Summary of educational activities for cognitive development with children of the preparatory group “Types of transport”

Summary of educational activities for cognitive development with children of the preparatory group “Types of transport”

GCD in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution.
Preparatory group Program objectives: 1. Develop knowledge about transport, its types 2. Develop children’s ability to distinguish between land, air and water transport.
3. Develop mental activity and attention. 5. Cultivate cognitive interest Progress:
Organizational moment. Guys, before we start our lesson, I want to invite you to solve riddles . 1. This horse does not eat oats, instead of legs there are two wheels. Sit on horseback and race on it, but it’s better to steer. (Bicycle) 2. A wonderful long house, There are many passengers in it. Wears shoes made of rubber And eats gasoline... (Bus) 3. Doesn't fly, but buzzes, A beetle runs down the street. And two brilliant lights burn in the beetle’s eyes. (Car) 4. Amazing carriage! Judge for yourself: The rails are in the air, and he holds them with his hands. (Trolleybus) 5. Well, my friend, guess, Only this is not a tram. A line of huts quickly rushes into the distance along the rails. (Train) 6. The giant lifts a lot of cargo to the clouds. Where he stands, then a new house grows. (Crane) 7. Without accelerating, it takes off high, Reminds me of a dragonfly, Sets off on a high-speed flight... (Helicopter) 8. Here is a steel bird, It strives for the skies, And its pilot leads it. What kind of bird? (Airplane) Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Now call it all in one word / Transport
Correctly, the topic of our lesson today is “Transport”
Conversation “Types of Transport” Transport can be different not only in appearance, but also in purpose, and also in the place of movement. What kind of transport do you think is called air transport? / Children's answers
Air transport is transport that moves through the air.
Name air transport / Plane, helicopter, parachute, airship, airplane, hot air balloon.

Air transport is the fastest mode of transport.
Air transport is mainly used for passenger transportation over distances of over a thousand kilometers. Freight transport is also carried out, but their share is very low. Most often, perishable products and especially valuable cargo, as well as mail, are transported by air. What kind of transport is called water transport? / Children's answers
Water transport is transport that moves on water. Name water transport. / Submarine, ship, kayak, boat, raft

Water transport is distinguished by its ability to transport very large loads.
Water transport is vital where land transportation is impossible: between continents, islands, and in poorly developed areas. The speed of water transport is relatively low, so at present it is almost never used for passenger transport. What kind of transport is called ground transport? / Children's answers
Ground transport is transport that moves on the ground. Name ground transport / Children's answers Ground transport is divided into different types of transport: trackless, road, railway

This is the most common type of transport. They use ground transport for various needs. For example, a passenger car for traveling short distances. Trains, trams, trolleybuses, electric trains are needed to transport passengers and are called public transport. Various dump trucks, trucks and Kamaz trucks are called freight transport, as they are used to transport goods. Motorcycles and bicycles are called two-wheelers and are used to travel around the area. There is also special transport, it is used by people of different professions. Such vehicles include an ambulance, a police car, a tractor, a fire truck, a garbage truck, a combine harvester, etc.

We got acquainted with different types of transport.
Now let’s see how well you can distinguish between air, water, and land transport. Didactic game "Fourth odd"

Great! Well done! Now I want to give you some homework. The teacher distributes road signs to the children.

For your next lesson, be prepared to talk about these road signs. The topic of our next lesson is “Road Safety”.

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Thematic lesson Transport for 1.5-2 years

I think thematic weeks for kids can be held from about 1.5 years old. I matured into some semblance of thematic activities for my youngest son when he was 1.7 years old. I wrote about the first weeks here: animals>>, birds>>. I conduct classes mainly on existing toys, no printouts or assignments on sheets, and use a computer as little as possible. And this is usually enough. For this age.

Today's topic is transport

Honestly, if I have a thematic lesson in mind in the morning or even the day before, I don’t prepare at all. Therefore, half of the games and tasks are born spontaneously, and as the day progresses, I am surprised at how many toys “in the theme of the day” we actually have.

So, the following toys were found for transport:

  • Garage with cars and other toy vehicles.
  • Lego Duplo set with bases for creating cars and trains.
  • Cards depicting transport and “its habitats”.
  • 2 encyclopedia books with double-page spreads and transport. One narrated book.
  • Toy railroad and racing car track
  • Textile rug with roads.
  • Children's transport available in the house: balance bikes, bicycle, bibicar.

The purpose of the lesson was to generalize the concept of “transport”, expand vocabulary, play and have fun.

We started from the garage. The child’s gender interest in cars and other mechanisms has already fully awakened.

Therefore, we looked at all the floors, who lived where, and told the child those types of equipment that he did not yet know. Then they took out pictures and encyclopedia books. There was no need to persuade him here either, these are his favorite books. Then we examined and talked (to my mother, of course) about everything that was drawn there, and the types of transport we had in the form of toys were combined with the book, arranged in illustrations.

Then they took out a rug with roads. I know many people have carpets like this in their children's rooms. And we have a handmade rug. If there was an older child, you could tell the rules of movement. And we were just driving cars.

The next task is similar to the previous one. They gave us a set of large cards, where on one side there is some type of transport, on the other there is a road, sea, sky - the environment where it moves. We started arranging the toys again. What's flying in the sky? What travels by rail?

They took out another rug, with the sea. They launched a couple of boats there with dinosaurs, because this is a favorite theme since visiting the dino park.

One of my favorite pastimes is to roll cars down the slide. We have a track slide from the Early Start sports complex, but we could have taken anything long and flat, even an ironing board, even a kitchen board, even cardboard. Let's see what rolls better, what's faster, what's further.

Car racing. They are all different sizes, have an inertia mechanism or not, and some have wheels that don’t rotate well. In general, we arranged races for pairs of cars, seeing which one would go further. This is such an open experiment without explanation. I let the child draw his own conclusions. Someday he will.

There is a special electronic game with racing cars. They didn’t turn it on, they just drove the cars around the track.

In the afternoon, the eldest daughter joined the game. Once upon a time, she and I made a model of a city from masking tape. She decided to repeat the experiment and made a road network for her brother entirely on her own.

He wasn’t very keen on the idea, but his daughter clearly enjoyed the creation process. Well, you’ve already seen, we have places to race without these tape tracks.

With her help, the railway was assembled. It has a lot of details that allow you to study the structure of the railway: rails, bridge, switches, signs, barriers, loader.

Then we turned to larger vehicles - the ones that the children themselves use. Bicycles, balance bikes. We remembered that we still have things at home that we can ride on: a scooter, dad’s car. Are roller skates transport or not? Balance bikes are the theme of the season, not just the day. After the snow melts, we only walk on them.

Coincidentally, it was at this time that I took out the stroller to attach it. The children have their own way, and now they ride each other around the house in it.

The creative task involved attaching plasticine wheels to a paper template cut out on the fly, as well as getting to know stencils. A child of 1.8 is still a long way from drawing with a stencil, but we tried it, we have one with cars.

In the evening we had a thematic design session. We have such a Lego Duplo set, just for assembling different cars. And train platforms. So they collected various special equipment, cars of different colors and purposes, planes, trains and boats.

The last fun before bed was in a large box, the children climbed into the cube one by one, pretending that it was either a car or a balloon basket.

By the end of the day, I remembered that I had a “Transport” poster of my own production.

For older children, it is easy to incorporate counting, sorting, reading, and crafts into such games. And also use board games, activity books, themed issues and coloring books.

As you can see, it is quite possible to conduct a thematic lesson using toys alone.

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