Characteristics-presentation for compliance with the position of a teacher-speech therapist methodological development on the topic

“Characteristics of a speech therapist teacher for certification”


Rynchak Ekaterina Pavlovna,

teacher-speech therapist of speech therapy group of senior preschool age

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Nursery - garden No. 93 of the city of Donetsk"

Rynchak Ekaterina Pavlovna, born 02/09/1984. Complete higher education. In 2014, she graduated from the Donbass State Pedagogical University, received a full higher education in the specialty “Correctional Education”, and has the qualification “Speech therapist, special psychologist of preschool and school institutions.” Since 2011, Ekaterina Pavlovna has been working as a speech therapist in a specialized group for speech disorders. Has 6 years of teaching experience.

During the period of work at MDOU No. 93, Ekaterina Pavlovna has established herself as a highly professional, erudite, methodologically competent and proactive specialist, distinguished by high professional qualities, such as: the ability to analyze teaching activities, identify the most significant problems and find effective ways to solve them. She is a tolerant, tactful teacher who uses the latest interactive technologies and methods in her work. Thanks to her qualities, she was able to achieve high results in teaching and raising children with speech disorders in children with special needs in a compensatory kindergarten.

Her professionalism is characterized by her communicative competence, i.e. the ability to communicate with a child at the level of a partner. She is able to provide the necessary support to children experiencing failure, involve the child in the overall work, and find the right approach to children with higher rates of development.

When determining the causes and mechanisms of disorders in children, the teacher

Speech therapist Ekaterina Pavlovna uses various methods, diagnostic examination results, and information material. Completes subgroups based on diagnostic results, taking into account the structure of the disorder, psychophysical characteristics and capabilities of the students. Develops the compensatory capabilities of each child, performs oriented correction, monitors dynamics and progress. To develop optimal ways of correction, he interacts with a teacher-psychologist and educator.

Collaborates with parents, speaks at group parent meetings, conducts open demonstrations of correctional classes, collective and individual conversations, consultations, places the necessary information material in parent corners, and can always provide prompt, competent speech therapy and pedagogical assistance.

During the certification period I carried out:

consultation for teachers “Use of mnemonic tables in the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age”;

for parents, she held an open screening of the presentation “Development of speech and memory of children with special needs using mnemonics”;

for teachers showed: an open subgroup lesson on speech development with children of OHP of senior preschool age: “Visiting Autumn”; open individual speech therapy session “Producing the sound R”; articulatory gymnastics with ICT “Fairy Tale for the Tongue”;

prepared a report for the training of speech therapists: “Forms, methods, directions and content of work with parents in preschool educational institutions in various areas of children’s activities”;

presented a reminder about the stages of memorizing a poem using a mnemonic table; developed an “Algorithm and didactic tools for individual correctional work of a speech therapist with children with speech disorders”;

created a project of interactive technologies in the system of speech therapy work “The World of Children’s Fantasies” - the use of “collaging” in correctional work with preschool children”;

spoke at the city seminar Master Class “Journey to the Land of LEGO”, prepared a presentation and developed a number of games using the LEGO constructor for speech development classes.

She was awarded a diploma from the EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF PETROVSKY DISTRICT OF THE CITY of Donetsk for honest and conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, active life position (order No. 434-k/dl. dated 09.19.16)

Successfully passed testing on the website of the DRIDPO REMOTE SELF-DIAGNOSTICS CENTER to determine the level of professional knowledge:

  1. “Educational work” with a result of 92.22% (certificate No. 8228 dated January 14, 2017);
  2. “Educational work” with a result of 100.00% (certificate No. 8411 dated January 15, 2017);
  3. “Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology” with a result of 86.67% (certificate No. 9239 dated January 18, 2017);
  4. “ICT competence” with a result of 90.00% (certificate No. 9498 dated January 19, 2017);
  5. “Special and inclusive education” with a result of 75.00% (certificate No. 9500 dated January 19, 2017).

Ekaterina Pavlovna is an active participant in the webinar on the Speech Therapy website

"Mersibo". Listened to webinars on the following topics:

“Game techniques for “starting speech” in babies and “non-speaking” children” (certificate No. 389821 dated November 16, 2016);

“Development of different types of memory in children with disabilities. The use of interactive games in activating mnemonic processes" (certificate No. 394176 dated November 23, 2016);

“Effective use of desktop and interactive material in group classes on working with “difficult” sounds” (certificate No. 407317 dated 12/07/16);

“Game techniques for activating vocabulary in children with mental retardation” (certificate No. 416126 dated December 21, 2016).

I created my personal account online on the Infourok website, where I actively share my material with colleagues (certificate No. AA-537167 dated 10/02/16).

She published her developments on the websites:

Website “Infourok” - “A brief dictionary of speech therapy diagnoses” (certificate No. DB-232348 dated 10/02/16); “Visiting card of the Preschool educational institution nursery-kindergarten No. 93 “Cherry” in Donetsk” (certificate No. DB-3924480 dated November 26, 2016); “Interactive technologies in the system of speech therapy work. Project “The World of Children’s Fantasies” (the use of the “collaging” technique in correctional work with preschool children)” (certificate No. DB-317896 dated 03.11.16); “Summary of a frontal correctional and developmental lesson in a senior speech therapy group on the topic “Autumn” "(Certificate No. DB-290719 dated 10/25/16); Website "Presentation" - Presentation at the parent meeting "Development of speech and memory of preschool children using mnemonics" (Certificate No. E18233 dated 12/14/16); Website "Preparing a lesson" - “Speech therapy examination of speechless children” (certificate No. 30684 dated 10/02/16); Website “Moneybox of lessons” - “Perspective plan for self-education” (certificate No. 347186 dated 10/02/16); Website “Multi lesson” - “Presentation and report “LEGO construction in speech development classes” (certificates No. 541489 and 541487 dated January 28, 2017).

Ekaterina Pavlovna enjoys well-deserved authority among the teaching staff because she has not only professional knowledge, but also such moral qualities as discipline, composure and a high sense of responsibility for the upbringing of the younger generation.

Ekaterina Pavlovna corresponds to her position and can be certified to establish the qualification category “specialist of category II”.

Rynchak E.P. has been familiarized with the characteristics. /____________________/

Head of MDOU No. 93 Tverdokhleb T.A. /_____________________/

Characteristics of a mother of many children for awarding sample

Tatyana Nikolaevna takes an active part in the public life of the preschool institution, in particular, she provides consultations for teachers and parents.

There is no single template for creating an award document. The contractor is guided by the general rules of writing and requirements for the design of business paper.

In the case when an employee is nominated for an award by the authorities, the reference can be drawn up both on the organization’s letterhead and on a specially approved letterhead of the ministry.

The Ivanovs lead a healthy lifestyle. There is democracy in the house and full support for the creative and other endeavors of children. The eldest son (full name) has repeatedly won the regional mathematics Olympiad, and the youngest daughter (full name).

The speech therapy room is equipped in accordance with the requirements, norms and rules of Health, Safety, SanPiN. The subject-development environment ensures the implementation of the tasks of correctional education; the existing passport of the speech therapy room reflects the functional capabilities of speech therapy. Designs teaching activities and always uses their capabilities to the fullest.

Competently manages the work to ensure strong financial discipline at the enterprise. Performs other duties assigned to the chief accountant in a timely manner, in full and with high quality. Consistently improves personal professional training in the corporate training system.

The introduction of developmental, gaming technologies, problem-based learning methods, and project activities helps improve the quality of educational work with children. The results of diagnostics of child development show 100% mastery of the program in all areas.

She is respected and respected by the parents of students and the school administration, she is ready to help and support them in any situation, you can always ask for help and advice when preparing for various events, and you can always hear valuable advice.

Structure of characteristics for rewarding an employee

Uses ICT elements when preparing for classes. It has a wealth of didactic material and card files for all age groups, constantly updates and expands them, and monitors innovations in the field of speech therapy. Workers of educational institutions, awarded with a diploma from the Ministry of Education. In the event of a reorganization of the organization, the collective contract remains in effect. Events in the area, is a prototype and a favorite. The head of the department where the employee deserving of encouragement works specifically needs to prepare a petition for an award of honorable mention on this issue.

For conscientious, creative work in 2010, the TEACHER was recommended by the teaching staff to participate in the project “Gifted Children - the Future of Russia.”

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Characteristics of the leader for the award

During the period of his work, Andrey Romanovich Potapov graduated in absentia from the Saratov Petroleum College with a degree in technical repair of automobiles and automobile engines. I applied for a job in the 4th category, successfully completed my responsibilities and was promoted to promotion. After completing the courses, I received the 5th qualification category.

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When performing the duties of the chief accountant, he invariably demonstrates high competence and punctuality.

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Speech therapy presentation for PMPK for a 1st grade student,

Speech therapy presentation

per 1st grade student for PMPK

General sound of speech

: speech is incomprehensible, unformed intonation. The voice is quiet, muffled.


significantly lags behind the age norm: ignorance of many words, the names of animals and their cubs, clothes, furniture, professions is revealed
The active vocabulary is limited to everyday topics and is qualitatively inferior. Does not know how to use word formation tools. The stock of adjectives and adverbs is narrow and monotonous.

Generalizing concepts are formed at the everyday level. The passive vocabulary is much wider than the active one.

Sound pronunciation:

(l) - (l`), sh-sch, ts-t`, ts-ch, velar pronunciation p, p`, violation of softness of consonants: (“pat” - five).

Phonemic processes:

not formed. Phonemic development is significantly behind the norm. Even simple forms of phonemic analysis are missing. Often, when correctly reproducing the contour of words, the sound content is disrupted: rearrangement of syllables, sounds, replacement and assimilation of syllables (“morashki” - daisies, “kukika” - strawberry). Polysyllabic words are reduced.

I learned to identify sounds in words like (house, poppy, moon) when pronouncing the syllables and sounds clearly and protractedly.

Syllable structure

: grossly violated. I learned to reproduce a simple rhythm by clapping and tapping.

The lack of formation of the rhythmic structure of both words and phrases is accompanied by a violation of the melody, tempo, and rhythm of speech. During reflected pronunciation, he produces only an approximate outline, an unclear sound complex instead of a word, and uses several variants of distortion of the same word.

Can repeat two- and three-syllable words with straight syllables like (mom, dad, milk, car), one-syllable words like (poppy, house) without a combination of consonants.

Syllables and words are not pronounced together.

When reproducing words with a cluster of consonants, omissions of consonant sounds of the cluster, addition of vowels within the cluster and other distortions are observed (window - “yako”, boat - “loka” - star - “seeing”). Often, when correctly reproducing the contour of words, the sound content is disrupted: rearrangement of syllables, sounds, replacement and assimilation of syllables (“morashki” - daisies, “kukika” - strawberry). Polysyllabic words are reduced.

Grammatical structure

: There are gross errors in the use of grammatical structures; he uses only simple sentences.

He experiences many difficulties when using prepositional constructions: prepositions are omitted altogether, and the noun is used in its original form (“the book goes then” - the book lies

on the table).

Understands the meaning of prepositions (on, under), but does not use them in speech.

Makes mistakes when forming the genitive case form. Most often, the sentence structure uses nouns in the nominative case, and verbs in the infinitive form or in the third person singular or plural form.

The agreement between the verb and the noun in number (“the lessons are over”, “the girl is sitting”), in gender (“the mother bought it”, “the girl went to”, etc.) is broken. Past tense verbs in speech are replaced by present tense verbs (“Vitya painted the house” , instead of “Vitya is drawing a house”).

Adjectives are used extremely rarely and do not agree with the nouns in gender and number (“red ribbon”, “delicious mushrooms”). Forms of nouns, adjectives and neuter verbs are missing, replaced or distorted.

Connected speech:

not formed.
Spontaneous speech is not intelligible .

: knows letters, reads syllables. When reading, substitutions are observed, adding letters at the end of words, and a violation of the softness of consonants. From the words I read, I understood individual words that have a simple syllable structure (lemons, raspberries). Doesn't understand the phrase he read.


o: Can copy words and short sentences without errors. Doesn't always translate printed letters into written ones. The work is slow.

I learned to write individual words from dictation while pronouncing them clearly and drawn out syllable by syllable.

There is a violation of the softness of consonants, replacement of t-ch.

Speech therapy conclusion: ONR-2. Motor alalia.

Date Speech therapist

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