To your health. Say “Mom”, or Why doesn’t the child speak? Speech therapist advises how to help a silent little one

Preschool age

Three-year-olds are already able to express the simplest judgments, generalize, establish the simplest relationships and distinguish between similar objects.

Vocabulary by the age of 4 is about 2000 words . The child increasingly uses pronouns, adjectives, adverbs in speech, and numerals appear. Sentences are constructed according to the laws of grammar, and he gives detailed answers to questions. Speech becomes clearer, most sounds are pronounced clearly. However, despite significant progress, speech is still far from perfect. Therefore, do not worry if a three-year-old child cannot yet coherently talk about a walk or retell a fairy tale. You should not be alarmed by grammatical errors or inaccuracies in the use of auxiliary parts of speech. This will correct itself by 6-7 years. However, even at this age, errors in the use of individual case forms are still common.

By the same age, children, as a rule, master the correct pronunciation of all consonant sounds: by the age of 4 - whistling sounds ([s], [s'], [z], [z'], [ts]); by 5 years – hissing ([w], [z], [ts], [h]), by 6 years – sonorous ([р], [р'], [л], [л'], [й] ).

If a child of 6 years old cannot pronounce, pronounces one or more sounds incorrectly or distortedly, the help of a speech therapist is needed.

Year one

The first months of a child’s life are a time for emotional communication. The baby only listens to the sounds surrounding him from all sides and reacts to them with the help of facial expressions. Despite the fact that the baby does not understand speech yet, it is necessary to communicate with him. This not only evokes positive emotions in him, but also teaches him to listen, creates a desire to “speak” himself.

In the second or third month, emotions begin to translate into sounds. Seeing the mother, the baby not only perks up and expresses his joy with a smile and gestures, but also begins to “speak” in his own language - the humming stage begins. The “vocabulary” at this time is small and poorly understood: sounds and sound combinations like “e”, “khi”, “aaa”, “ha”, “gee”, etc. are in use. By the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th month, the humming intensifies - the baby begins to need to communicate. And by the end of the sixth month, the baby is already pronouncing individual syllables: pa, ma, ba, ga, etc. Repeated several times in a row, they form “words”: “mom,” “baba,” “dad.” Of course, this is not yet a full-fledged speech, but at the same time it is an important preparatory stage for its assimilation.

From 6 months, the baby not only pronounces sounds and syllables (babble), but also learns to repeat. The ability to establish a connection between a word and an object is formed. At 9-10 months the first words appear.

A particularly strong need to “talk” is caused by toys that the baby can call with onomatopoeic words: “Lala” (doll), “bi-bi” (car).

By 12 months, a child’s vocabulary contains an average of 10-12 words —easy to pronounce or onomatopoeic, but these are already full-fledged words—a means of communication.

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