Notes “Sound and letter B” outline of a literacy lesson (senior group) on the topic

Correcting pronunciation

There are many techniques that help you pronounce sounds correctly. But any workout begins with a warm-up.

  1. Preparation of the lungs. The child takes a deep breath and then forcefully releases it from his lungs. You can demonstrate the correct technique using a lit candle. It is placed on the table in such a way that the air blows out the flame during exhalation.
  2. "Swing". The baby smiles widely with his mouth open. The adult counts out loud to two. At each count, the baby moves the tip of his tongue from the right corner of his lips to the left, then vice versa. It is necessary to ensure that the lower jaw remains motionless.

  3. "Window". The mouth opens wide and stays in this position for three counts. Over time, the duration increases.
  4. “Brushing our teeth.” The baby opens his mouth and tries to smile broadly. The tip of the tongue slides over the teeth from side to side, imitating the movement of a toothbrush. Duration: 3 minutes.

  5. "Growl". A very fun exercise that children enjoy doing. They play a tiger family that growls at each other.

Organization of classes

It is worth adopting rules that will make training comfortable.

  1. Classes are conducted in a playful way. Adults can use ready-made fairy tales or invent them together with the children. Fascinating information is easily remembered, and words are pronounced reflexively.
  2. Training needs to be systematized. A clear daily routine is very important for the child’s psyche, so three times a week a certain time is set for comfortable classes. If the baby is sick or capricious, then it is better to postpone gymnastics until a more favorable period.
  3. The training time should be 10–15 minutes. You should not increase the duration, because it will be difficult for preschoolers to concentrate.
  4. It's not possible to get the right sound the first time. You need to be patient and persistent.
  5. Experts recommend preparing cards with images of animals or objects whose names contain a problematic sound. During classes, you should observe where pronunciation is more difficult: at the beginning, end or middle of a word.
  6. Exercising in front of a mirror is a great option. The little man sees not only the articulation of adults, but also his own.

Reasons for incorrect pronunciation

Deficiencies in sound pronunciation may arise due to congenital anatomical defects of the speech organs. They cause nasality, distortion of timbre, and changes in the strength of the voice. Children with reduced physiological hearing pronounce sounds incorrectly.

Children begin to talk actively after two years. Some speak willingly and clearly, while others speak little and incomprehensibly. If the doctor has not found physiological reasons for speech impairment, then defects in conversation are the fault of the parents. Either they don't talk much to the child, or their speech is too fast. The baby does not understand how to pronounce sounds correctly, so he distorts them.

Incorrect pronunciation becomes a consequence of the incorrect behavior of parents who babble and lisp with their child like a child. Over time, the baby gets used to incorrect pronunciation, so it becomes difficult to correct defects.

Speech is part of communication

A little person learns about the world with the direct participation of adults. Communication is not limited only to care; it develops as a result of the joint activities of different generations. In families where parents are overprotective of their child, there is a lack of verbal communication.

The correct parenting tactic is to encourage the baby to express his desires using words. This is how active speech develops and understanding of the conversation improves.

Parents must communicate in correct and clear language not only among themselves, but also with the child. Then he will not lag behind in speech development. The passive attitude of the older generation towards the formation of conversational skills contributes to a delay in the overall development of their offspring.

Children with diction defects are often embarrassed to speak, refuse to pronounce complex words, become capricious, and are reluctant to attend school.

Continue the sentence

What is my name, tell me. I often hide in the rye, a modest wildflower, blue-eyed... (cornflower). It takes off skyward without acceleration. Reminds me of a dragonfly. Our Soviet... (helicopter) takes flight

In front of the house on Sadovaya Seli we boarded a new trolleybus. From the open window All Sadovaya... (visible).

It’s my birthday - They gave me a horse. What a wonderful one! Blue-blue. You need to drive carefully, you can hold on to the horns. It's just a pity - there is no mane... What kind of horse? … (Bike.)

If your hands are stained with wax, If there are blots on your nose, Who then is our first friend: Will he remove the dirt from his face and hands? What is it that mom can’t cook or do laundry without? Without what, let's face it, should a person die? So that rain pours from the sky, So that ears of bread grow, So that ships sail, - We cannot live without... (water)

Always helps out a dirty person... (water).

- I don’t understand, guys, who are you? Birders? Fishermen? What kind of net is there in the yard? - If you didn’t interfere with the game, you’d better move away. We play... (volleyball).

I catch bugs all day, I eat worms. I don’t fly away to a warm land, I live here, under the roof. Tick-tweet! Don't be timid! I am experienced... (sparrow).

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