How to learn to speak beautifully and clearly express your thoughts?

If you do not know how to speak well and express your thoughts clearly, then it will be very difficult for you to become a successful and respected person. The ability to speak clearly and share your thoughts with people so that they immediately understand you will be useful not only during working hours, but also in everyday life. Thanks to these skills, you can easily win the respect of your boss and colleagues, solve any everyday problem that arises out of the blue, and come to an agreement with complete strangers without shouting, scandals, threats and hysterics.

People do not want to waste their time listening to a bad storyteller whose speeches are too boring, monotonous and uninteresting. They can pretend that they are listening to such an interlocutor, but in reality they will not hear or understand anything that is said. And there is nothing strange in this, because communicating with an interlocutor who does not know how to speak correctly and beautifully is not the most pleasant thing in the world.

A person who knows how to speak competently and very clearly express the thoughts that have visited his head has a special charisma. He is confident in himself and his abilities, so he does not need to raise his voice or insult his interlocutor and get personal in order to convey his point of view to him. If you know how to speak beautifully and argue your position, then people will listen to you with sincere admiration and will try not to miss a single word you say.

How to learn to speak beautifully and clearly express your thoughts? There are several effective ways through which you will not only learn to use and select those words that will optimally reflect your thoughts, but also be able to carry on a conversation about any subject for hours without any inconvenience.

How to learn to speak beautifully and competently

How to learn to express your thoughts correctly
The key problems that prevent you from expressing your thoughts normally are:

  • Parasite words. Most people are susceptible to this problem: in their speech there are regularly unnecessary insertions: “ahhh”, “well”, “in short”, “like”, etc. They do not interfere with explaining things to others, but they make the conversation uncertain and lacking clarity;
  • Pace of presentation. By speaking too slowly or too quickly, a person immediately cuts off some of the listeners. Many people don’t like slowness, it makes people laugh, makes listeners smile, joke, they literally lose their nerve from such storytellers. Slowness reeks of poor knowledge of the matter. Excessively fast conversation is a sign of either scammers trying to sell you a new service, or a person who is very emotional, nervous, and cannot be taken lightly;
  • People who are interested in how to learn to speak correctly and beautifully need to get rid of strange facial expressions. The problem for many is that when talking it’s strange to smile, contort your face, twitch your nose, eyebrows, etc. Any such trifle can spoil the speech if it goes against the spoken words;
  • Poor diction. Classes with a speech therapist and performing tongue twister exercises can help you get rid of problems with certain letters and inexpressive words.

It is important to pay attention to hand gestures. Excessive gesticulation is repulsive and makes a person appear nervous and not entirely balanced.

By working on these problems, you can rapidly progress as a speaker. The faster these negative things go away, the faster beautiful speech will appear, and you will be interested in how to learn to speak beautifully and confidently.

What does it mean to speak correctly?

A person who speaks correctly and beautifully stands out from the crowd. Beautiful and correct speech is different:

  • Ease, absence of long pauses and hesitations;
  • Energy;
  • The absence of parasitic words and sounds and profanity;
  • Full of meaning;
  • Melody and volume.

The ability to speak correctly and beautifully is not an innate ability, but a skill. It can be developed. It is important to approach this consciously and practice regularly.

Exercises on how to learn to speak beautifully

How to learn to speak beautifully, will exercises help? All doubters need to remember the story of the ancient Greek orator Demosthenes: he did not pronounce many letters normally, had a weak voice and nervous twitches in front of the crowd betrayed his weaknesses. But Demosthenes decided to train his oratorical skills - he came to the shore of a noisy sea, put pebbles in his mouth and spoke into the void, trying to shout above the wind and the noise of the waves. As a result, Greece knew him as the most talented speaker of his time.

Today there is no need to put pebbles in your mouth; there are other effective exercises:

  • Listen to yourself from the outside. Turn on the voice recorder on your phone and record part of your upcoming speech. Listen to what was said, find the moments that you don’t like, repeat the exercise taking into account the identified and corrected problem;
  • Tongue Twisters. Tongue twisters are of great benefit - they allow you to train clear pronunciation of each sound and the formation of correct stress in words. On the Internet you can find a lot of tongue twisters, for example: “The tongue twister quickly spoke quickly, he said that you can’t quickly pronounce all the tongue twisters, but you can’t quickly pronounce all the tongue twisters.”;
  • Read a dictionary of accents. It will allow you to form the correct stress of complex words, learn to highlight syllables by raising the tone or using the strength of your voice;
  • For those who are interested in how to learn to speak beautifully and competently, it is recommended that you start structuring your speech. Before a speech, seminar, conversation with your boss, think about what your words should convey, how each individual logical block will sound, how to place emphasis on thoughts, and highlight the most “strong” parts of speech. A crumpled sheet of text tires the listener.

Use these techniques and they will help you speak more clearly, beautifully and confidently.

Online program "Modern Rhetoric"

In 8 weeks in this program, you will master and learn how to apply traditional and modern rhetoric techniques for speeches, presentations, vlogging, stand-ups and much more. You will learn to speak clearly, intelligibly, control your voice, behave correctly on stage and work with the audience, cope with the fear of speaking, prepare good speeches - from planning and searching for material to the actual text of the speech, and, of course, argue your speech. The program is suitable for both those who are just starting their journey as a speaker, and those who are already professionals but want to improve their skills. Find out more...

Working with words is work, but the work is interesting and exciting. The faster you immerse yourself in the process, the faster you will taste success. Go for it!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Best Blog Content of 2021: Writing
  • Learning your native language: a selection of useful materials
  • Recommendations for learning Russian
  • How to develop eloquence: some tips
  • Five Canons of Rhetoric
  • The power of words in practice
  • Nora Gal's advice to those who work with words
  • Orthoepy - why it is important to speak correctly and how these rules arise
  • Tips for working effectively with your audience
  • Preparing and delivering a speech

Key words:1Rhetoric

How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully

To give a good speech or just communicate with friends, you will need to correct the problems mentioned above: lack of self-confidence, remove filler words, choose the optimal pace of conversation. Let's look at these points separately.

Increasing vocabulary

A beautiful conversation is made up of beautiful words. If you only speak obscenities, like many representatives of the general public, then you will definitely not be able to become a speaker, unless you wait for the onset of complete postmodernity, then this will be possible. Vocabulary is the key to beautiful speech; it can be improved in only one way: by regularly reading high-quality books.

What books should I read? Russian classics are suitable, good translations of the pearls of world literature, sometimes you can read scientific articles, there are many words in science that are not known to ordinary people at all. Their careful use will enhance speech and make it more “presentable.” The vocabulary is also supplemented by films and TV series, so you need to watch good films. Regular communication with smart and well-read people also helps you learn a lot for yourself.

If you are interested in competent speech, how to learn to speak beautifully, then you need to listen to the speeches of experienced speakers. There are such people among publicists, politicians, journalists, even bloggers.


An insecure person cannot speak beautifully. He will be shy, mumble his sentences, speak quietly, blush, etc. Here are exercises to improve your confidence in public:

  • Do what you are good at more often. Can you repair bicycles, cross-stitch, fish, or set up a PC? – do this, because every small success adds a small contribution to the treasury of confidence;
  • Push yourself to speak and perform. Practice is the most important stimulus in development. Theoretical reflections on how to start speaking confidently in front of people will not give anything, you just need to train, speak more, speak, gain experience;
  • Correct problems with appearance, they often interfere with speaking well. Wear more decent, beautiful clothes, accessories, finally insert a filling on your front tooth - these little things can even be decisive in shyness.

Exercises to get rid of parasitic words

How to get rid of the words of parasites
Those interested in learning how to express thoughts correctly and speak beautifully must definitely get rid of this problem. Here are working techniques for dealing with parasitic words:

  • Retell parts of books, memorize the text, say, a page, and retell it. We were taught this in school, but neither teachers nor students understand why this is necessary. When we retell a memorized text, there cannot be filler words in it. They sound funny there. Retelling will help you start speaking clearly, without ridiculous insertions like “uh-oh”, “uh-oh” and so on;
  • Watch your words. Do not give out an uncontrolled stream of words, but watch every word and sentence, form it in your head in advance;
  • Stop if you suddenly feel the urge to say a parasitic word. Fill such problems with silence, they will show the absurdity of using extraneous words and sounds, and will help you change your mind;
  • You can ask outsiders to monitor the filler words. In your family, with a friend, ask them to stop you every time you say a filler word and make a remark.

The most important thing in the fight against parasitic words is getting rid of worries. They often appear in emotional, fast speech when a person is nervous.


  1. The main thing is practice. The more you talk, the easier it is to formulate thoughts.
  2. Listen more. Take time to think about a powerful speech.
  3. Absorb useful information, expand your vocabulary
  4. Surround yourself with beautiful speech
  5. Be charismatic and give your all in a conversation
  6. Don't try to please, you live your life
  7. Don't dwell on mistakes; they are forgotten in a minute.

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How to learn to express thoughts correctly and speak beautifully

If you want to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts, you will need to make efforts to achieve such a result. To do this, use the following techniques:

  • Read aloud. Reading of this type allows you to hear beautiful literary speech, without filler words, unclear sounds and inserts, with well-formed thoughts. The regularity of the exercise will force you to start speaking more competently and clearly;
  • Write down your thoughts in your journal. All famous writers did this - they kept a diary. It helps you learn to form thoughts correctly, structure your speech, learn to highlight important and unimportant things;
  • Speak out your actions, imagine yourself as a TV presenter, a commentator. You cut a salad - tell yourself about it, describe each action, repair a cabinet, do the same;
  • Argue and talk more. There is no need to start squabbles, but when they try to contradict you and give you counterarguments, do not shut up or be shy, but prove your point of view. In learning how to speak beautifully and confidently, this helps a lot.

Speaking beautifully is an art. Without vocabulary, reading books, communicating with worthy people, this is difficult to achieve. There must be a thought behind every word, otherwise the speech will be chaotic. As they say: “speak without thinking - shoot without aiming.”

Basic fears

Let's try to figure out what fears might be stopping you:

  • Be funny
  • To be misunderstood
  • Make a mistake
  • Lose your status, image

There is one psychological piece of advice. What to do if you feel that you are so bad at improvisation. You need to write down for yourself what exactly you are afraid of. What's the worst and worst thing that can happen if you say the wrong thing at a speech?

When you name your fear, you will feel better, and if you name the worst thing that can happen, you will know how to get out of this situation.

How to learn to speak beautifully and confidently

How to learn to speak beautifully and competently: the exercises listed below will help improve your skills in these matters.

Increase awareness, level of knowledge, qualifications

If competent speech is needed for study, profession, or in some complex matter, it is impossible without understanding the essence of what a person is talking about. A scientist cannot be confident when speaking unless he understands what he is talking about. Listeners will quickly “get it” and will listen with a grin. Increase your level of knowledge; if you understand the essence of the issue, your speech will be more lively and confident. At the same time, confidence should not develop into self-confidence, otherwise it pushes people away.

Do not hurry

Too high a speech rate indicates to listeners that the speaker is either worried or afraid of seeming uninteresting and is in a hurry to give out all his thoughts at once. A good way to break this habit is to quietly take a deep breath before each sentence.

Maintain eye contact with the listener

If, during a conversation, your gaze wanders to the walls, ceilings, chairs, and not to the audience, then there will be no connection with the audience. There are talented teachers who make this mistake, and they are not loved or listened to at all. When speaking, look at the audience, notice their reaction, respond adequately to it using facial expressions, additional explanations, jokes, etc.

Read more

How to replenish your vocabulary
This is the main task for a person who is worried about the beauty of his speech. Only reading good classic books allows you to replenish your vocabulary and diversify your speech with new words and speech patterns. Many famous publicists and journalists have gathered their fans only by having a good vocabulary.

Do you have to please everyone?

No, don't. It's better to be yourself than to try to please everyone. If a person wants to please everyone, he begins to say flattering words. Because of this desire, a not very pleasant impression may be formed about you.

Faina Ranevskaya once said: “It is better to be a good person who swears than a quiet, well-mannered creature.”

Be simpler, more natural, this will quickly inspire trust and freely express your thoughts. Your speech should not repel, but hold the attention of your interlocutor.

Books to learn to speak beautifully

In learning to speak beautifully, the key task is regular reading. What books should I read to learn to speak beautifully? There is no specific list of books that give a person such a skill. You need to read as much as possible, but the literature must be of high quality. Here are some examples:

  • Russian classics. Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Pushkin, Bulgakov, Ilf and Petrov for connoisseurs of the comedy genre, Lermontov - the books of these authors are filled with an abundance of beautiful words;
  • High-quality foreign literature. Daniel Defoe, Oscar Wilde, Shakespeare, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Guy de Maupassant, Alexandre Dumas - their books will definitely leave a mark on your soul.

You can read modern authors, such as JK Rowling, Dan Brown, they write well, use competent expressions, interesting literary techniques.

Speech production

In addition to being well-read, combating parasitic words, reducing shyness, speaking technique is very important, how to learn to speak beautifully - without it, this issue cannot be resolved. In order to have a pleasant, beautiful speech, the delivery must be practiced. This is done in the following ways:

  • Pronounce sounds and words more clearly. We must ensure that the conversation does not turn into mumbling, love whispers or unintelligible screams;
  • You need to keep your back straight. This greatly affects the functioning of the diaphragm - the pouch partition dividing the abdominal and thoracic regions. In a slouched state, the diaphragm is pinched and overstrained;
  • Do exercises to train your resonators. String a note, hum “mmmmmm” with an even tone, hum the melodies. All this trains the speech apparatus;
  • Do breathing exercises. Proper breathing is the basis of a beautiful, strong voice. You don’t need to take in too much air before phrases; you should release your breath gradually. To do this, take in air and slowly pronounce the sound “sssss” or “shhhhhh”, exhaling as long as possible. Take three short breaths, one slow exhale.

Also practice in front of a mirror - looking at yourself from the outside allows you to correct many speech problems.
If you have little time and urgently need to prepare for a serious speech, then any professional public speaking course will help, of which there are plenty both on the Internet and from various trainers and coaches in any city. How to learn to speak beautifully

Improvisation is not a lie

It is important to remember that improvisation is not lying. Skillfully saying something that was not intended does not mean that you need to learn to lie skillfully.

Once you master this art, you will no longer be stunned and stutter as soon as you forget your thought. You can become even more self-confident and right from the stage you won’t be afraid to say that you’ve lost your mind a little.

Your shoulders will seem to straighten, and you will love public speaking or new companies even more. This means that your life will become even more multifaceted and interesting.

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