Speech therapy quiz Prepared by: Ya.A. Muzaeva, teacher-speech therapist. - presentation

Speech therapy quiz 2nd grade

1 task. Answer the questions ✔ Which part of speech answers the questions: What does it do? What are they doing?, What will they do? ✔ How many vowel sounds are there in the Russian language? ✔ Which punctuation mark is most often used at the end of a sentence? ✔ What is the name of the main part of the word? ✔ If yesterday was Tuesday, what day will it be the day after tomorrow? ✔ The word opposite in meaning to the word “CURVE”? ✔ Ice skating area? ✔ Notebook for recording homework. ✔ What is the name of the part of the word that comes before the root? ✔ Always in your mouth, never swallowed. ✔ Is the word opposite in meaning to the word “FAST”? ✔ Name a letter consisting of two sounds. ✔ Very big - in a word. ✔ One of the twelve parts of the year.

2 Task. Find “mischievous” letters in proverbs and sayings that are out of place. Example: Care is not a wolf; it will not run away into the forest (work)

✔ We ourselves have ears ✔ More work, less dreams ✔ It’s not the dough that makes the man, but the man the dough ✔ There’s a cow in the yard, milk on the pole ✔ The moose won’t lead to good things

3 task. "Troubles." Form adjectives from nouns. Example: Rook's nest - Rook

✔ Dog's paw - ✔ Wolf's head - ✔ Lion's head - ✔ Wood grouse's tail - ✔ Crow's nest -

4 task. A letter from grandfather Bukvoed (this is a grandfather who deliberately confuses letters in words). Listen to what is written here and correct the “wrong” words

1. Didn't study lessons, but played football. That's why a goal appeared in the notebook.

2. On the wolf - sour cream, cottage cheese, milk. And I would be glad to eat, but it’s not easy to get.

3. The doctor reminded Uncle Vita: “Don’t forget one thing: Be sure to take 10 herons before bed.”

4. Under the birch trees, where there is shade, the old day lurks.

5. We didn’t write any letters: We were looking for Cloud all day.

5 Task. Make up the “word-title” of the story using the “addresses” of the letters in the alphabet. The first letter of this word lives immediately after the letter “E”, the second letter is located before the letter “Z”, the third letter is located between “Z” and “Y”, the last letter is before the letter “L”. what word did you get??

6 Task. "Make a word." Identify the 3rd letter in each word and make a new word from them. Twilight, coolness, ice, school, gift, clue, jump. What word did you get???

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Quiz lesson “Speech therapy mosaic”

Quiz lesson “Speech therapy mosaic”

Explanatory note.

Every year the number of children with disabilities in educational institutions increases; in our school the group of children with disabilities is extremely heterogeneous. This is determined, first of all, by the fact that it includes children with various developmental disorders: impairments of hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, intelligence, with severe disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, with delayed and complex developmental disorders. These children cannot be included in existing educational programs due to the severity and complexity of physical and mental development disorders, leading to social maladjustment. Individual adapted programs have been developed for them.

The modern school is aimed at creating conditions for the successful socialization of children with disabilities , de

disabled people. Speech therapy support for a child with disabilities in a secondary school plays an important role in correctional work.

Therefore, entertainment activities occupy a special place in the system of education and training of children with speech disorders. High emotional uplift and anticipation of a special event sharpen children’s feelings, they better perceive and assimilate speech materials. Along with traditional forms of conducting classes, correction also occurs in extracurricular activities. One of the new forms of my work is monthly speech therapy events. Throughout the year, various events are held for children: competitions, quizzes, entertainment and speech therapy events, trainings, master classes for parents of children with disabilities studying at home. Considering various sources of information and literature, I came to the conclusion that there are very few places where you can see and hear about holding such events specifically for children with disabilities.

Carrying out such activities develops children's sense of confidence, communication skills and creativity. Helping a child realize his potential as much as possible and correct existing shortcomings is possible only in the process of intensive, systematic and consistent correctional and developmental work. Children of different ages with disabilities who attend speech therapist classes participate in various events. As a rule, students who have positive developmental dynamics have better results. This is a high indicator of speech therapy correction. The main goal of speech therapy work with children with disabilities is the development of speech communication, improving the intelligibility of speech utterances in order to provide the child with the greatest understanding of his speech by others. Speech therapy work is aimed at correcting speech disorders in combination with stimulating the development of all its aspects (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics), sensory and mental functions.

The process of speech correction in children with disabilities is longer and can last for years. Due to organic damage to the cerebral cortex, many children have impaired perception, attention, memory, and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships is difficult. Violations of the emotional-volitional sphere (psychopathy) often appear; volitional control in such children is unstable, and there is no motivation for educational activities. The children experience increased fatigue and decreased performance. With such children, classical speech therapy methods and techniques often do not work, which means that the speech therapist’s arsenal should include modern, innovative techniques that help to interest the child, reveal his potential and achieve positive results in correctional work.

This event is that the quiz has a combined nature, which is expressed in the enrichment of the vocabulary, correction of the grammatical structure of speech, development of sound analysis, motor skills of the speech apparatus, and activation of higher mental functions. The material in the proposed course is multifunctional. Games and exercises, selected in order of increasing complexity, are aimed at developing phonemic perception, pronunciation skills, visual and auditory attention, verbal memory, articulatory motor skills, development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia.

Speech therapy holiday in the form of a quiz. For each completed task or correct answer, the child receives a chip. Participants who collect the most chips will be awarded with memorable gifts, the remaining participants will receive consolation prizes.

Quiz “Speech therapy mosaic”



Development of speech communication, improvement of the intelligibility of speech utterances in order to provide the child with the greatest understanding of his speech by others.


  1. Correctional - educational:
  • consolidate the accumulated speech material in speech therapy classes;
  • to clarify, systematize and consolidate children’s existing knowledge about a word as a linguistic unit, about its morphemic and sound-letter composition.
  • repeat the spatio-temporal sequence of actions and events,

2. Corrective and developmental:

  • improve phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis;
  • develop visual and auditory attention and memory;
  • develop the ability to concentrate, distribute and switch attention, logical thinking;
  • the ability to reason and express one’s point of view.
  • activate students' vocabulary and oral speech;
  • correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia.

3. Correctional and educational:

  • develop the ability to work in a team and a friendly attitude towards each other;
  • observe speech etiquette when communicating, emotionally stable perceive victories and defeats, objectively evaluate your work and the work of your comrades.
  • instill interest in speech therapy classes.



  • computer,
  • interactive board,
  • presentation for the quiz
  • chips;
  • individual cards;
  • prizes

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational moment

Speech therapist:

You need to start every new day in a good mood. And so that the mood is good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and convey that spark of warmth and love that lives in our heart. Feel how kindness passes through our hands from palm to palm, let it accompany us throughout the entire lesson.

Guys, today I invite you to remember everything that we learned in speech therapy classes. To do this, we will conduct a quiz on the topic, which will be “Speech therapy mosaic”. Interesting competitions and games await you.

Slide 1

1. Competition No. 1 “Tricky questions.” ( Table)


: Choose the correct answer from those given. Each student is given answer options. After listening to the question, the children circle the correct answer. Then they call it out loud.

  1. What is the difference between a sound and a letter?
  2. How many vowel sounds are there in the Russian alphabet?
  3. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels in it.?
  4. How many syllables are in the word fruit?
  5. How many days are there in a week?
  6. Is the owl's body covered with feathers?
  7. Is the metro an air transport mode?
  8. If today was Monday, what day will it be the day after tomorrow?
  9. Name (choose) the winter months?
  1. How many legs does a chicken have?
  2. Is there not a single word that begins with the sound “s”?
Answer options:
  1. I write, I hear
  2. 5,10,8
  3. Not really
  4. 3,2,1
  5. 5, 3, 7
  6. Not really
  7. Not really
  8. Wednesday Saturday

9. June, January, December, September, May, February, August

10. 2, 3, 5

11.Yes, no


. For each correct answer, the student receives a chip.

Slide 2

Competition No. 2 “ Sound Memorina”

Each participant goes to the board in turn and finds words that begin with the same sound.
Pictures with words: fence, hare, lamp, onion, pomegranate, pear, carrot, fly agaric, arch, watermelon, crown, bed. You can use the interactive game from Mersibo.
Disc "Sound Kaleidoscope". Each participant receives a chip for the correct answer.

Slide 3

3. Competition No. 3 “Letters are lost.” ( Annex 1)

Speech therapist:

What happened, what happened, I just can’t understand. Our letters are lost, impossible to read.


Insert the missing vowels into the words (cancer, fish, pear, paint, tiger, mosquito). Work is underway to automate the sound “r” in words.

Students take turns going to the board and writing in the missing vowel; if it is difficult to read the word, you can use the hint (open the picture).

Each participant receives a chip for the correct answer.

Slide 4

Competition No. 4 Rearrange the letter”
Speech therapist:

While we were playing, we received a letter from Robot, he asks us to help him correct his mistakes

Did the robot spell the words correctly? Rearrange the letters correctly and read the word. Words with a combination of consonants: zatvra (tomorrow), lekastrvo (medicine), katrofel (potato), klunbika (strawberry), katra (card), vinorgad (grapes), ryzhovnik (gooseberry), tirg (tiger). Pupils take turns approaching interactive whiteboard.

Each participant receives a chip for the correct answer.

Slide 5


Competition No. 5 “ Find the words.”
(Appendix 2) Description:

For stronger students, cards with words are offered.

(Smo motherland , chlo cannon , gar , las dots goat , ta kidneys , butterfly barrel , letter ri , pla dots , ka mouse ,
violin ka.)
For the rest of the students, pictures with words are posted on the board (slide). , on the lexical topic: “School”. Each student is offered a table with a set of letters, among which they need to find words on a given topic. Words: backpack, chalk, dock, lesson, book.

Each participant receives a chip for the correct answer.

Slide 6


Competition No. 6 “
Cryptographers”. ( Appendix 3)

Each participant receives a word on a card and encrypts it with numbers according to the table.

Topic: "School supplies." Words: pencil, pen, ruler, notebook, textbook, pencil case, diary, etc. depending on the number of participants.

Each participant receives a chip for the correct answer.

Slide 7


Competition No. 7
And now the most difficult task is to guess the puzzles and you will find out what words we encountered in speech today. (The speech therapist offers puzzles, words are written on the cards: sound, letter, words, mosaic.)


: Puzzles appear sequentially on the slide.

Each participant receives a chip for the correct answer.

Slide 8

8. Competition No. 8 “ Riddles of the forester”


: Guess the riddles, choose the answer from the picture and say the word. Interactive guide: “Uma Chamber”

  • It’s empty, the voice is thick, it beats the fraction, it helps to walk. (drum)
  • Steelhead, chopped all the wood. (axe)
  • The bun is hanging on a branch, its rosy side is hanging! ( apple)

The first participant to guess the riddle receives a chip.

Slide 9


Competition No. 9 “
Finish the sentence”

: The task is performed with a ball. Each student catches the ball and answers the question, receiving a chip for the correct answer.

  • As fluffy as...
  • As cheerful as...
  • As prickly as...
  • As cunning as...
  • As brave as...
  • As kind as...
  • As rough as...
  • As thick as...
  • As strong as...
  • As fast as...

Slide 10


.Competition No. 10
“Correct the artist’s mistakes”

: What did the artist draw incorrectly?
. ( Appendix 4)
-What should be correct?

For each correct answer, the participant receives a chip.

Slide 11


Competition No. 11
“Correct errors in the description of fairy-tale characters.”

Remember fairy tales, show a plot from a fairy tale.

  • Kolobok climbed a tree.
  • Little Red Riding Hood took off her white Panama hat.
  • Cinderella was rude to her stepmother and refused to clean the house.
  • Thumbelina entered the bus and sat down on the seat.
  • Carlson put on his coat and flew to the roof.
  • Pinocchio took a golden key from the fire.

Each participant receives a chip for the correct answer.


Rewarding participants.

Quiz participants count the chips. Everyone gets a prize.

Speech therapist

: Guys, this is the end of our quiz. All the best! Goodbye!

Annex 1

R . TO
R . B .
G R . Sh .
T . G R
TO . M . R

Appendix 2

R A n e ts P
at R O To m A
h To m e l R
To n And G A T
A d O With To A

Words: backpack, book, pen, board, chalk, desk, lesson.

Appendix 3

A b V G d e e and h And th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
To l m n O P R With T at f
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
X ts h w sch ъ s b uh Yu I
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
  • pencil(12,1,18,1,15,5,26);
  • handle(18,21,25,12,1);
  • ruler(13,10,15,15,6,11,12,1);
  • notebook (20,6,20,18,1,5,30)
  • textbook(21,25,6,2,15,10,12);
  • pencil case (17,6,15,1,13);
  • diary (5,15,6,3,15,10,12)

Appendix 4

Speech therapy quiz 3rd grade

1 task. Answer the questions: ✔ How many vowel sounds are there in the Russian language? ✔ Which punctuation mark is most often used at the end of a sentence? ✔ What is the name of the main part of the word? ✔ If yesterday was Tuesday, what day will it be the day after tomorrow? ✔ The word opposite in meaning to the word “CURVE”? ✔ Notebook for recording homework. ✔ What is the name of the part of the word that comes before the root? ✔ Always in your mouth, never swallowed. ✔ Which part of speech answers the questions, Which? Which? Which? ✔ What are words formed from the same root called? ✔ Is the word opposite in meaning to the word “FAST”? ✔ Name a letter consisting of two sounds. ✔ Very big - in a word. ✔ One of the twelve parts of the year.

2 Task. Find “mischievous” letters in proverbs and sayings that are out of place. Example: Care is not a wolf; it will not run away into the forest (work)

✔ The forest is being cut down, caps are flying ✔ Without knowing the ford, don’t meddle with fashion ✔ A regiment in sheep’s clothing ✔ Lies have short nails ✔ A goat found a stone

3 task. "Troubles." Form adjectives from nouns. Example: Rook's nest - Grachinoe

✔ Crane nest — ✔ Goose feather — ✔ Chicken feather — ✔ Fur coat — ✔ Leather gloves —

4 task. A letter from grandfather Bukvoed (this is a grandfather who deliberately confuses letters in words). Listen to what is written here and correct the “wrong” words

1. The doctor was stingy with his movements, grabbed the tongs and pulled out the oak tree.

2. The hunter shouted: Oh! The doors are chasing me!

3. On the wolf - sour cream, cottage cheese, milk. And I would be glad to eat, but it’s not easy to get.

4. The doctor reminded Uncle Vita: “Don’t forget one thing: Be sure to take 10 herons before bed.”

5. Under the birch trees, where there is shade, the old day lurks.

6. We didn’t write any letters: We were looking for Cloud all day.

5 Task. Make up the “word-title” of the story using the “addresses” of the letters in the alphabet. The first letter of this word lives immediately after the letter “E”, the second letter is located before the letter “Z”, the third letter is located between “Z” and “Y”, the last letter is before the letter “L”. What word did you get???

Task 6. "Make a word." Identify the 3rd letter in each word and make a new word from them. Twilight, coolness, ice, school, gift, clue, jump. What word did you get???

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