Plan - summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds [s]-[w]”

Plan - summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds [s]-[w]”

Lesson objectives:

  • clarify the articulation of sounds [s], [sh];
  • consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [w];
  • learn to distinguish these sounds by ear;
  • develop phonemic hearing;
  • repeat the gender differences of nouns;
  • repeat the category of number of nouns.

I. Org. Moment

- Look carefully at the pictures. These cheerful fairy-tale people are called Sonya and the Joker.

These little men have prepared many interesting tasks for us. — What sound does the name of the first hero begin with? [s] - What sound does the name of the second hero begin with? [w] - Today we will learn to distinguish between these two sounds.

II. Main stage

Clarification of articulation patterns. - Let's show Sonya how we can whistle. The lips are in a smiling position, and the tongue rests on the lower teeth. The teeth are located close to each other. The air passes through the middle of the tongue. - Now, let’s “hiss” for the Joker. The lips are a mouthpiece, slightly extended forward. Teeth spaced apart. The cup-shaped tongue rises behind the upper teeth. - Look at the picture. Our guests have a favorite task - flying on an airplane. When an airplane gains altitude and flies upward, it makes a sound [w], when it flies down, it makes a sound [s]. Put your finger on the beginning of the journey. Let's help the plane fly around all the high mountains.

Work at the syllable level.

— Sonya loves raspberries very much. When he picks berries, he sings his song: “Sa-sa-sa,” “so-so-so,” “su-su-su, “sy-sy-sy.” Let's pick berries together with Sonya. We put our fingers on the drawing, walk through the raspberries, humming a song.

— The joker really loves strawberries. When he picks berries, he sings his song: “Sha-sha-sha”, “sho-sho-sho”, “shu-shu-shu”, “shi-shi-shi”. Let's pick some berries with the Joker.

Work at the word level.

— Sonya and Shustrik are very good friends and love to play together. Today they mixed up all their things again. Help your friends share them. Sonya's things begin with the sound [s], and the Joker's things begin with the sound [w].

— What things will Shustrik take for himself? (hat, shorts, balls, fur coat). — What things will Sonya take for herself? (dust-cover, bag, boots, sled). - Name a picture with which we can say: “It’s mine” (savok) - Name a picture with which we can say: “It’s mine” (bag, hat, fur coat) - Are there any pictures here with which we can say: “It’s mine” ? (no) - Which pictures will we say: “They are mine?” (shorts, sleds, balls, boots)

Work at the level of phrases.

Our friends are great inventors. They love to come up with different word combinations. Can you? Come up with 3 signs for each word. - What kind of fur coat? (The fur coat is warm, the fur coat is large, the fur coat is shaggy) - What kind of shorts? (Short shorts, comfortable shorts, blue shorts) - What kind of hat? (What kind of hat? (Knitted hat, multi-colored hat, beautiful hat) - What kind of balloons? (Balloons, light balloons, beautiful balloons) - What kind of bag? (Comfortable bag, roomy bag, women's bag) What kind of dustpan?

Work at the supply level.

- Look at the pictures. Their names are very similar, be careful. Show the lid, the rat, the ears, the mustache, the teddy bear, the bowl, the helmet, the porridge. - Let's come up with sentences with each picture. Don't forget to pronounce the sounds [s] and [sh] correctly.

III. Lesson summary

— What sounds did we play with today? [s] and [w] - Let’s remember 5 words that have the sound [s] and 5 words that have the sound [sh]. - Let's complete the last task. It is necessary to color only those pictures whose names contain the sound [w]. Words containing the sound [s] must be circled with a simple pencil.

Author of the material: Medvedeva Oksana Vladimirovna

Also on topic:

Differentiation of sounds Ch - Shch

Topic: sound Ш, differentiation of sounds С-Ш.


  • consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound Ш in syllables, words and sentences, and develop children’s coherent speech.



  • introduce the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”;
  • introduce the peculiarities of life of the Nenets;
  • consolidate knowledge about the cuckoo;
  • develop logical thinking and imagination.


  • consolidate the pronunciation of the sound Ш, differentiation of sounds С-Ш in words;
  • learn to solve riddles;
  • activate and enrich children's vocabulary with new words (chum, malitsa, tundra);
  • continue to improve the ability to form plural nouns, coordinate nouns with adjectives; form plural nouns;
  • develop phonemic awareness and hearing.


  • continue to develop ways of establishing warm relationships with family members, showing care, help, and respect;
  • develop the ability to evaluate the actions of other people from a moral perspective, to give an objective assessment of one’s own and others’ actions.


  1. Reader for older children: A book for kindergarten teachers. Compiled by Z.Ya.Rez, L.M. Gurovich, L.B. Coastal. Moscow. Education. 1990
  2. Encyclopedia "Living World". Moscow. Rosman. 2001
  3. Presentation.
  4. Multimedia equipment.

Preliminary work:

  1. Conversation on the topic “Our mothers.”
  2. Reading and discussion of Russian folk tales, the Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga”.
  3. Conversations about the cuckoo.
  4. Watching the educational film “Cuckoo”.


  • video "Song of the Snake". Ovchinnikova T.S., Makarenko I.V., Fedorovich L.A.
  • animated film "Northern Tale". "Screen".


  • reading fiction, cognition, communication, socialization.

Progress of the lesson

Org moment.

I say hello everywhere: At home and on the street, I even say “Hello” to the neighboring chicken. Hello blue sky! Hello, golden sun! Hello, free breeze! Hello, little oak tree! Hello morning!

Hello day!

I'm not too lazy to say hello!

Report the topic of the lesson.

- Today we will consolidate the sounds [c], [w].

Game "Catch the Sound".

“I’ll now hand out geometric figures to you and pronounce different words.” If you hear the sound “S” in a word, then raise the circle; if there is a sound “SH” in the word, raise a triangle. The sound can be at the beginning, middle or end of a word. The one who makes the least mistakes will win.

Words: fur coat, boots, braid, fox, noodles, dishes, scarf, car, class, brooch.

Isolated pronunciation of sounds:

— R., do you like to ride a bicycle? Imagine that we went for a bike ride. Suddenly our tire began to go flat.

- What sound will we hear? (SH-SH-SH) (slide 10)

- Let's get the pump and pump up the tire! (S-S-S) (Slide 11)

“But the wheel went flat again.” What sound did you hear? (SH-SH-SH) (Slide 12)

“But we weren’t upset, we sealed the wheel and pumped it up again!” How did we do this? (S-S-S) (Slide 13)

- Let's move on!


— We saw a snake on the road. How does a snake hiss? (SH-SH-SH) (Slide 14)

- But she didn’t scare us, because we know the snake’s song? Let's sing it!

(“Song of the Snake” Ovchinnikova T.S., Makarenko I.V., Fedorovich L.A.)

The snake rustles - sh-sh-sh, the snake hisses - sh-sh-sh. It crawls, it tries to crawl - sh-sh-sh. Dangerous - sh-sh-sh, terrible sh-sh-sh It wriggles like a spring. Deceiving the quiet rustle and peace, she is ready to attack at any moment. Don't accept the snake's compliment, the snake will betray you at any moment.

Reading syllables. Game "Build a tower".

(Slide 15)

Game "Make a word".

(Slides 16-19)

Game "One - Many".

(Slides 20-24)

Game "Fourth wheel".

(Slides 25-41)

Game "Guess the riddle."

Who's on the tree, who's keeping count, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo? (Cuckoo.)


Cuckoo bought a hood. The hooded cuckoo is funny.

Introduction to the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”.

— Today I want to introduce you to a new fairy tale, “The Cuckoo.” It was written by the Nenets people. There is such a nationality in the north. We have already met other people in the north. Who will remember what people I’m talking about and what fairy tale of this northern people we read?

— The Nenets, like the Nanai, also live in the north. They live in the tundra. This is a huge sea of ​​ice, ice and snow. The tundra has a very long polar night and a short summer, when the sun shines around the clock. In summer, snow and ice melt and plants grow. Today we will read the fairy tale “Cuckoo” and learn about how the Nenets people live. Now I will read a fairy tale, and you listen carefully and if you come across unfamiliar words, remember them, then we will find out their meaning.

Reading a fairy tale.

— What unfamiliar words were found in this fairy tale?

— What do the words “chum” and “malitsa” mean?

- These words characterize the life of the people who composed the fairy tale. What people composed it?

- Who is this fairy tale about?

— Why is the fairy tale called “Cuckoo?” What kind of bird is this? (A bird that never cares for its offspring. It throws its eggs into other nests.)

- Why did mom become a cuckoo?

- Remember the fairy tale and finish the sentence.

Game "Finish the sentence."

- What did the children do when they saw that their mother had become a cuckoo?

— Why does red moss spread across the tundra?

- And now, guys, let’s watch an excerpt from the cartoon “Northern Tale”, created based on the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”.

— What can you say about children, what are they like?

- How should you treat your mother?

14.- Let's stand in a circle and play.

(Ball game) Tell me about what your mother is like.

"My mother is the most..."

Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Presentation for the lesson:

Nikonyuk Svetlana Anatolyevna, teacher-speech therapist, kindergarten No. 104 of JSC Russian Railways, Povorino, Voronezh region.

  1. Methodological development of speech therapy classes in the first grade. Topic: “Differentiation of sounds [b – p]”
  2. Methodological development - a summary of a speech therapy lesson for children with general speech underdevelopment on the automation of sounds [L] and [L]
  3. Summary of an open lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group: Differentiation of sounds [L] and [L']
  4. Summary of a speech therapy lesson with students in grades 1-2 on the topic “Differentiation of sounds and letters T-C”
  5. Lesson summary on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds S-Z in syllables, words, sentences on the lexical material “Winter”

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Prepared by: teacher - speech therapist Elena Sergeevna Rodkina,

MBDOU "DS OV "SOLNYSHKO" urban settlement Oktyabrskoe KhMAU-Yugra


  • Correctional-educational task: to teach how to perform articulation exercises in full, to consolidate the skill of differentiating the sounds “Ш” - “С” in syllables and words.
  • Correctional and developmental task: to develop visual and auditory attention, fine motor skills, voice, articulatory apparatus.
  • Correctional-educational task: to cultivate a positive attitude towards the lesson, independence, control over one’s own speech.

Equipment: Teddy bear and bowl toys in colorful boxes. A chest with pictures for the skill of differentiating the sounds “Ш” - “С”. A picture depicting objects for the sounds “Ш” - “С” Blue and red pencils.

1. Organizational point:

Speech therapist:

Look guys, what beautiful boxes! I wonder what is there?

In order to open these boxes you need to guess the riddle.

The beast loves raspberries and honey.

He roars very menacingly

In summer he walks without a road,

And in winter he sleeps in a den.


Speech therapist: Well done guys, you guessed it. He takes out a bear from one box and a bowl from another. Guys, look at the pictures and name them. (Bear - bowl)

2. Sound warm-up

Speech therapist: Let's remember how a snake hisses? Shhhhhh. (We clarify the articulatory structure of the sound Ш)

Well done!

Now you need to remember how the pump whistles? Sssssss.

3. Differentiation of sounds

Speech therapist : Now we will play the game “Wonderful chest, open your barrel for us”

Children take turns taking pictures out of the chest, showing them, and clearly pronouncing the sounds. They give pictures with the sound “SH” to the bear, and with the sound “S” they put them in a bowl.

4. Finger gymnastics “Cat and dogs”

The cat came forward (“cat” with her right hand),

He comes towards us, plays with his tail (waves his left palm at the base of his right hand)

To meet her from the gate (“gate”)

Two dogs run out (“dogs with both hands”).

Speech therapist: Guys, let’s listen carefully to what sound is in the words cat and dog.

Guys: In the word cat the sound is Sh-sh-sh-sh

In the word dog the sound is S-s-s-s

Speech therapist: Great.

Guys, look - the bear is hiding some kind of picture.

Children look at the picture.

Speech therapist: Yes, in this picture the artist is completely confused and needs help.

Color the pictures with the sound “Ш” blue, and the picture with the sound “С” red. Guys, let's help.

Speech therapist: The guys completed the task. Well done!

Mishka was pleased and decided to give you this painting as a farewell gift.

5. Summary.

Guys, what sounds did we distinguish today and try to pronounce correctly?

Homework on differentiating the sounds “Ш” - “С”

More on this topic:

Lesson notes. Topic: “Teremok - atelier. Differentiation of sounds [S] - [Sh]"

Summary of a subgroup lesson with children of the preparatory group. Topic: Differentiation of sounds [S] - [W]. Journey to the fairy tale "Teremok"

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