Speech disorders and overcoming them: newsletter of the magazine “Speech therapist”

Speech disorders and overcoming them: newsletter of the magazine “Speech therapist”

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Seminars for speech therapists

We invite subscribers to attend a series of seminars for specialists, which are organized by the publishing house "TC SPHERE" and the magazine "Speech Therapist".

Seminars will be held on May 19 and 26, June 2 and possibly 9, two four-hour classes or 3 classes of 2-3 hours each day are planned.

Classes will be held in Moscow, in the building of the Faculty of Special Psychology and Special Pedagogy of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, at the address: st. Panferova, 8, building 2.

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Publications on speech therapy

Technology for creating and using computer games using Microsoft Office PowerPoint for individual correctional work in speech therapy classes with children [] ©
Shlykova S. S.
, Certificate


Communicative abilities of children with cerebral palsy through the development of fine motor skills of the hands.
[] © Maryasova E.V.
, Certificate


Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic “Walk in the autumn forest” on sound automation [c] [] ©
Novikova L.N.
, Certificate


Non-traditional exercises for the development of auditory attention and phonemic perception in children [] ©
Khoptovaya A.
, Certificate


Visiting the Queen of ABC [] ©
Atrokhova E.S.
, Certificate


Methodological recommendations for teachers - speech therapists on the development of speech in young children [] ©
Kochukova M.N.
, Certificate


Summary of direct educational activities for the development of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech in the senior speech therapy group.
Topic: “Wild animals in winter” [] © Kuzmicheva E.N.
, Certificate


Summary of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the topic “Toys” on the development of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech for 5-year-old children with general speech underdevelopment of level 3 [] ©
Kabanova E.A.
, Certificate


Comprehensive program of correctional work of MBDOU No. 62 “Young Cossacks” [] ©
Polevskaya E.Yu.
, Certificate


History of Murom in games and poems [] ©
Sharova T.F.
, Certificate


Music as a means of socialization of preschool children with speech disorders [] ©
Gulyaeva T.A.
, Certificate


Plan - summary of a comprehensive lesson on speech development “Journey in the forest.
Sound [w]" [] © Ivanova O.S.
, Certificate


The use of massagers and various objects to strengthen fine motor skills of the hands, influence the BAP and activate speech [] ©
Roshchenko A.G.
, Certificate


Summary of correctional and developmental classes in grade 2.
KRO 7 types, boarding school. Game “Smart Men and Clever Girls” [] © Kolesnik Yu.T.
, Certificate


Using digital educational resources in classes on automation and differentiation of sounds [] ©
Serova E.V.
, Certificate


The role of the family in children's speech education.
Games and game tasks for speech development [] © Nadezhkina I.V.
, Certificate


Summary of an integrated lesson /Russian language - speech therapy/ 2nd grade [] ©
Orlova L.
, Certificate


Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson for children of senior preschool age with FFDD.
“Travel with Tigrusha” [] © Akimova M.V.
, Certificate


Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson for children of senior preschool age with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment.
“Travel with Luntik” [] © Akimova M.V.
, Certificate


Seminar - workshop for parents.
Topic: “Sounds [Р], [Р'] - difficulties in learning pronunciation” [] © Vishnyakova E.Yu.
, Certificate


Summary of correctional and developmental classes.
Topic “Prepositions” [] © Kolesnik Yu.T.
, Certificate


I write correctly.
Methodological recommendations of a speech therapist. [] © Torbochkina E.E.
, Certificate


Methodological recommendations of a speech therapist for the development of coherent speech in primary schoolchildren with speech impairments [] ©
Torbochkina E.E.
, Certificate


Is my child ready for kindergarten? [] © Kozhanova O.M.
, Certificate


Psychodevelopmental exercises for children with speech disorders [] ©
Kozhanova O.M.
, Certificate


Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the development of vocabulary (dictionary) for children of senior preschool age with special needs development (with tasks for the teacher and parents).
Topic of the lesson: “Clothing” (acquaintance) [] © Kozub L.V.
, Certificate


Summary of the frontal lesson: “Differentiation of vowels ы - и after hard and soft consonants.”
(2nd grade). [] © Torbochkina E.E.
, Certificate


Development of dialogic speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment in conditions of specially organized activities [] ©
Donchuk L.G.
, Certificate


Correction and development of general motor skills in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment using stretching [] ©
Korobko E.G.
, Certificate


Work program for the correction of general speech underdevelopment in older preschoolers in a speech therapy center [] ©
Kosheleva V.N.
, Certificate


The speech therapist advises.
Why and what to read aloud to a child? [] © Berdnikova O.N.
, Certificate


The speech therapist advises.
Consultation for parents. The ability to hear the word [] © Berdnikova O.N.
, Certificate


Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the junior group of kindergartens.
Topic: Vowel sounds [] © Berdnikova O.N.
, Certificate


Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Formation of coherent statements in older preschoolers” [] ©
Berdnikova O.N.
, Certificate


Summary of a frontal literacy lesson.
Sound and letter Sh. (repetition) [] © Krasakova O.A.
, Certificate


Didactic game “Houses with letters” (for children 5-7 years old) [] ©
Prass S.S.
, Certificate


Work on the development of coherent speech in older preschoolers on the topic “Spring” [] ©
Volkonskaya T.V.
, Certificate


The use of the main regime moments in the correctional work of a teacher of a secondary speech therapy group [] ©
Krasnoperova I.
, Certificate


Outline of a lesson on the development of phonemic perception and auditory attention [] ©
Novoselova A.V.
, Certificate


Speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Differentiation of hard and soft sounds” [] ©
Novoselova A.V.
, Certificate


Elements of the technique of synchronizing speech with the movements of the fingers of the leading hand [] ©
Shpak O.V.
, Certificate


Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of the sound [w] in syllables and words” [] ©
Polyanina E.I.
, Certificate


Report on the topic: “On proper breathing” [] ©
Popovitskaya O.A.
, Certificate


Didactic game “Funny Ball” [] ©
Vasilyeva N.
, Certificate


Methodological recommendations from a speech therapist to parents of future first-graders [] ©
Torbochkina E.E.
, Certificate


Summary of a lesson on speech development “Journey to the land of language” [] ©
Doroshova E.V.
, Certificate


Thematic lesson plan for the formation of the phonetic side of speech and pronunciation [] ©
Doroshova E.V.
, Certificate


Long-term plan for correctional work in the preparatory school group [] ©
Doroshova E.V.
, Certificate


Weekly assignments of a speech therapist to a teacher [] ©
Doroshova E.V.
, Certificate


Exercises for developing reading skills in primary schoolchildren [] ©
Zainchkovskaya O.E.
, Certificate


Speech therapy session with children in the group of moderate and severe mental retardation [] ©
Maryasova E.V.
, Certificate


Topic: Sounds [f'] [f] [] ©
Ershova N.G.
, Certificate


Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Animals of hot countries”, preparatory group.
[] © Kryzhenkova N.A.
, Certificate


Logorhythmic lesson “Walk in the spring forest” [] ©
Glazyrina A.A.
, Certificate


Parent meeting.
Topic: Home game library. Games in the kitchen [] © Olga B.
, Certificate


Lesson notes on sound culture of speech [] ©
Kozionova L.V.
, Certificate


The importance of an integrated approach in the correction of speech disorders in the light of health protection requirements (from work experience).
[] © Mandzhavidze T.A.
, Certificate


We speak and write correctly.
[] © Yankina N.V.
, Certificate


Sandbox in the speech therapist’s office [] ©
Delimarskaya N.S.
, Certificate


Time for fairy tales [] ©
Sergey R.
, Certificate
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