300 Discussion Topics and Answers for High School Students 2021 Updates

Rules of performance

But you still need to remember that it is best to follow certain rules of speech that will help refine the report and make it easy to understand. In this case, you must adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. Discrepancies between words and speech. If a person says hello, you need to raise your voice a little. You also need to talk more loudly about important points. There should be no trembling in the voice. After all, the audience will immediately feel the excitement and will certainly use this to the detriment of the speaker.
  2. Apologies and excuses. The person himself is fully responsible for everything said in the report. Unverified information, false data - all this can be perceived extremely negatively by listeners. Especially if they know the truth.
  3. Choice of words. When preparing a report, it is important to remember that it should not be dry. For the beauty of speech, you can use phrases, catchphrases and beautiful expressions. However, you shouldn’t use them too often, because the report should be as informative as possible. You also need to remember that you cannot use the particle “not”. For example, instead of “don’t get sick” you need to say “be healthy” and so on.
  4. Construction of the report. Initially, you need to interest the public. Therefore, the most interesting facts should be placed in the first paragraphs of the report. But the last one is remembered better. Therefore, the most important information should be placed at the end of the speech.
  5. Humor is the best helper. This is important to remember. However, you cannot turn your speech into a complete joke. After all, no one will take the speaker seriously like that.

Well, it’s worth remembering that you can’t behave pompously. Simplicity, lack of monotony and the presence of pauses are the key to an interesting speech. And of course, a properly selected interesting topic.

Sales presentation

Situations : You want to inform and invite to use a service, take part in an event, purchase a product, etc. For example it could be:

  • Video message for a landing page or social page. networks
  • A short announcement as part of a general presentation at a conference or webinar
  • Proposal to the client during a phone call
  • Brief explanation of the service upon meeting

Diagram 5. Event announcement

This diagram shows the simplest method. You directly, without complicated steps, invite you to take part in an event, sign up for a course, subscribe to a channel or page on social media. networks, etc. This is for those cases when you don’t need to invent anything fancy, you just need to invite without getting lost in the details.


Where do you invite: Welcome to the ABS channel/page.

What it is dedicated to: Here we publish materials about cultural events in the city for children.

For whom and why is it interesting: If you are a lover of active leisure in the city, you can plan in advance where to go with a child from 2 to 12 years old.

What's special: We not only have a list of events, but also live reports from the scene and reviews from visitors.

Call: Subscribe to the channel and get information.

Video example : Invitation to a lecture about dinosaurs. Pay attention to the style of address: on the one hand, there are all the formal elements of the structure, as in the diagram (where we are inviting, for what, why is it interesting), and at the same time the author speaks informally, enthusiastically. It’s only 1 minute, but it’s clear that the person knows how to speak interestingly.

Diagram 6. Service offer

This is a way of offering a service or product through a preliminary question to the listener.


Question: Is it important for you to get a professional video for your Internet project?

Service: Video studio XYZ allows you to record video.

What is the result: At home there is no good background and it is difficult to set the light. You pay for 1 hour and get the whole package: studio, cameraman, correct lighting, video editing at the exit.

Why is it convenient: Our studio has 5 background options, a teleprompter, we shoot with two cameras, the price includes installation, you don’t need to look for all the specialists separately.

Call: Call and reserve a convenient time.

Video example : And now this structure in a real presentation. This is a service presentation for a landing page. Duration 5 minutes, but looks easy. The service is clear, the benefits are clear, everything is clearly demonstrated.

Diagram 7. Product announcement

It differs from previous schemes by having an explanation of why the product was created. The explanation is structured in such a way that the listener understands what problem this product solves. That is, the position is not “we created this product because we like it and want to earn money,” but “we created this product because we studied the market, saw an unfulfilled need of people, and understood how to help people save money.”


Product: We offer delivery of medical tests by helicopter.

Why it was created: Working with clients, we often heard that the urgency of receiving analysis results is important to them, especially in distant regions. People have to make decisions about treatment, and they can't wait a week. That's why we came up with this method.

Benefits: You can save more people. The cost is higher, but the patient will spend fewer days in the hospital waiting for a test.

Call: Look at the details of our commercial offer.

Video example : A short video presentation of the service using the same scheme. In short, the essence of the service is clear, what we will receive, why it is convenient, a calm (unobtrusive, but explanatory) style of communication.

Diagram 8. Product announcement with example of use

You don't just describe the product and its benefits, but show examples and situations in which it can be used.

Problem situation: How to advertise regular services.

How this can be solved: It is necessary to use words in advertising (list...) and not use words (list...)

How our product helps solve this: In the book you will find principles and examples of writing texts for different cases.

Appeal: Buy in Book stores.

Video example: See how this is implemented in a real presentation. A combination of an expert presentation with advertising of your product.

General recommendations for sales presentations

  • Avoid general slogans like “we publish a lot of interesting events on our channel” or “we have a high-quality product.” These phrases do not convey meaningful information and only take up time. Say specifically: “our channel will contain information about exhibitions, excursions, children’s master classes”, “so that you can check the product, we have a trial version.”
  • Consider whether you are inviting to a paid event or a free one.
  • Don’t be fussy: the person must clearly understand what exactly you are offering and what he will receive.
  • Anticipate the main doubts of clients and talk about them in the presentation.

Nature and ecology

What is it, an interesting topic for speaking? Why not touch on global issues and talk about the state of modern ecology? How scientists evaluate everything that happens on earth, what cataclysms and problems are caused by this or that human action.

Here you can come up with many different interesting topics:

  • The problem of uncontrolled deforestation.
  • Pollution of the environment by vehicle exhaust gases.
  • The most environmentally friendly mode of transport.
  • Gaining energy from environmentally friendly sources.
  • Water pollution.
  • Declining global freshwater supply.

What else to talk about


When a conversation reaches a dead end, we desperately try to restart it. We think for a long time about what we can talk about, and do not notice that we can continue the conversation, discussing everything that is happening around us.

1. If you first met your interlocutor, then it would be logical to ask him about the reason for his stay in this place.

2. Start the conversation with appearance. Tell us what you are wearing today and why you chose it.

3. What kind of people are around you?

Perhaps you or your interlocutor will meet someone you know.

4. Is there music playing? What smell do you smell? Does your opponent wear perfume?

Future plans

Many people like to talk about their plans, tell them what they are going to do, and what they expect from the future.

1. Do you have plans for the weekend?

This is a great topic to talk about. You can start talking about it with someone you already know.

2. What event are you looking forward to?

It could be a festival, music concert, exhibition, store opening, holiday or parade.

3. Do you have a goal? What do you want to do in the future?

4. Where would you prefer to live: in a village or in a city?

5. Are you planning to go abroad?

6. Which university do you want to go to?

Social sphere

But still, people will be most interested in hearing about what is closest to them. Therefore, it is often easiest to find an interesting topic for a speech in this block. In this case, you can say:

  • About the main categories of people requiring social protection.
  • About social orphanhood.
  • About the most important problems of modern society. Here we can talk about drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking.
  • Deviant behavior.
  • The problem of organizing cultural leisure.

Work and employment

What other interesting topics are there for speaking? So, in school groups you can talk about employment problems. In this case, you can choose the following topics for the report:

  1. Choosing a profession: what should it be based on?
  2. Problems of youth during employment.
  3. The most requested professions.
  4. The highest and lowest paid professions.
  5. Rules for writing a competent resume.
  6. How to successfully pass an interview and what do you need to know for this?


What might be interesting topics for public speaking in the “Politics” section? Here you just need to look at the situation in the country at the moment. If elections are coming up, you can do a short overview of all the parties. You can analyze the work of the government and draw certain conclusions. Or start making forecasts and tell your listeners about your guesses. However, this requires a special mindset and the presence of a certain amount of useful information. But for a schoolchild this is quite difficult. It is best in this case to simply talk about the latest political news.

Presentation at the meeting

Situations . The 2 most common types of speeches at a meeting:

  • Come up with a new idea
  • Submit new information

Diagram 11. Presentation of the idea (option 1)

There are two universal schemes for presenting ideas. Moreover, they concern both simple working ideas and large strategic ones. From general to specific, when you start with the essence of an idea and then decipher it. And from the particular to the general, when you first describe the situation and gently lead to the idea itself.

Example 1:

The essence of the idea: I propose to move the warehouse to a new location.

Why I propose: The cost of renting the old place will double from the new year, renting a new place is cheaper than the current cost.

What benefits will we receive: We will be able to save on rent, and it will be more convenient for customers to pick up goods.

How much you need to spend: The total cost of moving will be X rubles. If we move before the fall, we will actually recoup the moving costs.

What needs to be done: List the actions...

Video example : Presentation of the idea of ​​an escape capsule for aircraft. This is an example of a visual presentation. There is no voiceover, but the entire text is written or drawn according to our scheme: why we are offering it, the essence of the idea, what benefits we get in various situations, due to what technology (what exactly needs to be done). There is not only a block about costs, but this is already described additionally. For serious presentations to investors, they now draw similar visual videos of exactly 1-2 minutes to clearly present their idea.

Diagram 12. Presentation of an idea (option 2)

Example 2:

Current situation: We have an excellent warehouse and everything is fine at the moment. But there are emerging changes. If we don't take them into account, there will be trouble.

Future problems: The cost of renting the old place will double from the new year, renting a new place is cheaper than the current cost.

The essence of the idea: I propose to move the warehouse to a new location.

How much you need to spend: The total cost of moving will be X rubles. If we move before the fall, we will actually recoup the moving costs.

What needs to be done: List the actions...

Video example : The presentation is comic, but all elements of the scheme are followed exactly.

Figure 13. Presentation of new information

When preparing this presentation, consider how the new information came to light—whether it was an emergency or a planned innovation.


What has changed: Our company is introducing new rules for registering clients in the database.

Reason for innovation: This is a requirement of new legislation.

Details of the innovation: Now you will need to enter an additional information field.

How this affects us: Customer service managers will have a new rule to ask for this information.

What needs to be done: Department heads inform all managers.

Video example: Presentation explaining changes in documents on state registration of real estate.

Free choice

If you need an interesting topic for a speech on a free topic, talk about what you know best. So, you can tell about your hobby. But it’s not easy to tell what it is. First, you need to delve into history. Next, give a few words to historical or simply famous personalities. Then just tell all the most interesting things.

If you need a report on a free topic, you can talk:

  1. About the main problems of the city (or educational institution).
  2. On the education of youth: new products, differences from the classical model.
  3. About what modern youth lacks.
  4. About the eternal problems of different generations.
  5. About how to change, change yourself, your character.


In conclusion, I would like to note a few more tips that will help make your performance bright and memorable:

  1. Come early. In this case, there will be a feeling that “they came to you,” and not “you came to someone.”
  2. If you feel a decrease in attention, do something that will wake everyone up (drop an object, make a joke, open/close a window, take off your jacket, walk to the hall and back, etc.)
  3. Be dynamic. Don't stand there like a statue.
  4. Keep the dialogue going. Feedback holds the audience well.
  5. There will always be a “smart guy with tricky questions.” Give him maximum attention, satisfy his need to be heard, you can even bring him to your place.
  6. Fewer dry numbers. Dilute the text, use adjectives and adverbs.
  7. Try to talk less about yourself and more about your audience.
  8. And be sure to smile. People are always drawn to the positive.

We hope that our article was once again useful and all your subsequent speeches are doomed to success.

We wish you success and public speaking achievements!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Modern Rhetoric: 7 Great Speeches
  • Techniques for maintaining audience attention
  • Tips for working effectively with your audience
  • How to Impress Your Audience: Tips from Brian Tracy
  • 7 Practical Ways to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills
  • 10 mistakes in a presentation
  • Preparing and delivering a speech
  • Improvisational speaking skills
  • Techniques for a successful presentation: a selection of useful materials
  • 4 speaker mistakes: reasons why speeches are not successful

Key words: 1 Communication, 1 Rhetoric

Intimate questions

And the last block, which is no less necessary and important, is sex issues. These are very interesting topics for speaking to an audience, which, unfortunately, in our society everyone tries not to touch upon. But in vain, because today’s youth really lack adequate sex education. Here is a list of sample topics:

  • About the first experience of sexual relations.
  • Sex: what is it and when does a person need it?
  • What are means of protection, what are they?
  • When and how can a girl become pregnant?
  • What does it mean to be parents?
  • When should you start having sex?

There are actually a lot of questions here. And we need to raise them. After all, modern society, unfortunately, does not have sufficient knowledge in this area.

Best List of Interesting Debate Topics 2021

  • — Does the film cause harm?
  • — Robotics, do they have any disadvantages?
  • — A person cannot be whole while most of the world is broken
  • — The right to abortion is necessary
  • - Should there be a separate school for boys and girls?
  • — Cartoons for adults should be broadcast on television only after 10:7. XNUMX Advertising around schools should be banned.
  • — Advertising creates artificial needs.
  • — Does religion have an ugly side?
  • — 10 some music needs to be stopped
  • — Advertising creates artificial needs.
  • — All secondary schools must have a school uniform.
  • lack of internet
  • — social networks, can you help?
  • — All schools should provide students with music and art education.
  • — All students should be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • — Ban porn site!
  • - free education is a right
  • — Ban animal performances in circuses.
  • - you should stop smoking at school
  • — Animals should not be used for entertainment.
  • — Arranged marriages are better than love marriages.
  • - Do they really teach us everything at school?
  • - Boxing ban!

High School Debate Topics

  • Indecent dressing school
  • Beauty pageants do more good than harm.
  • partying at school should be stopped
  • Being unwanted is the worst of diseases.
  • Birth control/education in BU schools should be a "wet" campus
  • Boys are more successful than girls.
  • Businesses should not advertise in schools.
  • Cable TV has done more harm than good.
  • what profession is the best?
  • The death penalty is unjust and humiliating.
  • what is most important in life
  • Celebrities shouldn't be role models.
  • Cell phones should be allowed in schools.
  • Cloning (human/organ/therapeutic)
  • must wear a uniform at school
  • The ugly side of cloning
  • College athletes must be paid.
  • Community service should be mandatory in high school.
  • Congress must pass the Clear Skies Initiative.
  • Consumers shouldn't buy SUVs.
  • Corporal punishment of children should be illegal.
  • Corruption, the abuse of government power for personal gain, cannot be eradicated.
  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Credit cards do more harm than good.
  • success and happiness, what is important?
  • Day care (universal provision)
  • Residents of desert areas should be required to use the desert landscape.
  • Development programs almost never benefit the poor.
  • Development that maintains existing inequalities is undesirable.
  • Diet pills should be banned

Debate Topics for College or University Students

  • Drinking age
  • Pharmaceutical companies should not advertise prescription drugs to the general public.
  • Drug testing (mandatory) DUI convictions must include mandatory sentences
  • Elections are not the best test of democracy.
  • Job creation must be the main goal of our planning.
  • English as an official language Federal funding for religious organizations
  • Extraterrestrial intelligence exists.
  • Fast food restaurants do more harm than good. Do you agree or not?
  • Food aid does more harm than good.
  • Football is a better game than cricket for Indian youth.
  • For teenagers, television is a better teacher than books.
  • College Foreign Language Requirements
  • Fossil fuels are easily replaced.
  • Fried foods must have warning labels.
  • Friends are the most important thing in life.
  • Bookmakers
  • Same-sex marriage same-sex marriage
  • GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) is more important in assessing a country's well-being than GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
  • Genetic Engineering
  • school or talent?
  • What is more important than money or love?
  • Giving money to panhandlers is justified.
  • Good economics means good politics.
  • Gun Control Healthcare/National Health Insurance
  • High school students must take a national final exam.
  • Do Hollywood movies have a good influence on the world or not?
  • Homeschooling does more good than harm.
  • National security is more important than protecting civil liberties.
  • Housework does more good than harm.
  • Homework should be prohibited.
  • Hospital workers should have the right to strike.
  • Human cloning should be legal in the United States.
  • Human history is becoming more and more a race between education and disaster.
  • In the case of student lockers, school safety is more important than student privacy.
  • In the struggle for global interdependence, security and sovereignty must be redefined.
  • In the modern world, the “culture of death” is gaining superiority over the “culture of life.”
  • Ineffective communication is the fault of the communicator.
  • Iran should be allowed to develop nuclear energy.
  • Is it unethical to eat meat?
  • Is our nation still unprepared for natural disasters?
  • It's better to be a follower than a leader.
  • It is impossible to eradicate violence from a country.
  • It is morally acceptable to experiment on animals for medical purposes.
  • It is unethical to buy an SUV.
  • It is unethical to eat meat.

Debate Topics for College or University Students

  • It should be illegal to sell coffee and coffee products to minors anywhere in the United States.
  • James Hahn should be re-elected mayor of Los Angeles.
  • Work flexibility and job security cannot coexist.
  • Job security is the biggest motivator than money.
  • Middle and high schools must randomly test their athletes for drug use.
  • Junk food should be banned from school cafeterias and vending machines.
  • Junk food should be banned from schools.
  • Juveniles should be tried as adults for serious crimes.
  • K-12 schools should ban the sale of junk food.
  • Written assessments in schools do more harm than good.
  • Lower the drinking age in the US to 18.
  • Marijuana/or other drugs have legalized obesity lawsuits
  • Medical examination of animals does more good than harm.
  • Middle classes should require students to wear uniforms.
  • High schools must allow outside food vendors for lunch.
  • High schools must undergo mandatory drug testing to participate in extracurricular activities.
  • High schools should have student lockers.
  • High schools should increase required classes and reduce the number of electives.
  • There should be no promotion ceremonies in high schools.
  • High schools should require students to wear uniforms.
  • Missile Defense Prayer in Public Schools
  • Money is more important than love.
  • Money is the biggest motivator of people in the workplace.
  • Films penetrate into the deepest corners of the soul.
  • NAFTA should be extended to all of America.
  • New York Senator Hillary Clinton should be elected President of the United States in 2008.
  • Non-traditional English should be recognized in academia.
  • On average, zoos do more good than harm.
  • Overall, children's television does more good than harm.
  • In the end, George W. Bush did more than harm.
  • Overall, nuclear energy does more good than harm.
  • In general, special interests have a positive impact on American politics.
  • Overall, video games do more good than harm.
  • Organ donation should be mandatory for all US citizens.
  • Should students wear school uniform?
  • Our problem is not overpopulation, but underpopulation."
  • Pakistan is more an enemy than an ally of the US.
  • Parental spanking of children should be a crime.
  • Parents should avoid encouraging their children to purchase toys that may sow the seeds of violence.
  • Parents must be legally responsible for the actions of their children.
  • Parents should be punished for their children's mistakes.
  • Parents should not buy military toys for their children.
  • Parents should not buy military toys for their children.
  • Physical education should be compulsory in school.
  • Peer pressure does more good than harm.
  • Peer pressure is more helpful than harmful.
  • Physical education should be mandatory in grades K-12.
  • Physician-assisted suicide should be legalized.
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Private pools are unethical.
  • Privatization of prisons
  • Professional athletes should be role models.
  • Professional athletes should not be allowed to participate in the Olympic Games.
  • Public funds should not be used for professional sports stadiums.
  • Public schools must have single-sex classes.
  • Puerto Rico should be a state.
  • Rap does more harm than good.
  • Rap does more harm than good.
  • Released felons must have the right to vote.
  • Reservation of seats in Parliament is neither desirable nor beneficial for women.
  • SAT/ACT prep classes do more harm than good.
  • Attendance at school must be voluntary.
  • The school should be year-round.
  • School uniform
  • School vouchers should be allowed.
  • Schools in the United States should ban animal dissection.
  • Schools should ban animal dissection.
  • Should schools ban junk food or not?
  • Schools should be year-round.
  • Schools should eliminate letter grades.
  • Schools should stop the practice of awarding awards.
  • Schools should not support competitive interscholastic sports. Schools should ban animal dissection.
  • Schools should not use standardized testing.
  • Schools must provide single-sex instruction.
  • Schools must provide single-sex instruction.
  • September 11 should become a national holiday.
  • Should people over 16 get a tattoo?
  • Should homework be limited to a maximum of three evenings per week?
  • Should minorities be treated differently?
  • Should skateboards be banned from sidewalks?
  • Should the use of animals in sports and entertainment be banned?
  • Should there be a curfew for people under the age of 18 to reduce crime?
  • Single-sex education is better than coeducational education.
  • Size zero models should be banned.
  • Smoking in public places Megan's Law
  • Football players must wear helmets.
  • school hours should be reduced
  • Spanish should be a required course in public schools.
  • State universities should significantly expand professional training.
  • State lotteries must be stopped.
  • doctors are the most important in the world
  • States should prohibit drivers from using cell phones in cars.
  • States must eliminate the “three strikes” law.
  • States must issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
  • States should legalize physician-assisted suicide.
  • States must provide free wireless Internet access.
  • States should raise the minimum driving age to 18.
  • States must substantially increase the minimum wage.
  • Stem cell research must be expanded.
  • Students should be able to have cell phones in school.
  • Students should be able to chew gum at school.
  • Students should be punished for not reporting cheating.
  • Students should be required to study a second language to graduate from high school.
  • Students should be required to study a second language to graduate from high school.
  • Students must take parenting classes.
  • The Supreme Court trial is to be televised.
  • Supervision of Employees Terrorism Laws
  • Teachers should not be allowed to give candy as a reward.
  • Teachers should not use candy as a reward.
  • Teachers should not use candy as a reward.
  • Television does more harm than good.
  • Television is a bad influence.
  • Tenure should be abolished Violence/sex on TV
  • Time limits for state legislators must be eliminated.
  • The digital divide is a secondary issue in the educational needs of developing countries.
  • The American presidential system of primaries and caucuses does more good than harm.
  • The assault weapons ban must be extended.
  • The atomic bombing of Hiroshima was justified.
  • The Bush Administration's guest administration program must be implemented.
  • The Constitution must be changed to allow foreign citizens to be President of the United States.
  • The continued introduction of new technologies and new media has little impact on the quality of education.
  • Developing a sound education and health care system ensures the security of a nation more than military power.
  • The District of Columbia should become the 51st state.
  • The consequences of economic reforms are diminishing.
  • The Electoral College should be abolished.
  • Eliminating global poverty is the greatest moral challenge facing the work today.
  • An emphasis on standards-based education in public high schools does more good than harm.
  • The French government should allow students to wear visible religious symbols in public schools.
  • The gifts that people have together are more significant than those that they have apart.
  • The image of human personality as vindicated by the electronic media is incompatible with Indian values.
  • The Internet has done more harm than good.
  • Metrorail's late-night service is a failed transportation experiment.
  • The legal system should be able to charge juveniles with murder as adults.
  • The film rating system needs to change
  • The NBA player's dress code is justified.
  • New economic policies help the poor.
  • The No Child Left Behind law does more harm than good.
  • The only war worth fighting for is the war on poverty.
  • The President of the United States must be directly elected by the people.
  • The private life of politicians is not of concern to the public.
  • The public sector has been a big failure.
  • The public's right to know more is more important than the private lives of celebrities.
  • The Supreme Court must end affirmative action in higher education.
  • should firearms be legal?
  • money isn't everything in a relationship
  • who is more important in the family, father or mother?
  • The US must end the embargo on Cuba.
  • the boarding school system is flawed
  • Nuclear weapons must be destroyed
  • The US should not send people into space.
  • The US must take military action against Iran.
  • The influx of American troops into Iraq is desirable.
  • The United Nations has failed in its mission.
  • Is presidential immunity right?
  • The United States Constitution should be amended to establish a mandatory retirement age for Supreme Court justices.
  • The United States federal government should ban the production of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  • Should a student eat fast food at school?
  • Alternative energy sources: explain why they are effective or not
  • The US military must leave Iraq immediately.
  • Independent student in class student
  • Should GCSEs be cancelled? For what?
  • Is sex education useful for high school students?
  • GPA: is it an outdated way to evaluate students' knowledge?
  • What are the most effective ways to combat bullying at school?
  • the exam is not a real test of knowledge
  • sex machine should be banned
  • The United States must eliminate its own weapons of mass destruction.
  • effective way of learning
  • The United States must end the embargo on Cuba.
  • The United States must expand its use of nuclear energy.
  • The United States must guarantee health care for its residents.
  • The United States must guarantee health care for its residents.
  • effective way of learning
  • The US should have a military draft.
  • The United States must launch a preemptive strike against Iran.
  • bullies should be expelled from school
  • The US must reach an agreement with Osama bin Laden
  • US should open federal lands and offshore zones to oil drilling
  • bad relationships at school
  • The United States must significantly expand its use of nuclear energy.
  • The United States must significantly increase space exploration.
  • The United States must withdraw its military forces from Iraq.
  • The US federal government should significantly increase gasoline taxes.
  • The American prison at Guantanamo Bay must be closed.
  • The US must eliminate farm subsidies.
  • The war against child labor is being lost.
  • The world is becoming more ethical every year.
  • There are no bad children, only bad parents.
  • There is more intellect than emotion in our way of life.
  • There should be mandatory drug testing for all high school athletes in the United States.
  • There should be mandatory drug testing for participation in extracurricular activities.
  • There should be year-round education for students in grades K-12.
  • To be eligible for college, a student must have completed twelve months of social service in the areas of reforestation, road construction, soil conservation, health, or literacy.
  • the death sentence must be abolished
  • School should be year-round
  • Television and films influence children more than parents.
  • The US intervention in Iraq did more good than harm.
  • In Indian conditions, coalition governments are neither effective nor durable.
  • Junk food should be banned in schools for underage children 5
  • US military involvement in Iraq has done more good than harm.
  • Should prostitution be considered a crime?
  • Violent video games should be banned.
  • Is terrorism justified?
  • The voting rights of American felons should be restored after they have served their time.
  • Should animals be used for drug testing?
  • Wal-Mart is good for America.
  • Military toys are good for children.
  • Should the brother attend the same school?

Important reading:

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Funny and interesting topics for debate

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  • What's better: daydreaming or dreaming at night?
  • Homework should be rejected in elementary school.
  • The importance of extracurricular activities and clubs in schools.
  • Should we make cartoons and television part of the educational process in primary schools?
  • What's the best TV show of all time?
  • Should zoos be destroyed?

I trust you guys that your intention to read this article is resolved. If yes, let me know if you have any queries or questions related to this article, feel free to comment below.

CSN Team.

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