Approximate list of lexical topics with a dictionary for in-depth study in preschool educational institutions

Approximate list of lexical topics with a dictionary for in-depth study in preschool educational institutions

Tatiana Boychuk

Approximate list of lexical topics with a dictionary for in-depth study in preschool educational institutions

Approximate list of lexical topics with a dictionary for in-depth study in preschool educational institutions

Date Topic of the week


1 week Diagnostics of children

Week 2 Diagnostics of children

Week 3 Diagnostics of children

Week 4 “Mushrooms”

Nouns: boletus, boletus, russula, toadstool, boletus, fly mushroom, fly agaric, saffron milk cap.

Verbs: grow, collect, cook, cut, dry, salt, pickle.

Adjectives: white, red, red, small, old, edible, inedible.

Adverbs: nearby, close, far.


1 week “Vegetables”

Nouns: radish, eggplant, horseradish, garlic, parsnip, caraway, lettuce, tops, pod, harvest.

Verbs: grow, water, dig, excavate, dig up, weed, plant, sow, fertilize, pick, grow, dig in, undermine, grow, cut, cut, plant, replant .

Adjectives: green, yellow, red, blue, red, juicy, round, oblong, strong, bitter, sweet, small, big, small, crunchy. Vegetable, pot-bellied (pumpkin, pimply, thick-skinned.

Week 2 “Fruits”

Nouns: orange, pineapple, banana, pear, cherry, cherry, lemon, plum, apple, apple tree, tangerine, fruit, quince, avocado, pomegranate, persimmon, kiwi, peach, apricot, pit, peel, juice, jam, jam, jam.

Verbs: grow, bloom, ripen, bear fruit, fill, bloom, fade, ripen, ripen.

Adjectives: beautiful, juicy, tasty, sugary, tender, aromatic, pouring, ruddy (apple, lemon, cherry, raspberry (juice, apricot, apple, peach (jam)


Week 3 “Berries. Homemade preparations"

Nouns: strawberry, currant, gooseberry, raspberry, blueberry, lingonberry, cranberry, wild strawberry, compote, jam, cloudberry, rowan, blueberry, stoneberry, syrup, jam, jelly, salad, pickle.

Verbs: cook, cut, chop, ferment, can, salt, pickle, dry.

Adjectives: salted, pickled, pickled, pickled, boiled, dried.

Week 4 “Autumn. Trees"

Nouns: autumn, cloud, rain, weather, falling leaves, dirt, earth, dampness, jacket, raincoat, boots, hat, gloves, sweater, umbrella, September, October, November, leaves, trees, birch, oak, aspen, rowan, ash, linden, poplar, maple, larch, alder, willow, chestnut, spruce, pine.

Verbs: turn yellow, blush, fall, pour, blow, step on, wither, drizzle, tear off (leaves, wither, paint, frown, fly around, sprinkle.

Adjectives: yellow, red, dry, cold, wet, gloomy, autumn, slanting, dull, cloudy, golden (autumn, damp (days, dank, torrential, drizzling.

Adverbs: wet, damp, stormy, cloudy.


1 week “Wild animals and their young”

Nouns: wolf, hare, hedgehog, bear, elk, fox, boar, tail, horns, paws, hooves, lynx, raccoon, squirrel, beaver, deer, weasel, marten, muskrat, otter, badger, fangs, cheat.

Verbs: walk, growl, jump, shoot, sneak, wander, drive, overtake, lie in wait.

Adjectives: prickly, red, gray, angry, fluffy, cunning, brown, cowardly, striped, club-footed, long-eared.

Week 2 “Wild animals are preparing for winter”

Nouns: Hollow, den, hole, lair. Verbs: store, dig, build, lie down, hibernate (hibernate, catch, hunt, gnaw, drive, catch up, suck
(about a bear - sucks a paw)
. sneak, wander, drive, to catch up, to lie in wait.

Week 3 Birds of Migratory

Nouns: swallow, crane, rook, starling, swan, swift, stork, lark, thrush, flock, school, wedge, feathers, fluff, wing, beak.

Verbs: fly, fly away, fly over , hibernate, hum, fly around.

Adjectives: downy, crane, duck, goose, swan (song, fidelity)


Week 4 “Wintering birds”

Nouns: dove, magpie, crow, sparrow, tit, bullfinch, owl, woodpecker, nuthatch, jay, partridge, waxwing, bunting, hazel grouse, black grouse, wood grouse.

Verbs: fly, search, feed, peck, croak, chirp, ruffle.

Adjectives: red-breasted (finch, migratory (birds)



Week 1 “Pets and their babies”

Nouns: Cat, dog, cow, goat, horse, pig, sheep, cat, dog, bull, goat, horse, wild boar, ram, herd, herd, flock, pack. Kittens, puppies, calves, foals, lambs, piglets, rabbits, cows.

Verbs: meow, bark, growl, moo, grunt, feed, guard, guard, caress, bite, graze, lick, frolic, play, hatch, graze, swim, feed, squeal, milk.

Adjectives: fluffy, smooth, horned, fierce, affectionate, evil, stubborn, hoofed, milky, meaty, vigorous, fleet-footed, dexterous, clumsy, nimble, black, playful, caring.

Week 2 “Poultry”

Nouns: chickens, ducks, geese, chicks, goslings, ducklings.

Verbs: hatch, hatch, swim, feed, breed.

Adjectives: fleet-footed, dexterous, clumsy, nimble.

Week 3 “Winter. Winter clothes"

Nouns: frost, cold, wind, snow, ice, snowflake, snowfall, piece of ice, fur coat, coat, mittens, boots, felt boots, hat, blizzard, pattern, hoarfrost, drifting snow, blizzard, cold, thaw, sheepskin coat, down jacket, mittens, gloves .

Verbs: go, fall, fly, cover, melt, freeze, fall out, fetter, untie, tie, unfasten, fasten, unlace, lace, undress, dress, put on.

Adjectives: chilly, icy, white, light, fluffy, cold, winter, frosty, sparkling, hard, transparent, sharp, woolen, fur, downy, crackling, harsh, icy.

Week 4 “Winter fun. Preparing for the New Year. New Year's holiday"

Nouns: skis, sleds, skates, snowballs, snowman, slide, skating rink, skis, sticks (ski, shovel, hockey, gate, goalkeeper, goal, fastenings (ski, runners, springboard, crowbar, ice hole, track, stick, puck, slalom.

Nouns: holiday (New Year, carnival, Christmas tree, decorations (Christmas tree)


Verbs: dance, celebrate.

Verbs: ride, ride, fall, sculpt, slide, flood, get tired, push off, roll (snowball, someone on a sled, rake, chop (ice, land, accelerate, creak (about runners, crunch (about snow )


Adjectives: ski, fast, sharp (ice, skates, winter, slippery, toboggan, sparkling, sticky, ice fishing )


Adjectives: New Year's.


1 Week -

Week 2 “Man. Body parts"

Nouns: hand, finger, nail, palm, leg, knee, back, stomach, eye, nose, mouth, ear, shoulder, elbow, wrist, foot, heel, shin, thigh, chest, neck, eyebrow, forehead, temple, cheekbone, nostril, back of the head, hairstyle, bangs, parting, mustache, beard, eyelashes, health, hardening.

Verbs: take, put, walk, run, jump, scratch, scratch, frown, wrinkle, comb, smile, carry, stroke, throw, bend, nod, unclench, squeeze, straighten, bend, clap, twist.

Adjectives: long-haired, cropped, tall, short, red-haired, fair-haired, dark-haired, blue-eyed, brown-eyed, green-eyed, gray-eyed, broad-shouldered, long-legged, frontal, eyed, one-eyed, one-legged, shaggy, curly.

Week 3 “Transport”

Nouns: car, bus, metro, tram, trolleybus, train, plane, ship, helicopter, boat, truck, driver, stop, boat, station, conductor, ticket, garage, pier, airport, rails, sleepers, rocket, ferry, train, refrigerator, highway, dump truck, sailboat, taxi, cart, pilot, navigator, bicycle, motorcycle.

Verbs: go, sail, fly, honk, stop, stand, repair, break, cast off, moor, brake, taxi, repair, skid, fly up, fly off, take off.

Adjectives: fast, express, passenger, cargo, underground, air, sea, automobile, snow removal, railway, land, river.

Week 4 “Traffic rules. Transport on the streets of my city"

Nouns: wheel, steering wheel, door, glass, road, pedestrian, street,
crossing , headlight, traffic light, cabin, turn, interior, engine, overtaking, accident, sidewalk, ditch, brake, body, siren, intersection , fuel.
Verbs: approach, stop, skip, run across .

Adjectives: ambulance (help, fire, police (cars, emergency (car, horse riding)



Week 1 “Materials and Tools”

Nouns: hammer, axe, saw, screwdriver, pliers, needle, scissors, knife, drill, wood, metal, glass, plastic, rubber, leather, fabric, paper, stone, vice, plane, shovel, rake, nail, firewood, nut, screw, iron, copper, gold, silver, belly, cotton wool, wool, chintz, nylon.

Verbs: hammer, chop, saw, unscrew, twist, sew, cut, dig, rake, clamp, assemble, disassemble, dig, bury, dig up, dig up .

Adjectives: leather, metal, silver, nylon, wood, down, glass.

Week 2 “Professions. Construction"

Nouns: construction, bricklayer, concrete worker, painter, electrician, plumber, excavator operator, welder, carpenter, glazier, foreman, architect, masonry, brick, wall, panel, block, roof, paint, crane, foundation, cement, tractor, bulldozer, pile, pit, parquet floor, parquet, tiler.

Verbs: lift, lay, manage, paint, assemble, mount, build, level, erect, install, plan, glaze, weld, landscape.

Adjectives: high, low, beautiful, block, brick, wooden, urban, rural, high-rise, comfortable, reinforced concrete, multi-storey.

Adverbs: beautiful, neat, even, straight, high, fast.

Week 3 “Defenders of the Fatherland”

Nouns: soldier, Motherland, sniper, officer, rocket man, tankman, paratrooper, commander, rocket, tank, pilot, border guard, hero, parachute, bomb, courage, enemy, submariner, anti-aircraft gunner, infantryman, volunteer, traitor.

Verbs: to fight, to defend, to fight, to wound, to bandage , to cure, to win, to fight, to restore, to resist.

Adjectives: brave, courageous, heroic, courageous, daring, cowardly, valiant, military.

Week 4 “Seasons. Calendar. Spring"

Nouns: winter, spring, summer, autumn, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, morning, day, evening, night, icicle, thaw, thaw.

Verbs: warm, freeze, hang, grow, lengthen, shorten, chirp, chirp, warm up, warm up, warm up, freeze, freeze, freeze, thaw , advance, retreat, sparkle, ring.

Adjectives: spring, winter, sunny, warm, cool, harsh, bright, loose.

Adverbs: warm, cold, damp, dirty, light, bright, loud.


Week 1 “Mother’s Day. Family"

Nouns: gift, flowers, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, brother, sister, nephew, uncle, aunt.

Verbs: care, love, respect, try, help, cook, clean, wash, iron, set (on the table, wash, work, wipe, dry, look after, raise.

Adjectives: dear, beloved, caring, adult, small, affectionate, kind, hardworking, strict, polite, obedient.

Week 2 “Early signs of spring. First flowers"

Nouns: primrose, ice drift, puddle, stream, willow, bud, snowdrop, coltsfoot, dandelion, daffodil, hyacinth, bud, petal, leaf, mimosa, tulip.

Verbs: melt, warm, bloom, blossom, swell.

To be freed (from snow, ice, to settle, to become weathered, to smell.

Adjectives: bright, loose, small, fine, fragrant, smooth, fragile, tender, fluffy.

Week 3 “Electrical appliances. Studio"

Nouns: click, cotton, wool, knitwear, customer,
fitting , spool, thread, needle, scissors, style, size, iron, refrigerator, coffee grinder, vacuum cleaner, meat grinder, watch, sleeve, collar, pocket, TV, cutter, seamstress, linen, nylon, button, template, mixer, toaster, electric kettle.
Verbs: facilitate, speed up, cut, sew, try on , iron, knit, hang, fold, wash, cook, cook, fry, baste, stitch, weave, fasten, unfasten, unfasten, fasten, rip, embroider, sew, sew on, outweigh .

Adjectives: multi-colored, narrow, wide, comfortable, chintz, linen, silk, wool, knitted, seasonal, lightweight, washing, sewing.

Week 4 “Spring in nature”

Nouns: March, April, May, month, sun, sky, murmur, ringing, drops, resin, rook.

Verbs: wake up, step on, crack, break, gurgle, break through, awaken, crawl out, bring out, feed, train.

Adjectives: early, late, loud, joyful, rainy, noisy, fine, bright, beautiful, bright.


1 week “People’s work in spring”

Nouns: shovel, rake, greenhouse, bed, vegetable garden, garden, flower bed, seeds, seedlings, seedlings, planting, field, tractor, tractor driver, watering can, greenhouse.

Verbs: plant, sow, water, whiten, prune, fertilize, dig, replant, set out , transplant, dig up, bury , dig up, dig up.

Adjectives: early, late, spring (wheat)


Week 2 “Space”

Nouns: Earth, Moon, Sun, space, planet, star, ship, rocket, astronaut, satellite, comet, constellation, station, spacesuit, compartment, weightlessness, nebula, telescope, astronomer, eclipse, orbit.

Verbs: fly, fall, take off, land, land on the moon, reflect.

Adjectives: solar, lunar, terrestrial, stellar, cosmic, artificial, interstellar, interplanetary.

Week 3 “Return of the birds. Insects"

Nouns: swallow, nightingale, thrush, rook, starling, crane, lark, swift, heron, beetle, dragonfly, ant, mosquito, wasp, bee, spider, fly, caterpillar, egg, nest, goldfinch, cuckoo, lapwing, sandpiper, bittern, finch, wagtail, pupa, larva, water strider, bumblebee, butterfly.

Verbs: fly, curl, flutter, soar, rush, put off, twist, hibernate, hatch, coo, chirp, cuckoo, chirp, click, ring.

Adjectives: fast, migratory , vocal, hardworking, cheerful, loud, agile, friendly, caring, perky.

Week 4 “Dishes. Food"

Nouns: set, plate, cup, saucer, fork, spoon, knife, kettle, ladle, saucepan, frying pan, milk, butter, yogurt, kefir, sausage, meat, cutlet, ham, sausage, sausage, bread, bun, pie, cake, compote, jam, candy, soup, salad, cereal, colander, rolling pin, baking sheet, curdled milk, coffee pot, bowl, taste, smell, aroma, spices, sauce.

Verbs: cover, cook, wash, fry, boil, simmer, boil, heat, beat, spread, bake, cut, chop, cool, heat.

Adjectives: dairy, meat, bakery, creamy, vegetable, smoked, sunflower, flaxseed, soy, corn, cotton, olive, kitchen, table, deep, shallow, tea, sweet, salty, sour, fatty, tasty, warm, cold, hot.


Week 1 “Animals of hot countries”

Nouns: lion, elephant, giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, crocodile, gazelle, antelope, leopard, camel, turtle, hippopotamus, monkey, cheetah, desert, hunting, jungle, savannah, Africa, Australia, kangaroo, koala, platypus, parrot, monitor lizard

Verbs: hunt, hide, hide, live, jump, climb, run, run away, catch up, graze, fear, defend, attack, sneak up.

Adjectives: striped, spotted, fleet-footed, slow, marsupial, hardy.

Week 2 “My City”

Nouns: city, Barnaul, address, street, lane,
avenue , boulevard, square, river, park, theater, shop window, library, monument, kiosk, lawn, entrance, station, new building, square, stadium, highway, sidewalk, landscaping, district, museum, church.
Verbs: live, build, rebuild , move , travel, look, grow, prettier, expand, improve.

Adjectives: urban, rural, Barnaul, wide, spacious, straight, narrow, multi-storey, old, quiet, noisy, green, stone, industrial, cultural, residential.

Week 3 Diagnostics

Week 4 Diagnostics

How to organize a speech therapy session in a preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

At the first stage, the lexical topic of the “Family” lesson in the preparatory group or any other topic is selected. The speech therapist’s task is to draw up notes and include in the lesson plan tasks for the development of speech, motor skills, memory and attention.

It is necessary to organize speech therapy classes at the preschool educational institution “Defenders of the Fatherland” in accordance with the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard. The inspectors will evaluate not only the teacher’s activities, but also the program’s compliance with the basic requirements of the educational system in the Russian Federation.

Specifics and preparation of an open logo session

After determining the topic of the lesson, for example, “Transport in the city,” the speech therapist draws up a lesson plan - a summary. It is necessary to provide 3-4 game actions and several questions of the following type: “There is fruit on the table. Do you know what this is? Apple or pear?

When drawing up a plan, the goals and objectives of the speech therapy lesson must be taken into account:

  • training in word synthesis and sound analysis;
  • development of motor skills;
  • correction and development of hearing, orientation in the sound system of the Russian language;
  • development of visual perception, orientation in space;
  • fostering perseverance and accuracy.

Additional Information! An important organizational point is the preparation of the necessary demonstration and handout material. The following are suitable for an open lesson: cards with letters and sounds, envelopes with tasks, pictures, toys-fishing rods, fish, markers and pencils for drawing.

To help the speech therapist: lesson plan with exercises according to the Federal State Educational Standard

A summary is a detailed description of the course of the lesson point by point. Using his notes, the speech therapist conducts an open lesson, and no task will be missed.

Open lesson progress:

  1. Introductory part. To the music, the children enter the classroom, after which the speech therapist tells them that there are guests today and names the topic of the lesson.
  2. Psychophysical warm-up. Before the lesson starts, children play a game with a ball. Everyone stands in a circle, after which the teacher announces that they have a magic ball in their hands that will give everyone a good mood. You need to call each other by name and pass the ball.
  3. Breathing exercises. Children "stand on the ship and breathe the fresh sea air."
  4. Exercise to develop visual attention. The teacher shows the pictures and the children say what is shown on them.
  5. Then comes the main part of the lesson. The speech therapist says the beginning of the word, and the children finish it, for example: para-hod, bicycle.
  6. To develop sound synthesis and analysis, perform the “collecting flowers” ​​exercise. The child must collect flowers with petals where the “l” is at the beginning of the word, then in the middle and at the end.
  7. The end of the lesson is physical warm-up and consolidation of the results, summing up.

Important! If there are children with disabilities or children who need speech correction in the group, individual tasks should be developed for them.

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