Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution “Useful Products”

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group. Proper nutrition

A comprehensive lesson on speech development in a compensatory preparatory group “Visiting Povareshkin” on the lexical topic “The ABC of Health”
Goal: developing healthy eating skills. Objectives: Correctional and educational:
expand children’s knowledge and ideas about food products, their effect on the body;
about nutrition rules and the importance of the regime. Activate your vocabulary through the use of generalizing words. Improve the grammatical structure of speech. Correctional and developmental:
develop coherent speech, visual perception and attention, auditory perception, coordination of speech with movements.
Correctional and educational:
cultivate cognitive interest in healthy eating, promote the development of verbal communication skills.
Equipment: manual Gumenyuk E.I., Slisenko N.A. "Be healthy! Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.” Pictures with images: cook, food; sign “Store of healthy products”, symbol cards “What are they useful for”, tangerines. Preliminary conversation: practicing lexical topics “My body”, “Food”, conversation about a healthy lifestyle, bad habits using riddles and proverbs.
Learning poems with children Lesson progress
1.Org. Moment Speech therapist: - Guys, today Povareshkin came to visit us for class. Do you know who this is? Can you guess by his last name what he does? (picture 1 is displayed). — Povareshkin came with different tasks to see if you know what foods are good for our health. Are you ready to complete the tasks? Then let's get started. 2. Main part 1st task Speech therapist: Guess the riddle: Various products - Vegetables and fruits, Milk, salad - They are on the shelves here. We recognize this house by the shine of the windows. You guessed it, friends - we are going to.... (shop) - Today we are not going to a regular store, but to a healthy food store (picture 2 is displayed). — What products should this store sell? What does “useful” mean? — It is correct that a healthy food store should sell only food products that are healthy for the human body, but store suppliers do not always follow this rule. Let's see what's on sale here and whether it should be in our store. The speech therapist pre-arranges in random order on three shelves (typesetting) 5 upside-down cards with images of food products from 3 groups: “cereals”, “vegetables”, “dairy products”, and also adds 5 cards with images of harmful products. Children take turns turning over the cards, naming and explaining, for example: This is cabbage. Cabbage is a vegetable, it contains many vitamins, it is a healthy product and can be sold in this store. This is Coca-Cola, it’s harmful, let’s remove it. — Guys, look at what products we have left. What groups can they be divided into? Children divide foods into groups: “cereals”, “vegetables”, “dairy products”. — Guys, carefully look at the “shelves” with products, and now close your eyes. The speech therapist removes any card or changes the sequence. — Guess what has changed? — What other product groups can you find in the store? (“fruit”, “meat”, “cakes”, etc.) 2nd task - Guys, Povareshkin invites you to play the game “Eat to your health!” On your tables there are cards with pictures of products, and on my board there are pictures of a boy (picture No. 3) who needs: 1) good eyesight - What products will help him with this? Children name and place their cards near the boy. - And if your eyes are tired of studying, what should you do? Right! Do eye exercises. Gymnastics for the eyes is carried out. 2) strong bones - What foods will help keep our bones strong? Children name and place their cards near the boy. — What dishes can be prepared from milk and cottage cheese. 3) healthy heart - What products will help him with this? Children name and place their cards near the boy. Listen carefully to the poem and find mistakes: Little cooks Gathered to cook cabbage soup. They brought bananas, half a glass of buckwheat, added marmalade, and seasoned everything with pepper! We sat down to wait by the pot for the food to cook. The kids waited in vain - they didn’t like the cabbage soup. They only tried in vain - they were left hungry. 4) be strong - To be the strongest you must eat....? Children take turns placing their cards in accordance with the picture of the boy. — What is the name of rice porridge? (rice) Buckwheat, millet. — Pea and beet soup? - What else helps us to be strong and dexterous? Of course charging. Let's do the exercises: Physical exercise. The cook came out one day to see what time it was. Tick-tock, tick-tock, All the clocks go like this. Why are you standing there, cook, not watching the clock? One, two, three, four, five - Lunch has cooled down again. 3rd task Povareshkin invites you to continue the proverbs: “When I eat,... (I am deaf and dumb).” Why do they say this? “Appetite comes... (while eating).” Do you agree with this saying? Why? “At lunch, bread for everyone is ... (head).” Why is bread considered the most important thing on the table? Well done! And you successfully completed this task! 4th task - Guys, let's remember the rules of nutrition. Listen to the poems that the children from the group learned and name the rules that you remember and know: 1st child: Nutrition rules, my friend, don’t forget, To be healthy, always follow them! First of all, eat on time, respect your routine: Lunch and breakfast with dinner, make sure you don’t miss it! 2nd child: Eat healthy foods: Nuts, grapes... Porridge, fruits, vegetables - they give you a boost of energy! 3rd child: Be neat at the table, cultured, neat - and you will undoubtedly be pleasant to yourself! 4th child: Another useful tip Remember forever: You can’t eat with dirty hands! It is forbidden! It is forbidden! — What rules do you remember? Well done! The guys have prepared poems, let's listen. 3. Conclusion
- So, what we talked about in class today. — I think Povareshkin was pleased that you know everything about proper nutrition. For your efforts, he has prepared a surprise for you. Tangerines are distributed to the children. Where are we taking Povareshkin? (to the dining room) - Goodbye, guys!

. Eat vegetables and fruits - They are healthy foods. Candies, gingerbreads, cookies Spoil your teeth's mood Eat a lemon every day You will be strong and strong! But you should always know that chips are unhealthy food. “Hercules” porridge will help us grow to the skies, and Blueberry jam will improve our vision. Eat vegetables and fruits - They are healthy foods. Candies, gingerbreads, cookies Spoil your teeth's mood And don't drink Coca-Cola It's not healthy! “Hercules” porridge will help us grow to the skies, and Blueberry jam will improve our eyesight!

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