Card index of didactic games for children 5-6 years old. card index (senior group)

Child development 6 years old: what you need to teach your children

The world around us is changing rapidly, and with it knowledge, professions, and ways to realize one’s potential are changing. Remember how in childhood our parents told us “but in my time...” and then went on to list everything that was different before. Now try to compare your children with yourself at their age. They are bolder, freer, they know more. ⠀ Children are surrounded by an incredible flow of information; the pace of life cannot be compared with what it was 20-30 years ago. And we can give our children the knowledge and skills that will help them now and in the future.

  • Initiative and creativity . Willingness to be the first on a new path, the ability to create new things, find innovative solutions to issues and problems - this is what is important today. Just 30 years ago, success was determined by how much you could work within the system and “reproduce the pattern.” In the modern world, the ability to think creatively and freely is useful to everyone. By the way, this is exactly what we teach in our classes.
  • Communication skills . The ability to communicate effectively, understand each other as accurately as possible, the ability to present one’s point of view and listen to others. Here we can add intercultural communication - acceptance and understanding of other cultures and traditions.
  • Information and technology literacy. The ability to work with information: search, select, analyze and present conclusions, as well as the ability to work with the latest technical devices - no profession in the future will do without these skills. In addition, we must give children knowledge about safe behavior on the Internet.
  • Ability to learn and self-teach. Today, learning professional activities extends over a lifetime - this applies to both the opportunity to improve the level in some profession and the opportunity to radically change activities. Without the skill of self-learning, success will be much more difficult to achieve.
  • Self-regulation and adaptability. The ability to control your emotions and structure behavior for specific tasks is very important, as well as the ability to be flexible and adapt to changing conditions - you cannot do without this, either now or in the future.

What do you consider an important skill for a 6-year-old? What are the most important tasks for 6-year-old children?

Print more tasks for children 6 years old from the site

Follow the links and download more educational tasks for children 6 years old:

  • Interesting tasks for creating an agamograph. This is a simple optical illusion that you can create with your own hands. Need to fold paper! For those “advanced” in the field of neat folding: flexagon and origami,
  • Coloring books can help you increase your vocabulary, learn colors, and learn how to hold a pencil correctly. Also, coloring books help develop concentration, perseverance and patience in children, the skills of careful work, and clearly demonstrate the quality of painstaking work. And they undoubtedly stimulate creativity in the child!
  • Applications and cut-outs: paper dolls, kinetic toys, paper cities, construction sets, houses, paper dolls, riddles, puzzles and much more.
  • Graphic patterns in cells for training graphometry, attentiveness, accuracy and basic calligraphy skills.
  • Math coloring pages.
  • Complex labyrinths.
  • Copybooks - numbers, copybooks - printed letters.
  • Graphic dictations.
  • Paper construction.
  • Crafts for children: from paper, cardboard, toilet paper rolls, ice cream sticks, plasticine, DIY toys
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