How to make interesting reports and speeches; methodological development on the topic

Choosing a topic that is suitable for the speech

You can speak on any topic, about anything in the world, as long as this topic is close to the speaker and interesting to the listeners.

What can you talk about?

You can, for example, show off your erudition and choose a topic about some unique animal, about the inhabitants of the underwater world.

Talk about pets - and this will be a very successful speech that will come from the heart.

You can find an interesting topic that people will listen to. What do people like to hear about?

They love to hear, for example, how someone was an ordinary, unremarkable person, but became famous and successful.

You will also be heard about the mysterious, incomprehensible or unusual.

Watch this video. Here is a good example of an interesting story theme that can be told at a party or with friends.

  • It will come in handy as a universal theme for any occasion where you need to tell something.

Work and employment

What other interesting topics are there for speaking? So, in school groups you can talk about employment problems. In this case, you can choose the following topics for the report:

  1. Choosing a profession: what should it be based on?
  2. Problems of youth during employment.
  3. The most requested professions.
  4. The highest and lowest paid professions.
  5. Rules for writing a competent resume.
  6. How to successfully pass an interview and what do you need to know for this?

A speaker can come up with a thousand interesting topics for his speeches

Ready-made themes (see below) will do Coming up with a speech to give on your own brings both pleasure and pride : “I came up with it myself!”

Interesting topics to present in front of the class

But before taking on speech topics , it is useful to learn public speaking. My book can help with this, which I recommend reading:

  • Self-instruction manual on public speaking

Features of the report

The report is distinguished by an academic style, which is characterized by the following features:

  • sentences can be complex and long;
  • scientific terms and foreign words are often found;
  • introductory constructions are used, such as “apparently”, etc.;
  • the author’s position is poorly expressed, the use of the pronoun “I” or the phrases “I believe”, “in my opinion”, etc. is not allowed;
  • The text may contain common words and cliches.

Rare topics for speech

  • Consumer culture
  • Molecular cuisine
  • Gothic architecture
  • Pop Art
  • Elite culture
  • Augmented Reality
  • Who are the freaks
  • Downshifters
  • Body positivity
  • Decorative engraving
  • Murals
  • Grotesque
  • Globalization
  • Hegemony

Interesting themes revealed in parables

The best parables about life and wisdom

The themes raised in the parables are wise and useful. Everyone will listen to parables with great pleasure. We offer ready-made wise parables with which you can speak to any audience.

  • The secret of family happiness.
  • The secret to longevity
  • How to find friends
  • How to learn to divide equally
  • The secret of education
  • A parable about how to conquer a man
  • Other interesting parables

Intimate questions

And the last block, which is no less necessary and important, is sex issues. These are very interesting topics for speaking to an audience, which, unfortunately, in our society everyone tries not to touch upon. But in vain, because today’s youth really lack adequate sex education. Here is a list of sample topics:

  • About the first experience of sexual relations.
  • Sex: what is it and when does a person need it?
  • What are means of protection, what are they?
  • When and how can a girl become pregnant?
  • What does it mean to be parents?
  • When should you start having sex?

There are actually a lot of questions here. And we need to raise them. After all, modern society, unfortunately, does not have sufficient knowledge in this area.

Order a topic for a speech

We can prepare a topic for your speech. And it's not expensive.

We also train and help perform. We give recommendations and teach public speaking.

  • Online public speaking training

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Video about gestures. What mistakes do people make if they don't know how to speak?

Have a look, it will be useful

Topic for speech

/ Interesting topics for a speaker’s speech / report, monologue, speech in front of the class, essay on an interesting topic / oratorical speech on a topic / the most interesting topics for speeches on rhetoric / interesting reports and speeches / the most interesting oratorical speech on a topic / topics of oratorical speech / ready-made speech for a speech / topics for public speaking / oratorical speech on any topic / ready-made oratorical speech / speech on rhetoric / what you can tell the audience about / Report / Topics for argumentative speech / Discussion topics for oratorical speech / Where to get a topic for a monologue (report, essay, speeches, debates) / Interesting topics for speaking in front of the class /

Nature and ecology

What is it, an interesting topic for speaking? Why not touch on global issues and talk about the state of modern ecology? How scientists evaluate everything that happens on earth, what cataclysms and problems are caused by this or that human action.

Here you can come up with many different interesting topics:

  • The problem of uncontrolled deforestation.
  • Pollution of the environment by vehicle exhaust gases.
  • The most environmentally friendly mode of transport.
  • Gaining energy from environmentally friendly sources.
  • Water pollution.
  • Declining global freshwater supply.

Common mistakes

To prepare your project perfectly, prevent the typical mistakes that most students most often make. For example:

  • negligence in design;
  • wrong font;
  • non-compliance with the structure and sequence of plan elements;
  • violation of the norms for compiling a list of references and citing;
  • inconsistency of references to the list of references;
  • the presence of quotes, ideas, concepts and diagrams without references to the authors;
  • lack of logic of presentation;
  • use of input data that is outdated (more than 5 years after publication);
  • bringing information, concepts, information not related to the topic;
  • low text uniqueness;
  • categorical criticism of theories and concepts;
  • free informal style of presentation.

Practice shows that the success of such student work directly depends on 3 key criteria - literacy, uniqueness and academic writing style.

Other upcoming changes

Chess in elementary school

The number of schools in which chess classes will become mandatory for primary grades according to the new education standard will increase. They will replace the third lesson of physical education. For first-graders the load will be 33 hours per year, for other students - 34 hours. Teachers receive additional training.

Second foreign language

In addition to chess, a second foreign language will become a compulsory subject in many schools - it is being introduced as part of the implementation of the new Federal State Educational Standards. Now schools are solving this problem in stages. It will not be possible to introduce a second foreign language everywhere in one day.

Unified State Exam in a foreign language

In 2021, a foreign language will not be required to take the Unified State Exam, but according to the new education standard, it is planned to be included in the list of compulsory subjects from 2022. The exam will be divided into two levels: basic and specialized. Perhaps the first mass testing will be carried out in 2021. Most likely, English, the language of international communication, will become a mandatory foreign language.

Unified State Examination in History

Contrary to the fears of schoolchildren and parents, there will be no compulsory Unified State Examination in history in 2021. Moreover, there is not a single document or standard of the new generation that suggests the inclusion of this subject among the mandatory ones in the longer term. Such a change in any subject will require several years to develop and discuss the examination model for the compulsory exam, its testing and refinement. Such work is not currently being carried out in any subject except a foreign language.


Next year, schools in 50 regions of Russia plan to open more than 2,000 classes with modern technology: 3D printers, interactive panels, robotics kits and VR glasses. It is planned that by 2024 there will be 16 thousand such centers in Russian schools.

What is this school project and why is it needed?

To receive the final certification, in the 10th and 11th grades, students need to submit an individual school project.
This is an analogue of a scientific paper or abstract, in which the child chooses a topic, puts forward a hypothesis and proves or disproves it. This requirement appeared several years ago to give high school students the opportunity to understand the issues that concern them, and at the same time learn to design, plan, work with information, speak in public and demonstrate their successes.

Visual aids: how to do them correctly?

In parallel with the student’s research work being prepared, visual illustrated materials are compiled. You can include the most important things in it, for example:

  • generalizations and conclusions;
  • results of the author's analysis;
  • supporting illustrations;
  • methods and instructions;
  • tables with numerical data, etc.

On average, no more than 10 A4 pages are allocated to such a section. Any table, figure, photograph, chart or diagram in the text should have redirections, as well as links like “Compiled by the author”, a link to the original source.

New Federal State Educational Standard 2021

Federal state educational standards are updated approximately every 10 years. The new Federal State Educational Standards will be approved at the end of 2021, and in the second quarter of 2021, work on updating the main school programs will be completed. The final transition to the new Federal State Educational Standards is scheduled for September 2021. How are they different from the previous ones?

The main task of the third generation Federal State Educational Standard is to specify the requirements for students. The fact is that in the previous edition the Standard included only general guidelines for the formation of certain competencies. Educational institutions themselves decided what exactly to study and in what grade, so the educational programs of different schools differed, and the learning outcomes were not detailed. It is assumed that the new Federal State Educational Standards for 2021 define clear requirements for subject results in each academic discipline.

‍The main changes made to the projects of modern Federal State Educational Standards:

· The obligations of the educational institution (in particular, the school) to students and parents are clearly stated.

· Emphasis is placed on the development of “soft” skills - meta-subject and personal.

· A detailed list of subject and interdisciplinary skills that a student must have within each discipline is indicated (be able to prove, interpret, operate with concepts, solve problems).

· The format of work within each subject for the development of these skills is outlined (conducting laboratory work, extracurricular activities, and so on).

· Checkpoints with specific student results are recorded (300-word essay, vocabulary of 70 new words annually, etc.).

· It is strictly indicated which topics children should master in a certain year of study. The content of topics under the new Federal State Educational Standard is not recommended to be swapped (previously this was allowed).

· The age and psychological characteristics of students of all classes are taken into account. The main thing is that the guys are not overloaded. In addition, the latest educational standard clarifies the minimum and maximum number of hours required for the full implementation of basic educational programs. The basic content of the education program was determined, the tasks and conditions of the program of correctional work with children with disabilities were clarified.

It is assumed that third generation educational standards will improve the modern educational system and specify its objectives.

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