Card index of didactic games on the topic “Wintering birds”

Progress of the GAME „.

The teacher invites the children to remember how geese, chickens, and ducks cry. The children say in unison: “quack-quack-quack.”


The teacher says:

poultry screams differently . How does a dove coo? How does a rooster crow in the morning? Etc.)

Game "Who looks like"

Target. Reinforce in children's speech the names of the bird's .

Game rule: The teacher names the bird . One of the children describes the appearance of the bird without seeing its image. At the same time, the other children are shown a picture and check the correctness of the answer.

Game action: Sample of children's speech: “The rooster has a small head with a red comb and a red beard, black eyes, and a sharp beak. The rooster has wings with which he can fly onto the fence, and his legs are decorated with spurs. The rooster also has a beautiful colorful tail, the rooster’s body is covered with multi-colored (or white)


Game "Domestic and Wild"

Target. Strengthen children's ability to classify birds into domestic and wild .

Game action: The playing field is a circle divided into two parts: on one side a person’s house is depicted, on the other - a forest, conventionally denoting domestic and wild birds . The top is spinning. If the arrow points to a person’s house, the child names some kind of poultry , if it points to a forest, a wild one.

Game "Chicks"

Target. To develop children's ability to correctly name adult birds and their chicks .

Game action: The caps from the previous game are used. Children are divided into two groups - some depict adult birds , others chicks. Children move around the playroom. At the teacher’s signal, they pair up.

Sample of children's speech: “I am a duck, here is my chick. I am a duckling, here is my mother"


Game "Whose voice?"

Target. Strengthen children's ability to imitate birds .

Game action: Children are divided into pairs. The first child imitates the voice of a bird , the second guesses what kind of bird .

Sample of children's speech: 1st child: “Tweet-chirp”


2nd child: “It’s a sparrow tweeting”


Game "The Most Important"

Target. Give children knowledge about the benefits that various birds .

Game action: Sample of children's speech: “I am a chicken, I give people meat and eggs - I am the most important”

“I am an owl, I am a forest orderly - I am the most important”
“I am a nightingale - I delight people with my singing.
. " Etc.

Game "Flies, doesn't fly"

Target. To develop auditory attention in children, to cultivate endurance.

Game rule: you need to raise your hand only when a flying object is named.

Game actions: patting knees, raising hands, beating forfeits.

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