group “I am a Human.” Sound [R]" Topic: I am a Person Parents are recommended to: • Tell the child about a person, parts of the body and the actions that a person can perform with the help of these parts. 1. Articulation gymnastics for the sound P (see Appendix 2)

! For parents, I print out applications in advance for folders with remote sensing...

Didactic game "Logocube"

The didactic game “ Logocube ”, for children of senior preschool age, develops phonetic-phonemic concepts, the syllabic structure of words , forms the lexical-grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech and cognitive processes. Option No. 1 “Identify the first sound.” Target:…

How do online classes differ from face-to-face classes?

Stimulation of speech organs

To teach a child to pronounce sounds from a standard set of difficulties, a speech therapist uses different techniques. Sometimes children manage to grasp the idea by imitation. In other cases, exposure to a special probe or speech therapy massage is necessary. Of course, it is impossible to do a massage remotely - an honest professional will immediately say this and recommend contacting an in-person speech therapist. But in the case of a probe, there is a way out: parents become the hands of a speech therapist and, with the help of spoons, straws, and toothbrushes, show the child where the tongue should go.

Child motivation

During face-to-face classes, the speech therapist plays fun, emotional games with the student to test attention and reaction. The younger the child, the more important it is for him to have a teacher nearby. A competent specialist knows how to establish and maintain contact with a child even through a screen, but during a face-to-face meeting it is easier to encourage the student. Therefore, parental participation in the lesson is usually beneficial. They help the child maintain attention and support him when he needs to work hard.

Availability of classes

The main disadvantage of face-to-face meetings with a speech therapist is that you need to go or go to him. Parents do not always have such an opportunity. Online classes have become a salvation for mothers with many children with babies, single working parents, as well as visually impaired and mobility impaired people. For families from remote villages, online classes are the only opportunity to correct their child’s pronunciation or prepare him for school.


In-person classes with a speech therapist in Moscow usually cost one and a half to two times more than in Tetrik. We guarantee the quality of the teacher’s work, since all employees undergo careful selection and training. It is convenient to resolve all issues with the school manager. He will help you change your schedule, find another specialist, or get additional advice.

Speech therapist online, Skype. Distance (remote) speech therapy video classes.

Classes are carried out only in the presence of parents - only a few children are able to study without an adult.

The speech therapist must have extensive experience in correcting each disorder. He must have a large number of techniques in order to select the most effective ones via Skype.

Problem with choosing speech therapists: When I started working via Skype in 2010, everyone said that speech therapy via Skype was impossible. And I spent a lot of time and effort to convince those who doubted that the work of a speech therapist via Skype can be no worse than working “live”. Now, years later, I have something to share with speech therapists - how to organize my work, because not everything is as simple as I would like.

In Europe and America, speech therapists started working via Skype earlier than I did. The cost of classes with foreign speech therapists is either the same as for the owners of private offices, or may be higher. This is due to the fact that you can engage in private practice abroad if you have special education and work experience in government agencies for at least 5 years. For example, in England, banks will not issue a loan to open your own account if these 2 conditions are not met, and marketers will refuse to draw up a business plan and advertise to someone who does not have special education and professional work experience. Accordingly, only professionals with work experience began to offer their services via Skype abroad. They focus on 2 types of help: help for those who do not have a speech therapist nearby, and when all other speech therapists cannot cope and a higher-level professional is needed. Therefore, among speech therapists working via Skype abroad, you can find many university teachers and professors with scientific degrees. Accordingly, they have a price per hour of lesson of up to 100 euros. Foreign researchers in speech therapy were the first to master the achievements of “scientific and technological progress” - the use of video communication.

10 years ago in Russia there was a similar practice - out of 10 speech therapists there was only one who did not have a higher defectological education in the specialty of speech therapy. Currently, the situation has changed dramatically - now for every 10 people applying for speech therapy services, only one has a higher specialized education. The bad thing is not that these non-specialists can cope with only 1-3 diagnoses, but that they cannot recognize the remaining diagnoses. And once a person gets there, he simply wastes time, because such “specialists” are not able to help him. The saddest thing is that this trend began in Russia with government institutions - when it became possible to hire non-speech therapists in kindergartens as speech therapists, according to the order of the Ministry of Education. According to our data for 2021, the number of non-specialists working both “live” and via Skype in Russia is the same. Therefore, you should not delude yourself that if good professionals work abroad via Skype, then the situation with Russian speech therapists is the same. But you shouldn’t think that only scammers work on the Internet. And you should approach choosing a speech therapist via Skype with the same parameters as when choosing a speech therapist in person.

If for parents classes via Skype with a child look quite simple and convenient, then for a speech therapist working on Skype, not everything is so simple. Organization of a workplace for a speech therapist.

What an online speech therapist can help with

Play a couple of sounds

An online speech therapist can deliver one or two falling sounds. As soon as the child begins to pronounce them, another series of lessons will be needed to consolidate the result, otherwise everything may go down the drain. Every specialist knows how many sessions the result should be noticeable after. Usually you need at least 8 academic hours. You also need to follow the speech therapist’s recommendations and do some homework. If you work with a speech therapist 2-3 times a week and perform articulation exercises every day, the effect will appear within a month.

Get ready for school

In-person and online lessons in school preparation and speech development are practically the same in effectiveness. Some children are even more comfortable studying at home. For example, in Tetrika, preschoolers and schoolchildren learn to read, count, write and expand their horizons online.

Sign up for a trial lesson and receive a detailed consultation for free.
Our speech therapist will tell you how the child’s speech and development correspond to the age norm and give recommendations for further activities. Sign up for a session with a speech therapist

Free classes and lessons with a speech therapist

Evgenia Grulenko

Evgenia Gulenko is a speech therapist, speech pathologist, master of special education, basic-level DIR/Floortime specialist. She has her own YouTube channel, on which she discusses many problems, and classes are held not only for children, but also for adults.

The channel covers many topics:

  1. At what age should you start classes?
  2. How to choose a speech therapist?
  3. What is “alalia”, “echolalia” and other speech problems
  4. Staging sounds.
  5. Problems with speech after a stroke, etc.

In her classes, she offers not only traditional methods, but also rather non-standard approaches, using modern toys:

  • articulation gymnastics;
  • speech breathing;
  • kinesiology;
  • speech therapy massage;
  • games with plasticine, slime, cars, etc.

More details

Logoped Shargina

The creator of the course is Anna Shargina, a practicing speech therapist teacher, graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University. She has her own YouTube channel as well as a website. She talks about many problems of children of different age groups, offers various activities to improve speech and eliminate problems. He is the developer of his own educational games on Velcro. Shargina offers standard classes:

  • articulation gymnastics;
  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • breathing exercises;
  • finger exercises;
  • beneficial self-massage, etc.

More details

Speech therapist Irina Nadrus

Irina Nadrus is a practicing teacher-speech therapist, defectologist, graduated from Moscow Pedagogical State University. IN AND. Lenin. The channel offers:

  • lessons on producing various sounds;
  • classic bedtime stories;
  • educational tales;
  • stories about the war and the heroes participating in it, etc.

Irina Nadrus uses standard methods and approaches in her work:

  • articulation gymnastics;
  • speech therapy massage;
  • finger games;
  • rhyming poetry;
  • speech therapy games;
  • breathing exercises, etc.

More details

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