Features of speech formation in preschool children


There is no certain period of time during which one can and should intensively engage in the development of speech - and that’s it - as if by a wave of a magic wand, the baby took and spoke in whole sentences.
This is a rather lengthy process and takes its own time for each individual child. Parents lay the foundations on which knowledge and skills are laid like bricks. Speech development is not only dealt with from one to two years of age, until the child speaks - this is a process that has no clear boundaries. Many adults are actively developing and improving their speech and speech skills.

Factors on which speech development depends

Each child is individual, but psychologists and speech therapists identify four main factors that influence speech development:

  • Anatomical features - the correct structure and functioning of the speech apparatus (tongue, palate, larynx, vocal folds), correct breathing.

As soon as the baby is born, he is immediately examined by a neonatologist and pediatrician, and during the first year of life by other specialists - a neurologist, dentist, etc. This is done in order to exclude various birth defects, to identify any diseases or predispositions in the early stages, and also prevent the development of the disease.

If deviations from normal development are detected, the doctor will be able to recommend correcting the anatomical defect, or preparing for subsequent correction. For example, a shortened frenulum does not allow the tongue to fully move in the oral cavity, and it does not reach the palate. Thus, it predetermines the occurrence of incorrect sound pronunciation.

  • Physiological component. The connection between the brain and fine motor skills has long been proven - by developing small hands, you can activate speech centers.

There are a huge number of finger games and activities aimed at developing tactile sensations (various cereals, objects of different shapes and sizes, etc.). The most well-known and beloved game is “Magic Bag”.

  • Emotional component. This is, first of all, a close emotional connection with mom and dad.

It is considered ideal for a child to communicate with grandparents (on both sides), brothers and sisters. The more the baby communicates with his family, the faster he joins in the conversation with them (he will wink at some, “hug” at others, and say something to others).

  • Social component. First, the baby begins to communicate with his parents by screaming, when this is the only way he can say that he is experiencing discomfort, then, when recognizing familiar faces, he fixes his gaze, begins to smile, reaches out with his arms, etc. Therefore, everything that the child does is important - be sure to express emotionally your joy, tenderness, admiration.

In addition, in addition to the above factors, many specialists (speech therapists, psychologists, speech pathologists) indicate the influence of the speech of others - especially correct from the point of view of phonetics. For example, if one of the parents “burrs,” then most likely the son or daughter will do this based on imitation of a significant adult. In this case, it is advisable to correct the pronunciation of the sound P in parallel between the child and the adult.

Early childhood and speech development

Early age (from birth to 3 years) is a special period in a child’s life. In terms of the intensity of development and the complexity of the tasks solved at this stage, the first years of life have no equal. This is also the most favorable period for mastering the basics of your native speech. What gets missed now may require double effort later!

Would it surprise you if we told you that a child's speech abilities begin to develop even before he is born? And this is exactly so. Let's find out what actually affects the development of speech in a baby.

What factors influence speech development

  • Biological: heredity; correct structure and functioning of the central nervous system, speech centers in the brain, hearing and speech organs; healthy pregnancy and successful birth; healthy physical and mental development after birth.
  • Social: a full-fledged speech environment from the first days of a child’s life, a favorable developmental environment.

How a child’s speech is formed from birth to 3 years

The baby learns to communicate with the outside world from the very moment of birth. Let's take a look at how the speech development of young children occurs during the first 3 years of a child's life.

Norms of speech development in children from 0 to 3 years old

  • 0 – 2 months. Scream. The first form of communication for a child is crying. The baby cries when he is hungry, uncomfortable or tired.
  • 2 – 3 months. Booming. Crying is replaced by cheering. The sounds “a”, “s”, “u” appear, sometimes in combination with “g”. The child learns to understand speech addressed to him and control his own sound intonations.
  • 3 – 6 months. Babble. The baby begins to babble to himself and make sounds when addressed to him. Turns his head towards the sound. Freezes in response to a sudden loud sound. Cries differently depending on needs: “I’m hungry,” “I’m tired.” Recognizes his name and reacts to it.
  • 6 months. First syllables. From the age of 6 months, you can notice that the child prefers strictly certain sounds to all others: “ba”, “ma” (they are the easiest to learn to pronounce). He can repeat them endlessly: he likes the way they sound.
  • 7 – 9 months. Combinations of syllables. The babbling progresses to the utterance of identical syllables: “ma-ma-ma”, “dya-dya-dya”, “ba-ba-ba”.
  • 9 – 11 months . Onomatopoeia. The baby imitates the sounds of adults' speech. Responds to name. Understands the meaning of the word “no.”
  • 11 – 13 months. The first meaningful words from two identical syllables: “dad”, “mom”, “baba”, “uncle”.
  • 12 months. The baby shows interest and attention to the speech of others, repeats and combines sounds in a new way, combines them into “words”, imitating the speech of an adult. Understands and follows simple one-word instructions (“sit down”). He waves his hand “bye-bye”, shakes his head “no”. Uses gestures and sounds to attract attention. Interested in books.

Rarely does a parent know what signs indicate deviations in the child’s development. Therefore, for prevention, be sure to visit a pediatric neurologist at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months .

  • 18 months. The baby easily repeats frequently heard words. Knows different parts of the body and points to them. Masters simple words (by the age of 2 years, their vocabulary can range from 20 to 50). Answers in words or gestures the questions: “Where is the bear?”, “What is this?” He loves when people read to him. At the request of an adult, he points his finger at the pictures in the book. 2 years. First sentences (two words). A two-year-old child can easily combine simple words mastered by the age of 2 into combinations: “Mom, give me,” “I want this,” “Where is the kitty?” Understands simple instructions consisting of two sequential actions: “Find your teddy bear and show it to grandma.” The vocabulary can expand to 150 - 200 lexemes, and others can already understand half of the words the child pronounces. The baby begins to use pronouns, adjectives and prepositions. Holds a book correctly in his hands. “Reads” to his toys.
  • 3 years. Multi-word sentences (three or more words). At 3 years old, the period of early childhood ends. By this turning point, the child is able to compose sentences of three or more words. Distinguishes between colors and size definitions. Remembers and repeats familiar rhythms, melodies, stories. Some difficulties in sound pronunciation may still persist (whistling, hissing, vowel sounds). The vocabulary is expanding so much that parents can no longer accurately count how many words it consists of. In general, the baby is already ready to speak out on any occasion.

Who is faster: boys or girls

Of course, each baby is unique and develops at its own pace. In practice, a slight delay in speech development may turn out to be only an individual feature. Moreover, the rate of speech development can be affected by: illness, stress, lack of communication with surrounding adults, or the multilingual environment in which the baby grows up.

And it can still be very difficult to resist the temptation to compare your child with others. Why do some children at the age of 2 already read passages from “Moidodyr” from memory and speak in whole phrases, while others need another 1.5 - 2 years to be at the same level? Should I be worried about this?

In modern psychology, two types of children with normally developing speech are distinguished: “talkers” and “silent ones.”

  • “Talkers” show increased activity and interest in the world around them. Such children love to tell stories, ask a lot of questions and easily get accustomed to new surroundings. Sometimes they start talking earlier than other children.
  • “Silent people” tend to be contemplative. They always need to adapt to new surroundings. They may start speaking late, but almost immediately without defects. It is important for such kids to be heard and understood. Therefore, parents should try to respond carefully to the child’s questions. However, if the “silent child” has not begun to speak by the age of 2–3 years, you need to contact a specialist.

According to statistics, boys begin to develop speech later than girls. One of the reasons lies in physiology. Brain maturation occurs faster in girls. This affects the growth of vocabulary: by the age of 2, girls usually have twice as much vocabulary as boys of the same age. Plus, they are more emotional by nature and happily share all their impressions, while boys tend to show greater verbal restraint, speaking only “to the point.”

In addition, numerous studies have shown that the higher the child’s motor activity, the better speech development. It makes sense that more active kids might begin to demonstrate advanced language skills before their slower peers.

Playing with a child promotes speech development. Encourage him to move more, and the baby will happily pick up the game.

Types of speech

Speech can be active or passive:

  1. Active - the one that the baby uses. The child knows the words he has learned, can confidently pronounce them, and construct sentences with their help.
  2. Passive is the one that the child understands, but for certain reasons does not pronounce. For example, he may know the word “TV”, but not say it because it is difficult for him.

It is very important to develop both active and passive speech of a child.


Speech development is a complex process, and it occurs differently for each child. Experts identify several stages of speech development in children, each of which involves the development of new speech skills. These stages do not have strict age limits. The transition from one stage of speech development to another can occur either smoothly or abruptly.

If the baby is healthy, speech development occurs naturally when you communicate with him and talk about the world around him. Your child watches you and tries to copy your speech, so it is important to monitor the correctness of your own speech. It is necessary to create a favorable environment for the child in which he can fulfill the needs characteristic of his age. You can offer your child games to develop fine motor skills, as well as introduce them to articulation and finger gymnastics.

If you feel that your baby is experiencing difficulties and the development of his speech is far behind the conventional boundaries of the norm, you need to consult with a specialist to rule out health problems and delayed psycho-speech development.

How to help develop speech by age

Up to a year old, the baby makes his first attempts to speak - he smiles in response to visual and verbal contact with adults, tries to say some sound or even repeat after mom or dad. Therefore, it is very important to focus on these attempts, smile, look at the baby, showing in every possible way that you are interested.

1-3 years. At this age, mothers and fathers, when communicating with a child, try (on an unconscious level) to speak to the baby in his language - briefly, understandably, clearly. Thus, the child understands what is being said to him, what he wants to say. Try to get rid of baby talk and empty repetition (such as “ba-ba”, “peek-a-boo”). The child must hear the words in full so that later he can say them the same way, and not shorten the syllables, rearrange them, distorting the meaning. Correct speech stimulates communication.

From 3 years and older. The most common opinion of most modern parents is that by sending a three-year-old child to kindergarten, the pace of communication can be slowed down, and all the necessary speech skills will be developed by the employees of the child care institution. This is wrong. Parental communication remains just as important, because it is in the family that the foundations of communication are laid, on which the rest of the acquired knowledge will be superimposed.

What to pay attention to

The development schedule for speech skills was given above. Children develop differently, and even the most talented talkers can only master all the necessary skills for their age group once they reach its upper limit. Therefore, the norms of timely development do not always serve as reliable guidelines for understanding whether a particular child is mastering speech correctly. We’ll take a different approach and tell you what should be the reason to contact a specialist:

  • By the end of the 1st month, the baby does not cry before feeding;
  • By the end of the 4th month he does not smile when spoken to and does not gurgle;
  • By the end of the 5th month does not listen to music;
  • By the 7th month, does not recognize the voices of loved ones, does not respond to intonations;
  • By the end of the 9th month, there is no babbling and the child cannot repeat sound combinations and syllables after adults, imitating the intonation of the speaker;
  • By the end of the 10th month, the baby does not wave his head as a sign of denial or his hand as a sign of goodbye;
  • By the age of 1 year, the child cannot utter a word and does not fulfill the simplest requests (“give”, “show”, “bring”);
  • By 1 year 4 months, cannot call mom “mom” or dad “dad”;
  • By 1 year 9 months cannot pronounce 5–6 meaningful words;
  • By the age of 2, does not show body parts that are named to him; does not comply with two-action requests (“go into the room and take a book”), does not recognize loved ones in photographs;
  • At 3 years old, cannot retell short poems and fairy tales, cannot say his first and last name; speaks in such a way that others do not understand him; speaks very quickly, swallowing endings, or very slowly, drawing out words.

How to help young children develop speech

What can we, parents, do from the very birth of a child to ensure that he speaks naturally?

Let us remind you that the sensory channel for perceiving information about the external environment (vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch) is the main one for children in the first years of life.

Therefore, the answer lies on the surface: it is necessary to give the child as much information as possible about the world around him, as much as possible of any kind of sensory sensations and stimuli. Let's talk about it.

  • Touch. Feeling #1 at first.

Mother's warm hands, her gentle touches, stroking, massage, gymnastics, toys of different shapes and textures, finger games - the more of this, the better.

Knowledge about oneself, one’s body and its sensations is formed through contact with the environment, so diversify the child’s tactile sensations as much as possible. Water of different temperatures (carefully!), soft fabric and rubber balls, a plastic rattle and a wooden cube, finger paints on a palette, sand in a children's sandbox, beans in a jar, etc. - the world is so rich for training your sense of touch!

  • Hearing.

Give your baby as much information as possible that he can perceive by ear:

  • sounds of music
  • nature
  • household appliances in the house
  • street noise from the window
  • sounds of native speech, etc.

Always talk to your baby about everything. Mom does this naturally, because speech accompanies any of her actions: she voices swaddling, feeding, bathing, and putting her to bed. She names objects surrounding the child, pointing at them.

When the baby starts to walk, the mother “keeps up the conversation”: she responds to the sounds the baby makes, repeats them and introduces him to adult speech, which the baby will try to imitate as he grows up.

  • Vision.

We interest the baby in the objects around him so that he learns to focus his vision and maintain his attention on significant objects.

To help your child concentrate, you can hang bright colored objects above the crib (for example, balloons, fluffy pom-poms - they are quite light and will certainly attract attention).

Some mobile models come with removable toys to help adults provide a stimulating and varied space for their child. This is for the little ones.

Later, the arsenal of objects from the surrounding reality can be replenished endlessly, both due to toys in the house, and due to the visual impressions that the baby will receive when he is outside the home: on a city street, on a river, in a forest, in a zoo.

  • Taste.

Mother's milk, water, teas, juices, pureed and solid food - what a variety of textures and tastes! Introduce your baby to them by gradually expanding the range of products that you introduce into baby food. The sooner a child becomes familiar with basic tastes, the less picky he will be in food later.

Speech development of preschool children

Olga Stoyan

Speech development of preschool children

Of all educational areas, speech development is most relevant in preschool age .

Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is one of the main conditions for the normal development of a child in the future and his successful education at school.

The main goal of speech development is the development of free communication with adults and children, mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with others.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education, speech development includes the following components :

1) mastering speech as a means of communication and culture (this means that it is necessary to form the oral speech of children at such a level that they do not experience difficulties in establishing contacts with peers and adults, so that their speech is understandable to others);

2) enrichment of the active vocabulary (occurs at the expense of the preschooler’s and depends on the vocabulary of the teacher and parents; to expand the children’s favorable conditions are created with comprehensive thematic planning of work);

3) development of coherent , grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech (our coherent speech consists of two parts - dialogue and monologue. The building material for it is the dictionary and mastering the grammatical structure of speech, i.e. the ability to change words, combine them into sentences);

4) development of speech creativity (the work is not easy, it assumes that children independently compose the simplest short stories, take part in composing poetic phrases, come up with new moves in the plot of a fairy tale, etc. All this becomes possible if we create conditions for this) ;

5) acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature (the main problem is that the book has ceased to be a value in many families, children do not gain the experience of reading at home - listening, the book should become a companion for children );

6) the formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write (preparation for learning to read and write is the formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis. The formation of correct pronunciation also depends on the child’s ability to analyze and synthesize speech sounds);

7) development of sound and intonation culture, phonemic hearing (the child learns the stress system, pronunciation of sounds, the ability to speak expressively, read poetry; the child learns to name words with a certain sound, determines the place of the sound in a word).

The development of a preschool child is most successfully carried out in an enriched developmental environment , which ensures the unity of social and natural means, a variety of activities and enrichment of children’s speech experience .

A developing environment is a natural setting, rationally organized, rich in a variety of sensory stimuli and play materials.

In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously involve all children in the group .

The speech development environment , as part of the general one, is aimed at an effective educational impact, at the formation of an active cognitive attitude to the surrounding world and to the phenomena of the native language and speech. Therefore, the creation of a speech development environment is the most important direction for improving the quality of work on the development of speech in preschoolers .

The speech development environment is not only a subject environment; the role of an adult in organizing the influence of one’s own speech on the development of different aspects of a preschooler’s .

One of the most important components is the teacher’s competent speech. The teacher’s speech has a teaching and educational orientation. The main thing is the quality of its language content, which ensures high results of work. The teacher’s speech must meet the following requirements:

1) CORRECTNESS – i.e. compliance with language norms. While listening to the teacher, children should not be distracted from the content or meaning of the speech due to incorrect pronunciation or a non-standardly constructed phrase.

2) ACCURACY - i.e. precise speech is speech that adequately reflects reality and unambiguously indicates in words what should be said.

3) LOGICALITY - i.e. the presence in the statement of 3 meaning-forming components: the beginning, the main part and the end of the statement. Also important is the teacher’s ability to correctly, competently, and logically connect all sentences and parts of a statement with each other.

4) PURITY - i.e. the absence in speech of elements alien to the literary language. The teacher’s language is also polluted by his unjustified use of borrowed words, dialectal, slang and slang expressions.

5) EXPRESSIVENESS is a feature of speech that captures attention and interest, creating an atmosphere of emotional empathy.

6) APPROPRIATENESS – i.e. the use in speech of units that correspond to the situation and conditions of communication. Relevance requires flexibility of speech behavior : can he determine the correctness and appropriateness of words, forms and phrases, their semantic nuances, and foresee the work of assimilating them in advance.

Features of speech development of the second younger group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at developing speech as a means of communication (instructions, hints, sample address, pattern of interaction through speech in different types of activities);

3. methods and techniques aimed at developing the ability to listen and hear (conversations, stories, reading)


4. organization of the “Corner of Interesting Things”

(stimulating independent examination of books, pictures, toys, objects for
the development of initiative speech , enrichment and clarification of children’s ideas about the environment ).
The main areas of work on speech development are :

1. Vocabulary development : mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in accordance with the context of the utterance, with the situation in which communication takes place. While expanding your vocabulary, you should simultaneously develop the ability to express elementary judgments. Here, questions from adults play a significant role, leading the child to say “What do you think?”

"For what?"

2. Education of sound culture of speech: development of perception of sounds of native speech and pronunciation. An examination of speech by a speech therapist begins at the age of 5, since it is believed that speech development occurs before the age of 5.

But you should not wait until this age for the child to develop incorrect pronunciation of sounds; parents need now:

develop the speech apparatus (mobility of the tongue, lips with the help of simple exercises, for example: “The tongue hid, appeared”

“The tongue is painting the walls in its house”
“The tongue is looking out to see if it’s raining”

• encourage onomatopoeia, sound accompaniment of game actions in games: “Horse”

“Steam Locomotive”
“How does the machine hum?”
“How does a bear growl?”

• practice correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants (avoid lisp)

You can repeat pure sayings with children, for example: “Bai, bayu, bayu - I rock the doll”
“Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli - the dolls have fallen asleep”
“A hat, and a fur coat - that’s all Mishutka

develop phonemic awareness (in games “Guess what it sounds like?”

“Who called you?”

Develop speech breathing : singing long songs (offer for a long time (2-3 seconds)

in one breath, pronounce the sound as you exhale:

3. Formation of grammatical structure. The grammatical structure of speech consists of:

developing the ability to coordinate words in a sentence;

• use of affectionate and diminutive words;

• use of adjectives, verbs.

Suggested tasks:

"One is many"

: matryoshka-matryoshka, machine-machines.

"Name the Cub"

: cat-kitten, duck-duckling, bear-cub, dog-puppy...

"Add a word"

: house - house, table - (table, spoon - (spoon, chair -

4. Development of coherent speech (Dialogical (spoken)

speech Monologue speech

When developing coherent speech , children :

• Understand and answer a variety of questions;

• To ask questions;

• Be actively involved in the conversation;

• Explain the content of the picture, situation;

• Talk about objects, toys, events. Recognition of actions in a picture is an important element in the development of phrasal speech . Here is a girl standing, crying, with a balloon pointing into the sky. Ask: “Why do you think the girl is crying, what happened to her?”

. Let the child think and even fantasize and come up with the ending of the story.

The leading form of work on the development of children's speech is the educational situation.

Educational situations are used:

– in those classes during which actions with objects and movements are developed The teacher determines the content (what to do)

and ways
(how to do)
children’s activity in the classroom;
Children didactic -oriented activities. This activity depends on the type of activity; when getting acquainted with the surroundings - observation, in classes with pictures - examination. During repeated lessons, it is advisable to intensify the children’s , the teacher asks questions, the children answer if the answers are not complete, the teacher constantly complements the children’s , and in cases of difficulty he himself leads the story, urging the children to repeat after him .
To develop speech activity in children, pictures depicting individual objects, objects in action, and plots are widely used. This increases interest in what is depicted and helps develop generalization and various mental operations. As a result, the child develops the ability not only to repeat words after the teacher, but also to independently express his opinions.

- during regime moments and are aimed at consolidating existing knowledge and skills, their application in new conditions, the child’s manifestation of activity, independence and creativity.

Let's look at examples of educational situations used for speech development of preschoolers .

O. M. Eltsova notes that a game learning situation is used to develop game communication. All qualities and knowledge are formed not by the ITS itself, but by one or another specific content that is specially introduced by the teacher.

1. Situations - illustrations. Reading books with illustrations is of particular importance. In subsequent classes, the teacher encourages children not only to look at the pictures, but also to talk about what is written in the book.

Suitable for younger preschool age . Simple scenes from the lives of children .

2. Situations - exercises. When working together with children on design, appliqué, drawing, music, etc., children encounter many different objects and materials. As a result, a vocabulary accumulates: nouns, adjectives, verbs, the grammatical structure of speech is mastered, the passive vocabulary gradually turns into active

3. Situations - problems. Used from older ages . Participation in situations - problems contributes to children’s assimilation of the main directions of social relations, their “working out”

and modeling the strategy of one’s behavior in the human world. By actively participating, the child finds an outlet for his feelings and experiences, learns to recognize and accept them.

4. Situations - assessments. Used in the preparatory group. They involve analysis and justification of the decision made, its assessment by the children . In this case, the gaming problem has already been solved, but the adult is required to help the child analyze and justify the decision and evaluate it.

Another form of children's speech development is scenarios of activating communication - teaching game (dialogue)

communication. This form includes conversations with children, didactic, active, folk games; staging, dramatization, examination of objects, etc.

Implementation of the educational field Speech development

possible through the project method.
Using project activities, children automatically master new concepts and ideas in various areas of life. The essence of the “project method”
in education is to organize the educational process in such a way that children acquire knowledge and skills, experience in creative activity, and an emotional and value-based attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks. The main task is to help the child believe in himself, since children most fully and clearly perceive what was interesting, what they themselves found and proved.

Design technology and the use of the project method in preschool educational institutions with integration in various educational fields is a unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and adults , a way of implementing a person-centered approach to education.

Integrated learning gives children the opportunity to think, create, fantasize, compose, learn, develop communication skills, enrich their vocabulary and form grammatical structures of speech.

This form of speech development in preschoolers as a game encourages children to make contacts and is a motive for communicative activities. A child of this age can already compose a story from memory about what he saw. This means that in everyday communication you need to encourage him to remember and talk about some interesting events.

For a 3-4 year old child, speech is a means of communication not only with adults, but also with peers. Therefore, you should support the child’s desire to actively engage in communication, respond to an adult’s questions and suggestions, speak out, express his desires, feelings, thoughts. Encourage your child's interests in the affairs of his peers and the desire to communicate with them. At this age , the formation of moral qualities occurs, so teach your child to understand the emotional state and mood of others: friends, relatives, fairy-tale characters. After watching a cartoon or reading a book, be sure to discuss the content: who did well, who did poorly, why this cannot be done. Exercise your child in situations in which you need to feel sorry, comfort, help (for example, a doll is sick, a sad bunny)


Another example of the form of speech development of preschoolers is offered by literary and musical festivals, folklore fairs, dramatization games, various types of theaters, social events, speech newspapers , homemade books, problem situations, gatherings.

When organizing any educational situation, any lesson in a preschool educational institution, it is important for the teacher to:

- firstly, think through the organization of different ways of adult-child and children’s activities,

-secondly, to see the resources of different stages of the lesson for the development of children’s communicative competence .”

Thus, various forms of work are resourceful in terms of the development of preschoolers’ speech children’s communicative competence , if: - children jointly solve an educational and gaming task that is interesting and significant for them, acting as assistants in relation to someone, - enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary, performing speech and practical tasks - the teacher is not a tough leader, but an organizer of joint educational activities, who does not advertise his communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.

The influence of fairy tales on speech development

“For a child, a fairy tale is as serious and real as a game: he needs it in order to make up his mind, to study himself, to measure his capabilities.” J. Rodari

A fairy tale teaches you how to live. Otherwise, why would our ancestors waste precious time on them? Why would they devote their evening hours to fairy tales and take away children's attention? And only children the listeners of the grandmother-storyteller in the family?

Fairy tales allow teachers to unobtrusively and with interest for children conduct moral conversations using the plots of fairy tales. Adults get the opportunity to engage in correctional work with conflict-ridden, anxious children, with children with high or, conversely, low self-esteem, self-centered, and also insecure.

Transforming into fairy-tale characters, children complete tasks with much more enthusiasm. Through fairy tales, a child gains knowledge about the world, about relationships between people, about the problems and obstacles that a person faces in life. Through fairy tales, a child learns to overcome barriers, find a way out of difficult situations, and believe in the power of goodness, love and justice.

Speech therapists know how difficult it is to perform, for example, articulation gymnastics with an excitable, disinhibited child. Not only does he have a naughty tongue, he is constantly distracted, fussing, asking questions, trying to talk about something. His concentration only lasts for a minute .

Are the children lethargic, weakened, with high nervous system exhaustion? They do not violate discipline, and sometimes they are not noticeable at all in the group, but the speech therapist has to experience considerable difficulties with them. After just a few minutes of work, the child announces in a weak and lifeless voice that he is tired and cannot do anything else. In such children , as a rule, it is difficult to produce sounds that require active exhalation, and automation occurs slowly and sluggishly.

If a child learns to be aware of what he sees, hears, feels, if he tries to determine the nature of what he feels, then his increased sensitivity greatly helps the speech therapist in such an area as, for example, the development of phonemic hearing. Most children quite easily begin to differentiate sounds that are similar in sound and articulation, to feel the rhythm of a word, its melody and structure.

Emotionally discharging, releasing tensions, anxiety, aggression, guilt, children become softer, kinder, more self-confident, more receptive to people and the world around them. They develop a positive image of their body, accepting themselves as they are.

"The influence of finger games on the development of children of primary preschool age "

“The hand is the tool of all tools”

, Aristotle concluded.

"The hand is the outer brain"

- Kant wrote.

Scientists, studying the activity of the children's brain, note the great stimulating value of the motor function of the hand. Scientists have found that the level of development of children's speech is directly related to the level of development of gross and fine motor skills. The higher the motor activity, the better speech development . In the cerebral cortex, the sections responsible for the development of articulatory and fine manual motor skills are located close to each other and are closely interconnected. develops earlier in the process of ontogenesis , and its development seems to “pull”

the development of speech . Therefore, by developing a child’s fine manual motor skills, we stimulate the development of his speech .
It is best to sculpt from plasticine, fold pyramids, string rings on sticks, lace shoelaces, string buttons, play with construction sets, make mosaics, draw, etc. Exercises for palms and fingers with walnuts are widely used. Rolling a hexagonal pencil between your palms has a remarkable effect.

From an early age we were taught to play “Magpie – White-sided”

“Horned Goat”
“Whose nose?”
Today, experts
are reviving old games and inventing new ones. And so, the greatest impact of impulses from the arm muscles on the development of the cerebral cortex occurs only in childhood , while the motor area is being formed. Therefore, work on developing fine motor skills of the fingers in preschool age is of particular importance.
By developing fine motor skills of a child’s hands, several tasks are solved at once:

-stimulation of speech development in young children ;

-training attention, spatial thinking;

- education of emotional expressiveness, imagination and fine motor skills of the hands.

Finger games and exercises are a unique means for developing fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. They are very emotional, fascinating, captivate the child with their improvisation, spontaneity, theatricality, elements of surprise, and contribute to the development of speech and creative mental activity.

All finger games are divided into several groups

Primary games or games are manipulations.

Subject finger exercises

Finger exercises combined with self-massage of the hands and fingers.

Primary games or games are manipulations. These games focus on simple touching of fingers, stroking hands, simple circular movements inside the palm clockwise and counterclockwise. In this way we activate points associated with the speech areas of the brain . Gradually we make the games a little more complicated. This includes: “Finger, boy?”

“This finger wants to sleep”
“This finger is a grandfather...”
“The fingers went for a walk...”
“One, two, three, four, who lives in my apartment?”
— the child bends his finger one by one.
He can do these exercises with the help of an adult. They develop imagination : in each finger the child sees one or another image.
Subject finger exercises. "Fingers say hello"

- the pads of the fingers are in contact with the thumb
(of the right and left hand at the same time)
“A flower is blooming”


“appear” from a clenched fist -
palms facing themselves, fingers intertwined.

"Christmas tree"

- palms facing you, fingers in
a “lock” (palms at an angle to each other)

The fingers are pointed forward, the elbows are not pressed to the body.

This group also includes exercises that allow children to depict objects of transport, furniture, domestic and wild animals, trees, birds, and insects.

Finger exercises combined with self-massage of the hands and fingers.

These exercises use traditional massage movements - kneading, rubbing, pressing, pinching (from the periphery to

- movements as when washing hands.

"We put on gloves"

— with the thumb and index fingers of the right and left hands, rub each finger of the left hand, starting with the little finger, from top to bottom. Finally, rub your palm.

"Pickling cabbage"

- movements of the edge of the palm of the right hand against the palm of the left hand: tapping, sawing. Movements of both hands: imitation of sprinkling salt, clenching the fingers into a fist.

"Let's warm our hands"

- movements as when rubbing hands.


- use the phalanges of the fingers of the right hand clenched into a fist
to “hammer nails

"Geese are nibbling grass"

— the fingers of the right hand pinch the hand of the left. For more effective self-massage of the hands, use a walnut, chestnut, hex pencil, or massage ball.

Allows you to increase overall tone, develop attention and memory , and relieve psycho-emotional stress. "Butterfly"

- clench your fingers into a fist and alternately straighten the little finger, ring and middle fingers, and connect the thumb and index into a ring.
Make quick movements with straightened fingers ( “finger fluttering”

"Fairy tale"

- children are invited to act out a fairy tale in which each finger is a character.


- the right hand, carefully and one by one moving its tentacles - fingers, travel along the seabed. An octopus is moving towards - the left hand. They saw each other, froze, and then began to explore the seabed together.

And so, to summarize, we can state the following: finger games and exercises are a unique means for the development of fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. Learning texts using “finger”

Gymnastics stimulates
the development of speech , thinking, voluntary and involuntary attention, auditory and visual perception, speed of reaction and emotional expressiveness, the ability to concentrate.
The influence of family communication on the development of speech in children of senior preschool age .

Computer games can be introduced only after the child has mastered traditional types of children's activities - drawing, designing, perceiving and composing fairy tales. And, most importantly, when he learns to play ordinary children's games on his own (take on the roles of adults, invent imaginary situations, construct a game plot, etc.) and learn to distinguish the game from reality. Watching cartoons for young children should be strictly dosed. At the same time, parents should help children comprehend what is happening on the screen and empathize with the characters in the film. It is possible to provide free access to information technology only beyond preschool age (after 6-7 years, when children are already ready to use it for its intended purpose, when the screen will be for them a means of obtaining the necessary information, and not a powerful master over their souls and not the main teacher

Proper assistance in the development of a child’s speech is the most valuable thing that parents can offer their child.

Songs, rhymes and nursery rhymes for speech development in children 2 - 3 years old

These are perhaps the most effective, generation-tested ways of communicating with young children.

Basic principles:

  • simple rhyme
  • repetition of sounds or words
  • small size
  • accompaniment with gestures/actions

Rhyming poems can be told, or they can be sung using various melodies.

The main purpose of nursery rhymes, finger games, rhymes:

  • emotional contact with the child
  • development of his speech skills
  • finger massage
  • study of body parts
  • assistance in establishing a routine

For example, by repeating the same rhyme before bedtime, you can develop in your child the expectation of a funny rhyme and the understanding that it is time for him to sleep.

IMPORTANT: Young children need consistency and order as this develops a sense of stability and security.

You can come up with or choose from the many available nursery rhymes, one for different occasions:

  • morning hygiene procedures

rhyme for washing

  • changing baby's clothes

rhyme when changing clothes

  • preparation for swimming

bath rhyme

  • before gymnastics

rhyme for gymnastics

  • finger massage

poem for finger massage

  • before bedtime

bedtime poems

The classic nursery rhymes “okay”, “cockerel-comb”, “horned goat”, “white-sided magpie” and many others will also delight the baby and be useful.

Playing and learning to speak: role-playing games for children

Options for playing with a child are limited only by the parents' imagination. At the same time, the child often independently suggests what he wants to do, distributes roles and organizes the game. Your mission is to fill the game with detailed dialogues so that the game is not only exciting, but also useful for the development of the baby’s speech. It can be:

  • Hide and seek The classic game of “peek-a-boo” with infants can gradually change. You can hide behind anything, attracting the child with the words “where is mom?”, “find mom.” As the child grows up, he will begin to enjoy hiding on his own, and you, with appropriate verbal accompaniment, will look for him.
  • Role-playing games At first, these can be very simple games. For example, you can play with a toy phone, a child can call mom, dad, brother, sister, say “Hello,” find out “how are you?” and vice versa. Then you can role-play fairy tales, come up with stories yourself, using household items and toys
  • “Guess” There are many variations of games. You can ask your child: “guess what I’m doing?” and show some action: combing your hair, pouring tea into cups. Or ask: “guess who I am?” and depict a bunny or a bear cub. You can show soft animals and ask: “guess who it is?”, “what does he like to eat”, “where does he live?” If the child cannot answer, you should give a detailed answer yourself, and after a while repeat the questions to the child
  • Active games Nursery rhymes and songs can be used in active play with the child, encouraging him to repeat the corresponding actions along with the words. This, in parallel with speech skills, will develop both the child’s physical and musical abilities. Examples:

nursery rhyme with movements 1

nursery rhyme with movements 2

Psychological characteristics and stages of speech formation in preschool children

The psychological features of speech development in preschool children are determined by the fact that each year of their life sets its own pace and rhythm. The years of preschool childhood are filled with the development of actions, the formation of mental processes, and the accumulation of emotional experience.

If you compare what a child was like a year ago and what he became a year later, these changes are striking. Speech skills change dramatically over such a period of time. In a child’s active vocabulary, the number of words can almost double, and statements become figurative and emotional. Every year a preschooler moves to a new level of speech development.

Development of child speech from 3 to 4 years old

What kind of speech baggage do children enter the preschool age period with? They already know more than 1.5 thousand words. Their statements contain almost all parts of speech with a predominance of verbs and nouns.

The child is no longer content with showing actions, but strives to describe and explain them in words. Speech at 3-4 years of age is still ungrammatical. Individual words are combined awkwardly, reflecting solely the child's interest, need and desire. No logic or conclusions can be traced at this stage. The sentences are simple and short.

The child’s thinking is still strongly tied to the visual situation and is based on momentary impressions. Therefore, his speech is situational. This means that without external clues in the form of surrounding objects or phenomena, it is difficult to understand what the baby is talking about.

The child’s phonemic hearing has already been formed, but many sounds are not yet pronounced due to complex articulation. It is especially difficult to cope with words where there are several consonant sounds in a row. Children distort such difficult moments or skip them altogether.

Formation of speech skills in children from 4 to 5 years old

A 4-year-old preschooler has a significant vocabulary and actively uses simple sentences. In some sound combinations it is possible to pronounce sibilants, but the pronunciation is still unstable. The child persistently repeats if those around him cannot understand what he is talking about.

An orientation towards the sound of the word is formed. Children begin to come up with meaningless words, but in such a way that they create a funny rhyme: porridge-baby, kitten-potten...

This desire to look for speech analogies is called word creation. It gradually becomes more active, starting from the age of 3, and is most clearly manifested by the age of 4.5-5 years. This is an original practice that helps the child learn a lot about his native language through experimentation. The appearance of word creation is a sign that the preschooler is beginning to acquire primary literacy skills.

By the age of 5, the grammatical structure of speech in statements acquires a new level. The preschooler composes complex sentences, takes into account the order of words, uses words in the appropriate cases, changes by gender and number.

But not all grammatical forms are distinguished yet. Even five-year-olds, without thinking, can use “I’m taller than Kolya,” “my pencil is thinner,” and other similar statements.

Features of speech development of a preschooler aged 5-7 years

Speech skills rise to a new level in older preschool age, when situational simple sentences are gradually replaced by coherent speech.

Speech that is connected by semantic content is called coherent or contextual. This content quite fully reveals the speaker’s thought or intention, and the thought is expressed in consistently and correctly constructed sentences.

The cognitive speech development of older preschoolers allows them to express their thoughts in understandable language. At this age, children speak with a listener in mind.

A 6-year-old learns speech planning. If earlier words accompanied the action or followed them, then in older preschool age they come to the fore. The preschooler first thinks through and tells what he intends to do.

An important achievement is the emergence of speech forms of activity. The older preschooler perceives listening, telling, reading, and reasoning as activities.

What mistakes can parents make when developing their child’s speech?

Often the child is overly patronized and protected, they try to predict his desires - of course, out of love for him. But then the baby does not develop the desire to work independently, he does not learn to express his thoughts through speech, and many processes in his development may be inhibited.

• Intuition and love help loved ones understand a child literally at a glance. But communicating with unfamiliar people in unusual conditions will be difficult for him, and in the worst case, acutely uncomfortable. To prevent this from happening, as you grow older, you need to enter into conversations more often with new and new interlocutors, and then the child will simply be forced to improve his speech understanding skills.

• Some parents underestimate, while others overestimate, the requirements for the baby’s speech. In the first case, they do not demand anything from the child, all his wishes are guessed and immediately fulfilled, in the second, they constantly pester him: “Tell me!”, “Repeat!”. Sometimes in one family two extreme approaches are used at once: for example, dad demands, and grandmother takes care. This has a very adverse effect on the child’s speech development.

• Try to eliminate lisping, “baby talk,” and constant onomatopoeia when communicating with your baby. The parent's speech is a model for the child.

• Parents can speak very quickly or, conversely, too slowly, without pauses and different intonations, monotonously. It is important to use all the richness and diversity of language when developing a child’s speech.

• Do not try to speed up the baby's natural speech development. Avoid overwork from speech classes and memorization of poetry.

First word

What should a baby's first word be? Early development specialists believe that it does not necessarily have to be familiar and familiar to us. Experts tend to consider any recognizable set of sounds that denote a person, object or action (for example, “baka” instead of “dog”, “ka” instead of “porridge”) as a peculiar word.

Usually children say their first word at the age of 8-9 months. Most often these are onomatopoeias or words of two repeated syllables.

How to understand that a child said exactly a word, and not just a set of sounds? If the child’s statements are repeated under the same circumstances, even if you cannot understand them, rest assured that your baby said a word, his speech apparatus is simply not yet developed enough to pronounce this word legibly. To prevent your child’s speech development from slowing down, you should not speak to your baby in his “baby” language. If your child says “beep beep” while pointing at a car, say, “That’s right, it’s a car.” While walking in the yard, ask your child to show you the car. And to translate the word “car” from a child’s passive vocabulary to an active one, point to the car and ask: “What is that?” Then your baby will certainly learn a new word and learn to pronounce it correctly.

There is a myth that a child’s first word must be the word “mother.” Indeed, some children say “mom” as early as 4-5 months. Also, even before one year old, children can say “Lala”, “Baba”, etc. These are all easy-to-pronounce words that are formed from the repeated babble of a child. The words that are easy to pronounce come first.

What else do you need to know about speech development?

Remember that speech development is a complex process and at some point failure may occur. Carefully monitor how your baby’s speech improves so that you can take corrective measures in a timely manner. Pay close attention to the critical periods of speech development. There are three of them:

  • 1 critical period: from 1 year to 2 years. There is an active development of the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech. During this period, the development of allalia (absence or underdevelopment of speech while maintaining mental abilities) and delayed speech development are possible. Now it is necessary to be very careful about the child’s behavior in the event of any head impacts or concussions.
  • 2 critical period: 3 years. There is an active development of coherent speech. At this age, the risk of developing such deviations as mutism (the child spoke and suddenly “does not want” to respond to the addressed speech, does not try to start a dialogue) and stuttering increases. Now the baby needs a calm environment more than ever. It is worth monitoring your own speech - do not jabber, take pauses so that the child can speak out.
  • 3 critical period: 6-7 years. During this period, a “disruption” of nervous activity may occur. This is fraught with the development of stuttering and childhood aphasia (partial or complete loss of previously present speech). Try to protect your child from stress and help him cope with the increased workload due to entering first grade.

Remember that speech development is associated with intensive work of the child’s nervous system. And this process will be much better in a calm and warm atmosphere. Protect your baby from worries, do not conflict with his family in front of him, talk to him kindly.

Read to your child more, moving from simple works to more complex ones. As soon as the child is able to express his opinion regarding the completed works, discuss each fairy tale or story after reading, invite the child to retell the content in his own words.

Adults need to monitor their own pronunciation and try to speak emotionally and expressively. This will not only allow the baby to master speech, but also use it for its intended purpose - as a subtle tool for expressing his own emotions.

In order for a child’s speech to develop correctly, it is necessary that he is constantly in a language environment. But don't overload him with information! It is better to use a few descriptive sentences and wait for the child's reaction, inviting him to "dialogue", rather than just chatting incessantly. For the same reason, do not replace personal communication with your child by watching cartoons and listening to audio fairy tales. Speech develops in dialogue!

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