Notebook of interaction between a speech therapist and teacher. Part 1

Tasks of joint work between a speech therapist and educators

  1. Together, find the best options for working with a specific group and with each child individually, agree on the organization, conduct of classes, and their content.
  2. Arrange classes so that the speech therapist does not duplicate the tasks that the teacher gives to the children, and vice versa.
  3. Teach children correct sound pronunciation, perception and reproduction of words. Teach them to maintain the correct pace and rhythm of speech (not to chatter, but also not to speak too slowly).
  4. Expand the vocabulary of preschoolers.
  5. Help children study the process of word formation and grammatical structure. It is recommended to correct grammatical errors in speech not only in class, but also during walks, games, etc.
  6. Develop higher mental functions: thinking, imagination, attention, memory. Form coherent speech among students.
  7. Develop fine and articulatory motor skills in children.

Notebook of interaction between speech therapist and teachers, junior group 2

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Lexical focus: Family

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Talk with children about family. Get answers to the questions: Who do you live with? How many people do you have in your family? Name all the members of your family. Who is the youngest and who is the oldest in the family? Who is the youngest?

Lexical material:

Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter, love, feed, bathe, put on shoes, dress, grow, red, yellow, green, blue, big, small, round, one, many, me, we, my, mine, good, bad

Coherent speech. Learning to repeat after an adult words denoting people close to the child: mom, dad, baba, aunt, uncle, lalya).
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. Exercise “Pick a sign”

on approval

noun with adjective. (This exercise is performed using photographs in the album.)

Grandmother (what?) - old, kind, caring and

etc. Grandfather (which one?) - old, wise, kind...

Mom (which one?) - young, beloved, affectionate...

Dad (which one?) - young, athletic, kind,

attentive, cordial...

Development of general and fine motor skills. FINGER GYMNASTICS “FAMILY”.

Dad, mom, brother and I use our right hand to bend one finger on our left hand.

Together a friendly family. Show the tightly clenched fist of the left hand.

One, two, three, four, With the left hand, bend one finger at a time on the right hand.

We all live in the same apartment. Show the tightly clenched fist of the right hand.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. BITACTIVITY GAME “WHERE IS IT RATTLE?”

The teacher takes out a rattle, shows it to the children, and lets them listen to how it rattles. Each child should hold the rattle in his hands and rattle it. Then the teacher walks around the office and rattles the rattle, now at the window, now at the door, now next to the children's table. Then he invites the children to turn away, listen and

show where the rattle rattled.

Reading material Solving mysteries about the family. (See L.S. Sekovets, Correction of speech disorders). Reading the nursery rhyme “I’m going, I’m going to see my grandmother, my grandfather...”

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Lexical focus: Toys

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Ball, cubes, doll, car, bear, wheel, circle, head, hand, leg, paw, throw, roll, play, yellow, good, bad, round, you, you, he, she, here, there

Coherent speech.
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. Exercise "Show".

The teacher places large and small cubes on the table, shows them to the children and names them, highlighting the words big and small in his voice. Then the teacher invites the children to take turns showing first the big one and then the small one.

cube and, if the children’s speech capabilities allow, name them. Work with large and small bears is carried out in a similar way.

Development of general and fine motor skills. Outdoor game "Gnome".

Rain, rain outside the window. Four rhythmic jumps on both legs, keeping your hands on your waist.

The gnome was left in the rain. They squat.

Hurry up, stop the rain, They get up, look up, raise their hands.

We can't go for a walk. They walk in a circle, holding hands.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. Exercise “Rock the doll.”

Clarification of articulation of vowel sounds. Overcoming a solid voice attack.

The teacher shows the children a picture of a mother rocking a child and depicts how the mother sings a song to the baby: a-a-a. Then the teacher hands out dolls to the children and offers to rock them to sleep by singing a song: a-a-a

Reading material A. Barto “Toys”; O. Vysotskaya “Kindergarten”;

E. Ilyin “Toys”; L. Tolstoy “Petya and Misha had a horse...”; N. Nishchev “A Tale about Toys.”

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Lexical focus: I. Parts of the body and face

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Eye, nose, mouth, ear, back, belly, eat, drink, sit, lie, walk, look, talk, listen, here, here, on, at

Coherent speech.
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. EXERCISE “WHAT DOES IT DO?”

Equipment. Scene picture “Children's actions” Description. The teacher shows the picture and comments: “Vova is coming. Katya is sitting. Olya is sleeping." Offers the children the task: “Who’s coming? Show me. Who is sleeping? Show me. Who's sitting? Show me."

If the children’s capabilities allow, you can practice the following dialogues:

- Who is this? (Olya.)

- What is he doing? (Sleeping)

Development of general and fine motor skills. EXERCISE “IT’S ME.”

These are the eyes. Here. Here. The left eye is shown first, then the right eye.

These are ears. Here. Here. They take the left ear first, then the right.

This is the nose. This is the mouth. The left hand shows the mouth, the right hand shows the nose.

There's a backrest. There's a belly here. The left palm is placed on the back, the right palm on the stomach.

These are pens. Clap clap. Extend both arms forward and clap twice.

These are the legs. Top, top. Place your palms on your hips and stomp twice.

Oh, we're tired. Let's wipe our brow. The right palm is passed over the forehead.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “CLAP LIKE ME.”

The teacher invites the children to stand facing him, watch carefully and listen to him clap, so that they can clap the same way later. The teacher claps, and the children repeat after him: ., .., — —, etc.

Reading material Folk nursery rhymes “Katya, little Katya...”, “Stretching, stretching...”, “Big legs walked along the road...”; Z. Aleksandrova “Topotushki”; E. Blaginina “Like our daughter...”

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Lexical focus: Toiletries

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Soap, brush, towel, comb, square, wash, comb, hot, cold

Coherent speech.
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. EXERCISE “TOOTHBRUSH”.


. Subject picture “Children washing themselves”, several children’s toothbrushes, a glass. (subject pictures)


The teacher shows the drawing and comments: “Mitya is brushing his teeth.” Asks questions and encourages children to collectively answer:

- Who is this? (Mitya.)

- What is he doing? (Brushing his teeth.)

- What does Mitya have? (Brush.)

Then the teacher takes out a picture of a toothbrush and comments: “One brush.” Then he shows an object picture of toothbrushes. Comments: “Lots of brushes.” After this, he teaches the children an exercise, asking them to repeat movements and words.

Development of general and fine motor skills. Finger gymnastics “TOOTHBRUSH”.

This brush is for Andreika. Make two movements with the index finger of your right hand, first along the left, then along the right cheek.

Brush your teeth quickly. Four movements of the horizontal index finger of the right hand up and down.

One two Three. One two Three. Movements of the index finger of the right hand along the lips.

That's how teeth are! Look! Exercise “Smile”.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “STOMP LIKE ME.”

It is carried out in a similar way to the “Clap Like Me” exercise.

Reading material Folk nursery rhymes “Water, water, wash my face”, “Grow up, braid”, K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, S. Kaputikyan “Squish-squish”.

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Lexical focus: Clothes

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Pants, shirt, dress, jacket, jacket, hat, scarf, socks, tights, sleeves, pocket, button, dress, put on, mother's, father's, many, few, one, top, bottom, front, back, day, night

Coherent speech.
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. DIDACTIC GAME “BIG - SMALL”.

Equipment. Scene picture “Clothes for bear cubs” Description. The teacher places a picture on the typesetting canvas and invites the children to show and name the big bear, the little bear. Explains that a big bear needs big clothes, and a little bear needs small clothes. He asks the guys to first choose clothes for the big bear. They show and name the clothes. Then they select clothes for the little bear.

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “DRESS”

This dress is for Natasha - Four rhythmic turns from right to left, hands on the belt.

Red peas. Four rhythmic jumps on both legs.

And there are two pockets on the dress, two pockets are “drawn” on the tummy.

Let's hide our palms in them. Place both palms on the tummy.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “HOW BEARS GROWL.”

The teacher once again draws the children’s attention to the picture and explains that the bears want to thank the children for their clothes. Bears can't talk, they only growl. The big bear growls in a rough voice (shows as: “O-O-O!”), and the little bear growls in a thin voice (speech therapist shows as: “O-O-O!”). After this, the teacher invites the children to growl along with the bears, now in a rough, now in a thin voice: he points now to a large, now to a small bear, and the children “growl” in a voice of the appropriate timbre.

Reading material Z. Aleksandrova “In little mittens...”, E. Blaginina “That’s what a mother is!”, F. Levstik “Who sewed Videk’s shirt?”

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Lexical focus: Shoes

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material

: Boots, shoes, sneakers, boots, snow, ice, shoe, run, jump, white, one, two, me, me, warm, cold, day, night, in front, behind, above, below

Coherent speech.
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. DIDACTIC GAME “SHOW”.

Equipment. Subject picture “Children in the locker room”, The teacher places the picture on the typesetting canvas and comments on it: “Vanya takes off his boots. Olya takes off her shoes. Igor puts on slippers. Vera puts on her shoes." Then the teacher organizes a dialogue: Who puts on the slippers? Show me. What is he doing? (Puts on his shoes.) Who takes off his boots? Show me. What is he doing? (Takes off.)

Development of general and fine motor skills. OUTDOOR GAME “SLIPPERS”.

These are slippers for Antoshka, they stomp rhythmically with each foot twice.

So that your feet don't freeze in them. Four rhythmic jumps on both legs.

Stomp, stomp, stomp, rhythmically stomp each foot twice.

What kind of slippers? Like toys! First, the left foot is placed on the toe, then on the heel, then the same movements with the right.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “LIFT THE PICTURE”.

Equipment. Subject pictures with images of a steam locomotive and a doll (according to the number of children).

Description. The teacher shows the children pictures and asks them to remember how the steam locomotive hums (Oooh!), how the doll cries (Ah-ah!). Then all the children receive a pair of similar pictures, the teacher pronounces the sounds [a], [y] in turn, and the children pick up the corresponding pictures.

Reading material Russian folk nursery rhymes “Felt boots, felt boots...”, “Top-top.” 3. Aleksandrova “Topotushki”, A. Barto “Shoes”, E. Blaginina “I know how to put on shoes”.

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Lexical focus: Furniture

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material

: Table, chair, closet, bed, shelf, back, sit, lie, red, yellow, green, blue, big, small, round, square, you, you, above, below, many, few, in, on, at

Coherent speech.
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. DIDACTIC GAME “BIG - SMALL”.

Equipment. Object pictures with images of furniture (two for each child). One set - with images of furniture for children, the other - with images of furniture for adults.

The teacher lays out object pictures in front of the children and gives tasks: “Take the pictures with tables on them. Take pictures with cabinets drawn on them,” etc. Thus, each child has two pictures. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that one picture shows a large object (for adults), and the other picture shows a small object (for children). Next, he invites each child to pick up and name first a picture with a large object, then with a small one: “Big chair, small chair,” etc.

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “CRIT”.

Here is Kiryushkina’s crib, They spread their arms to the sides.

In order for Kiryushka to sleep sweetly, they squat down and place their folded palms under their left cheek.

So that in his sleep he grows up, They rise slowly.

To become big soon. They stand on their toes and stretch their arms up.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “ATTENTIVE EARS”.

Equipment. Object pictures with images of a horse and a train (according to the number of children), a small screen.

The teacher invites the children to remember how a horse neighs (Ee-e-e!) and how a train whistles (Oo-o-o-o!). Then he screens his mouth with a screen and pronounces these sounds in turn, and the children pick up the corresponding pictures.

Reading material Hungarian folk song “Early to bed...” Z. Aleksandrova “Hide and Seek”, P. Voronko “Time to Sleep”, N. Nishcheva “The Tale of the Crib”.

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Lexical focus: New Year

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Prime

teacher's aspirations

Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Winter, snow, tree, triangle, triangular, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, gift, decorate, bring, give, cold, receive, a lot, above, below, one, two, three, in, on, at

Coherent speech.
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. EXERCISE “WHO?”

Equipment. Subject pictures with images of Christmas tree decorations (according to the number of children).

The teacher gives the children pictures of Christmas tree decorations and asks them to first show them and then name them. After this, he asks questions, organizing a dialogue:

— It is round, blue, shiny. Who has it? (I have.)

- What is this? (Ball.)

“It’s yellow, shiny, and rings: “Ding-dong!” Who has it? (I have.)

- What is this? (Bell.)

Development of general and fine motor skills. EXERCISE “THREETREE”.

Our beautiful Christmas tree Children walk in a circle, holding hands.

Rising to the skies. They stop and raise their hands up.

Slender Beauty Walking in a circle again, holding hands

All the guys like it.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. Exercise “Christmas tree toys”

The teacher places pictures with images of Christmas tree decorations on the typesetting canvas: a drum, a pipe, a clock. Invites children to listen and repeat the sounds these toys make. Drum: “boom-boom-boom”, pipe: “doo-doo-doo”, clock: “tick-tock”.

Reading material E. Ilyina “Our Christmas Tree”, O. Vysotskaya “Christmas Tree”, Y. Akim “The Christmas Tree is Dressing Up”, N. Nishcheva “The Tale of Christmas Tree Decorations”.

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Lexical focus: Food

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Prime

teacher's aspirations

Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Soup, juice, tea, milk, bread, plate, cup, spoon, fork, knife, eat, drink, sweet, sour, delicious, hot, cold, round, square, triangular, taste-

but, a lot, a little, morning, afternoon, evening, night

Coherent speech. WORK ON STORY PICTURES. (answers to questions on the topic)
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. EXERCISE WITH A BALL “DRINK - EAT”.

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle and explains that he will throw them a ball and at the same time name different foods. And children need to catch the ball, think and say whether they will eat or drink this product:

- Juice. (I'll drink.)

-Soup. (I will eat.)

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “PORRIDGE”.

This porridge is for Lyubasha. The children hold their hands in front of them, folded in a “bucket”. Steam rose above the porridge. They stretch their arms up.

Where is the porridge? They shake swords.

No! All! They shake their heads negatively and then wave their hands.


some perception. Sound analysis and synthesis.


Equipment. Metal kettle and saucepan with lids, glass with spoon, cup, screen.

The teacher demonstrates how the lids of a saucepan and kettle knock, how a spoon rings in a glass and in a cup. Invites children to try knocking on these objects. Then the speech therapist removes the objects behind the screen and alternately knocks and jingles with hidden objects, and the children guess and name what sounded.

Reading material Folk nursery rhymes “The cat went to the stove”, “The cat went to Torzhok”, “Lyuli, lyushenki, lyuli...”, “The magpie was cooking porridge”, Russian folk tale “Kolobok”. L. Tolstoy “Aunt gave Varya honey...”, Z. Alexandrova “Delicious porridge”.

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Lexical focus: Dishes

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Plate, cup, spoon, fork, circle, square, triangle, wash, red, yellow, green, blue, big, small, round, square, triangular, short, long, me, me, you, you

Coherent speech. WORK ON STORY PICTURES. (answers to questions on the topic)
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. DIDACTIC GAME “WHO HAS?”

Equipment. Subject pictures on the theme of red, yellow, green and blue colors.

Description. The teacher gives the children pictures depicting the same piece of utensils, but in different colors. The dialogue is being processed:

What is this? (Points to one picture.) (Cup.)

What is this? (Points to all the pictures.) (Cups.)

Who has the red cup? (At Vanya's.)

Who has the blue cup? (At Olya's.)

Development of general and fine motor skills. EXERCISE “PLATE”.

Here is a plate for Valerka - “Draw” a large circle with their hands.

Yellow rings - “Draw” small circles with your index fingers.

For cutlets, for mashed potatoes. With the right hand, bend the fingers on the left hand, starting with the thumb.

For pancakes and buckwheat.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. GAME "BE CAREFUL".

Equipment. Glass glass, porcelain cup, metal mug, wooden stick, small screen.

The teacher demonstrates the dishes to the children, offers to show and name them, then knocks on each item with a wooden stick and invites the children to listen to what it sounds like. Then the kids themselves knock on the dishes with a stick. After this, the speech therapist hides the dishes behind a screen and knocks on each item in turn. Children guess and name what it sounds like. The speech therapist complicates the task, explaining that the knocking will be loud and quiet. Now children say what it sounds and how it sounds (loud or quiet).

Reading material Russian folk tale "Three Bears".

N. Nishcheva “The Tale of the Big Blue Cup.”

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Lexical focus: Poultry

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material

: Rooster, hen, chick, duck, duckling, goose, tail, wings, day, night, morning, evening, swim, peck, squeak, quack, red, yellow, green, blue, big, small, one, two, three , more, less, in, on, at

Coherent speech. WORK ON THE STORY PICTURE “BIRD YARD”. Learning to answer questions.
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. LOTTO “ONE AND TWO”.

The teacher distributes one picture to the children. Children show and name birds. He draws attention to the fact that in all the pictures one bird is drawn, the children repeat after the speech therapist: “One rooster. One duck. One goose. One chicken."

The teacher lays out the second set of pictures on the table and invites the children to choose pictures depicting the birds that they already have. He takes the first set of pictures and asks them to say how many birds are in the remaining pictures: “Two roosters. Two ducks. Two geese. Two chickens."

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “DUCKS”.

Duck-duck-ducks waddle in a circle, one after another.

Baby ducks

They swung on the waves and squatted.

They splashed and splashed. They stand up and wave their arms like wings.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “ATTENTIVE EARS”.

The teacher hands out pictures to the children, asks them to show and name them, and then remember how the train hums (Oooh!), how the horse screams (Eeeeee!). After this, the teacher screens his face with a screen and pronounces these sounds alternately , and the children pick up the corresponding pictures.

Reading material Russian folk nursery rhyme “Our ducks in the morning...”, Russian folk tale “Ryaba Hen”.

K. Ushinsky “Cockerel with Family”, Y. Taits “Shoot”, L. Voronkova “Chicken in Trouble”, E. Charushin “Goose”, “Duck”, A. Barto “Who Screams?”

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Lexical focus: Pets

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Cat, dog, kitten, puppy, cow, goat, horns, walk, lie, play, drink, give, big, small, same, tasty, one, two, three, here, there, in front, behind, a lot, little , in, on, at

Coherent speech. Work based on the plot painting “Dog with puppies”. Question Answering Training
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. EXERCISE “WHO?”

Equipment. Subject pictures depicting pets

Description. The teacher gives the children pictures of pets and asks them to first show them and then name them. After this he asks questions:

She is big and shaggy. She barks. Who has it? (I have.)

Who is this? (Dog.)

She is big, horned, and gives milk. Who has it? (I have.)

Who is this? (Cow.)

game “Name it affectionately.”

Equipment. Subject pictures of domestic animals.

Description. Offer to affectionately name all the animals shown in the pictures

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “COW”

Description. Children perform movements, imitating the teacher, and pronounce phrases after him.

"Moo-moo-moo! - the cow moos.

I gore Katya and Vova.

Don't you drink milk? Run far away!”

They walk in a circle, making “horns” from their index fingers.

Turn to face in a circle, make two turns to the right and left.

They put their hands on their belts and make an angry face. They scatter around the group.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “CLAPS”.


Description. The teacher shows the children animal figures, pronounces their names, emphasizing the stressed syllable with his voice, the children listen and clap the stressed syllable.

Reading material A. Barto “Kitten”, “Useful Goat”, “Wild Woman”, “My Dog”, “Dog” V. Berestov “Goat”, “Bull”, E Blaginina “Kitten”, B. Zakhoder “Harmful Cat”,

"____" - "___" _________ 20_______

Lexical focus: Mother's holiday

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Mom, grandmother, girl, holiday, mimosa, flower, spring, sun, congratulate, love, sing, dance, draw, give, long, short, same, identical

Coherent speech. Conversation on the plot of the film “Congratulations to Mom”
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. EXERCISE “OUR MOMS” (WORK IN A NOTEBOOK).

Equipment. Notebooks (albums).

Description. The teacher invites the children to open their notebooks, find a photo of the family in them, show their mother, pronounce this word, clap the stressed syllable in it. Next, the speech therapist asks the children to think about what kind of mother they are. Children select definitions: kind, beautiful, good, beloved.

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “GIFT FOR MOTHER”.

Mommy, mommy, They walk in a circle, holding hands.

That's how I love you. They stop and press their hands to their chest.

I give you a handkerchief, They stretch their hands forward.

That's how much I love you! They walk in a circle, holding hands.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “ATTENTIVE EARS”.

The teacher hands out pictures to the children, asks them to show and name them, and then remember how the train hums (Oooh!), how the horse screams (Eeeeee!). After this, the teacher screens his face with a screen and pronounces these sounds alternately , and the children pick up the corresponding pictures.

Reading material D. Gabe “Mama”, “Wolf and Little Goats”, Y. Akim “Mama”, V. Shugraeva “To Mama”, E. Blaginina “That’s what a mother is!”

"____" - "___" _________ 20_______

Lexical focus: Pets

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Cat, dog, kitten, puppy, cow, goat, horns, walk, lie, play, drink, give, big, small, same, tasty, one, two, three, here, there, in front, behind, a lot, little , in, on, at

Development of lexical and grammatical structure. EXERCISE “WHO IS WHERE?”

Equipment. Game "Who's behind the fence?"

Description. The teacher attaches an image of a fence and images of domestic animals (a cat on the fence, a cow behind the fence, a horse near the fence). Invites the children to first show, then name the animals, and then complete the tasks: “Who’s on the fence? Show me. Who's behind the fence? Show me. Who's near the fence? Show me." AND


Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “HORSE”

Their hooves clatter loudly - They walk in a circle, raising their knees high. The horse goes to the river to drink.

The horse has a fluffy tail. They stop and show the “tail” with their right hand.

Like my pigtail. With the left hand they show a pigtail.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “WHO LIVES IN THE HOUSE?”

Equipment. Large screen. A set of subject pictures with images of domestic animals.

Description. A screen is installed in the office. The teacher invites one child behind the screen and shows a picture of an animal whose voice he will imitate. He says from behind the screen: “Mu-mu-mu!” The rest of the children listen carefully, guess and name the animal.

Reading material Russian folk nursery rhymes “Come on, the little cows...”, “Because of the forest...”, Goat-trouble...”, “Little kitten...”, “A horse walks along the bank”, Russian folk tale “Turnip”.

L. Tolstoy “There was a fight between Zhuchka and the cat...”, “Rozka had puppies in the yard...”, K. Ushinsky “Vaska”, Z. Aleksandrova “Rabbits”, Nishcheva “Puppy”, “Red Cat”,

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Lexical focus: Wild birds

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Rook, rook, dove, crow, sparrow, tree, branch, nest, round, fly, feed, grow, warm, cold

Coherent speech.
Development of lexical and grammatical structure. EXERCISE “MY BIRD”.

The teacher shows the children pictures and offers to show and name the bird, about which one can say mine. Children show and call: “My crow.”

After this, the speech therapist invites the children to show and name the birds about which they can say mine. Children show and call: “My rook.” My dove. My sparrow."


Equipment. Paired subject pictures Description. The teacher places the first pair of pictures on the typesetting canvas and asks questions, focusing on the endings of the verbs, and the children answer the questions:

Who is this? (Pigeon.)

What is he doing? (Flies.)

Who is this? (Pigeons.)

What are they doing? (They are flying.)

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “CROW”.

A crow sat on the lantern and sat down.

I sat and looked. Turn your head left and right.

“Kar! - she said loudly. - They frown and threaten with the index finger of their right hand.

Isn’t Romka being capricious?” They threaten with the index finger of their left hand.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “MULTI-COLORED FLAGS”.

Goals. Formation of phonemic perception, discrimination of vowel sounds [o]—[u] that are similar in articulation.

Equipment. Flags of two colors for each child.

Description. The teacher hands out flags to the children and explains that they need to raise: a red flag if you hear the sound [o], a yellow flag if you hear the sound [u]. Next, he pronounces a chain of 5-6 alternating sounds [u], [o], and the children raise the corresponding flags.

Reading material A. Barto “Scary Bird”, “Bird”, L. Tolstoy “Varya had a siskin...”, “The bird made a nest...”, V. Stoyanov “Sparrow”.

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Lexical focus: Wild animals

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Wolf, fox, little fox, hare, bear, head, ears, paw, tail, walk, jump, run, growl, big, small, one, two, three, he, she, they, many, few, more, less, in, on, at

Development of lexical and grammatical structure. LOTTO “ONE, TWO, THREE”.

The teacher hands out game cards to the children and asks them to show where one circle, two circles, three circles are drawn. After this, the speech therapist puts a stack of subject pictures with images of wild animals on the table and explains to the children that they will take turns choosing cards and, if they depict the same number of animals as circles on the game card, take them. The winner is the one who quickly covers both halves of his game card and correctly names the pictures: “One hare, two foxes. One fox, three hares. Two hares, three foxes."

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “BUNNY”.

Bunny in the grass hop-hop.

The bunny jumped behind a bush. The brave bunny is not afraid that the fox will not catch him.

Four jumps in a circle one after another, holding a hook

curvy fingers like ears.

Sit down.

Again four jumps in a circle.

They run away, the teacher catches them.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “MULTI-COLORED FLAGS”.

Equipment. Flags of two colors for each child.

Description. The teacher explains to the children that he will name animals and various objects. If he names an animal, you need to raise a red flag; if he names an object, you need to raise a blue flag. Next, the speech therapist says a couple of words, and the children raise the corresponding flags: “Bear is a bowl, Lisa is a fox, a T-shirt is a bunny, a squirrel is a bun, a hedgehog is a knife.”

Reading material Folk nursery rhymes “Bunny, walk around...”, “Egor the Hare”, “Grandfather the Hedgehog”, fairy tales “The Wolf and the Little Goats”, “Kolobok”.

E. Charushin “Wolf”, “Hedgehog”.

"____" - "___" _________ 20_______

Lexical focus: Transport

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Car, bus, tram, trolleybus, steering wheel, seat, circle, round, triangle, road, sidewalk, transition, traffic light, go, go, a lot, a little, here, there, in front, behind, in, on, at

Development of lexical and grammatical structure. EXERCISE “WHAT IS WHERE?” "

Equipment. Subject pictures for flannelgraph on the topic “Transport”, flannelgraph.

Description. The teacher pins images of transport on a flannelgraph and offers the children tasks: “Where is the plane? Show me. Where's the truck? Show me." It is advisable that children not only show, but also name the pictures. When all the pictures are named, the teacher generalizes: “This is transport.” Then the teacher removes all images of transport from the flannelgraph, except for a passenger car, and gives the children the task: “Place the car near the house. Park the car behind the house,” etc.

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “TRUCK”.

The truck is carrying sand. People are surprised:

“This is such a miracle, miracles, There is sand in it under the sky.”

They walk in a circle, pretending to turn the steering wheel.

They stop, turn their faces in a circle, spread their arms, and make surprised faces.

Tilt your head right and left twice.

They stretch on their toes, raising their arms up.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “STEAMBOATS”.

Goals. Development of intonation expressiveness of speech, voice modulation. Description. Children walk in a circle, one after another, imitating the hum of a steamboat: “Oooh!” - at the teacher’s signal, change the sound volume (quiet, loud)

Reading material A. Barto “Airplane”, E. Moshkovskaya “Running Train”, Y. Taits “Train”, D. Kharms “Boat”, B. Zakhoder “Chauffeur”, N. Pavlova “By Car”.

"____" - "___" _________ 20_______

Lexical focus: Summer. Flowers.

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Summer, sun, dandelion, buttercup, clover, chamomile, flower, leaf, grass, tree, sky, cloud, rain, puddle, day, night, morning, evening, walk, run, jump, watch, red, yellow, green, blue, one, two, three, I, we, you, you, up, down

Development of lexical and grammatical structure. EXERCISE “WHO HAS WHAT?”

Equipment. Subject pictures with images of flowers.

Description. The teacher gives the children object pictures with images of flowers, invites them to look at their pictures and the pictures of their neighbors, and then tell what kind of flower the neighbor has: “Vanya has a poppy. Anya has a buttercup.”

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “DANDELION”.

Like a balloon on a leg, they stand on their toes, with their hands clasped above their heads.

Dandelion by the path. Bend left and right twice.

Dandelion is a white ball. They rise to their toes again.

I blew and he flew away. They blow with rounded lips, without puffing out their cheeks.

They scatter around the group.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “LISTEN CAREFULLY.”

The teacher invites the children to listen carefully and raise their hands up if they hear the name of the flower. Next, the speech therapist pronounces a chain of words: “Poppy, varnish, cancer, poppy, small, Muk, poppy, Masha, porridge, Sashka, porridge.”

Reading material I. Surikov “Summer”, O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, M. Poznanskaya “Chamomile”, A. Prokofiev “Poppy”.

​​​​​​​"____" - "___" _________ 20_______

Lexical focus: Summer. Insects

Direction of work Tasks for the teacher Teacher's Notes
Children must learn:

Lexical material:

Butterfly, beetle, fly, square, circle, triangle, ball, cube, day, night, fly, look, red, yellow, green, blue, round, square, angular, one, two, three, I, we, you, you, he, she, they, my, yours, yours, ours, above, below

Development of lexical and grammatical structure. DIDACTIC GAME
Equipment. Subject pictures with images of a flower and a butterfly, flannelgraph or magnetic board.

Description. The teacher places a flower on the flannelgraph and invites the children to perform the following actions with the butterfly: “Place the butterfly on the flower. Place the butterfly high above the flower. Hide the butterfly under the flower. Place the butterfly to the left of the flower,” etc.

Development of general and fine motor skills. ACTIVE GAME “BUTTERFLY”.

Like our Anya’s bow, they run in a circle, depicting the flight of a butterfly.

This butterfly is beautiful.

Spinning, hovering over the flowers, spinning in place, flapping their arms like wings.

Where the dew glistens like honey.

Phonemic awareness. Sound analysis and synthesis. EXERCISE “MULTI-COLORED FLAGS”.

Goals. Formation of phonemic perception, discrimination of vowel sounds [o]—[u] that are similar in articulation.

Equipment. Flags of two colors for each child.

Description. The teacher hands out flags to the children and explains that they need to raise: a red flag if you hear the sound [o], a yellow flag if you hear the sound [u]. Next, he pronounces a chain of 5-6 alternating sounds [u], [o], and the children raise the corresponding flags.

Reading material Folk nursery rhyme “The bees are buzzing.”

A. Fet “Butterfly”, V. Paspaleeva “Bee”, K. Malina “Listen, ladybug”.


  1. Nishcheva N.V. “A modern system of correctional work in a compensatory group for children with speech disorders from 3 to 7 years old.” -St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2017.

What is the interaction between a speech therapist and educators?

  • Carrying out work by educators prior to speech therapy classes to accumulate, expand, and activate the vocabulary, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for the formation of speech skills.
  • Conducting systematic exercises to develop breathing, articulation, fine and gross motor skills.
  • When planning and conducting educational activities in mathematics, cognitive development, artistic and creative activities, integrate speech therapy goals.
  • Creating conditions in the group that promote the activation of children’s speech.
  • Systematically monitor children’s speech not only during educational activities, but also in special moments.
  • Explain (if necessary) the tasks of the speech therapist to parents to consolidate the material covered during home activities, which include replenishment, clarification, activation of the dictionary, consolidation of correct sound pronunciation, development of fine and articulatory motor skills.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that it is the joint work of the speech therapist and educator that will give positive dynamics in the speech development of each preschool student.

Documentation of speech therapist Nadezhda Gennadievna at the speech center

Individual work plan

Main directions in the work of a speech therapist

Research parameters and criteria for assessing children's speech

Sheet of interaction between speech therapist and teachers

Logopoint documentation:

1. List of children at the speech center who need speech therapy help. Reserve list. 2. Copies of orders for the enrollment (expulsion) of children to the logo center. 3. Work schedule. Timetable of classes. 4. Step-by-step creative plan of the speech therapist teacher. 5. Cyclogram of the activities of the speech therapist teacher 6. Speech card for each child. 7. Long-term plan for individual correctional work for each child. 8. Notebooks-diaries for individual lessons on correcting sound pronunciation. 9. Journal of attendance at classes by children enrolled in a speech therapy center. 10. Journal of primary examination. 11. Dynamic observation sheet. 12. Plans for individual and subgroup lessons with children. 13. Long-term planning of classes on the formation of the phonetic-phonetic aspect of speech in children with ODD, FFND. (Preparatory group) 14. Long-term planning of classes on the formation of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech in children with special needs (senior group) 15. Logbook for recording individual consultations and conversations. 16. Journal of children's movement. 17. Journal of relationship between specialists. 18. Sound pronunciation screen. 19. Certificates of examination of children (middle, senior, preparatory groups) 20. Instructions on labor protection, job description. 21. Regulations on the logopunkt.

Individual plan

Individual work plan for


1. Clarifying the pronunciation of sounds


2. Staging sounds


3. Automation of sounds


4. Differentiation of sounds


5. Development of phonemic perception and skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. 6. Improving phonemic perception and skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. 7. Literacy training. 8. Work on the syllabic structure of the word. 9. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. 10. Improving the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. 11. Teaching coherent speech. 12. Improving coherent speech. 13. Development of general speech skills. 14. Improving general speech skills. 15. Development of general and fine motor skills. 16. Improving gross and fine motor skills. 17. Development of visual and auditory attention, memory, thinking. 18. Improving visual and auditory attention, memory, thinking.




Research parameters and criteria for assessing children's speech

(to the speech map)
1. Sound pronunciation 2. Phonemic hearing 3. Vocabulary 4. Grammar 5. Coherent speech

Criteria for evaluation. Sound pronunciation. 1. All sounds are automated 3b. 2. Sounds are delivered, but require automation. Violation of sound pronunciation in one group – 2b. 3. Sounds are not supplied. The sounds are delivered, but require automation. Violation of sound pronunciation in two or more groups – 1b.

Phonemic hearing. Dictionary. Grammar. 1. The task was completed correctly – 3 points. 2. Errors 1-2 -2 points. 3. More than two errors – 1 point.

Coherent speech. 1. Independence – 3b; Help was provided 1-2 times – 2b; more – 1b. 2. Semantic adequacy – 3b; 1-2 violations - 2b; more – 1b. 3. The sequence is complete – 3b; 1-2 violations – 2b; more – 1b. 4. Complete smoothness – 3b; 1-2 violations – 2b; more – 1b. 5. Completeness of reproduction – 3b; 1-2 omissions of semantic units -2b; more – 1b. 6. Grammatical correctness -3b; 1-2 mistakes – 2b; more – 1b.


0-1.4 points – low level; 1.5-2.4 points – average level; 2.5-3 points – high level.

Main directions in the work of a speech therapist

The main directions of correction of FNR.

1. Correction of sound pronunciation. 2. Development of fine motor skills. 3. Improving phonemic perception and skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

The main directions of correction of FFNR.

1. Correction of sound pronunciation. 2. Improving phonemic perception and skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. 3. Preparing for literacy.

Tasks of correctional education.

  • Formation and development of auditory attention, memory and phonemic perception.
  • Formation of sound pronunciation.
  • Formation of sound differentiation skills.
  • Formation of the sound structure of the word and sound filling.
  • Formation of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.
  • Improving vocabulary, grammar and coherent speech.
  • Preparing for literacy.

The main directions of correction of OHP.

1. Correction of sound pronunciation. 2. Formation of phonemic perception and skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. 3. Improving the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. 4. Preparing for literacy.

Tasks of correctional education.

• Formation and development of auditory attention, memory and phonemic perception. • Formation of sound pronunciation. • Formation of sound differentiation skills. • Formation of the sound structure of the word and sound content. • Formation of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. • Preparing for literacy. • Pluralizing nouns. • Formation of the genitive case of nouns. • Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes. • Formation of relative adjectives. • Agreement of numerals with nouns. • Practical use of singular nouns in speech. and many more numbers. • Consolidating understanding and practical use of prepositions in speech. • Agreement of nouns with adjectives. • Practical use of possessive pronouns in speech. • Selection of adjectives for nouns. • Consolidation of words - antonyms. • Formation of possessive adjectives. • Formation and use of prefixed verbs in speech. • Agreement of numerals with nouns and adjectives

Sheet of interaction between speech therapist and teachers

Child’s FI _____________________________________________________

Group No. ________________________________________________________________

Date ___________________________________________________________

Tasks: Result:
1. Articulation gymnastics.
2. Development of phonemic hearing.
3. Development of skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.
4. Work on the syllable structure of the word.
5. Sound automation____
6. Sound automation____
7. Differentiation of sounds_______
8. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
9. Consolidation of material on the topic:

Date ___________________________

Tasks: Result:
1. Articulation gymnastics.
2. Development of phonemic hearing.
3. Development of skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.
4. Work on the syllable structure of the word.
5. Sound automation____
6. Sound automation____
7. Differentiation of sounds_______
8. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
9. Consolidation of material on the topic:

Date ___________________________

Tasks: Result:
1. Articulation gymnastics.
2. Development of phonemic hearing.
3. Development of skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.
4. Work on the syllable structure of the word.
5. Sound automation____
6. Sound automation____
7. Differentiation of sounds_______
8. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
9. Consolidation of material on the topic:

Date ___________________________

Tasks to complete are circled.
The results column is written: + if the child completed the task without error;
+ - if the child made mistakes and repetition is required;
- if the child had difficulty completing the task, he allowed a lot of
number of errors, failed to complete the task (you need to clarify what exactly the problems were).

Author of the material: Medvedkova Nadezhda Gennadievna

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