Card index of outdoor games and finger gymnastics on the topic “Clothing. Studio"

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic “Hats”

Abstract of educational activities in the senior group on the topic “Hats”
Author: Galina Nikolaevna Suetenko, teacher of GBOU Secondary School No. 842, Moscow Description of work: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities on the topic “Hats” for children of the senior group (5-6 years old).
This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group. This is an educational summary that introduces children to a variety of hats. Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group on the topic “Hats”
Educational area “Cognition” Goal: Introducing children to hats Objectives : To introduce children to the variety of hats. To support children's interest in storytelling on their own initiative, to teach them to convey the verbal content of a picture in the form of a short story. Improve ideas about the semantic side of words, generalizing names, words with a diminutive meaning. Form ways of word formation of adjectives. Developmental: Develop phonemic perception and intonation side of speech. Educational: Cultivate friendly relationships between children, the ability to listen to a friend. Cultivate a caring attitude towards hats. Vocabulary work: hats, hat, baseball cap, cap, peakless cap, Panama, kokoshnik. Methods and techniques: surprise moment, playful, visual, questions for children, use of fiction. Materials and equipment: Headwear (kokoshnik, scarf, baseball cap, hat, fur hat, Panama hat, headscarf, cap, beret);
paintings depicting people of different professions (pilot, cook, doctor, builder, molarist); cards with hats; a chest with headdresses of fairy-tale characters (little red riding hood, Pinocchio's cap, Aibolit's cap, Parsley's cap); caps and rattles for each child. Progress
Educator: Guys, now I’ll tell you a little fairy tale. One day, when all the children in the house were sleeping, a little toy bunny decided to find a house for himself. He went to the closet and wanted to open it, but could not reach the key. Then he set up an old toy table, put a chair on it and opened the closet. The creaking of the door woke up my grandmother. She put on her glasses, looked around, but didn’t see anyone, since the bunny managed to jump into the closet. What the bunny saw on the top shelf in the closet made him very happy. “What a nice house I will have!” But suddenly he heard the voice of a mouse: “This is not a house, but a hat!” - Then I will have another house. - This is not a house, but a hat! - Well, this third item will definitely be a house for me. - Yes, this is a baseball cap! It turns out there is everything on this shelf, but there is not a single house for a toy bunny. The bunny jumped out of the closet and went to the shelf with other toys. Educator: What did the bunny take for a house for himself? (children's answers) How can you call hats, hats, caps in two words? (headdresses) Why are hats called that? (children's answers) What are hats for? (children's answers) What kind of hats do you know? (children's answers) Educator: I propose to take a trip to the kingdom of hats. What do you want to travel with? (on airplanes) Educator: Now we find ourselves in the amazing kingdom of hats. Guys, if you put them on yourself, they will come to life and tell you about themselves. Children put on headdresses (kokoshnik, scarf, baseball cap, hat, fur hat, Panama hat, headscarf, cap, beret) and stand in a circle. Children tell what kind of headdress they became and describe it. Educator: Let's take off our hats and play with you the game “What is what, what hat?” From chintz - chintz From silk - silk From wool - wool From leather - leather From straw - straw From fur - fur From corduroy - corduroy From rubber - rubber The teacher brings the children to the magnetic board. It presents paintings depicting people of different professions (pilot, cook, doctor, builder, molarist). Educator: Tell me, what professions are people depicted in the paintings? What kind of hats do they use, and what do they need them for? (children's answers) Educator: Children, remind me what kind of hats do sailors use? (peakless cap). Let's play the game "Sailors" (physical education lesson). I'll press two palms and float across the sea. Two palms, friends, this is my boat. I will raise my sails and sail across the blue sea. And on the stormy waves, fish swim here and there. Educator: Let's play the game “Name it kindly.” The cards show hats. Children name the item itself, the quantity, and then form a diminutive form (2 bows - 2 bows, 5 caps - 5 caps, 5 hats - 5 hats, 1 kokoshnik - 1 kokoshnik, 3 scarves - 3 scarves, etc.) Educator: A magic chest has appeared in our fairy-tale kingdom! What's in it? And in it are the headdresses of fairy-tale heroes. But they are not given to me. You must first guess the riddle about the fairy-tale hero. The grandmother loved the girl very much and gave her Little Red Riding Hood. The girl forgot her name. Well, tell me her name? (Little Red Riding Hood) My father had a strange boy, Unusual - wooden. But the father loved his son. What kind of strange little wooden man is this? On land and under water Looking for a golden key? (Pinocchio) Treats small children, Treats birds and animals. The Good Doctor (Aibolit) looks at them through his glasses. My outfit is colorful, my cap is sharp. My jokes and laughter amuse everyone! (Parsley) Educator: And Parsley has prepared caps and rattles for you all. Let's play with them! Dance of Parsley. Educator: Where have we been today? What new and interesting things did you learn? What are your most memorable moments?

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Physical exercises on the topic “Clothing” for preschoolers physical education card file

Physical exercises on the topic “Clothing” for preschoolers

Fizminutka headwear

A woolen hat, with a pom-pom at the top (they represent a hat and a pom-pom) It’s round, like a ball, and fluffy. (“round” ball) The hat also has a colored lapel, (they show the lapel of the hat) You can run in this hat in winter. (running) Grandma knitted the hat slowly, (“knitting with knitting needles”) The woolen hat came out well. (hands on the belt and then show the hat)

Physical education lesson about clothes

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai, clean up after yourself! (they walk in a circle one after another) Your hands are lazy (clap your hands) There is a belt and trousers under the table, (they squat) The shirt is not in the closet, (they “draw” a quadrangle) Nikolai is a slob. (they shake their finger and shake their head)

Physical exercise “Clothes for a doll”

Don’t cry, my doll (imitation of motion sickness) You are left alone. I can’t play with you, I need to wash (moves my fists against each other) Your dresses and socks (bend your fingers one by one) Your skirts and stockings, Sweater, mittens, jacket, Hat, colored beret, I’ll pour a little water, (imitation of pouring water ) I’ll pour the powder into a basin. (imitation with palm) I'll whip up the snow foam (circular movements with palms) I'll wash it and go (movements with fists, walking in place) While the sun is shining, (showing the sun) I'll pull the string. (palms to the sides) I’ll attach the clothes to it (moves with fingers) I’ll dry everything with the breeze. (wave your palms) Iron back and forth (iron with your right hand) I quickly iron the linen. We worked together (claps up and down) And now let’s rest. (palms under the head, “sleep”).


Here comes Moidodyr, (walking in place) I have only peace with him. (they squeeze one palm with the other) The clean shirt is hanging (raise your hands forward and lower them down) And the T-shirt in front is sewn up. (they bend their right arm at the elbow and imitate sewing) He no longer threatens with his finger, (they shake his finger, turns his head to the side) That the coat does not hang in place. (hands are raised up and down) Shorts, trousers and a robe (fingers are bent in turn) They are hanging on a hanger in the closet. (raise their hands and lower them down) Sundress, suit, vest - (bend their fingers one by one) There is no cleaner place in the wardrobe. (head raised up, head turned to the sides)

Physical exercise about shoes

We dressed our feet in new boots, (We put our socks on one by one) You walk, feet, straight along the path. (Walking in place) You walk, stomp, don’t splash in puddles, (Stomp in place) Don’t go into the mud, don’t tear your boots. (Jumping in place)

Finger gymnastics “New sneakers”.

(Bend one finger, starting with the big ones, on both hands for each name of shoe) Like our cat has boots on her feet. Like our pig has boots on his feet. Like a dog has blue slippers on his paws. And the little goat puts on felt boots. And son Vovka - New sneakers. Like this. Like this. (Palm clapping and fist bumping rhythmically)

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