Wild and domestic animals for children: pictures with names and videos

A picture is an image of one or more objects that are interconnected in meaning. It serves as an excellent visual aid that promotes better assimilation and perception of the material being studied. Educational pictures are especially important for teaching children, helping them improve their visual memory. Therefore, if you want to convey some important information to your child, then be sure to show him children’s pictures or photos on this topic. In this way, he will perceive everything you tell him about much more effectively. This way you will significantly expand your baby’s inner world.


For example, beautiful pictures and photos of animals for children introduce them to the many species that exist in nature. You probably won’t meet a single child who has never seen a cat or a dog. By the way, they can live not only on the street by themselves, but also at home. It is pets that become our helpers and best friends. You can watch online or download and print beautiful cards showing pets on our website.

A dog is considered a man's best friend. Basically, a family living in a small apartment gets dogs of decorative breeds (lapdogs, poodles) because they get along well with their owners and are easy to care for. Children's pictures of animals allow you to get acquainted with some of these breeds and study the world of dogs in more detail.

For people living in the private sector, it is preferable to have service and guard dogs for the purpose of protecting private property, including home. Color photos of such dogs can also be viewed on our website.

As for cats, there are no particular breed preferences for catching mice. The main thing here is that they cope well with their responsibilities. And our smaller friends of the Persian or Angora breed are perfect as a pet. In general, dogs and cats are pets that instill in children a sense of kindness, caring for someone else, and bring peace and tranquility to the home.

The world of pets is not limited to just cats and dogs. Children of kindergarten age should be introduced to other pets living in Russia: pigs, goats, cows, horses, rams. All of them are very necessary for a person. If you do not have the opportunity to show the children these animals live, use beautiful black and white and color pictures showing pets.

Flashcards “Pets with names” can be downloaded here.

Pictures “Animals” for children

Gavrilov Pavel Leonidovich June 6, 2021 20:24

============A============= It soars over the ocean, It can circle for days, Even a storm with a hurricane This bird is not afraid! Who is this, the question came up? Well, of course, ALBATROSS! ============B============= Not such a simpleton This bull is a big guy. He is big and very strong, and horned, by the way. And his name is BISON, there is no reason to butt heads with him! ============В============= People run to escape from him, He doesn’t want to know anyone, Howls at the moon at night, Bares his teeth, plots intrigues... Hide, squirrels and bunnies, the WOLF will play hide and seek with you... ============G============== He is not a lion, not a leopard, But in fact It's a cat... But it's a hundred times faster. Its legs are faster. Running is his strong point and – start! This is what CHEETAH is famous for. ============D============ Not an echidna or a hedgehog, Multiply the size three times... He is just as “touchy”, It’s better for you not to touch him. A piece of Porcupine needles will immediately be left on your hands. ============E============ This young lady is prickly like a hedgehog, She has two pairs of legs like a hedgehog, But he is not at all suitable for a bride... She loves him very much rummage in the anthill. She’s not at all ashamed that she has no teeth... ECHIDNA wouldn’t be such a viper! ============Ё============== Small fish With a comb on the back - A cat grabs it with its claws, And the ruff, alas, is in the picture. Lucky fish - Outwitted the cat! ============F============= Fat, nasty, Found in swamps, Uncharismatic, But thinks she’s a fashionista... All day long she shows off on the edge of a pothole And cackles, sulking... What a TOAD! ============З============= Either the fox scolds him, Then he is not nice to the gray one, What prevents them from becoming friends, Why didn’t the scythe please him? And the answer is already clear - a BUNNY is not a friend for a couple! ============And============= He is beautiful and well tailored, Important! With branches-horns. And among the deer there is a warrior, Walking in circles in the meadow. The Manchurian Man is waiting for an opponent... Whoever pushes him out of the circle will become the main one in the herd - the Leader, my dear friend! =============K ============= Who lives in a chicken coop, lays good eggs and cackles endlessly? This is our CHICKEN! This, in fact, is not new - Milk is good for us! And the COW gives it, and not your kitchen tap... Drink, children, for your health Only fresh, cow stuff! =============L============= Sometimes there are nests on the windows, Her flight is swift, All her movements are fast, Her tail is fork-shaped, her wings are sharp... For It's May through the window... Spring is coming! We are waiting for the SWALLOWS to arrive! =============M============= Nice little brave man - Agile, just great! He is not afraid of rattlesnakes and is ready to fight anyone - A huge plus for him... His friend's name is MONGOOSE. =============Н============= He is in the family of monkeys He wears a small flaw - His big awkward nose - As if a banana had grown there. But NOSACH is happy with his nose... The rest is in question?! =============O============= He can be very stubborn, He will get up and won’t budge. This is a DONKEY, by the way, Sadness lives next to him. Apparently, it’s not sweet for the donkey, That he was not born as a horse. =============P============= Like a bright picture - A PEACOCK has a rainbow tail. Either he will trample imposingly, or he will walk importantly through the garden. He will surprise you from all sides with his complicated clothes. =============Р============= CANCER walks along the bottom of the sea, Crayfish saw its prey and received such a gift. From the bottom of my heart I am incredibly happy. He's ready to catch her! Start, throw... Grab with a claw! =============С============= Someone can’t sleep at night in the forest, Who sees how it is during the day even on dark nights, Who protects the animals’ sleep and birds - Bunnies, crows, sparrows, foxes... It’s easy to recognize her by her signs - it’s an OWL, kids! Are you satisfied with the answer? =============T============= It is reputed to be cautious, In the summer it lurks in the bushes, And in the winter, this rare bird lives under the snow. But just then, I’m ready to “sneak away”, Taking off casually. This is Black Grouse, kids, read books about him. =============U============= Who is the one with the duck nose, are you familiar with the platypus? He's pretty cute and a pretty decent swimmer. Lives by the pond, Digs holes without difficulty For housing and for offspring, Builds where there is more sun! =============F============ On the ground, I’ll say it seriously, Clumsy - neither this way nor that... But he flies masterfully, He’s a master at robberies; Taking the spoils from others has become a habit for him. Here's a sea pirate with a pink breast FRIGATE! =============Х============= Its color changes to match Many times a CHAMELEON, He has pinwheel eyes... From the tail to the top of the head, he will notice everything around , And at the same time, a mosquito... It will lick off the sticky tongue - What an accident! =============C============= She is from those places where it is very hot - She lives in distant Africa. Like chickens, the GUINEA FAR lays a domestic egg. And the boobies love to cackle, They are kindred spirits, after all. =============Ч============= Everyone knows this bird - I’ve seen it once, or even twice... Who circles under the blue sky And makes friends with the sea wave ? Come on, memory, help me out... You guessed it - it's a SEAGULL! =============Ш============= This folded little dog is a very nice cute dog! Like a soft toy And such a handsome guy, darling... Let me snuggle up to you, SHARPEIKA Let me cuddle a little. =============Ш============= He is the size of a sparrow (He is almost related to him), But the little one sings brighter, His clothes are more beautiful. Call the forest bird GORGIN For a colorful shirt! =============E============== The Airedale Terrier dog has a pleasant premiere - Even if there are only six lines, But there is a piece about him. He is happy about such a thing - At least briefly, but in moderation! =============I============== JAGUAR is a big pussy, Be careful not to come close, Get out of his way, This cat is very strict. He has a grip of steel... Know, kids, for order Pavel-Gavroche

Black and white pictures

Educational pictures about animals for kindergarten children with inscriptions allow you to study the inhabitants of the tundra - the north of Russia. Black-and-white or color cards with tundra animals introduce children to representatives of the fauna that they may never see in person. Children's pictures with the inhabitants of the tundra can help parents and educators in studying the topic “Wild Animals”. The north of our country - the tundra - is characterized by harsh nature, and children in kindergarten or school must know about how they eat and what kind of lifestyle the inhabitants of these regions lead.

Forest animals are also presented on our website. Forest inhabitants are not limited to the geography of the north of the country. Forest animals live in the middle zone, and even in the south.

We present pictures and photos of African animals. Educational pictures with the inhabitants of Africa will also allow you to get acquainted with representatives of the fauna, which your child will rarely or will not see in person. Africa is characterized by a hot, arid climate. The task of the teacher or parent is to tell what they eat and how lions, rhinoceroses, tigers, camels and other animals of distant Africa live.

Believe me, if you show your child black-and-white or color pictures of Russian animals as a visual aid, he will understand and remember any information presented to him much faster. Listen to this recommendation, and the result will not take long to arrive. You will soon see this for yourself.

So, you can find children's pictures with pets, inhabitants of the tundra, forest and Africa on our website. Introduce children to the natural environment and teach them to take care of it!

Reading in warehouses “Wild Animals” according to Zaitsev’s method

Reading by folds differs from reading by syllables, since folds divide the word into more parts. For example, in terms of syllables, the word “crocodile” - kro-ko-dil - has 3 syllables. And for warehouses k-ro-ko-di-l - 5 warehouses. Dividing a word into words when teaching reading is very effective, which is why Zaitsev’s method has been very popular all over the world for many years, without losing its relevance and usefulness over the years for teaching preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

You can download warehouse cards “WILD ANIMALS” in the attachments at the bottom of the page

Penguin applique master class

Children love not only animals from hot countries or pets, but also residents of the north. Children in the middle groups of kindergartens will enjoy the master class on making a paper penguin. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  • cut out a black oval for the body;
  • cut out a smaller white oval for the tummy;
  • cut out black triangular wings, brown triangular flippers and a yellow triangular beak;
  • Glue all the parts onto the base.

The cheerful little penguin is ready.

Animal appliqué develops children's creative abilities and perseverance. There are a lot of photos and templates on the Internet on the topic of children's applications with animals.

Materials for children's activities

For classes in a kindergarten group, materials must be prepared in advance. For the application you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • templates;
  • scissors.

Templates depicting animal figures must be prepared in advance. For kids you need to choose simpler figures, for older groups - more complex ones.

Syllables for reading – Cards with pictures – Download and print

Before starting classes, ask if your child knows well which of the 12 animals are domestic and which are wild, where these animals live and what they eat. If you have already downloaded syllables for reading - cards with birds, mix a few pictures with birds with the animals and see if the child pays attention to it. Having previously cut the cards into pieces, ask the child to assemble each animal from these parts.

Start learning to read using cards, initially choosing pictures in which the names of animals are assembled from simple syllables consisting of only two sounds, gradually moving on to studying more complex ones, including hissing and voiceless consonants. When pronouncing how a particular syllable is read correctly, draw the child’s attention to its writing by running your finger over the syllable - this is necessary in order to simultaneously engage the baby’s visual and auditory perception.

Here you will find syllables for reading - Cards with the following animal names: squirrel, hippopotamus, hare, zebra, cow, kitten, crocodile, rhinoceros, fox, sheep, dog, turtle.

At the initial stage of learning, carefully monitor whether the child correctly repeats the pronunciation of syllables after you, correct if you hear that the child is making mistakes in order to prevent the formation of an erroneous understanding of sounds and syllables. Gradually complicate the tasks by giving all kinds of your own examples, or downloading additional cards with pictures and syllables.

You can download syllables for reading - Cards with animal names in pictures in the attachments at the bottom of the page

Always remember that your child should not be bored while learning: try to diversify your activities as much as possible, supplementing them with games, funny tasks, reading poetry, and mathematical calculations.

Reading by syllables “Animals”:

Napkin applications

This application is very useful for children, as it strengthens fine motor skills. The napkins are first torn into small pieces by hand, and then balls are rolled out of these pieces. The balls are glued to the base of the animal image. Today, napkins are available in a variety of colors and designs. Therefore, children's animal applications can turn out to be very interesting and colorful.

Paper animal applications

A colored picture of a domestic or wild animal should be cut into several parts and the kids should be asked to assemble it like a puzzle and stick it on a sheet of white paper.

An older child can be given a black and white drawing of an animal so that he can color it himself, cut it into pieces, and then assemble and paste it. The applique turns out even more interesting if the children are given cut out parts of the animal - the body, head, paws and tail. The child himself shows creativity and assembles his own unique applique.


Cut out the details of the cat: round head, oval body and legs, long tail, ears from ¼ circle. Invite children to assemble a picture from a set of parts, and then color the cat.


The body, legs, head, tail, ears and details of the face are cut out of colored paper: nose, snout, eyes. The children themselves must collect the pig and stick it on a piece of paper. In the older group, you can complicate the task, for example, make the tail voluminous.


Young children are given animal parts to stick on. Older children can cut out a few cows themselves and stick them on a green piece of paper to create a grazing herd. You can draw part of the craft.


It is interesting to assemble appliques of foxes and other wild animals from geometric shapes. The head and ears can be triangular, the tail, body and paws can be oval. The face can be drawn with a felt-tip pen.

Cotton wool applications

Cotton wool is a very convenient material for application. First you need to give the children the base - the outline of the animal drawn on a piece of paper. Pieces of cotton wool need to be glued to the “shaggy” parts of the animal: the body, the head. And cut out the remaining parts from paper and glue them. The results are very cute and life-like animals.

The cotton wool can be glued simply in pieces, or in rolled balls. For example, a lamb looks natural when the wool is glued on it with balls. The picture looks three-dimensional. You can even paint the cotton wool with paints, and then you will get a real children's masterpiece.

Applications from other available materials

Sometimes the most unexpected materials are suitable for applique animals. For example, to imitate the wool of a lamb, you can stick pasta “horns” on paper, and it will look like it’s alive. Rabbit skin can be made from white or gray threads. You just need to choose thicker threads, for example wool.

To make an applique of a hedgehog, it is appropriate to make its body from buckwheat glued to paper. And the body of a chicken or a bear is made of millet.

A very convenient material for applique animals is plasticine. It is easy to process, painted in different colors, and it is also a favorite material for children for various crafts. Small pieces of plasticine are simply kneaded in your hands and applied to the base drawing for applique until the entire picture of the animal is painted in the desired color. This results in a 3D effect.

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