GCD in the senior group on the topic “Signs of Autumn” outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic

Autumn changes in nature: Pexels Autumn is a period of important changes in living and inanimate nature. Changing weather conditions and temperatures affect trees, plants, birds and animals. What phenomena occur in autumn and how does this affect the world around us? The authors of popular books about nature share interesting facts.

Autumn is also greeted by clothes

Over the summer, children get used to not being forced to wear a hat or jacket. Unless you have to dress warmer for a few days during cold weather. But they know that the time will come when they can run to the river in shorts again.

One day, the parents put on rubber boots, a hat and a jacket for the child. Signs of autumn can be seen even in outerwear. The child may not understand why he is being tortured so much. Not all children like to be warmly dressed, because they do not understand that it is cold outside and autumn has come.

It's time to tell your child about the signs of autumn. For children, so that they don’t get offended or sad, it’s enough to show them a lot of interesting things on the street while walking. It is clear that in September there are not many signs of autumn yet, many trees are still green, so it is best to talk about migratory birds, for example. It is advisable for an adult to remember his childhood; probably, as a child, he calmed down when he saw his friend also in a warm jacket and hat. It is important to give girls a bright umbrella.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in summer: description of observations

Using the textbook “The World Around us,” children starting from the second grade can become familiar with various anomalies and changes in the environment. All these changes change smoothly along with the seasons of the year, which is why they are often called seasonal.

The main objects and phenomena that can be encountered in the summer are:

  • Hot weather
  • Strong gusts of warm wind
  • Rains, after which you can collect mushrooms
  • Thunder is a sound phenomenon that is often accompanied by lightning
  • hail
  • After the rain a rainbow appears
  • In the morning you can observe such a phenomenon as dew.
  • The plants are dressed in green petals, there is a scent of flowers, and the fruits are ripening
  • You can hear birds singing, bees buzzing and crickets ringing
  • The day is longer than the night and you can watch the beautiful stars through the clear and clear sky.

Beautiful nature
Each season of the year is unique and beautiful in its own way:

  • In autumn, all nature, plants, animals and people prepare for the cold. Trees turn yellow and shed their leaves, animals make provisions for the winter, change color, and some are preparing for hibernation. Birds fly to warmer climes, and insects hide. People take out warm clothes and umbrellas, collect ripe fruits and wait for frost.
  • Winter is the time for snow-white fairy tales and fun games in the snow. The entire surface of the earth is covered with a thick layer of snow and ice. With the beginning of winter, children and adults are looking forward to the New Year holidays.
  • In spring, the earth wakes up from its winter sleep, everything around blossoms, and a fresh aroma soars in the air. Birds return, animals also change their coats and crawl out of their burrows and continue their offspring. You can already find insects, birds and midges. And people are slowly planting vegetable gardens and orchards and preparing for the hot summer.
  • Summer is my favorite time of year, because... The long-awaited vacation begins. Finally, you can enjoy warm days, soak up the sun and swim in the sea. Already at the beginning of summer you can savor delicious berries and fruits. In the summer you can pick mushrooms, go to the forest to pick flowers and relax in the fresh air.

Where did the sun go? Was he eaten by clouds?

The kids will probably notice that the sun has begun to appear less often. And when the weather is clear, it does not warm as much as in summer. What are the signs of autumn in living and inanimate nature? They are in the changing weather. In summer there is often sunshine, which makes it hot or warm outside. With the onset of autumn, the sky becomes cloudy and it often rains. It's rare to have clear weather all day. Strong gusts of wind blow leaves from trees. In September it is still relatively warm; there is even Indian summer in the middle of the month, when you can enjoy warm days. Children should be told that this period is not for long, summer is over, it’s just sometimes warm.

It is advisable to monitor the weather forecast. Often the lesson “Signs of Autumn” involves the behavior of inanimate nature during a given period. From time to time the sun appears and then disappears. Light snow or hail is possible in October. Fogs are not uncommon this month. In November you can see snow, it looks like winter, but can melt quickly. It’s not that cold outside yet, the temperature is above zero, so the snow melts quickly if it fell at night. It will rain during the day. In autumn, it is better to carry an umbrella or put on a raincoat.

Winter signs of winter in living and inanimate nature: list

In anticipation of the New Year, many children know that the luxurious time of year has arrived - winter. Gifts, holidays and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are not all indicators that winter has come. Of course, it comes a month earlier - December 1st. This is a fabulous time when you can play in the snow and sculpt a Snow Woman, we see stunning drawings on the windows, and there is beautiful snowy weather outside.

In anticipation of the onset of winter, we are all waiting for a fairy tale, wish fulfillment and magic. This is how we associate cold winter. But these are not all the indicators by which one can determine the onset of such a wonderful period:

  • Firstly, everyone dresses warmly enough. A down jacket or fur coat is used as outerwear; people wear warm gloves and hats, and in very “severe” weather - huge scarves and thermal underwear. It is very important to dress as warmly as possible in such cold weather, because you can easily catch a cold and miss the entire winter holidays
  • Snowfall is also the main characteristic of the winter period.
  • The winter sky is quite heavy and seems to hang right above your head. There is moisture and frosty freshness in the air
  • Ice. Walking or driving in winter is very dangerous; for convenience, many people wear snowshoes, and their cars are “changed” to winter tires. After all, it’s very easy to slip, and worse, to injure your leg or arm.

winter snowstorm

  • If a strong wind blows and snow falls, it becomes a blizzard. It’s very exciting to watch such weather from the window, but if you get caught in a strong wind with snow, it’s quite unpleasant
  • As children, we all really loved icicles. And this is another sign of winter. In other words, an icicle is a cone-shaped piece of ice that can most often be found on roofs or trees.
  • Animals, birds and insects, unfortunately, can be found very rarely, because birds fly away to warmer climes, animals hibernate, and insects hide from the severe frosts that are typical for winter
  • Days are much shorter than nights

Despite the cold temperatures and snowstorms, winter is a wonderful time; many games can only be played thanks to the snow that only falls in winter. Skiing, sledding, snowboarding, playing snowballs or sculpting various figures out of snow - these are very exciting and educational activities that are possible only in winter. Therefore, the winter holidays should not be spent sitting in front of a computer monitor, but rather have a great free time with friends or family.

What happened to the trees?

Children's attention can be drawn to the trees when the leaves turn yellow. At the beginning of September, most of them are still green. Although birch trees can begin to turn yellow from the end of August. The active process of preparing trees for winter begins towards the end of September.

Children can be amazed by the bright colors of the leaves: red, yellow, orange. Some schoolchildren associate September with a fallen maple tree. Not by chance. Girls from elementary school, and sometimes from high school, love to collect maple leaves in the park. You can see how grapes, currants and other shrubs turn red, chestnut and birch trees turn yellow. These signs of autumn cannot be confused with anything. Isn’t it possible to understand only by coniferous trees whether autumn has arrived? After all, neither spruce, nor pine, nor cedar fly around in September or October.

At the end of October and beginning of November, the brightness of the leaves disappears. Almost all the leaves have fallen off by this time. Those that are still hanging and lying on the ground become brown and dry out. All you can hear is the rustling underfoot. The trees are starting to rest. Children need to be explained that snow in winter protects roots from freezing, so when cleaning it is better to add it to trees and bushes.

Spring signs of spring in living and inanimate nature: list

Spring is associated with new life, because during this period the earth wakes up from winter hibernation, nature begins to bloom, the first still green petals and bunches appear. This is the most wonderful time, the sun is brighter and the sky is clear, and there is freshness in the air.

It is very easy to understand exactly when spring begins; there are a large number of phenomena and processes that characterize such a season, for example:

  • The first green flowers appear
  • Animals wake up from hibernation
  • Bunnies, squirrels and foxes again change the color of their coats, so they camouflage themselves with their environment. Many animals begin to shed
  • Buds appear, and from them - flowers
  • You can hear the singing of birds returning from warmer climes
  • Spring is the time for the birth of a new generation in animals
  • Birds begin to build nests

In spring everything comes to life
From inanimate nature:

  • The first is the melting of snow
  • Streams begin to gurgle
  • In winter there are practically no thunderstorms, but in spring you can encounter such a phenomenon
  • Ice drift - this phenomenon occurs because the ice begins to melt and smoothly moves along the rivers

If you watch what people do, you can also see changes. Spring is considered the time of cleaning, because after winter it is worth cleaning your home. Also, preparations are underway to plant a vegetable garden, especially if a person lives in a rural area.

Preparing for autumn among animals

All animals and birds feel the approach of any season. Nature has provided them with everything they need to exist. Migratory birds go to warmer climes. They know where to fly. Not all birds stay for the winter. Pigeons, sparrows, crows - these birds constantly live in Central Russia. They don't fly anywhere. But cranes, hawks, storks and other birds love warmth; when the time comes, they leave their nests with grown chicks and fly far, far to the south.

Many animals hibernate: bear, hedgehog, badger, raccoon and other mink inhabitants. Insects also disappear. Signs of autumn in nature are completely natural for animals’ habitats. The forest becomes quiet. As for foxes, hares, and squirrels, their coat color changes. Squirrels store a supply of nuts and acorns for the winter, which become plentiful in the fall. In animals, everything happens in accordance with nature. They know how to feel when and what to do.

Wolves, foxes, hares do not sleep. They can go hunting. They can even run calmly in the snow. Sometimes you can see traces of its inhabitants in the forest. Sometimes in villages, wolves can roam around in winter, so children should not go far.

Autumn pictures

The thematic folder “Autumn pictures for children in kindergarten” needs to be filled with different images and photos. The plot of the drawings can be divided into several groups.

Signs of autumn

The illustrations always depict colorful leaves, rain, puddles, items of autumn clothing, and birds flying south. Based on the pictures, the child will be able to navigate changing weather conditions and will be able to choose shoes and a jacket for a walk independently.


Pictures about harvesting for children in kindergarten are necessary for the overall development of kindergarteners. Tell them about the fruits and vegetables growing in your region, the time of their ripening, and the hard work of the peasants. Bring up the topic of autumn gifts in the fields and in the forest.

Autumn forest

Show how the appearance of the forest changes in September-October. Dwell in detail on the colors, shades, and beauty of nature. Describe how people dress for a walk in a grove or park. Offer to collect an autumn bouquet for the next lesson. Golden autumn should delight kindergarteners so that they remember this time of year not with rain and winds, but with the brightness and richness of colors.


Consider how the fur of forest animals changes, what they do before hibernation, and how their harvest proceeds. Don’t forget to enrich your preschoolers’ vocabulary with new concepts: acorn, oak, molting, lair, flock, wedge, etc. Explain why migratory birds need to fly south and which of them remain for the winter without migrating.

And the day got shorter

The children will certainly notice that it is getting dark earlier. If in August it became dark already at 9 o’clock in the evening, then in September even earlier. It's getting late. It is easier to explain to children that in the morning and evening the day decreases by 2 minutes. If in June at 22.00 the sun was just setting, then in mid-December it was already dark at 16.00. Why is this happening? If you have an encyclopedia and a globe at hand, then you need to show how the Earth rotates around the Sun throughout the year. They will probably be surprised when they learn about spring in Australia at the moment. Late dawn and early sunset are signs of autumn in inanimate nature, along with constant rains and winds.

Why is autumn like this and when will winter come?

The change of season occurs so that nature is renewed. The grass cannot remain green forever, the trees do not bloom or bear fruit all their lives. People and many animals that do not hibernate are characterized not only by wakefulness, but also by rest. Plants also need to rest. But the process of preparing for hibernation occurs slowly. How does the cycle happen in a year? The tree puts on leaves in the spring and bears fruits and berries in the summer. In autumn the leaves fall and the plant appears to die.

Any signs of autumn are a signal for wildlife to prepare to rest for more than three months. Why does it rain? Nature arranges everything intelligently. Precipitation is first needed to saturate the plants with moisture, then cold weather comes. Snow helps the trees and grass stay warm. If there is no snow, the plants may die in severe frosts.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in spring: description of observations

After a cold winter, everyone is looking forward to warmer days. Literally from the very first days of spring, the sun's rays begin to warm up, and at the same time flowers appear, the grass turns green, the trees bloom, and the birds begin to sing. In other words, the Earth comes to life again and wakes up.

  • The first sign is the snow is melting. The icicles are melting and the beautiful patterns on the windows are gradually disappearing.
  • The day is getting longer.
  • If in winter there are often leaden clouds, and the sky is gray and dull, then in spring the sky becomes lighter, the clouds disperse and the sky becomes clean and clear.
  • Plants also react to the arrival of spring and demonstrate this by the appearance of green leaves, buds, spruce and alder blooming young cones. Flowers gradually bloom, bees and other insects appear.

Nature comes alive in spring

  • Spring is also associated with the fluffy “seals” of the willow tree; they are carried to church on Palm Sunday. Also, one of the most important spring holidays is March 8th. This is International Women's Day, and flowers such as tulips are considered a symbol.
  • The birds are flying home again, and this can be heard from the beautiful singing. Swallows begin to build nests and have offspring.
  • Animals change their warm clothes to lighter ones. At the same time, the color of the coat itself.
  • People also change their wardrobe, hiding fur coats, warm hats and boots until next winter.

Vienna also has more exciting activities, for example, closer to the May holidays, many go fishing, pick mushrooms, start grilling kebabs and relax a lot in nature, enjoying the beautiful nature.

And soon the New Year!

At the end of November, most often the weather is no longer the same as in September and October. The trees are completely bare, there is already snow. But this is not a reason to be sad. New Year is ahead. Green fir trees grow in the forest. They will bring joy to any child. At school and at home, the lesson “Signs of Autumn” can be replaced with the topic “Winter has come.” The holiday lifts the spirits of children and adults. After all, there is a beautiful live Christmas tree at home, which is decorated with toys, tinsel and rain. You need to be able to share interesting, educational and useful things with children. Why is this said? People start to feel sad in the fall, so they get sick and constantly want to sleep. Schoolchildren feel all this too. They need to be cheered up. After all, all seasons are good. After a dull autumn comes a snow-white winter. Snowflakes are another inanimate object of nature; they have a very complex but beautiful pattern.

The topic “Signs of Autumn” for children should be revealed not only in words and definitions, but also through living examples. It's easier to remember what's interesting. It is better to learn to distinguish the signs of autumn in living and inanimate nature in order to understand how everything happens and what is interconnected with what.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in winter: description of observations

Nature is everything that surrounds us and is created by human hands. Conditionally, nature can be divided into living and nonliving. The first group includes plants, animals, fungi, humans, and microbes. But to inanimate nature: the sun, air, stars, soil, precipitation, etc.

In winter, summer, autumn and spring, all phenomena change smoothly, and this is how we can determine the seasons of the year. Winter is the coldest time of the year, but this is also the most beautiful time. In winter, the season of fun snowball fights opens, children ride on slides and sleds, make a snow woman, and most importantly, everyone is looking forward to a fabulous New Year. This time can be determined by the following signs:

  • Snow is more often observed in the form of precipitation. Snowflakes fall to the ground either independently or in flakes. And also only in winter you can see snowfall - this is heavy snowfall
  • Blizzard and blizzard
  • Ice. Of course, all kids love to skate, but this activity is quite dangerous, so you can only play on the ice if accompanied by adults
  • Icicles can be found on the roofs of houses and tree branches. Therefore, you need to be careful, and it is better not to walk under houses, because if the temperature gets higher, the icicle can easily melt and fall
  • Santa Claus decorates the windows with beautiful patterns
  • All rivers and lakes are covered with a thick layer of ice, which is called freeze-up

Animals in winter
The following changes can be found in living nature:

  • Many animals change their color, such as the hare, squirrel and fox
  • Bears and hedgehogs hibernate
  • Bullfinches and tits arrive and replace the bulk of the birds
  • People dress in warm clothes

When the snow begins to melt and the patterns on the windows disappear, the sun begins to warm up, and the days become longer - then winter begins to gradually transition into another season - spring. What other signs of the spring season there are are described in the next paragraph.

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