Differentiated speech therapy massage for dysarthria. Methodological development on the topic

Massage No. 10 for children is the most popular appointment of a physical therapist. We recommend inviting a massage therapist to perform the procedures. On our website you can choose a professional with a medical education.

Newborns are very sensitive to tactile sensations. Even the simple touch of your mother's hands can relax and calm you down. But professional massage for infants number 10 will help you cope with postpartum complications and help the baby develop properly.

Nuances of massage, why it was assigned No. 10

It is mistakenly believed that, just as in the case of diets, dozens of massage techniques have been developed. And the pediatrician prescribes some kind of special massage. But actually number 10 represents the number of sessions. In the medical record you can also see the entry “massage number 10-15”. This means that the child needs to undergo at least 10 and no more than 15 procedures.

Newborns should not be massaged by parents without experience and without prior consultation with a pediatrician. To begin with, it is better to hire a professional massage therapist. After observing the movements of the specialist, you will be able to carry out the procedure yourself.

A general 10-session newborn massage should be performed in a safe and warm environment. It is better to invite a specialist home. But some massage therapists work in equipped rooms. If the baby’s body cannot maintain a normal temperature, then the procedure is performed under a special heat lamp.

The first massages, especially if they are performed by a stranger, can be stressful for the baby. Therefore, it is worth eliminating unnecessary noise and dimming the bright light.

Rules for massage procedures

Typically massage is performed in courses of 10 procedures. It is important to meet several conditions:

  • the optimal room temperature is 22-24 degrees;
  • procedures are carried out in a lying position;
  • the surface on which the baby is placed for massage must be covered with a clean diaper;
  • good lighting, but direct rays do not reach the child’s eyes;
  • The optimal time for massage is one and a half to two hours after feeding. You can perform the procedure before feeding. But not before bedtime.

Naturally, the massage therapist must remove any jewelry from his hands and have short-cropped nails. All movements during massage should be smooth and gentle.

After the massage, the child is dressed in warm and dry underwear to retain body heat and allow the baby to rest.

Is it worth doing baby massage yourself?

Parents can and should do this. Light stroking of the arms, legs, back (but avoiding the joints and spine) and therapeutic exercise will never hurt. But you need to know the rules, where you can push and what you shouldn’t touch, you need to understand the characteristics of age and not “demand” what the child has not yet “grown up to.” Ideally, parents should take at least a short course of training on how to do exercise therapy.

As for massage, especially therapeutic massage, it should only be performed by a certified specialist.

At the Sovenok children's clinic, you can sign up for treatments at a time convenient for you and get a massage from a specialist with extensive experience and an attentive approach to children.

How to properly massage your baby

The procedure is carried out in a clean, quiet and warm room. Make sure that light (for example, from a ceiling lamp) is not in your child's eyes.

Movements should be gentle, but confident, very rhythmic. Too light stroking will not have a therapeutic effect, and too aggressive an effect will lead to the appearance of bruises. If you are not confident in your abilities, invite a massage therapist with the correct technique for performing baby massage 10 and ask him to supervise several sessions.

You need to start massage movements from your feet.

It is this part of the body that is not so sensitive to touch. Even if the intensity of the impact is too high, the child will not suffer, but will clearly show his dissatisfaction.

After adjusting the pressure, you can move on to the baby’s tummy.

Stroking the abdomen helps normalize gas formation and prevent constipation.

Then you can massage your back and head.

A restorative massage 10 usually takes 20-30 minutes. Do not be too zealous; the procedure is a passive load and can tire the child.

Let's take a closer look at how to massage each part of the body.

  1. Head.

    Place your baby's head in your cupped hands. Using your thumbs, gently press on the brow ridges and smooth the skin from the forehead to the temples. It is forbidden to squeeze the head, especially if there is an unhealed fontanel. It's better to just draw tiny geometric shapes on the child's skull with your fingertips.

  2. Legs.

    Lightly squeeze your baby's heel with one hand, and with the other hand, gently knead the top of the thigh and down to the ankles. When performing massage number 10 for children's legs, movements should be smooth, without strong pressure. Repeat with the second leg. Finally, rub your feet with your thumbs, carefully straightening and bending your toes.

  3. Face.

    Cup your hands so your thumbs are on your baby's forehead, then gently move your palms from the center of your face outward. Make sure that your baby's nose always remains open.

  4. Tummy.

    Using your fingertips, draw a circle under your baby's belly button. Gradually increase the radius of movement. It is important to move clockwise to follow the natural path of digestion. Finally, run your fingertips from one side of your baby's belly to the other diagonally, as if you were drawing a cross.

  5. Back massage

    Number 10 is carried out for the child as follows. The baby is placed on his tummy, after which he gently presses the palm of his hand on the area of ​​the shoulder blades. To achieve a relaxing effect, simply stroke your child's back.

Prices for services

General massage (wellness)RUB 2,530

General massage
is a therapeutic and health procedure affecting the entire human body with massaging techniques, performed in a certain order, for the purpose of healing and preventing diseases. Such a massage can invigorate your spirit, lift your mood and overall vitality. It has been scientifically established that healing massage is an excellent means of relieving even the most severe stress.

Prevention and wellness

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. And if you are already treating, then, if possible, first of all turn to folk wisdom, which states that “all diseases come from nerves” and they are blocked in the spine.

A general wellness massage helps to get rid of many problems, after 10-15 procedures a noticeable improvement occurs:

  • back pain and headaches are eliminated;
  • stress is relieved;
  • muscle tone is restored after physical activity or a sedentary lifestyle;
  • efficiency increases;
  • mood improves.

Regularly completing a full course of general massage 3-4 times a year will be an excellent preventive measure for strengthening the body.

General indications and contraindications

Wellness treatments will only benefit all healthy people, adults and children. However, if you have diseases, you should definitely inform the massage therapist about them, who at the very beginning must ask whether the patient suffers from hypertension or whether he has cancer.

Contraindications for performing procedures on the whole body are also:

  • skin diseases;
  • acute mental disorder;
  • thrombosis;
  • advanced varicose veins;
  • tuberculosis;
  • gallstones or kidney stones.

A woman can do a general body massage only during the intermenstrual period.

Sequence of techniques

Classic techniques such as stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration are the basis of a general massage.

With normal pressure, you can start a body treatment session from the back, with the patient lying on his stomach, after 10-15 minutes moving to the forearms and neck. If the pressure is high, but not higher than 160 mm Hg, it is recommended to start a general massage from the head, neck and then move down. When massaging the lower back and upper buttocks, it is advisable to apply squeezing techniques to areas of fat deposits, then massage the back of the legs and feet.

Next, the patient turns over, each toe, lower leg and thigh is worked on, moving to the stomach. The wellness session ends with a hand massage..

The duration of the session depends on the density of the body and the degree of neglect of the body, but, as a rule, it lasts within one hour, with 10 minutes allocated for stroking and vibration, 15-20 minutes for rubbing, and the main time is spent on kneading.

The sequence of massage is individual and chosen by the massage therapist.

Small but very important recommendations:

1. The best time for a wellness massage is the morning.

2. Massage should be performed half an hour before meals or 1.5 hours after meals.

3. The frequency of sessions does not exceed 2-3 times a week with constant sessions.

4. If any signs of discomfort or poor health occur, the session should be stopped immediately.

5. After the procedure is completed, the person being massaged should remain at rest for another 10-15 minutes.

Differentiated massage

If general massage is carried out for therapeutic purposes, then it is necessary to work according to the method of differentiated massage . The basis of the technique for this study is based on identifying particularly problematic areas in which some muscles may be in hypertonicity, while others may be in a stretched state, therefore relaxing and tonic techniques are used in a dedicated, differentiated section. With the help of tonic techniques, which are carried out intensively and quickly, a surge of energy is provided, drowsiness disappears, mental activity and heart function are activated and metabolism improves. With the intensity of exposure, it should be remembered that painful sensations are not acceptable.

To relax hypertonic muscles, all techniques are performed gently, slowly, working every centimeter of the skin, relieving tension and stress.

A differentiated approach is also important for healthy people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are constantly in the same position.

General massage in the ViTerra clinic network

General massage is a very popular service among patients of our medical center. After all, such a massage is something between relaxing, classic and restorative massages. During a general massage session at ViTerra, the massage therapist works with all muscle groups, in other words, he massages your entire body

. Hence the high practicality and demand for this type of massage.

We should not forget that general massage is a very functional procedure, and its purpose can be very different. It is used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Each session in the ViTerra network of clinics is a complex of work by a highly qualified massage therapist using various techniques aimed at identifying and eliminating tightness or stagnant processes in the muscles and throughout the body as a whole. A general massage can restore and stabilize the functioning of the spine, joints, blood flow and general metabolic processes of the whole body. Therefore, if you notice excessive fatigue after the end of the working day, lethargy, or decreased performance, then this is a sure indication that it is time for you to sign up for a general wellness massage session at the ViTerra network of clinics.

The benefits of massage for a baby

Light massage has a relaxing effect and makes it easier to go to bed. Baby massage number 10 also helps with colic and constipation. Other benefits of the procedure:

  • establishing an emotional connection with the baby;
  • development of non-verbal communication skills;
  • improving mutual understanding;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • maintaining normal muscle tone;
  • increased flexibility;
  • reducing stress levels;
  • prevention of flatulence, colic, constipation;
  • relief of pain symptoms without medications;
  • relieving muscle tension;
  • softening the skin.

Pediatricians recommend that fathers also have a relaxing massage 10. Simple stroking and touching help establish contact with the newborn. Mothers understand babies much better without words. But it is difficult for future fathers to understand why exactly the child is crying. During the massage, you can track positive and negative reactions to each movement.

We have a useful article on how to understand the reasons for crying and how to calm your baby.

Also, during a massage, endorphins are released: neurotransmitters that fight stress hormones. Even a change in the usual diet, a new face in the environment or a loud sound can frighten the baby.

It has been proven that babies who have undergone general massage number 10 sleep better, gain weight faster and are less likely to be capricious for no reason. Doctors also note a positive psychological effect.

Massage is also often prescribed at certain stages of development if indicated - for example, at the age of 9 months.

Difference between children's and adults' massage

In addition to the obvious differences in the size and capabilities of the patient, it is necessary to remember that the baby’s skin is smooth and delicate, and the capillary network of the skin is very developed. In addition, the child’s nervous system is more quickly excited (reacts to stimuli), and there are a huge number of receptors on the skin.

Therefore, compared to working with an adult, for children they use stroking, rubbing, vibration and kneading, but not patting or tapping (especially in the kidney area). When working with children, it is necessary to remember the predominance of flexor and extensor muscle tone and other nuances, so children's massage has a selective effect. The intensity of children's massage is much weaker.

Can massage be harmful?

Massage therapy, the purpose of which is to correct disorders of the musculoskeletal system, should be carried out strictly according to indications. The procedure must be carried out by a specialist with medical education. Corrective massage No. 10 may be painful. Any incorrect movement is fraught with the development of complications.

Relaxing massage at home brings only benefits to the baby's health. But sometimes complications arise as a result of incorrectly selected cosmetic products.

Before using a new type of oil or cream, you need to conduct an allergy test: apply a small amount of the product to the crook of your baby’s elbow and see if complications arise. Red spots and peeling should be a signal that you should try other cosmetics.

It is also strictly forbidden to use undiluted essential oils. Such products are too aggressive for a child’s skin and can cause an allergic reaction.

Vegetable oils, especially olive and sunflower, are also not suitable for the procedure, as they disrupt the barrier function of the skin. Thus, an incorrectly selected product can provoke the development of skin diseases.

Indications for differentiated massage

Muscular dystonia (asymmetry, hypertonicity, hypotonicity), retardation in motor development, cerebral palsy, scoliosis, postural disorders, pyramidal insufficiency, etc.

General differentiated massage for infants is carried out with the same duration and frequency as restorative massage, but it differs in its content. I would like to once again draw the attention of parents that this procedure should be carried out by a professional and preferably experienced massage therapist. If the doctor indicated this type of massage, this indicates that there are certain problems that cannot be eliminated by simple stroking, etc. Unfortunately, sometimes parents try to do something themselves, but the child’s health is too important for everyone to experiment on him with their illusory ideas.

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