Collaboration between a speech therapist and a teacher to overcome speech disorders in children

Long-term plan for the work of a speech therapist with preschool teachers

Tatyana Ibraeva

Long-term plan for the work of a speech therapist with preschool teachers

A long-term plan for the work of a teacher-speech therapist with teachers from MBDOU.

Month No. Forms of work , activities Contents of work

September 1. Study of documentation Familiarity with correctional preschool education programs, the content and directions of work together with teachers, a psychologist, a music director, and a physical training instructor.

2. Visit to a nurse Studying the diagnoses of children. The optimal mode of conducting classes is jointly developed, taking into account treatment and rehabilitation work .

3. Conducting a consultation on the topic “Tasks in the development of speech in preschool children in a preschool institution” for all specialists. Familiarization of teachers with the tasks facing all participants in the educational process in the development of speech in children 5-7 years old.

4. Filling out a log of relationships in the work of specialists .

Log speech findings and disrupted sounds for each child.

5. Participation in meeting No. 1 of the PMPK. Together with teachers and specialists of the preschool educational institution, preparation of documentation for the consultation, speaking at the meeting.

October 1. Preparations for the “Autumn Fair” holiday. Together with the music director, drawing up a script and preparing for the holiday. A speech therapist learning poems, nursery rhymes, ditties with children and participating as a character .

2.Conducting a consultation on the topic: “Physical development of preschool children with speech impairment”

for a physical training instructor.
Informing the physical training instructor about the characteristics of motor function in children with speech impairments. Recommendations for carrying out correctional work to overcome these violations
3. Conducting a consultation for the music director on the topic “Impairment of the prosodic component and intonation expressiveness of speech in children with speech pathology.” Informing the music teacher about violations of prosody, melody and intonation characteristic of children with speech pathology. Recommendations for carrying out corrective work to overcome these violations.


Filling out a log of relationships in the work of specialists .

Recording recommendations for the development of auditory attention and perception, overcoming rhythm disturbances, intonation, voice modulations, speech and physiological breathing, spatial orientation, automation of sounds in singing, development of emotionality, expressiveness in facial expressions, pantomime and dance, development of fine motor skills and kinesthetic skills sensations for teachers (music director, psychologist, physical education instructor). Taking into account and implementing the recommendations of specialists recorded in the column for the speech therapist

November 1. Beginning of preparations for the New Year's holiday Drawing up and discussing the holiday script with teachers and the music director. Distribution of speech material taking into account the pronunciation capabilities of children.

2. Attending a class for teachers on speech development in the senior group. Observation of the speech work , the accuracy of the instructions and samples of correct speech given by teachers.

3. Filling out a log of relationships in the work of specialists . Exchange of recommendations for improving the efficiency of work with specialists from preschool educational institutions. Taking into account and implementing the recommendations of specialists recorded in the column for the speech therapist

4. Conducting a round table with the participation of a speech therapist , psychologist, music director, and physical training instructor. Exchange of opinions of teachers on the general development and state of speech of each child with a speech disorder. Possible additions and changes to further correctional work .

December 1. Conducting a consultation on the topic “Formation of spoken language in conversation” for educators. Familiarizing educators with the importance of conversations as a method of developing dialogical speech, their topics, and the stages and methods of teaching. Familiarization with the correct structure of a conversation. Presenting sample conversations that promote speech development in children.

2. Continued preparations for the New Year holiday. Practicing speech material distributed among children in groups. Developing clear , intonated pronunciation of texts. Rehearsals for your own participation in the celebration.

3. Conducting a joint consultation with a psychologist on the topic “Overcoming underdevelopment of emotional and expressive means in children with speech disorders” for educators. Preparation of information about emotional and expressive means, their underdevelopment in children with speech pathology. Recommendations for overcoming this violation.

4. Filling out a log of relationships in the work of specialists . Exchange of recommendations for improving the efficiency of work with specialists from preschool educational institutions. Taking into account and implementing the recommendations of specialists recorded in the column for the speech therapist

January 1. Preparing and holding a parent meeting. Jointly with educators and specialists, presenting to parents about the results achieved over the past six months and about further planning of educational work .

2. Conducting a consultation on the topic “Automation of sounds in individual singing and singing songs with onomatopoeia” for the music director. Description of the significance of joint work on automating the sounds assigned to children and the role of musical classes in this process. Sample tasks and exercises that a music director can use when correcting sound pronunciation.

3. Participation in meeting No. 2 of the PMPK. Together with teachers and specialists of the preschool educational institution, preparation of documentation for the consultation, speaking at the meeting.

February 1. Preparation for the holiday dedicated to March 8

Discussion of the holiday scenario with teachers and music director. Distribution of speech material taking into account the pronunciation capabilities of children.

2. Conducting a parent workshop “Erudition Competition”

together with teachers of preparatory groups

A workshop with the aim of involving parents in events held in preschool educational institutions, nurturing the cohesion of the team of children and parents in the family and kindergarten, activating the thinking of children with the help of educational and didactic games.


Attending a class for teachers on speech development in a preparatory group.

Observation of the speech work , the accuracy of the instructions and samples of correct speech given by teachers.

4. Filling out the relationship log in

work of specialists.

Exchange of recommendations for improving the efficiency of work with specialists from preschool educational institutions. Taking into account and implementing the recommendations of specialists recorded in the column for the speech therapist

March 1.Conducting a consultation on the topic: “Prevention of speech disorders in preschool children”

for educators Description of the importance of joint
work to prevent speech disorders. Methods and techniques for performing speech work in groups .

Conducting a round table with the participation of a speech therapist , psychologist, music director, and physical training instructor.

Exchange of opinions of teachers on the general development and state of speech of each child with a speech disorder. Possible additions and changes to further correctional work .

3. Filling out a log of relationships in the work of specialists . Exchange of recommendations for improving the efficiency of work with specialists from preschool educational institutions. Taking into account and implementing the recommendations of specialists recorded in the column for the speech therapist

April 1. Preparations for the graduation party with children of preparatory groups. Discussion of the holiday scenario with teachers and music director. Distribution of speech material taking into account the pronunciation capabilities of children. Rehearsals for your own participation in the celebration.

2. Conducting an open lesson on sound automation for educators. Continue to familiarize educators with methods and techniques for correcting sound pronunciation: strengthening articulation patterns, pronunciation of sounds in words and phrases, developing word formation skills, developing clear coordinated movements of fingers and hands in combination with speech.


“Soon to School” parent club together with a psychologist

Joint presentation to parents about children’s psychological readiness for school, diagnostic results

4. Filling out a log of relationships in the work of specialists . Exchange of recommendations for improving the efficiency of work with specialists from preschool educational institutions. Taking into account and implementing the recommendations of specialists recorded in the column for the speech therapist

May 1. Participation in meeting No. 3 of the PMPk. Jointly with educators and specialists of the preschool educational institution, preparing documentation for the consultation, speaking at the meeting.

2. Preparation and holding a parent meeting. A joint presentation with educators and specialists to parents about the results achieved over the year and about further planning of educational work .

3. Conducting a round table with the participation of a speech therapist , psychologist, music director,

physical training instructor

Summing up the results of correctional and educational work . Determining ways for further cooperation.

4. "Celebration of Beautiful Speech"

conducted jointly with the music director and teachers

Final lesson – demonstration of knowledge and skills obtained as a result of correctional and educational work

Compiled by speech therapist teacher : Ibraeva T. A.

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