Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “The House and Its Parts”

Lesson with presentation “The house where I live”

Presentation “The house where I live”

(you can go to): link.

1. Look at your home with your child. Answer the questions:

  • How many floors are there in your house?
  • What can it be called?
  • What floor do you live on?
  • Who builds houses? (Builders build houses.)
  • Who paints them? (Painters paint them.)

2. Count the floors in the houses. Tell me how many floors there are in each house. A house with one floor is called one-story

. What do we call a house in which there are two floors - ... (3 floors, 7 floors, 12 floors, many floors)?

3. Tell me the name of a house made of bricks - ... (brick house)

(what a child cannot name is worth learning!)


: concrete, wood, block, stone.

4. The roofs of houses are also made of different materials. - Iron roof - ... (iron roof). Tell me, which roof is made of tiles -..., metal -...?

5. Secure parts of the house. Name the parts of the house in the plural and with the word “many” according to the example: foundation - foundations - many foundations


: wall, window, balcony, roof, attic, stairs, floor, apartment, landing, basement, elevator.

6. Learn your address with your child and write it down.

7. Draw your house and, based on your drawing, write a story about it. For example: “The house is tall, nine stories, five entrances, red, block house with a gray foundation and a green roof.”

8. Complete the sentence with a suitable word - action:

  • Lena walked down the street, across the road... (crossed)
  • Lena came to the house... (approached)
  • She went around the corner of the house... (went)
    , from behind the house...
    (went out)
    , around the house...
    (walked around)
    , and into the entrance...
    , and then from the entrance...
    went out)
    , along the sidewalk to the store...

9. Look at your apartment with your child. Show and name what you see in the apartment.

(Hallway, rooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.)

10. Look and say what is in each room. (Floor, walls, ceiling, window, door.)

11. The apartment has three rooms - this is a three-room apartment

. What do you call an apartment if it has one (2, 4, 5) room(s)?

12. The apartment has a children's room, living room, bedroom, hallway. Think and tell me why these rooms are called that. (This is the hallway because people come here from the street.)

Etc. Think and list what furniture you will put in what room (room).

13. Change the word “wardrobe” (wardrobe)

in accordance with the text of the proposals. Repeat each sentence.

  • In the bedroom there is a large...
  • There is no big...
  • The hallway also has a large...
  • I approached a big...
  • I hung my clothes in a large...
  • I took out underwear from a large...
  • I admire the big...
  • I told you about a big...

14. Color the drawing

Speech therapy session using LEGO construction “The House We Live In”

Branch No. 1 of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Pervomayskaya Secondary School” in the village of Zavodskoy

Pervomaisky district, Tambov region

Speech therapy session using LEGO construction

"The House We Live In"

Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist

Poroshina Olga Anatolyevna


Explanatory note


Creating something whole from individual elements: houses, cars, bridges, that is, designing is one of the favorite childhood hobbies. Using the constructor, the child develops fine motor skills. By assembling a product, he learns independence and purposefulness in his work. With the advent of new technologies, the range of children's construction toys has expanded, which involves different grip of parts. The most traditional are block construction sets made of plastic. Among them, the most famous is the Lego construction set, the resulting buildings are distinguished by their strength and stability, since the parts are firmly fastened together. Large-sized parts have been developed for children, and smaller ones for older children. I would like to bring to your attention a summary of a speech therapy lesson using the Lego constructor.

Speech therapy session using LEGO construction

"The House We Live In"


to form children’s generalized ideas about buildings using LEGO construction technologies, to stimulate cognitive interest in LEGO® bricks and available materials



develop observation, initiative, artistic taste in the implementation of construction plans;

develop HMF: voluntary attention, memory, logical thinking, visual perception, creative imagination, speech activity, general and fine motor skills;

promote the formation of independent cognitive activity


expand the knowledge and useful skills of preschoolers through practice-oriented learning;

expand ideas about the diversity of the subject environment;

understand the spatial relationships between objects in reality, in the drawing and on the plan;

learn how to independently select the right building material;

teach to carefully examine samples, notice their characteristic features, variety of proportions, designs;

encourage children to perform various types of speech and thinking activities in the process of educational work;

to form full-fledged ideas about the sound composition of a word;

teach the assimilation of the meanings of words, the expansion of the system of connections behind them

learn how to build in a coordinated manner


satisfy children's need for decorative design of structures;

arouse in children an emotional attitude towards the building;

cultivate the ability to work collectively, to combine their crafts in accordance with a common plan;

satisfy children's need for decorative design of structures;

cultivate responsiveness and empathy;

continue to internalize the norms and values ​​accepted in society.

Methods and techniques:

1. Visual: demonstration of visual material.

2. Verbal: teacher’s story, cognitive conversation.

3. Practical: modeling for the formation and consolidation of knowledge.

Forms of organization of activities:

subgroup lesson

Age audience:

A speech therapy lesson using LEGO construction on the topic “The House We Live In” is part of a system of correctional classes conducted with children 6-7 years old.

Materials and equipment:

Projector, computer, multimedia board, audio player, electronic teaching aid (Appendix to the notes), flash drive with the “Picture Designer 2” program, LEGO® construction sets.

Preliminary work:

acquaintance with the poem by S.Ya. Marshak “The House That Jack Built”, watching the animated film “Three from Prostokvashino”, listening to the songs “I want to build a house”, “And I have a house!”, “Magic House”, learning the game “The Deer Has a Big House”

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

Teacher-speech therapist: Hello, guys! Let's start our interesting lesson. You will learn the topic of the lesson by looking at the slides.

Children's answers.

Teacher speech therapist:

— That’s right, guys, today we’ll talk to you about the house in which we live.

I. Conversation “City, country house, its structure.”

What is the difference between houses built in the city and outside the city?

Children's answers.

II.Development of fine motor skills

Exercise “Hello, finger”

Goal: development of dynamic organization of finger movements.

Place your elbows on the table. Press the pads of your fingers alternately against the pads of the remaining fingers. The exercise is performed at the expense of the speech therapist (slow or fast) with the fingers of either the right or left hand and simultaneously with the fingers of both hands. You can accompany your actions with the words:

Hello, little finger,

Hello, nameless,

Hello middle one,

Hello, index finger,

Hello, big one.

Speech therapist teacher: Guys, put your fingers together. What did you get? What does it look like?

Children's answers: On the roof of the house.

III . Lexico-grammatical games

Game "What are they doing"

Teacher - speech therapist: Guys, let's select action words for the word house.

Children's answers: built, repaired, painted, loved, protected, decorated, dressed up, etc.

Making proposals:

Children's answers: Workers are building a house. Painters are painting the building. People love and take care of their home.

Game "I'm in the house"

Teacher - speech therapist: Guys, let's select words-objects for the word house that are similar in meaning.

Children's answers: house - building - structure - construction - new building

Teacher-speech therapist: Guys, let's choose words-signs for the word house.

homework, house slippers, homework, pet

Game "House, what are you with?"

The teacher-speech therapist shows parts of the house, and the children tell:

Children's answers: My house has a ceiling. Our house with a roof. Your house has walls. Your house with doors. My house with floors. Our house with rooms. Your house with windows. Your home with balconies. My house has elevators. Our house with entrances.

Game "House, what are you?"
using a flash drive with the program “Image Constructor 2”

The speech therapist teacher shows a geometric shape and asks the children: “Do you like to build houses? Can you do that? What parts of each type were needed for all these buildings?”

Children's answers: The first house has a triangular roof, red, a square wall, green, two oval windows, white, etc.

IV . Physical education minute

Speech therapist teacher: We’re tired of sitting, let’s do some exercises.

Ding-dong, ding-dong - Tilts from side to side, hands on the belt.

The gnomes are building a new house. Fist to fist.

They paint the walls, the roof, the floor, with our hands, as if with brushes, we “paint” from the side, at the top,

at the bottom.

They clean everything up. “Sweep” with a broom.

We will come to visit them. Steps in place.

And we'll bring gifts. Extend your arms forward, palms up.

Place a soft path on the floor, bend forward, and “lay” the path with your hands.

Spreading it to the threshold. Step back.

Two pillows on the sofa, put your hands palms together - first under one

cheek, then under the other.

Linden jug of honey. Round your arms and extend them in front of you.

V. A game form of individual work on cut-out alphabets.

Speech therapist teacher: Now, guys, we will build. Everyone is given the task of “constructing” words from letters:






Speech therapist teacher: Who will live in the house with you? The task is to make up the words:




Speech therapist teacher: The house is cozy, bright and clean. And on Saturdays the whole family gets together to relax. How does your family relax? Children's answers.

VI . Development of coherent speech

The story “How did the house appear?”

Goal: Learn to use nouns in the genitive plural.

One fine sunny day a house appeared on the street. At first it was a one-story house, a small house, then it began to grow, grow and turn first into a two-story house, and then into a three-story, five-story..., ten-story..., twenty-five-story. And it no longer became a house, but turned into a multi-story building, a house!

- Who helped him with this, guys? Children's answers.

— That’s right, he was able to reach such unprecedented heights thanks to the work of builders. And now there is a lot of everything in it. Let's remember what is in the big house.

Children's answers: Many floors, many windows, many stairs, many entrances, many doors, many elevators, many steps, many rooms, many ceilings, walls and floors, many balconies.

That's right, guys, in a big house there are a lot of apartments, that's why it's called an apartment building. A family lives in the apartment: dad, mom and children, and with them their pets: cat, dog or other animals. They go to visit their grandparents. It is comfortable, fun and friendly for them to live in such a house.

Children retell the text.

Speech therapist teacher: How do you understand the meaning of this proverb “A man’s labor feeds him”?

If there is difficulty with an answer, the speech therapist teacher explains its meaning.

VII . Performing design work using a flash drive with the program “Picture Constructor 2”

Speech therapist teacher: Guys, create your own structures from LEGO® bricks

Speech therapist teacher: Well done, guys! Here are the various parts needed to build a house. Children lay out the LEGO® construction set and come up with the purpose of each piece.

Speech therapist teacher: Funny little people will help us build a house.

During the work it becomes clear:

-What parts is the façade made of?

-Where should you start building? What kind of foundation could a house have?

Children's answers: Square, rectangular, with different lengths of sides.

VIII . Summarizing. Reflection.

Speech therapist teacher: Guys, you completed the task. The houses you made are wonderful! Well done!

Cheburashka's speech: “We built, built, and finally built! Hooray!"


Tell me, what house do we live in?

Children's answers.

Speech therapist teacher: Correct. We live in a cozy, clean, bright house. Your participation in this is also important. Let us wish that peace and friendship reign in every home, in every city and village of our great country.

Sources: %D0%B1%D0%B0&lr=13&rpt=simage&source=qa

Three from ProstokvashinoCartoon, 1978

E. Zheleznova Song “I want to build a house” 20%D1%85%D0%BE%D1%87%D1%83%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1% 82%D1%8C%20%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC&clid=2186621&lr=13&redircnt=1570133864.1#/videowiz?filmId=2269799626826551354

Song “And I have a house!” %80%D0%BE%20%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5&clid =2186621&lr=13&redircnt=1570134130.1#/videowiz?filmId=6369684080898329283

Song “Magic House” %BE%20%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5&clid=2186621&lr=13&redircnt =1570134130.1#/videowiz?filmId=12128482916243251449

Game “The deer has a big house” %D0%BE%20%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5&clid=2186621&lr =13&redircnt=1570134130.1#/videowiz?filmId=12128482916243251449


1.Golubeva G.G. Correction of violations of the phonetic aspect of speech in preschool children.-St. Petersburg, Publishing house. Union, 2000

2. Komarova L.G. “We build with LEGOs. Modeling logical relationships and real-world objects using LEGO construction kits.” M. "Linka-Press". 2001

3. Kutsakova L.V. "Classes on design and manual labor in kindergarten." M. “Enlightenment”. 2000

4. Samuel Marshak. The house that Jack built

5. Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 6-7 years old with general speech underdevelopment: A manual for speech therapists, defectologists and educators. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2007

6. Feshina E.V. Lego construction in kindergarten. Federal State Educational Standards DO Sphere 2019

Thank you for your attention!

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