From theory to practice: a review of the best methods for developing speech in preschool children

Speech plays an important role in the psychological and social development of a child. Violations in this area lead to a slowdown in the formation of cognitive processes, difficulties in mastering the school curriculum, and make the child withdrawn and indecisive.

To minimize the likelihood of such problems occurring, it is necessary to know the methods of speech development in preschool children.

Stages of speech development in children from birth to school

Human speech develops in stages. Its formation begins from birth. Russian psychologist and linguist Alexey Leontiev identified a number of important stages of speech formation that a child goes through: preparatory, pre-school and pre-school.

The preparatory period covers the period of time from birth to one year, it is divided into 3 stages:

  1. scream _ With its help, the newborn communicates with the people around him. This is the first vocal reaction. The child uses it to tell his mother about his discomfort. Thanks to screaming, articulation, voice, and breathing are trained;
  2. revelry _ Lasts until six months of age. The baby reproduces certain sounds and their variations (a-gy, boo-oo, a-gu). At this stage, it is important to support the child's desire to communicate. To do this, parents should repeat what the baby says;
  3. babble _ This stage lasts up to a year. It is the final stage of preparing the baby for full speech. Children begin to pronounce repeated syllables (ma-ma, va-va, ba-ba, yes-da, pa-pa). At first, the child pronounces simple words unconsciously. But by 10-12 months, children begin to meaningfully use “ma-ma”, “ba-ba”, etc.

The pre-school stage begins when infants begin to consciously pronounce their first words. It lasts from 12 months to 3 years. Children's first words are general in nature. For example, “give” can mean a request, a desire, or an object. Therefore, only family members understand the baby for now.

From the age of one and a half years, children begin to pronounce words in full, and not in a truncated form. The lexicon continues to expand. Kids try to put simple words into sentences without prepositions. For example, “Masha am-am” means that Masha is hungry. By the age of three, questions are formulated in speech: “How?”, “Where?”, “Where?”, “When?”.

Children under three years old actively use gestures

The child learns to use prepositions, agree words in case, number, gender. Four-year-old children already communicate using complex and compound sentences. The preschool stage of speech formation lasts from 3 to 7 years. This is a time of active replenishment of the vocabulary.

By the end of the preschool period, children pronounce all sounds correctly and have a broad outlook.

Speech development: how to and how not to develop speech in preschoolers

Part 1. Why do you need to develop speech and what is speech development? Or we determine the goal of speech development and “hit the bull’s eye”

Speech development: typical mistakes in understanding the goal.

To do anything effectively, we need to have a very precise idea of ​​the desired goal of our actions. Then we will be able to “hit the bull’s eye” and achieve it. What will happen as a result of our actions? What will the child or his speech be like?

If there is no precise understanding of the goal, then our actions will be very similar to shooting sparrows from cannons, and the goal will be difficult and almost impossible to achieve. The selection of ways to achieve it, that is, the selection of effective speech development techniques and the ability to distinguish them from ineffective ones, also depends on understanding the goal.

Therefore, at the beginning, let's look at the purpose of developing the speech of children in preschool age and the typical mistakes that are encountered in this very important issue.

What is speech development? Opinion 1 and error 1.

The most common mistake in speech development, which I encounter every day in my practice of communicating with parents and teachers, with my friends, is understanding speech development too narrowly - as the work of a speech therapist to identify impaired sounds in children. It is believed that if a child pronounces all sounds, then his speech is well developed and there is no need to develop anything, which is not at all true! Once I even heard from the teacher’s lips (I went with a friend to pick up her child in kindergarten and accidentally heard the teacher’s remark): “You know! It turns out that we also need to develop children’s speech, but we are not a speech therapy group.” This was said by the teacher of the senior group of a kindergarten in a large city (!!!), which showed me that even many teachers do not understand the purpose of their own work on the development of children’s speech and do not know why it is necessary. This means they have no results in this direction.

Let's separate these two concepts and these two lines - speech correction and speech development.

Line 1. Speech correction.

A speech therapist deals with speech correction, i.e. correction of speech disorders in children and adults. That is, a speech therapist conducts classes with children whose speech is already impaired and helps the child correct speech disorders. Moreover, speech disorders concern not only sounds, but also speech breathing, intonation, tempo and timbre of speech, as well as grammar, vocabulary, coherent speech, that is, all aspects of speech development. If a child does not have speech disorders, then he does not need speech therapy classes, but he does need speech development classes (see line 2).

Speech therapists conduct classes with the youngest children of early age with delayed speech development or mental retardation, as well as with older children - 3-7 years old, and even with schoolchildren, teenagers and adults. But the methods of teaching 2-year-olds and 5-year-olds or schoolchildren are different.

Line 2. Speech development and prevention of speech disorders.

With normal speech development, the child does not require speech therapy classes. But developing his speech is very necessary and important! This means that he needs classes and games not for speech correction, but for speech development. A lot can be done from the first days of a baby’s life to prevent him from developing speech disorders in the future. And so that he speaks freely, beautifully, accurately, expressively, correctly and without mistakes. This is the development of speech.

I specifically wrote it in simple everyday language without terms, so that the difference would be clear.

What is “speech development”? Opinion 2 and error 2.

Very often, the concept of “speech development” is narrowed in modern families, and in many centers of preparation for school and preschool education, only to prepare children for learning to read and write, or is considered even more narrowly - only as learning to read. That is, in this case, teachers and parents believe that the development of speech in preschoolers is teaching children to read and children’s good knowledge of letters. But quick reading and knowledge of such concepts as “word”, “syllable”, “hard consonant”, “soft consonant”, “vowel”, “sentence” is only a small, very narrow part of the holistic system of speech development in preschool age. And it cannot be “torn out” from this system. More on this below.

A case from my practice. Many years ago I held a parent meeting for my new group of kids. The children in my group at that time were three years old, some were four. The first thing parents asked me at the meeting was how quickly I could teach their children to read, and at what speed they would read by the end of the school year. They thought that since I was working on speech development, this meant that the main thing for me in teaching three-year-old children was reading. Then I asked one of the mothers: “Irina, when you got your prestigious job, did you go through a competitive interview?” “Of course,” Anechka’s mother answered. “Did you have your reading speed checked when applying for this job?” Anya’s mother laughed: “Of course not.” Then I asked those mothers and fathers who had their reading speed tested when applying for a job to raise their hands. Haven't checked with anyone :). I asked what was being tested, and what tests did they need to pass? It turned out that absolutely everyone, when applying for a job, was tested for their ability to navigate new situations, as well as in typical and non-standard situations, think independently, prove their opinion correctly, conduct a discussion, analyze information, not get lost in life situations, general level of development, ability cooperate with people and other life skills. “This is what is laid down in preschool childhood, and this is what I will teach your children,” I said then. – “And have your own thoughts, and express them accurately and clearly for your interlocutor, conduct a discussion, clearly formulate questions and answers to them, defend your opinion, navigate different life situations of verbal communication. And this is the development of speech in babies!” So what will be the most important thing in children’s lives – reading speed or these vital skills of verbal communication with people, the ability to express oneself, one’s thoughts and feelings, to feel one’s individuality? Every parent answers this question for himself. (Note: I do not deny reading, but I believe that it should not be an end in itself and the most important thing in teaching children)

At this meeting we resolved this issue in favor of vital communication skills. And we did it brilliantly! These children not only spoke well by the end of preschool age, they became my co-authors of many speech games and activities that you are now reading on the site. And we also wrote two very real books, published by the Karapuz publishing house in the series “Development of Speech and Verbal Communication” on interesting expressions of the Russian language (counting crows, scratching with your tongue, and others). Games with these children and the stories and tasks they invented formed the basis of my online course “Topsy-Turvy: Topsy-Turvy Speech Problems for the Development of Children’s Thinking, Creativity and Speech.”

What is “speech development”? Opinion 3 and error 3.

Another very common mistake that I encounter in letters from readers of the site is equating the development of speech with its appearance in a child. From this point of view, it turns out like this: as soon as the baby speaks, as soon as his first words appear, there is nothing left to develop, no development of speech is needed, because the child speaks, which means speech is there and developed! This is wrong. The first words are just the first stage in speech development. All the most interesting things await you ahead. And writing fairy tales and riddles, and getting to know poetry and other genres of children's literature and the ability to distinguish them from each other, and logical speech problems, and games with sounds, syllables, sentences, and retellings, and much more.

What is speech development? Opinion 4 and error 4.

Some people believe that the method of speech development is simply tongue twisters, counting rhymes, riddles, and simple proverbs. You need to use them with children in any order and more often, and everything will be fine.

Or there is an opinion that speech development is simply a child’s memorization and naming of different objects from pictures (memorizing and naming the names of cities, trees, flowers, animals, countries, body parts, birds, fish, etc.). And we need to make sure that the baby remembers more words - the names of objects, so his speech will be developed. This is wrong. Developed speech is much more than simply naming objects.

I encounter this error all the time on different sites on the Internet. For example, on one of the sites for mothers, the author wrote that for early childhood there is a developed method for speech development, everything is clear, there are well-planned Doman classes, but “for preschool age there is no method for speech development, it needs to be created.” This phrase brought a sincere smile to my face, and I laughed heartily and for a long time. After all, entire teams of talented scientists and practitioners for many decades in our country have created and are creating methods for the development of speech in children! Students learn this technique for several semesters, and it is considered one of the most difficult. And the method of speech development is not a mountain of chaotically selected rhymes, poems or tongue twisters and games - but these are specific stages of solving specific problems in their system. Well-founded, proven steps! Since each pure tongue twister or tongue twister or other technique does not exist on its own, but “fits” into the system of speech development, and fits not just like that, but into a specific direction and at a specific stage of children’s education. It is then that they will really “work” most effectively on the development of children’s speech. Otherwise, we use only 10-20% of their potential.

What happens when this error occurs? We get the so-called “learned helplessness” in the development of a child’s speech. It manifests itself in the fact that the child perfectly and quickly completes tasks that he was taught and which were often repeated. But he does not speak as a means of communication and knowledge in life and is lost in any unfamiliar situation. But mastery of speech as a means of communication is the main thing! As one mother, a reader of my site and a graduate of my course for parents, said: “I was proud that my daughter knew the names of all the capitals of the world, but she could not meet other children in the yard or talk to them, tell a fairy tale. And only now I realized that this was not the main thing!” I’ll say right away that after this mother changed her position in communicating with her child, there was a sharp impetus in the development of the baby’s speech. Now the girl already uses phraseological units in her speech and actively composes stories and fairy tales with her mother. And if this had not happened, she would have remained at the level of memorized words.

A case from my practice. Sasha is 4 years old. When monitoring speech development, I pay attention to the fact that the baby has a very low level of speech development and great difficulties with speech. He cannot retell “from the pictures and with my help even “Turnip”, several groups of sounds are disrupted, the boy gets confused in colors and shapes, cannot describe where the object is, cannot describe the toy even with my help, cannot continue the phrase, he finds words with difficulty, coordinates words with each other in sentences with errors, and has many grammatical errors in his speech. But to my amazement, he answers very accurately from the pictures and tells me all the prepositions (in, on, under, for, before, from under, because of). I ask Sasha’s mom what’s the matter and how does he know prepositions so well, because... I can't understand the reason. It turns out that for a whole year, every day, the mother memorized with her child pictures depicting various prepositions (a ball on the table, under the table, at the table, in front of the table, jumped out from behind the table, etc.). And in the end, Sasha remembered them all and knows how to reproduce and name them. It took a lot of time to do this activity - repeating pictures - daily speech exercises that the child dislikes in the evenings for a year!!! Did this give impetus to the development of Sasha’s speech? No. During this year of “training” the child only on knowledge of prepositions, very important other aspects of speech development were missed. “Training a child” to solve one problem never leads to good results in speech development. All prepositions could be learned very quickly and interestingly for the child with Sasha in exciting and fun speech games (you will find their detailed description in a series of my articles about games with prepositions). Were the mother’s heroic daily efforts to develop her son’s speech effective? No. But you could play speech games with joy and enthusiasm with your child and achieve better results instead of the painful repetition of the same pictures day after day!

Let’s now see how to avoid mistakes and develop children’s speech easily and joyfully without unnecessary “heroism.” And we will finally determine our true goal, what we will try for and what we want to get.

What actually is the method of speech development and the development of speech in children?

The methodology for developing children's speech answers the questions: 1) what to teach in the development of children's speech, 2) how to teach and 3) why and why to teach this way.

Moreover, the answers to these questions and recommendations in the methodology for developing children’s speech are also not taken “from the head,” but are determined from the practice of developing children’s speech and from experimental work with children. How does this happen? To test a certain method of speech development, the authors take several groups of children (the groups should be approximately the same in terms of the children’s development level). Further work is carried out with these groups of children on speech development, but they are taught in different ways in order to choose the most effective one. Next, the researchers look at the difference in the results obtained in children. Then the results are rechecked with other groups of children. And based on a comparison of the data obtained, a conclusion is made about which method of speech development in working with children is more effective and gives the best results. And it is this method that is recommended for everyone to use - both teachers and parents. This is how the theory and methodology of children’s speech development was created and is being created. And I, as a researcher of children’s speech, when developing my own methods of developing children’s speech and game-based communicative situations for speech classes with children, do the same thing - I make sure to check all the speech development techniques when working with children before recommending them to other people - teachers and parents.

The goal of speech development for children in preschool age

What exactly is the development of speech in preschool children? Speech development has as its goal

help the child master competent, beautiful, expressive oral speech in his native language, learn to accurately, vividly, figuratively convey HIS thoughts, feelings, impressions in speech (note - your own, i.e. do not memorize and repeat like a parrot what is said to an adult, but compose your opinion about the event and express it in speech, prove it, discuss it with others).

That is, a child’s well-developed oral speech should be: a) correct (that is, without errors), b) “good” in quality, that is, beautiful, imaginative, accurate, rich, expressive.

This is our goal for the development of speech in children in preschool age.

Nowadays there are more and more children who are considered geniuses in the family. They know huge passages from encyclopedias by heart. But any creative or problematic situation baffles them. They also don’t have beautiful creative expressive speech. That is, they do not have the base, the basis for the development of abilities and speech development.

A case from my practice. Vanya was developed very intensively in the family, since he was the only son and grandson in a family of professors. Vanya’s speech was also developed, but in a special way: they read excerpts from encyclopedias to the child and forced the boy to retell them. This was a daily task - Vanya’s lesson with her parents “on speech development”. The child retold this story, indeed, at the highest level for his age - of course, daily training in the family was producing results! The family believed that a good retelling was the main thing Vanya needed to succeed in school. But the child had obvious problems with verbal communication and creativity, as well as with initiative and curiosity. They were not encouraged in the family. One day I asked Vanya (he was 6 years old at that time): “Will your wooden boat float in the water?” And he answers me: “Grandfather hasn’t read about this to me yet. When he reads it, I’ll tell you what he said.” And there is no attempt by the child to even try to reason, generalize or practically test his version - to launch the boat into the water and draw his own conclusion about its “buoyancy” and its reasons. Such children cannot write a fairy tale, meet a peer in the yard, or come to an agreement with the children. Is their speech well developed? Can they express themselves? No. Alas, they only repeat other people’s memorized thoughts. The goal was not achieved, although the adults in the family invested a lot of effort, but, alas, in the wrong direction! Vanya is currently studying at school - he is an average student, without outstanding success and without the desire for knowledge. After all, what is important in school is not retelling, but the child’s ability to highlight the main thing in educational material, generalize, draw an independent conclusion, analyze, compare, and not repeat after an adult. The parents are disappointed and offended by Vanyushka. But I won’t envy Vanya - after all, the family themselves “drove” him into this “dead end” of development.

This is interesting:

When the method of speech development was just being created in Russia, it set an even more interesting and even higher-level task - to educate a child not just in correct expressive speech, but in an
individual speech style!
Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol and other writers have an individual style of speech - we will never confuse the authors with each other, feeling their author's style. You can read more about this in the article “E.I. Tikheyev on the development of speech style in children" (the article was written almost 100 years ago, but what deep and very modern thoughts are in it! And how I want to go to these heights!).

Alas, in the modern situation there is no time for this task, because... Usually children do not “mature” to this level. We are already talking about the fact that almost every child has a disorder in speech development! But a huge number of these violations simply could not have happened if the child had been properly treated and communicated in the family and in the kindergarten!

So, with the goal and typical mistakes in determining the goal of speech development, as well as with what the methodology for speech development is, we have decided. The goal is high, interesting, very necessary for all of us in life, and the main thing for us is to start moving forward - to go towards it in small steps.

Now let's talk about indicative indicators of speech development - or about “norms” and monitoring of child development.

Methods of speech development in kindergarten

The theory and methodology of speech development in preschool children has its own characteristics. There are many techniques for teaching kids. One of the most popular is the method of Alekseeva M.M. and Yashina V.I.

The technique involves step-by-step speech training:

  • filling the vocabulary;
  • correct sound reproduction;
  • grammatical construction of sentences;
  • training in conducting monologues and dialogues.

In the method of speech development by V.I. Yashina. The following methods are used:

  • verbal (carried out through conversations, reading, stories);
  • visual (implemented through examination of objects, familiarization with drawings, photographs);
  • practical (these are theatrical games, drawing, designing, round dances).

Methods of speech development by Yashina V.I. and Alekseeva M.M. involves the use of such verbal techniques:

  • speaking;
  • sample of speech communication;
  • repetition;
  • indication;
  • explanation;
  • question.

Reading fairy tales and short stories is a great way to improve your vocabulary

Groups in preschool educational institutions are divided into junior, middle and senior. The thoughtful speech of a specialist is used as a role model. To motivate the child to actively communicate, the teacher emphasizes his positive qualities and achievements. It is customary to correct vocabulary errors correctly and accurately.

In younger groups

The method of developing children's speech involves mastering words, understanding their meaning, and association. In younger groups, as a rule, classes are conducted in the form of a game. Memorizing words occurs when studying the world around us, looking at drawings, toys and other objects.

At this time, the teacher pronounces sounds, associating them with a specific object. Auditory exercises alternate with articulation exercises. To train the speech apparatus, the teacher asks the children to smile, stick out their tongue, run it over their upper teeth, and then puff out their cheeks.

The method for three-year-old children is aimed at teaching the correct pronunciation of sounds. Children learn to hear and pronounce consonants and vowels. Children often confuse hissing and dull sounds and miss them.

In kindergartens, deduction games are often played: “Brew tea”, “Guess what they hid”, “Cut salad”, etc. During such activities, the child learns not only to talk, but also to perform actions with objects. Also, the teacher’s task is to create associations for the correct formation of speech. For this purpose, quantity games are played.

In middle and senior groups

In the middle and older groups, a method for comparing and correcting speech disorders is used. Repeated repetition of a verbal element gives the child the opportunity to remember the sound and learn to pronounce it correctly. The teacher explains the essence and meaning of various phenomena and objects. This allows you to remember words faster.

The specialist’s task is to consolidate the acquired skills and form conversational speech in the child. Kids are encouraged to conduct a coherent dialogue, listen and maintain a conversation. Simple lessons on relationships and sentence structure are taught.

To construct morphological speech, the following techniques are used:

  • reading literature;
  • learning poetry;
  • staging theatrical scenes.

Methods of speech development by Starodubova N.A. involves conducting collective training sessions aimed at developing perseverance, assessing speech level, and creative qualities. In middle and senior kindergarten groups, children communicate a lot with their peers, use speech patterns and skills. Participation in games for older children contributes to the rapid development of speech.

But such an association must take place under the control of educators. After all, some older guys can tease and offend kids, laughing at their still unpracticed speech. This negatively affects the development process. Children's vocabulary is replenished through descriptive stories. The methodological system makes it possible to develop imagination and memory.

Games described include:

  • examination of the subject;
  • highlighting its special features;
  • determining the components of an object relative to each other;
  • finding small components;
  • re-perception.

Six-year-old children should be able to recreate images of things in their memory when answering questions from the teacher. Kids are able to rhyme words, compose simple rhymes, and compose logically meaningful stories.

Ways for teachers to teach children competent speech

Teachers play a major role in the development of speech in preschool children. In this regard, special requirements are placed on teachers’ speech culture. Communication between educators and children occurs both at the everyday level and in terms of the curriculum. The potential of the speech environment of preschool children depends directly on the quality of the teacher’s speech.

Goals and objectives of speech formation in preschoolers

The goal of speech development in preschool age is the formation of correct and competent speech, taking into account age-related characteristics. In the theory of pedagogy, there are three aspects of speech development tasks:

  • structural - based on the formation of the phonetic, grammatical and lexical language level;
  • communicative - development of language skills, communicative functions, the ability to connect sentences into a coherent story, knowledge of forms of communication;
  • cognitive or cognitive - this aspect forms the ability to understand the phenomena of speech and language.

Important! The main work on speech development should be carried out in the direction of developing oral communication skills. The level of speech education is closely related to the development of thinking, the formation of the foundations of morality and aesthetics.

Speech therapy classes in the garden

Creating conditions for children to develop correct sound pronunciation skills

Parents and educators must be aware of the responsibility for instilling purity of speech in children from the early days of life. All age-related deviations in pronunciation disappear in children by the age of five. But the process cannot happen on its own. Coherent and competent speech is formed by the example of adults.

Teachers and parents are obliged to create conditions in which the child will hear only literate speech. The environment is also very important. You can’t babysit with your baby in the family. This method of communication will lead to the development of incorrect sound pronunciation.

Important! Parents often make a big mistake. In order to educate the child, they force him to memorize complex and long poems. This leads to overload. Such a remedy can only worsen pronunciation problems. Any activity should be appropriate for the child’s age and be interesting to him.

Games for children from 2 to 4 years old for speech development - tips for parents

Kindergarten teachers must monitor the process of children developing competent pronunciation from an early age. Observations must be made during the learning project, both in class and on outings. In the general system of work, games, reading fairy tales, poems, and holding conversations occupy an important place.

Creating a natural environment in the garden

Principles for identifying violations and correcting them

In the process of observing children and analyzing their pronunciations, teachers use a diagnostic method to identify violations.

The basic principles of correction of speech disorders include the following:

  • systematic - when conducting diagnostics, it is necessary to influence all components of speech, including structure;
  • development principle - it is important to identify the main violation and direct all work to it;
  • complexity - work on speech therapy should be carried out in conjunction with medical and psychological influence;
  • the principle of the relationship between speech and psychology - a speech therapist must correct those developmental deviations that interfere with the proper functioning of speech activity.

Practical and verbal methods are used to correct sound pronunciation.

Analysis of children's pronunciation

Ushakova's technique

Ushakova’s method for developing the speech of preschool children is quite well-known and effective. It is based on the assimilation of simple material and elementary techniques, followed by a transition to more difficult classes.

Complicating tasks for the baby is carried out gradually and imperceptibly. After just four lessons you can see positive results in speech development.

Parents play a major role in the development of a baby’s speech, so mothers are given the following recommendations:

  • talk to your child correctly;
  • ask the baby to repeat simple words;
  • during the game, name objects;
  • regularly tell fairy tales, read children’s books aloud;
  • If the child pronounces words incorrectly, try to correct the mistakes.

Ushakova’s technique involves an individual approach. When developing the program, the health characteristics, genetics, level of development, age of the baby, his skills and abilities are taken into account.

Classification of methods and techniques for speech development

The classification of methods for language development of students can be presented as follows.

Receptive method (informative-receptive, or informative, or explanatory-illustrative) - a conversation, a teacher’s story, reading a text, reading a rule or a memo, showing a sample of language, getting acquainted with a dictionary entry, etc. This method is used to develop knowledge about language and language-related concepts, methods of language activity.

An important receptive method of language development is memorization, which ensures that students’ creative memory is saturated with language samples.

Reproduction method. With its help, language skills and abilities are formed. Students apply their acquired knowledge about language in practice, in particular, solve typical language problems, analyze a word or text according to a predetermined pattern (for example, text generation algorithms and text perception algorithms are formed here). Typical techniques of the reproductive method include composing combinations of words, sentences, telling and retelling text.

The reproductive method can be complete or incomplete. Thus, words and phrases in the language are reproduced completely; linguistic stereotypes (for example, politeness formulas) can be reproduced. Incomplete reproduction of speech models, for example, when the grammatical structure and meaning are preserved, but the lexical content of the model changes. Among the methods of language development, methods of incomplete reproduction predominate, which is manifested, for example, in such speech exercises as inserting words according to their meaning into a sentence or text, reformulating deformed sentences and texts, selecting lexical or grammatical synonyms, clarifying the meaning of words, etc.

A distinctive feature of this method in relation to the language development of students is the demonstration of examples of texts, imitation of which should stimulate the need to create their own text at a similar level. Reproduction in this case is only one of the stages, a necessary component of the child’s productive speech activity.

Within the framework of the reproductive method, a significant place is occupied by algorithmic instructions on how to work on a text, how to work on a word (memos). They help to use the reproductive method most effectively in the formation of the basic actions of speech production - the action of generating a concept (meaning formation) and the action of embodying this concept in the text.

Productive method. It includes research and creative methods. Again, following I.J. Lerner, it is right to include here the formulation of the problem and partly research, or heuristic, methods. In elementary school, heuristic conversation predominates, but not the research method in its pure form. The problem representation dominates in later stages of learning.

Productive methods of a problematic, sometimes research nature are used when drawing up a text plan, text analysis, including determining the topic, main idea, heading, highlighting parts of the text, when composing the text according to a specific plan (composition), etc. Numerous language tasks of a problematic nature, such as text editing, can also be considered a productive method of language development.

Speech exercises

To develop speech, it is recommended to perform special exercises. Classes can be conducted in the form of a game to interest the child.

Effective speech exercises:

  • searching for an item. At least three toys are placed in front of the baby. They ask him to turn away and at that moment they hide one of the things. Then the adult offers to name and describe what item is missing;
  • comparison of pictures. Show your child a drawing of animals. Ask him to conduct an analysis. For example, a giraffe is big and a dog is small;
  • imitation of the voices of birds and animals;
  • memorizing tongue twisters, pure tongue twisters;
  • names of objects in singular and plural;
  • description of a fairy tale from a picture;
  • search for words starting with the given letter;
  • rhyming words.

The connection between speech development methods and other sciences

Methodology is associated with related sciences that study speech, language, speech activity, cognitive processes, pedagogical processes, and so on. Data from related sciences made it possible to determine the methodological basis for the methodology of language development. The main definitions are: philosophical views on language as the main means of human communication, the definition of language as the activity of using language for communication, definitions about the functions of speech and speaking, the structure of a speech act and, in connection with this, the tasks of a child’s speech development. Many theoretical provisions of the methodology were developed on the basis of research obtained in linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology, pedagogy, physiology, philosophy and other sciences and disciplines that study language, speech, speech activity.

Thus, linguistics played a significant role in shaping the methods of language development. The study of language as a system of signs made it possible to turn to the main directions of linguistics (work on the phonetic side of the language, enrichment of vocabulary and grammar) in the formation of the child’s speech abilities. Text theory helped formulate and improve the methodology for developing coherent speech based on the typical features of the text.

The methodological basis of this discipline is also the principles of didactics (scientific, systematic, etc.), psychological and pedagogical views on the role of education in the development of a child. In particular, L. S. Vygotsky’s teaching about zones of proximal and actual development helped clarify the concept of language development and study the principles of developmental teaching of the native language. The essence of developmentally sensitive education comes down to this: a child should be taught what he can learn, but not without special training. Learning must continue and lead to development.

The methodological basis of this discipline is objectively present and described in the scientific pattern of mastering the native language and the theory of the principles of teaching the native language (L. P. Fedorenko).

The psycholinguistic basis of the language development methodology is the theory of speech activity. The connection between the concepts of speech and speech act is extremely important for methodology, so we will dwell on this point in more detail. A speech act is possible only when a speech situation, a communication situation, is formed or specially created. There are natural speech situations that are formed as a result of human communication, and artificial ones that are created specifically for language learning and development. The teacher’s task is to create in the classroom such speech situations that have great potential for development and form in students the motive for speech and the desire to speak out on the proposed topic. Language as a means of thinking has a decisive influence on the overall development of the child and at the same time depends on this development.

A person does not perform a single action without a motive, without a reason. The motive of speech determines why it is necessary to express oneself (written or oral). The presence of a motive for speech indicates the need to express oneself, that is, to perform a speech act. The motive of speech gives rise to the purpose of the utterance.

Thus, at the level of orientation, the motive determines why it is necessary to express oneself, and there is a goal - why, for what it is necessary to speak or write.

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